Glenn's Underground Cabin Update

Started by glenn kangiser, January 30, 2005, 10:24:03 PM

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Quote from: glenn kangiser on December 30, 2009, 10:11:26 PM
I went down the hill yesterday and worked on the fence for about 2 hours - got another brace in then decided to see if I could eliminate a gate by going up a different way.

Needless to say, I could not get back up the muddy hill with the 4 wheel drive BushHog, so went around the long way and still had to winch myself up about 100 feet by a steep slippery spot.  I wasn't about to walk back.  [ouch]

Anybody knows an hour of winching is better than a half mile walk... [waiting]

Yes with the walk you can't play with the toys.

Well glenn by now you have probably got $5 @ # in the yearlings.  But it is all deductable for the next 7 years. ;)

glenn kangiser

I just as well be eating money for the first ones, but over the years I hope to catch up.  An added benefit is that every bite of grass or brush they take and everything they stomp into oblivion below me is something that can't burn in the next fire.

If I walked back I would have to leave my tools down the mountain too, and while that is not much problem around here, it just doesn't feel good. :(

Deductible.... hmm I may have to deduct the whole darn thing as part of my annual fire safety program.... I do have my own country you know - I guess I can make the rules, eh? :)
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

I was going to work on the fence today - and did a bit but got sidetracked.  I was moving dirt for the fence area to make a loading gate and the big rock moved. :)

You know - the one that has been in the way of the sawmill and widening the road to it for years. ...[waiting]

It was about halfway down the side on the left by the boat dock.  I finally broke my Bobcat bucket and shook the motor mounts loose getting it.  [scared]

Now it is the cornerstone for the retaining wall I have been going to build for years also.  It is likely around 8000 lbs or more.  All I could do was roll it and stay behind it on the downhill side to keep from losing it.  300 feet down the hill through the trees and poison oak is the road, but it is about 2 miles to get there and pick up a lost rock. [ouch]

No worries, eh?  It is now safely in a bit of a depression I dug for it and will be there for a very long time.  It will hold up the edges of the flat spot where I will do projects - like maybe soon putting the rock crusher together that has been sitting there for a couple years. [noidea'

Susie is checking it over and says it all passed inspection.

The sawmill is back by the logs.  The cattle gate will go about 30 feet this side of the end of the dirt and the steers can go up the hill to graze as well as come here to get hauled around, fed and I will put them a water trough near  here too.  This gate will double as equipment access for this part of the property also.

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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That's more work than I've got done all year.  :) I know it's only three days into it.  :)



Now can I cut down that little oak that is in the way when we take lumber off the mill [waiting] [waiting] [waiting] [waiting] [waiting] [waiting] [waiting] [waiting] [waiting] [waiting] [waiting] [waiting] [waiting]
Make Peace With Your Past So It Won't Screw Up The Present

glenn kangiser

I wouldn't be so sure about that.... [waiting]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

Quote from: ben2go on January 03, 2010, 08:41:05 PM
That's more work than I've got done all year.  :) I know it's only three days into it.  :)

Machines, Ben, Machines.  I am basically a lazy guy that does a lot once in a while when I decide to play on a machine... [waiting]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Quote from: glenn kangiser on January 03, 2010, 10:46:09 PM
I wouldn't be so sure about that.... [waiting]

How about if we turn it into something useful. Like heat heh
Make Peace With Your Past So It Won't Screw Up The Present


Quote from: glenn kangiser on January 03, 2010, 10:48:13 PM

Machines, Ben, Machines.  I am basically a lazy guy that does a lot once in a while when I decide to play on a machine... [waiting]

  Your lazy like  Fox Glenn. Machines, machines hell the machines can't break down , you won't let them break down.

At least not for long , well if you really need them. And you do own some old worn out  (you'll say "broke in"   rofl) equipment :o
When in doubt , build it stout with something you know about .

glenn kangiser

Quote from: Whitlock on January 03, 2010, 11:06:47 PM
Quote from: glenn kangiser on January 03, 2010, 10:46:09 PM
I wouldn't be so sure about that.... [waiting]

How about if we turn it into something useful. Like heat heh

It is something useful like shade and camouflage. [ouch]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

Quote from: PEG688 on January 03, 2010, 11:08:48 PM
Quote from: glenn kangiser on January 03, 2010, 10:48:13 PM

Machines, Ben, Machines.  I am basically a lazy guy that does a lot once in a while when I decide to play on a machine... [waiting]

 Your lazy like  Fox Glenn. Machines, machines hell the machines can't break down , you won't let them break down.

At least not for long , well if you really need them. And you do own some old worn out  (you'll say "broke in"   rofl) equipment :o

I can break the best of them it seems, PEG, but true - I do push them to the limit....   Broke the BushHog today - 2 wheel drive is out - 4 wheel is front only and it's a bear to work on I'm afraid.  

May have to switch to the Bobcat for a bit.  It is at least together for the moment and will go more places than the BushHog anyway.... but boy, can it tear things up...... the ground will be my mudbog....  [waiting]

Oldies but goodies and some real junk, PEG, held together with bailing wire, Rube Goldberg and McGyver.... [noidea'
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Quote from: glenn kangiser on January 04, 2010, 12:33:42 AM
Quote from: Whitlock on January 03, 2010, 11:06:47 PM
Quote from: glenn kangiser on January 03, 2010, 10:46:09 PM
I wouldn't be so sure about that.... [waiting]

How about if we turn it into something useful. Like heat heh

It is something useful like shade and camouflage. [ouch]
Camouflage??What we have to sneak up on the sawmill :-\ We surely can't hide behind we are to fat.
Shade won't the other 12 trees right there give us shade ::)
Make Peace With Your Past So It Won't Screw Up The Present

glenn kangiser

It is part of a system of support posts for a planned future living  tree supported roof.     [waiting]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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  Priceless guys  rofl, and to think this forums free :)
When in doubt , build it stout with something you know about .

glenn kangiser

Hmm, wonder if we could slip in a plate somewhere here.... seems like we may be leaving too much on the table.... [waiting]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

Thanks, G.   I really appreciate that as I'm sure you know how hard I work to get this government back on the straight and narrow...... :)

You can check my files.... [waiting]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

Stormy, stormy, stormy,  here and my batteries are fully up and well due to the constant humming of my wind generator during the storm.

