How's the weather

Started by Redoverfarm, December 17, 2007, 11:09:58 AM

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From one extreme to the other. Last night was the warmest night this year. 55F @ 11PM then this morning it was 32F and snow flurries. Suppose to get into the teens tonight so I will hold off on the chink mortar for fear of freezing today.

Homegrown Tomatoes

We've had a couple of cooler rainy days, and now it is gorgeous, albeit a bit windy.  It is supposed to get up to around 73 today.  I hope the wind lets up because the turbine-thingy on our neighbor's roof is squeaking and squawking in the wind and driving me nuts.... it is like listening to a non-stop alarm clock.  But it is sunny and all the pears, peaches and redbuds are blooming around here.  The willows have gone from having tiny green mist covering them to full-blown little leaves in just a few days.  I love spring.


HG, you probably couldn't stand the wind generator, then...  I hardly notice it - sometimes it sounds like a distant foghorn, which is actually kinda pleasant.  Everytime I hear the generator I think of "power" - we're making free power & I smile  :)

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free

Homegrown Tomatoes

It really sounds like a high-pitched alarm clock...eeek-eeek-eeek-eeek!  It seems like it's let up a bit now.


HT if you have access to the attic and can get DH to spray a little WD-40 or graphite in the pivot point it might make it quieter to live with.


Perfect first day of spring. Sunny and warm. Tad windy though.


snowy and damp chilly weather today.  Brrrr
Peresrverance, persistance and passion, keys to the good life.

Homegrown Tomatoes

 ;D  My neighbors might call the police if they caught me going into their attic!  It seems like it has quit squeaking today... I don't know what the deal was with it yesterday.... all day screeching.

It is gorgeous today.  In the upper sixties, windy and sunny... DH got an email from one of his WI co-workers who told him that they are expecting 5-10" of snow up there today.  Do I miss it?  Not a bit!!!


It's sunny - about 65 degrees - not very breezy today - beautiful - clear skies - and can you believe it - they've only sprayed chemtrails  couple days this week - otherwise it's been clear since Sunday!  The jets that make the contrails, make them but they dissipate within a few seconds.   Guess with the economy like it is, they don't have all that "extra" $$$ to spray  :) c*   one good outcome  heh heh

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free

Homegrown Tomatoes

It has been a really pretty morning... a few clouds and it seems to be getting cloudier, but the wind has died down for a while.  It's supposed to be cool and rainy tomorrow.  It seems like it always is on Easter.  Anyway, right now it is t-shirt weather out.  Lot of kids out playing basketball and riding bikes.


" It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood". Temp hit 62F, light wind good working outside weather.  Trying to clean up last year's flower beds, cutting the grass back along the walks.  Kid's making the best of it. One went trout fishing @ 0730 and the other is content on riding her bicycle. Just took the training wells off this week. She hasn't put it down since.  Mom's not very happy with her son. Seems his bicycle had a flat tire so he rode her's this week. Tried to mountain bike in the pasture and picked up two thorns. Took the plow off the tractor so I guess it will snow again now.

glenn kangiser

Nice -- 68 out -- think I'll go prospecting.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Better Hurry Glenn. I say on the news that gold had dropped to $920 it had been at 1K before that.

glenn kangiser

Hmm -- I think it may bounce around a bit but in general should continue up.  We'll see.

Weather was nice into the night-- made a road to a seasonal creek on a friends place and set up the trommel, and found a tiny bit of gold.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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The early flowers are taking a beating this week. 60+F in the days and 22-24F in the nights and mornings. Getting a little frost bit.  Peternap it looks as if you are getting a little rain. They had forecasted us to get that with some snow mix. I am glad your magnet pulled it your way.

Homegrown Tomatoes

Starting out pretty, albeit windy.  Each day for the past two weeks, the color of the landscape has been gradually changing.  The bradford pears were some of the first to bloom, and then the willow trees got misty green, and then the elms, and then the redbuds bloomed and by then the bradford pears had leaves with the blooms.  The daffodils and hyacinths are going crazy, and there are pansies everywhere bloomed out really pretty.  I love spring in Oklahoma.  I'm so glad to be back home.

glenn kangiser

It was 54.9f when I got up at 6 this morning.

Chances of rain mid week on - nights in the mid 40's.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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sunny warm near 70 but very windy.


At 18F this morning. Rose to 45F by afternoon.  My buckets of water that I collected to mix mortar with was frozen over about 1/2" from yesterday. The sand which has been covered all winter still picked up moisture and was frozen on top. I think that plastic just retains water when it comes to sand. But summer is closer than it has been. 


It snowed a bunch here today but now the sun is out and it is all melting.  I actuallyt hought I might have to shovel the driveway again.  I got one fence post for the garden dug yesterday too but today nothing.  I am not about to go out in the snow again this year. I am pretty much on strike unless it is dry and sunny out. 
Peresrverance, persistance and passion, keys to the good life.


King5 News tells me its gonna snow to night!

Homegrown Tomatoes

Starting off beautiful, but windy again.  Yesterday had to have been in the low 80s, but I never did check the exact temperature.  The house was sure hot as all get out, but so few of the windows have screens that I didn't open too many.  It was just right in here by the time we went to bed, though.  It's time to dig out the scary maternity shorts (goodness knows they're ugly, but it sure beats melting.)

glenn kangiser

Sounds cool, Homey.

Our chance of rain moved up to Tuesday, lows in the 40's highs in the high 50's  currently 43.5 - there has ben quite a bit of wind - batteries are up good.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Well mother nature let us know who is actually in control.  Temps dropped last night to 32F and this morning there was a mix of snow/freezing rain. The forecast predicts a high of 35 and low's in the mid 20's for tonight. So I guess we willhave to wait for spring a while longer.


I don't believe it. >:( We put the winter coats away on Friday. It's now sleeting >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
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