Started by StinkerBell, October 03, 2007, 08:56:39 PM

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Peter, you seem like an intelligent, perceptive person & we've had discussions here, in the past, over the Bible. No one can be forced to believe anything they don't want to or doesn't make sense to them.  I'm the same way.  You also sound like you try to do your best, although you're not perfect & neither are the rest of us.  

Keep searching for the "truth" & you will find it but don't block your mind because of all the imperfect people you see who call themselves Christians who live their lives imperfectly.  Remember, "you reap what you sow."  A Christian may be forgiven, but they still suffer the consequences of their actions although God can change it for good.  Just like you stated about the mistakes you've made being learning experiences for you & hopefully you don't repeat them again.  

Hebrews 11:1 states:  "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."  Think about that...   Another point - the Spirit of God enlightens His children - otherwise to the unbeliever, it is all foolishness.  You've already stated that was a cop-out in one of our earlier discussions, but it doesn't make that statement untrue because you don't believe it.  We all have to make our own decision on what we believe - hopefully, the one that is chosen, is the right one....

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


Stinkerbell, I really enjoyed that story!  Homegrown, how true.  MtnDon, it would have been interesting to have watched that show...

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


Yeah... I missed it too
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.

glenn kangiser

Then we will never know? :-?
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


QuotePeter, you seem like an intelligent, perceptive person & we've had discussions here, in the past, over the Bible. No one can be forced to believe anything they don't want to or doesn't make sense to them.  I'm the same way.  You also sound like you try to do your best, although you're not perfect & neither are the rest of us.  

Keep searching for the "truth" & you will find it but don't block your mind because of all the imperfect people you see who call themselves Christians who live their lives imperfectly.  Remember, "you reap what you sow."  A Christian may be forgiven, but they still suffer the consequences of their actions although God can change it for good.  Just like you stated about the mistakes you've made being learning experiences for you & hopefully you don't repeat them again.  

Hebrews 11:1 states:  "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."  Think about that...   Another point - the Spirit of God enlightens His children - otherwise to the unbeliever, it is all foolishness.  You've already stated that was a cop-out in one of our earlier discussions, but it doesn't make that statement untrue because you don't believe it.  We all have to make our own decision on what we believe - hopefully, the one that is chosen, is the right one....

I think this was very nicely said.  :D

Homegrown Tomatoes

I think I've heard him on the radio before... I didn't get to watch last night either, though I would have liked to.  I had to go get some shoes for my ever-expanding feet... most people gain weight in their bellies or butts with pregnancy, but not me... my feet just get wider and wider.  Anyway, had to have a pair of dressy shoes that would fit (and I could walk in) for this weekend at DH's interview.  I have two other pairs of dress shoes, both ugly, but the one pair started rubbing blisters on my toes suddenly within the last two weeks, even though they're big enough that the heel flops up and down.  The other pair has 2-3" heels and I didn't figure I could walk in them without looking like a baked potato  on stilts.  Anyway, I did get home in time to watch Ron Paul on Jay Leno, though.  Unfortunately, I think Tom Cruise got more time.  



one of the problems of being a christian by and large is that they seek absolution in christ so they do not have to feel remorse guilt or pain at causing other people to suffer...

I have a big problem with people on earth getting an easy way out...We need to pay for our mistakes here and now and we need to face our problems and hopefully grow as people so as not to make as many mistakes in the future... Same with sin.. You cannot beat your wife ask christ to forgive go home and beat her again.... It is wrong on all levels.

If god and christ can forgive and help us enter into another plane of existence...I do not believe that they mean the church the faith and the religion to be a vessel used by the wicked to purge themselves of their consciences... go there to get rid of guilt take away the pain of having remorse and replace it with sunshine and good feelings... tell the people it is okay do not worry about what you did on earth that does not matter... heaven and god are eternal... you do not need to make amends and atone on earth... just ask god to forgive that is good enough....

it is a cop out

tell you what I will come visit... trash the underground headquarters and instead of apologizing or working to fix it up to repay my debt to you...We will drive to the church and you can watch me ask jesus to forgive me....

you might think that sort of scenario is acceptable... I do not... it is a joke

When I am dead and gone Jesus and God if they want me can have me... On earth I have to deal with the people in my life and repay my debts to them....


Peter, read Jesus' words again - it seems like it's been a long time since you've read what He said....  at least from your interpretation of how you see  Christianity.  Jesus had some scathing things to say to the religious leaders of His time.  He also became very angry at the money changers in front of the temple... do you remember that?  

I would think, that in order to place judgment, you should be familiar with what Christ actually did & said - not just look around & see how people are acting - you're throwing the baby out with the bathwater!  Seems like a good review would be in order...  ;)

Glenn likes to quote the Scripture - "Because narrow is the gate & difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few that find it."  Matthew 7:14...

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


Some thoughts of mine...
Quote...I do not believe that they mean the church the faith and the religion to be a vessel used by the wicked to purge themselves of their consciences...
1.  Of course not. A person may do "nasties" and ask their God for forgiveness. The priest in the confessional may grant forgiveness, or whatever depending on the religion, but he's only an intermediary. If he's duped that's one thing. I don't believe for a minute that their God will be fooled. I believe God will pull a "Gotcha", and that'll be that.

2.  For that matter though I don't think that most of the car thieves, gang bangers, drug dealers, pedophiles, OJ's, etc. etc. really have any true religious beliefs. Even if they do, see #1 above.