No significant solar here for the last few days.  It is putting out power right now as a matter of fact. :)

I haven't done a lot on the place lately due to the fact that I have a couple of actual jobs going which is also limiting my forum time....  [ouch]

I am working on fencing off a smaller area in case I have to take my steers sooner rather than later.  It will be about an acre and a half and will also be an area that can be used for unloading and getting them into, for loading or going to see the butcher. [hungry]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

A computer industry friend building schools and making wells  in Africa e-mailed me for well drilling guidance and mentioned I had quite a following on the net...  I said -yeah people follow crazies on the net - then I Googled me and found some interesting comments in a few places. ;)

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Quote from: glenn kangiser on January 21, 2010, 12:36:15 AM

I am working on fencing off a smaller area in case I have to take my steers sooner rather than later.  It will be about an acre and a half and will also be an area that can be used for unloading and getting them into, for loading or going to see the butcher. [hungry]

Make it stout Glenn especially in the loading area.  A 800# + steer can decide on a minutes notice that he doesn't want to go.  If you have access or can come up with some used guardrail about two high works really good.  Most guardrail used will just be scrap value.  It makes a unique sound when it's kicked.   ;D


So Glenn, now that you are an international celebrity, will you still hang out with us mortals?  ???

glenn kangiser

Thanks, John.  Whitlock also mentioned that we aren't going to be chasing the the steers anywhere and suggested graining and feeding them in the loading area.   Here on the mountain everything is downhill - 30 to 40 percent grades.  He said we won't be doing cowboy stuff at the top of the mountain.

I'll beef up that area...... [ouch]

Poppy... I'm still talking to you now, am I not [noidea'                  [rofl2]

Just funnin' ya, Poppy.

I have been a celebrity in my own mind for years and years and years, Poppy.  Nothing has changed.

My friend has done well in the computer industry and has been working on the schools for several years.  He called me early on for info on well drilling.

He said one can only have so many Porsches in the garage of the house so he was building schools for the poor in Africa.

He is the one who taught me how to use a spreadsheet.  After I learned how to use it I used it to prove to him that I could not offer him a greater discount on his building project bathroom addition, because my price was too low already and I needed to increase it.  He suggested that I do it at my original price then, so I did.  [idea]

He is also the one who set my first wife's Pampas grass bush on fire in our front yard, with a home made potassium nitrate/cellulose powered rocket.

When he set her bush on fire it was almost more than she could handle. [scared]

.............or maybe it was a failed alcohol powered UFO.  

She already didn't like him because he was an arrogant bastard like me.  [ouch]

His son is working on the school project.  I didn't ask permission to post this link so I am not going to tell you who his son is.   I don't think he will mind though.  He is a celebrity also. :)

I also flew doctors and nurses on trips to Mexico to run a small clinic for the poor in Ocoroni, Sinaloa.  Maybe I can make a copy if the news paper article and get it in here some day.  Sassy actually worked in the clinic while I had a good ol' time touring the village with the children.

The little boss, Lupita, about 12 years old and a very powerful ruler of the children,  would take me to the homes of her relatives and friends and then send me on missions back in the states to smuggle goods back to her and her friends.  Once she sent me to all of the thrift stores in Fresno to buy all of the roller skates they had just because a couple other kids in the village got roller blades.  I came back the next trip with around 20 pairs stashed in the back of the plane under the luggage.  Sometimes the border agents didn't want the people to get things, just to show how much power they weilded.

I was sort of an Indiana Jones type, saving lost doctors from aimlessly flying their planes off into the sea of Cortez.  ::)

Yup... nothing has changed Poppy.  I'll still talk to ya.  rofl

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

Got this cool brush cutting mower yesterday for $45.  

Just needs a motor.  I have the right motor on  my rock crusher, so will remove it (too big anyway) and put it on the mower.  I have a new HF 6.5 hp gas engine I want to try on the crusher.

It will be used to cut grass and brush in the spring along the 1 mile of road I have to maintian from the county road to our place.  We don't normally cut seasonal grass here due to spark fire danger in the summer and militant fire department people who want to collect for showing up even for accidental fires if they can get away with it.  We already pay for their services through taxes.  They want it twice if they can get it.  They forget that they are public servants and equate themselves with the gods of fire.  (This is mostly an upper level problem... the field people are great).

I am concerned about the tall grass growing a few feet from car exhaust on the road.  My truck set it on fire once when it's timing was off due to a stripped out thread in the pump,  and it backfired.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Good one! Great design. You can come down on really tall stuff with that. I want one.


Good find although I do not see any brakes on it.  That would be good video you riding that down the mountain out of control. ;D

On the guardrail Glenn I was meaning just the loading corral.  They find nerve they never had once you confine them and try to get them on a trailer.  Although some have on occassions called the butcher shop and told them to get ready.  Shot them right in the pen and winched them on the trailer.