14x24 1 story in Northern Arkansas

Started by Taylor, November 21, 2008, 08:06:52 PM

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glenn kangiser

It's really not that far, Taylor.  If you fall it will seem as if the ground comes up to meet you. [crz]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

Please put your area in your sig line so we can assist with location specific answers.


LOL Glenn. I rather not have a "meeting" with the ground.


As they say it is not the fall that will kill you it is that sudden stop at the bottom.  ;D


Yeah that is true Redover, I just try to keep my distance that I could fall as short as I can.
I didn't get any pictures of the view from the attic, the sun was setting by the time I got the camera out and I wouldn't have been able to get good pictures.
I got all the rafters and joist up, other than the ends and fly rafters. I finally completed what I wanted for a day. My wife will be home tomorrow so she can help me. I am going to get the end rafters finished up, all the tails cut, and the fascia nailed up, and hopefully a couple of sheets of sheathing and my gable ends framed in. I think my helper is going to come over Friday so I can get the sheathing finished up and some tar paper down. I still have to nail my hurricane ties on the joist and cut my blocking for them too.

I was thinking of putting some blocking in the wall that is in front of the shed that the rafters set on, since it doesn't have sheathing to support it. Do you all think that would be a good idea?

Happy New Years to all



Worked hard today but didn't look like I got much done. I got the end rafters done and fly rafter up on one side, my supports of one of them are jacked up and I have to cut them lose and fix them. I got part of my fascia up on one side and just need to trim the bottom of the rafter and box them in.



Good job. It will be interesting how you cricket the tie into the new roof with the garage roof.  You will have two valleys.  Might I suggest "ice guard" .


Yeah I am a bit interested in how I am going to do it too, lol. I got it in my head, I just hope it comes out as good and easy as I am picturing it.




Peg had posted something on this before you might try to find.  I don't recall what thread it was in.


I think I saw that posts before. I got a compound miter saw and both roofs are at 30 degrees so it should be pretty simple. That hardest thing I have had to do so far was put the fly rafters up and I only got on the one side. My father-in-law(my helper) is coming tomorrow morning to help me get sheathing and tar paper up tomorrow, since there is a chance of rain Saturday now. It is going to be around 50's next week, so hopefully I can get the singles up since they said they need to be installed in 40+ weather.


I got a good amount of work done today. My helper came over this morning and we worked until it was dark, that is why the pictures are dark. Now I just hope the slight chance of rain tomorrow afternoon we have misses us. I probably don't have any one to help me tomorrow, so I am not sure what I will be able to get done, I might get the eves boxed in and gable walls built if I can't figure out a safe way to get the osb up.



Looks like the rain is going to miss me, so I have sunny weather until Friday for now so I don't have to rush. I got some daytime pictures of yesterdays work. Now it is starting to feel like a house. It just surprises me how much bigger it feels inside after I got the roof and joist on.



Looks like you are making good progress.  At this rate you should have it sheated and covered fairly soon if you figure out the connection from the garage.  I looked at the photo's again and you don't have alot of overhang on the garage.  Might be a little tricky on the straight side keeping from dumping the water off your new overgang to the side of the garage.  I sure you will figure it out. 

As for the room.  Yeah it does make it look bigger until you start adding partitions, doors and the like. 


Yeah the shed only has about 2" overhang, I am adding 16" overhang to it so it will better match the new part better. It should be about 20" long on the roof side, so I should be able to blend the singles on it.




I got the rest of the sheathing on roof and I started framing in one of the gable ends. I hope to frame in my valley to the other roof tomorrow. Here are some dark pictures, I will get some better ones tomorrow.



Daytime pictures from the work yesterday. It is a little to cold for me to work today and there is a slight chance of sleet, which doesn't sound like it would mix well with working on the roof.



on the last photo above: there appears to be a 2x4 that is at the top of the wall and attached to the sheathing.  It is not mimicked on the far side and does not appear to go across the sheathing to the intersection of the existing structure.  What is it for?
Live- Phoenix, Relax- Payson


That is a 2x6 for boxing in my sofit area I just haven't added it to the other side yet or finished it on the one side. I don't know if it is the right way to do it, but that is the way I decided to do it, lol. I was using 2x6 instead of 2x4 because I have lots pieces from the rafter tails.




Taylor are you going to trim the rafter tails off to be horizontal with your band board (bottom)at the rafter tail or are you going to use a 1" (3/4") board wider than that to come down below the tail's.

I also take that you are going to build "bird boxes" as the transistion from the gable soffit?


Yeah I am going to trim the bottoms off flush. I am not sure what "bird boxes" are ???, but I am going box the end in, you can see where I brought the 2x6 out to the fly rafter to box it in. I guessing that is what "bird boxes" are.



I guess the proper name is an "eve transition" or something similar.  Here is a couple that I did.  One is on the garage and the other is on the cabin. 

Apparently something screwy is going on with Photobucket as I can't copy the pics.  If I do later I will repost.


I looked at your photobucket account and saw the pictures you where talking about, and yes that is what I plan on doing.
Like this one:




Well I guess there is more than one way to "skin a cat".  That what I was trying to do.  Did you copy that off Photobucket?  Why can't I.  The two pictures were the first two in a "sub albumn" of Hightop Albumn listed as "FARM". 



I use firefox 3.0.5 for my browser and in photobucket, I just mouse over the pictures and click on the img code and hit ctrl-c or (right click copy) to copy it.



Yep those are the two. I would always right click and it would note "copied" in yellow but for some reason it will not tonight.  Anyway you got what I was trying to give you.  Did you ever find that link on the garage transistion to the new addition in CP.  I wish I could remember where or when I saw it.

Hey I found it.  You might have to go up or down but here it is.



Yeah the auto copy feature in photobucket doesn't work anymore with the newest flash(v10) updates.

Thanks for the link, I think I have seen it before. That is how I planned on doing it. I just hope it goes easy, because I am going to be doing it my self, so the I don't have to make a lot of trips up and down the roof.

