For all you conspiracy theorists... whaddya make of this?

Started by Homegrown Tomatoes, July 26, 2008, 11:54:03 PM

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glenn kangiser

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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BTW glen,

as i am listening to the 6 pm local news they just said your fire was 80% contained. hope that is true for you and the others out there. wish i could come to your shindig.
unless we recognize who's really in charge, things aren't going to get better.

glenn kangiser

Over 4000 firefighters - 65 dozers - yup they started getting a good handle on it.  Lots of the fire guys looked pretty tired.

We are doing pretty good - I wish all of our friends could show up here.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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bad thing about patriotism is that the government realizes that patriotism can be used against the american citizens. They use it against us like mind control...

And the government has to qualms about sacrificing the lives or young americans for a cause....There need not be a legit reason, a threat to our security or freedom....If there is something that they want..they will use us and throw us away to get it... It just is that simple.

It sickens me that thousands of americans have died for nothing after 9-11 in the middle east fighting an enemy that does not exist for a war that is not a war

And the media allows this to happen without outrage.

Just sickening, There is never a just reason or excuse to throw the life of an american soldier away....when we enter invade or occupy all these countries all over the world for political gain...we needlessly put our soldiers at risk.

There is no greater crime a commander in chief can commit in my opinion...It is an awesome responsibility being responsible for the lives of our servicemen and women...To not be humbled by this responsibility is absolutely sickening

Some nights I turn off the lights lie down  look at the ceiling and start thinking how great it will be when the real revolution happens

glenn kangiser

As Osama Obama recently toured the troops in the middle east he totally ignored them and wouldn't shake hands or do anything but his news ops. Totally ignored and shunned the outstretched hands of the soldiers wanting to shake hands with him.  Probably because they are not Muslim.

Peter, the US MSM is the governments brainwashing tool for the US sheeple.  The ones who easily believe all they hear locally.  Ones who research foreign news that is not under control of or obligation to the US gov. will get a different story.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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My husband says, "Preach on!" and "I concur." 

I have a hard time seeing a "big group" conspiracy too, but that doesn't mean the conspiracy isn't there.  Two views here.  For one, there are people really in power (and I mean really far up there) that act as puppet-masters.  They control the media, the money, who gets promoted, etc, etc.  Only the people at THE very top need to know anything about a conspiracy...the rest works very well with people following "rules", being controlled without even noticing, and even people trying to do good.  I totally believe that cliche phrase that "the road to hell is paved with good intentions".  Well, okay, somewhat believe it.  Look how the desire to help the poor has led to mass enslavement (ie, taxation).  It isn't good for the have's or the have-nots.  So long charity.  But, people are misled into thinking that forced, legalized plunder is better for all and good people wanting to do good for others really just make a mess of the whole thing. 

My other thought on the conspiracy theory track stems from religion.  I believe the Devil is real and that he watches and plans much like our Heavenly Father does.  I don't think people have to have a clue what the big picture is for there to be a conspiracy...all he needs are a few people to be a small piece of his plan to make it start to fall together for him.  And that includes people that are ignorant and apathetic. 

I too feel it is too late.  The time of warning has passed and the wheels are already in motion.  We just had a great "chat" this afternoon with someone new about homeschooling.  She was appauled that we would do it (Seriously, she got a disgusted look just at the term!).  We want our children to have a REAL education, and that doesn't mean c/o Dewey and Marx.  Anyone interested in homeschooling and wanting to have real leaders come melt-down and recovery time, I'd suggest checking out the book "A Thomas Jefferson Education" by Oliver Van Demille (He writes to be persuasive to the general public, but he knows what is going on) and studies at George Wythe College:  It is what finally tipped us over the homeschooling edge and we've had NOTHING but positive reinforcement since. 

BTW, I doubt Utah will vote Ron Paul (too caught up in mainstream republican nonsense and materialism), but I wish they would!  We will be doing so.  Have to have a clear conscience when I get to the pearly gates.   :o

Stay-at-home, homeschooling mother of 6 in "nowhere" Alaska

glenn kangiser

Thanks so much for the support, Catherine.  Ron Paul - while better than the rest has left me with doubts also - maybe he had to agree with the mainstream enough to not get steamrollered, but I see he will knuckle under too.  There is no one we can trust but if there is a write in available and you think the vote will do anything -- (it is rigged - it really won't) write in Ron anyway. 

I care too much for the sheeple who will open their eyes, to ever stop telling them what is happening and will continue trying to get them to open their eyes and look around until it is impossible for me to do it any longer.  That will be when I have returned to dust, but I hope that, even after that, others continue reading here and are influenced by the drivel I have written.