3.  While on earth they don't get any "easy outs", when they get caught by the police. Well, maybe because of some of the judicial processes, immoral layers, etc. some do not pay sufficiently while still on earth. That's a shame. But while on earth they might slip up, do another dirty deed, and get sent up on that. We can always hope;thinking of OJ. But also .... see #1 above.

Quoteinstead of apologizing or working to fix it up to repay my debt to you...We will drive to the church and you can watch me ask jesus to forgive me....
4.  Better come equipped with a good set of tweezers. Around here there'll be birdshot, buckshot or a combination of both to be picked out while on the way to church. Or maybe the church trip will be detoured via the mortuary.  :-/  

Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


I think the one thing that seems to be lost is repentance. That is to turn from sin, fix the issue and ask for forgiveness. There is this automatic expectation that some have that they are just forgiven. I tend to disagree with that. Now I could be in error on this, it is not an issue of salvation so I write this telling you I can be wrong. I would argue the point that some just sin sin sin, and never repent, to repent is to be walking with and towards Christ. If you are not doing that I highly suspect you are not walking with the Lord. I also suspect alot of people claim to be Christian without a clue to what that might mean.


sassy I remember him whipping the money changers... one of the cooler parts of the bible.. Jesus kicking some ass!



Just read a few pages of the book on the Amazon link you posted.  Looks like an interesting book.  I've heard him speak a couple times on our local Christian radio station.

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free

Homegrown Tomatoes

Just witnessed a heated debate similar to the one taking place here the other day... gotta hand it to y'all for keeping your cool and not getting all riled up.  My cousin and his brother got into a theological debate that escalated to the point the older brother and his wife and daughter left because their mom was getting upset by the argument even though neither one was really mad.  They were passionate about their beliefs, but not really mad at each other.  Much more productive discussion takes place when you all keep your heads about you. :)


 The Attack on Christmas

Amidst this Christmas season, I have taken the liberty of gathering a few of my favorite examples of the politically correct war against Christmas.

First let's take a little trip to Ft. Collins, Colorado where the city task force wanted strictly white lights, bare garlands and secular symbols such as snowflakes because colored lights and ornamented trees were too suggestive of a religious Christmas. In other words, this holiday task force was nothing more than a bunch of government bureaucrats with an activist agenda. Luckily, in this case, you will be happy to know that the city's residents spoke up, forcing the council to reject the proposal to create the strictly secular, multicultural display.

Traveling across the ocean, we go to Sydney, Australia where Santa Clauses were being trained not to say the traditional "ho, ho, ho." This is because the word "ho" is offensive to women, and the children shouldn't be exposed to such derogatory words. Some Santas did quit over the dispute.

In Wales, an elementary school has banned its students from swapping Christmas cards because they are bad for the environment. Instead, teachers will allow the students to make one card each for someone in their class to ensure that everyone gets a card. Isn't that great ... combining environmentalism with "fairness." What a concept?

In Oregon, a coalition has been formed to make sure that Christmas trees are coming from farms that are environmentally friendly. The farms must meet the standards for properly managing wetlands, nutrients and pests. They must also conserve water and soil and be conscious of biodiversity and worker safety. The environmentalists like to call these "safe" trees.

While we are on the west coast, the Seattle mayor told children at a "holiday" tree lighting ceremony that children must use energy-efficient light bulbs otherwise Santa and his reindeers will drown because of melting icecaps.

Santas in Great Britain are being told to slim down and get in shape in order to set a good example "for the children."

Are you getting the picture, folks? But we're not finished yet!

In its 2007 Holiday catalogue, Lowe's decided that even "holiday trees" were not PC enough. It decided to re-name them "family trees." Lowe's has since apologized, saying it was a fact-checking error.

And finally, a principal at a government school in Winchester, Massachusetts canceled the school's annual trip to see "Miracle on 34th Street" because it is too focused on Santa Claus.

Merry Christmas, folks. The politically correct are gearing up to make it a jolly season.
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


We started this out with 2 months to go. Now down to less than 2 weeks. Yikes!

I found what might be the ideal gift for the Ice Cream lover among us. One of our preschool parents has one and bought two as gifts for this Christmas.

Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


That looks like it would be pretty simple - you don't even need any ice, do you?  Wonder if it takes a lot of electricity?  At least I could make ice cream without all the additives & preservatives.   :)

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


No ice, no salt. You keep the bowl in the freezer. It has to be really frozen cold; 12 hours or so in the freezer. [you also get an extra bowl] She said that it helps to also put the ingredients in the freezer for 30-45 minutes before plopping them in the bowl and starting a batch.

It makes a real 1/2 gallon.... one of Glenn's pet peeves..  :)

I think she said it only takes about 20 minutes, so the actual machine power use shouldn't be too bad.
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.

glenn kangiser

I don't worry about the amount unless I'm being tricked out of the same money for a shortchanged amount by corporate American Dairy Farmers. >:(
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Pretty smart little boy

What a great witness and not meaning to in a way!
Sure wish more had this understanding... Merry Christmas!

This is a remarkable phone call from a 12-yr old boy to Houston radio station KSBJ FM 89.3. So profound, the station has it posted on their website. Click below to listen to it. It's short .


Thanks for sharing that, Redoverfarm - "out of the mouths of babes" ... the real meaning of Christmas  :)

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free