How's the weather

Started by Redoverfarm, December 17, 2007, 11:09:58 AM

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glenn kangiser

I've said it quite a few times -- to where most think I'm crazy.  Here are pictures I take every so often showing what is happening.  I may take them one day out of 50 when this is being done -- It happens at least weekly.

The two jets above zoomed over as I watched, to cover this last hole in the artificial cloud cover the day I took this picture.

The official government response --- normal vapor trails.  BS I say.

Normal vapor trails are caused by moisture from the burning fuel which dissipates like normal ice from a planes wings --- by sublimation or dispersing through the atmosphere.  It does not spread and cover the sky.

Historically until the last 10 years or so, vapor trails have disappeared within a short distance behind the plane.  They only started spreading and covering the sky around the time the government announced that the Air Force would own the weather by 2025. Shortly after their study group announced their study, someone figured out that it was probably not a good idea to let the US citizens get the idea that they were being experimented on for military purposes.  The stuff being sprayed up there comes down to earth.

Is it totally safe?  Not likely.

Fooling with the weather is like throwing a rock in a pond.  The ripples spread everywhere.

Here's an article that doesn't seem too crazy.  Study up on it then expand from there for answers.  The common name for the persistent contrails is Chemtrails, which study of will take you into the realm of places that many say are crazy. 

Not me.

HAARP has the ability to heat portions of the ionosphere and alter the jetstream.  Wonder if that could change the weather?

If it is not chemtrails, then we have a major jet fuel pollution problem that needs to be addressed. 
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Homegrown Tomatoes

Glenn, while it does seem far-fetched, I have to say that the weather men here are predicting stormy weather tomorrow and this morning I noticed tons of chemtrails all over the sky.  Granted, we don't live too far from either OKC airport, and not too far from Tinker AFB, either, but it just seemed like they were everywhere and weren't going away as quickly as they should, especially considering the wind is blowing 90 to nothing out of  the south and has been all day.  It was nearly 80 earlier, albeit extremely windy, and now they're saying the high tomorrow will only be around 60 and with a chance for "severe weather"....  Anyway, when I saw the chemtrails, I thought of you.  And honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the government is trying to modify the weather.


Here in NM today we have another sunny and windy day. 75 F and 5% hunidity, winds 30, gusts to 45 mph.

Bad for the fire that started in the Manzano mountains south and east of us a bit. Fire started there yesterday. It was 200 acres last night, 600 by noon. It's in a remote area; good and bad. Good = no houses to burn, bad = it's mostly steep terrain, hard for crews to get into and most of the time too windy for helicopters and planes to be used.

NM fire season has started.

Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.

glenn kangiser

Quote from: Homegrown Tomatoes on April 16, 2008, 04:41:41 PM
Glenn, while it does seem far-fetched, I have to say that the weather men here are predicting stormy weather tomorrow and this morning I noticed tons of chemtrails all over the sky.  Granted, we don't live too far from either OKC airport, and not too far from Tinker AFB, either, but it just seemed like they were everywhere and weren't going away as quickly as they should, especially considering the wind is blowing 90 to nothing out of  the south and has been all day.  It was nearly 80 earlier, albeit extremely windy, and now they're saying the high tomorrow will only be around 60 and with a chance for "severe weather"....  Anyway, when I saw the chemtrails, I thought of you.  And honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the government is trying to modify the weather.

Thanks for thinking of me and knowing that they are there too.  Funny -- today I was noticing that there was not one in our sky -- doesn't happen often.

Just checked our weather -- predicting mostly clear and sunny -- lets see if the trails come back at the end of the week when part cloudy is predicted.  They wouldn't have too.  Depends if they want to do it or not.

I have also observed normal jets at the same time as the chemtrail jets are up there.  Their contrails disappear as they should - a short distance behind the plane with no residual spreading cloud cover.

I was just noticing today that our grass and stuff is drying fast in some areas, and fires will soon be here.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Looks as if spring has finally made it to my neck of the woods. Temps today made it into the mid 70's with an afternoon thunderstorm.  The trees are finally budding out. No great amount of leafs yet and everything in the woods looks sort of reddish because of the buds.  It will not be long before the green shows up.  Mowed for the second time this year.  Boy I hate to look forward to another year of yard as it is a weekly chore. Any longer and I have to rake. No way. So I mow every 7-9 days.


23" of new snow. More to follow. So much for my freight hauling trip this weekend.


today's high 98*.   A week from Tuesday it will be 63*  crazy weather.  I am blaming it on MD because the high pressure system is sitting on his hill in NM. ;D
Bad Wolf

glenn kangiser

Found some older Chemtrail info -- spraying every few days around here.

I've been working out under this stuff and have had some sinus problems along with a major sore throat last week when spraying was heavy.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Weather here is perfect.  :)

Homegrown Tomatoes

Yes sir it is!  Not a thing to complain about.  The kids are living outdoors these days and are hard to drag back in when it starts getting dark.  I remember those days when I was a kid.  I never wanted to go to bed because there was still a bit of light in the western sky.  I've had a hard time staying indoors enough to get my own chores done.


Oh! OH! [scared]  Thise twisty things are tearing up Virginia...   Tornado struct Suffolk, VA.  I hope all are alright.
Bad Wolf


gandalfthegrey I guess we are getting a little from the storm in Va as our temps are suppose to drop to 20-30F next two nights. Calling for 1-2" of snow but no accum. tonight.  Not real sure where Bigkid or Peternap are exactly but I think they are farther south.

Homegrown Tomatoes

Is everyone OK in VA?  Looks pretty rough in the news!  Here it's windy but clear and warm and cool at nights.  Love this weather.

Homegrown Tomatoes

We're having one of those days that looks like it could keep raining all day... it is coming down pretty steady and has been all morning.  Don't think there's much risk of a storm, but definitely wet.  We had 0.7 inch night before last and then yesterday was pretty, and then it started overnight again last night, but looks like it'll stick around today.   I hope the panhandle is getting some... the wheat crop out there is going to fail miserably if they don't get some rain; it might anyway, even with the rain. 

glenn kangiser

The sprayers managed to get a few drops to fall the other day when we weren't supposed to have any.  Other than that -- Sun.

Above is the same area over an hour or two from different points as I was working..
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Homegrown Tomatoes

Well, the tornado sirens went off twice just a little while ago.... it's lightened up a bit since then after the tornadic part passed just south east of us (barely).  Streets are still pretty flooded, though.  I think this is the fourth time since we moved home that they've sounded the sirens, and we've had hail at least five times, but there wasn't any hail today.    Of course, the day ain't over yet. ;)  Good day to go into labor, I reckon.

glenn kangiser

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Quote from: glenn kangiser on May 11, 2008, 09:09:42 AM
Great tits enjoying the warmer weather – so far

Good article glenn but I had to read the article first to make sure what we were talking about.  Thought you had changed the rating of the board.  :D

glenn kangiser


I wonder if those little suckers are out in the sun over here too?   ???

Methinks some dare not read.  :)
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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I get the BBQ grill out and starts raining...figures. Now I have to BBQ in the rain.  d*

glenn kangiser

If you cancel it or get finished the rain will stop.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Wow! Over 100* 2 days ago and now snow in So. California.  Ain't life great?
Bad Wolf


Scott you should have put the grilling off until today. I bet it's not raining there now. 


It's been cloudy and windy, a little rain today. Look out to the east...
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


Been real nice here today. Windy but temp's in late 50 to early 60's.  Forecast predicts good weather until the first of the week.  A little cooler but no rain or snow.