Studies have shown that it would have taken Cheney, the PNAC and the rest likely no more than 200 total people to pull off 9/11.  The rest were as you say, following orders.  How could they keep that many people quiet that long?

Example: The USS Liberty was bombed by Israel with the knowledge and assistance of our government to make it look like Egypt did it. (False Flag) The plot failed as the Liberty didn't sink.  The survivors were mad as hell and know our own government was in on it, to a man, but they did not tell. 

Tons of people and all of the survivors knew but were under threat of court martial or death if they told.  Just declassified 40 years later.  My father-in-law went to the grave with military secrets he was not allowed to tell as have thousands of fine American servicemen who have supported the government with their lives and unending loyalty no matter what. 

That is how this plot was pulled off.  It is rapidly unraveling though, if the sheeple will just look at the facts even using the laws of physics as the facts that say our government has been taken over by a group of criminals who do not care that 3000 citizens, firemen and emergency workers lives have been lost and that 100's of thousands of innocent lives have been lost due to the wars we are creating for profit of the elite since. 

This is chump change to the elite, and we are simply animals, like Tyson Chickens to them.  Believe me - it is easy for them to feel this way.  I can be this cold myself. 

I had to when thrown off of my property and returning to protect it I decided that no authority figures would stop my return and efforts to assist the firefighters  My goal was to  make a safe place for them on my property where they could make a last stand.  If you check the topography of my property you will find that it is the easiest place - (least fuel and width), from which to make a final stand before the fire hits the summit at Whitlock and 49 and is into a major supply of new fuel.  I did not ever threaten any authorities but one look at me told them any attempt to remove me against my will and stop my work would possibly result in the death of someone and I didn't care if it was me. 

They had to wonder if they could do it without it being one of them - maybe they cared about themselves.  They had drawn guns on others they could intimidate around here I was told.  The guns never came out for me.  Most bullies back off when you call their bluff with enough overpowering force to let them know you are serious.  The law (Constitutional) says the homeowner CAN stay to protect his property and the lives of others (and don't forget THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS).  The Head Sheriff openly admitted that at the public fire meeting after my refusal to leave.  Did I have a part in that admission?  I'll likely never know.

So if coldness can be generated when necessary by someone who cares, think how easy it is for the ones who think they are better than us to step on the ants we know as the working class citizens and common people of the United States.  To them we are as low as the enemy in foreign countries our military demonizes to our children, so they can get them to kill them like they are inhuman, lower than dogs, for the sake of oil and profit.  More money for the greedy world bankers and corporations at the expense of the lives and limbs of our children.  They don't care that our children are coming back with their brains in baskets or still on their shoulders but unrecognizable as anything human.  You don't get to see those pictures as it will turn you against the war, but I have as I research this stuff on foreign websites.

For all of this death on both sides, how many terrorists have been stopped -- considering that 9/11 was pulled by our people?  It looks like none.  The enemy in Iraq are simply protecting their homes and families from the occupation forces who are killing them in droves.  I don't blame the soldiers either - they are sucked into this by our evil government and it's kill or be killed.  How much money has been made for the elite by ruinng the economy, selling war machines and increasing oil prices?  Billions.  Remember - the rich are going global.  The working class of America no longer need jobs.  They will make their money from the rule of the world.

Thanks for the encouragement, Catherine.  If anyone is still listening, please open your eyes and speak up.  It is easier to spread the word if more will look and talk about it.  I don't want to be the lone crazy person.  I want thousands of us.  If in the future I am considered important enough to be silenced, I will have accomplished my goal.

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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It never hurts for people to know the truth. Sure some don't want to know since it creates issues with their view of reality. My mother is like that. She never wants to hear about anything bad in the world and just looks away instead of seeing it. While knowing the truth is good not knowing what to do with it can be dangerous for some. Being smart enough to figure it out can be a problem for alot of folks.

glenn kangiser

I think that just knowing allows you to make better informed decisions in a later emergency situation in any case, or if the system falls apart.

If I was not informed and educated in these matters I would have stayed down the hill during our fire, like the rest who dare not question authority and are afraid to look.

Catherine, I view public education as a part of the programming necessary to get children to respond like sheep to bells, whistles, unquestioning loyalty to a leader or mascot, and unquestioningly follow the orders of authority figures - right or wrong.  The destruction of the independent thinker.  Good job on home schooling. 

I'm not putting down those who must use the public system.  Spend extra time working with your children to educate them in addition to the state sponsored propaganda and conditioning taught at the public schools.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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  Media Blackout On Cheney Iran False Flag Story

Steve Watson
Saturday, Aug 2, 2008

The mainstream American corporate press has once again proven itself to be no better than the state controlled media in places like Communist China or Zimbabwe, by steadfastly refusing to print even a mention of the huge story concerning veteran journalist Seymour Hersh's recent comments that the vice president wanted to carry out a false flag operation to provoke a war with Iran.
The outright complicity of the corporate media in blackballing this story reminds us how the neocon cabal in the White House has consistently been able to conspire, lie and twist the truth for its own ill gotten gains without facing any substantial public scrutiny.

