20x32 A frame cabin Central KY

Started by EaglesSJ, July 23, 2010, 10:39:15 PM

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Things are looking good around there.Congrats on the future family member.

I know of a lot of people in coal mine villages around south eastern KY that use that same system.They usually have the waste pumped every spring when the ground is soft and easy to dig.If you do have issues,I have seen a decent solution.The one that I liked was stacked rock and mortar like a free standing rock wall.Rebar was laid in horizontally every 16 inches,as the walls were build.The top used a mesh like a stucko job.They laid the stucko mesh across the top as tight as possible.Then they run a thin layer of mortar over it allowing some dry time so it wouldn't crack.Then they went back and laid rebar across the top of the mortar and run 2 inches of concrete over that.They left an opening for clean out which was closed in with a steel man hole cover.They worked slow to keep the weight from caving in the top in.After every thing set up for about a week,it was covered with about 6 inches of dirt.Oh,they used cut down PVC pipe laid in the end walls for the in/out flows.The tank was 6 feet wide over all,6 feet tall standing on the floor,and 8 feet long.I'm not sure how many gallons it was, but it looked like it held as much or  more than all three of my 1000 gallon tanks.


why would they have to wait until the ground is soft where they can dig? No clean out tube extending out of the ground like on my system? a 6x6x8 is one heck of a upgrade for sure!


Quote from: EaglesSJ on September 10, 2011, 09:03:59 PM
why would they have to wait until the ground is soft where they can dig? No clean out tube extending out of the ground like on my system? a 6x6x8 is one heck of a upgrade for sure!

The clean out is buried.They do all of it through the man hole.All of mine are buried at all three of my houses.The ground is hard pack and rocky in that area of KY.When it's wet,it loosens up,and it's a little easier to dig by shovel.

Here is one of my houses(in SC) buried septic tank.It has two drain fields, 6 feet deep by 4 feet wide.It has 6 inch preforrated and corrogated tubing, wrapped in fiber mesh,then back filled with crush run, to about a foot from the surface.On top of the gravel is landscape fabric and a foot of top soil.Here is just the tank and door.This one was formed up and poured in place in 1953 or 1954.My grandfather did it and the system still meets our strict local codes for septic systems.

We had to dig it up to have the main line scoped.All the drains in the house are galvanized steel from when the house was built in 1954.A section of main line had collapsed so I got the chore of replacing it.The rest of the house plumbing is copper.

I dug this up in about 20 minutes.I used the pointed red handled shovel to break ground and the wood handle shovel to clean off the top of the septic tank.

Here it is open.Looks like an open casket in this pic.The tank itself is 6 inches thick and reinforced with rebar.

After the water was pumped down there was only 6 inches of sludge in the bottom.It has been 5 years since it was last cleaned out.This tank get's cleaned out ever 10 years and has never been more than 2 foot deep with sludge.This tank is 6 feet deep.I am 5'8" and I can stand up in it.The tank was cleaned and washed out for inspection.We made sure to get the roof of the tank.LOL


We redone the stove platform using paving stones from lowes and regular grout. Looks much nicer and cleans alot easier after about 4 coats of sealer. I also have completed part of my gun range. I currently have a 25 yard pistol with knockdowns a 50 yard rifle/pistol with steel silhouettes and paper target stands and a 150 yard rifle with silhouettes and gongs. Moving targets are in the near future as well as more steel. Pics are from last weekend when a friend from work and my sister came out to shoot. The black AR is hers. The desert themed is mine.

Practicing shooting behind cover.


Home: Minneapolis, MN area.  Land: (no cabin yet) Spooner, WI area.  Plan: 20x34 1 1/2 Story. Experience Level: n00b. 
Build Thread: http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=10784.0


I read this whole thread last night, good stuff. Off grid, jeeps, guns and blonds. Your a man after my own heart!

Hows that septic working out for you?


septic is working out great. It only has to endure about 10-15 flushes a day so 15-20 gallons tops. Really not that much to have to fool with. I have been checking it out through the pump out hole though. Looks as good as 110 gallons of human waste can look  :D



you on jeepforum? if so im under the same username there


I have an account, Same name. Havent been on it in a while. Just been working and cut out all other activities trying to bank some cash for the upcoming house build.  I was in the middle of a rebuild on my cj7 and decided to stop, put it back together and sell off my parts untill the cabin is done


You need something like this to go with your cabin?


What is that.It's not a Jeep.It's got IFS and no sings of 4x4 or AWD.


"Hey Y'all, watch this..."


Ding,ding,ding, Rod!
She is a 1960 M151, with full 4 x4 and IFS and IRS.
She is armed with twin Browning's 30cal now 7.62 semi/auto.


Getting into a planning stage on our addition so I done a fast mspaint rendition of what were kinda going for as the drawing didnt really set a solid image in my head. We will be replacing the 2 windows and doors featured in the addition with a bay window similar to the one pictured. (it was just easier to do a quick photoshop without it.)


Looks good. Then when the third kid.comes you can put a wing out the other side. Lol

my brother had a large A frame in northern WI that had a wing like that on both sides and it ended up being a monster of a house


Just trying to visualize your floorplan in my head - the overall size of your building is 20x36, 20x32 for the interior plus the 4 foot deck/porch on the rear, correct? I love the layout of your place, think I am going to do a very similar floorplan except traditional style w/balloon framing instead of an A-frame.


Quote from: hillsvillehermit on November 10, 2011, 08:56:16 AM
Just trying to visualize your floorplan in my head - the overall size of your building is 20x36, 20x32 for the interior plus the 4 foot deck/porch on the rear, correct? I love the layout of your place, think I am going to do a very similar floorplan except traditional style w/balloon framing instead of an A-frame.

That is correct.


I tried my hand at chainsaw carving for the first time today as we wanted a bear for our cabin but didnt want to shell out the $200-$400 for one as we are saving for underpinning the cabin and the addition. So after about 2.5 hrs I had this done. I dont think it is all that bad for a first timer. We also painted the fly rafters and such to protect them and give the cabin a more finished look.


Nice work for the first time. Now you can be the one selling them for that price. ;D


For those of you worried about the complete lack of safety gear

he's wearing the latest in military invisible protective gear- ::)

Pretty cool bear - I like it - another reason to get a good chainsaw !

Bet your boy loves it !


I have heard that the key to carving a bear is to just remove everything from the tree that doesn't look like a bear. There in lies my problem. I always end up removing the bear parts and leaving everything that doesn't look like a bear....
Authentic Appalachian American


Looking awesome! How much do you have into it now if you don't mind me asking?


Quote from: lecoq on November 13, 2011, 08:19:22 PM
Looking awesome! How much do you have into it now if you don't mind me asking?

Were hovering in the low 30's. We are looking at about 7-10k for the addition. Still not bad to have 40k in a 3 bed 2 bath solar powered cabin. We have been extremely blessed.


did you get the underside buttoned up for winter this year? did you get your pipes to stop freezing last winter?