As we reported Thursday, Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh revealed how the neocons convened around Dick Cheney and brainstormed ways to kick off World War IV.

"There was a dozen ideas proffered about how to trigger a war," Hersh explained. "The one that interested me the most was why don't we build — we in our shipyard — build four or five boats that look like Iranian PT boats. Put Navy seals on them with a lot of arms. And next time one of our boats goes to the Straits of Hormuz, start a shoot-up."

Given that only a few weeks ago Hersh's exclusive story concerning the vamping up of covert U.S. military activity inside Iran made headlines everywhere, in every major publication and outlet, it begs the question where are they now for an even bigger story?

con't @

Just this past week I had to go to Nursing Ed Day.  One of the classes that is mandatory is on traumatic brain injury (TBI) I forget the % of troops coming back who have been diagnosed with this - its very high - and there are many more that haven't been diagnosed with TBI who have changes that are very subtle.  It is very sad that these young people, who volunteered to put their lives on the line to "protect our country", are having their lives totally screwed up - if it isn't from injury, it is from PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) from serving 2-3 mandatory tours.  Especially criminal when you read that article above  >:(  There are video/audio clips of Sy Hersch quoting Cheney & co discussing their options...  disgusting

Catherine, I agree with you - someone once said, in so many words, that if a person can't govern (control) himself within then he will be governed (controlled) without.  Sadly, I think that speaks for a lot of people in our country...

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


Something you might want to watch on C-Span

      The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder
Watch now!
Author: Vincent Bugliosi

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


I hope I'm wrong, but the bomb Iran propaganda is comming fast and furious lately, so I predict the next war will start before the election in November.


I have been watching c-span lately. Used to be I didn't care but I have changed recently. I got to see T. Boone Pickens make his pitch and it is interesting to see the house and senate in session. I saw some discussion recently about impeachment of Bush but I think it was decided that it would be a waste with the election coming up shortly.
I have done so much with so little for so long that today I can do almost anything with absolutely nothing.


i think that there is a very good chance that bush will attack iran before he gets out of office.
unless we recognize who's really in charge, things aren't going to get better.

Pox Eclipse

Quote from: benevolance on July 31, 2008, 10:23:46 PMthat Way Ron Paul could run and not be ignored by mainstream media...Have his debates cancelled have his delegates taken away from him..

He was forced to run as a Republican because as a independant 20 years ago he got no funding coverage or exposure...

If the nation wanted a third party, they would have funded one.  No funding = no support.  The free market works!


glenn kangiser

I hope you read everything I wrote and take it to heart, Stink.  I have a real handle on it. :)

In a way it is my fault Stink.... but I refuse to take my precious time and donate it to the US.  Life is too short for me to take time out and straighten out the problems of the world.  Just call me selfish.  I guess that is the problem.  hmm
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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I have done so much with so little for so long that today I can do almost anything with absolutely nothing.




unless we recognize who's really in charge, things aren't going to get better.

glenn kangiser

I vote that we make Washington DC into a national sanitary landfill.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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 ;) glenn

Everything is your fault.

Todays example, my teenager's are acting horrible so I tell myself  "must be glenn's fault".

glenn kangiser

I take responsibility for that, Stink.

You see, my massive influence over your thought processes has caused you to communicate with them in terms and concepts they no longer understand.  Your state brainwashing is being torn asunder piece by piece.  They don't know how to handle that but to rebel.

Their loss of their former scared, unenlightened mother figure and replacement by a knowing, and positive thinking action ready mother has left them alone and confused.

Give them time, Stink - time and steady unwavering guidance as I have given you....and they will slowly come around.

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Glenn could you drop by Nancy Pilosi's and give her some of that guidance. That woman is way of track and I think she comes from your neck of the woods. Instead of working on the energy bill she was working to make sure the toy industry was being regulated properly in terms of child safety. I guess she isn't aware enough to realize that with the price at the pump no one will be buying any of those toys this Christmas anyway. So if you are in the neighborhood you might drop by and provide some enlightenment.
I have done so much with so little for so long that today I can do almost anything with absolutely nothing.

glenn kangiser

You've seen what I've done here, desdawg. 

I can do a lot of things but I'm not God. hmm

He's going to have to do his own job to straighten out Washington DC, then things may get better.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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I thought maybe you could stop by to borrow a cup of sugar tell a few lies and then take it from there.
I have done so much with so little for so long that today I can do almost anything with absolutely nothing.