What's for dinner?

Started by Homegrown Tomatoes, October 17, 2007, 04:08:34 PM

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 [hungry] [hungry]  So when's dinner?

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free



brisket halves

wild ham

bacon bomb and drunk chickens


Looks like you are expecting Dinner guest.  Quite a spread.

Homegrown Tomatoes

tonight, stew.... cool front blew through and it is back under 80 degrees. :)


Yesterday was the annual Girl Scouts Mother/Daughter Bake Off.  Emily made a Peanut Butter Pie.
Guess What?  1st Place in the pie catagory.  I am sure glad she made two which left one at home for Dad. ;)

She was tickled that she also got a trophy.

Homegrown Tomatoes

Congrats to Emily!  That pie looks pretty delicious!


pork chops, slathered in homeade "mellon-ginger-hatch-pepper" jam then dusted with black pepper, brown sugar, garlic-salt, paprika. finglerling potatoes, sliced up and put in a oven pan with olive oil and a season salt recipe. chops slow cooked over oak fire (ie 220 temp) until 150 internal temp, taters cooked in oven at 400 for 40 minutes. leafy green salad with frsh cherry tomatoes and the entire meal paired with cold cold sierra nevada pale ale beer.

Homegrown Tomatoes

Muldoon, that sounds delicious! 

Gary O

Boy, you guys have some mighty purty lookin' food.
Seems I can taste the pictures......

Had fresh baked blackberry muffins and coffee this morn
Lunch snack after chores was sumpm (can't remember) and blackberry cobbler
Tonight we'll be havin' sumpm and homemade blackberry ice cream
We always seem to have a lot of 'sumpm' most times when fruit and berries are on
BTW, blackberries are on....well, actually now they're off and in the freezer
Jam's in the pantry
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson

glenn kangiser

Good ol' Oregon Blackberries.

I have heard from more than one person that my great uncle is responsible for bringing the blackberries to the PNW that have taken over most of the region.  That would have been in around 1900 to 1910 or so I think.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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Gary O

Well, shoot, Glenn, I'd like to shake his hand with my bloody grip, and show him my body scars from reaching for the elusive mother lode over an unknown ravine......now to ferret out the pioneer that blessed this land with scotch broom...I'd like to just shake him.

Did have other stuff

Nuthin fancy, simply a little ol' grill with hot spots and a bit over used
Nuthin as spectacular as what I've seen from you pros, just my blackened chikin BBQ Cajun style.....shirt tail heritage
I like 'em lots, and folks seem to make 'em disappear faster than my tiny grill can go
Laisser le bon temps rouler
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson

glenn kangiser

Tillamook Cemetery I believe, Gary.... [waiting]

What ... you never climbed out onto a board on top of the briar patch then fell off? [noidea'

I think I may build a smoker from a dead water tank one of these days - have 2 of them.  I like smoked or kippered fish.  YUM.  [hungry]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

Please put your area in your sig line so we can assist with location specific answers.

Gary O

"What ... you never climbed out onto a board on top of the briar patch then fell off?"

No, but watched it done.
Actually, about 10 yrs old watched my buddy Bart (big boy, 6' 230 lbs in 4th grade, held back a couple yrs) swing off his rope over a ravine in his back yard. Looked good 'til he was at the point of swing back, only he wasn't attached to the rope, well not all of it.
It's kinda amazing how long a 230 lb fella can look suspended, actually rise a bit, then drop, still body huggin' the tiny piece of rope.
It was kinda weird, cause he did a slow motion involuntary back flip propelled by his momentum. Glimpsed his face on the turn, eyes unfixed, mouth wide open, but nothin'  comin' out.
Last I saw before he disappeared into the berries was the little knot at the end of the rope still tightly clinched between his ankles.
The vines were his salvation and demise.

He wasn't dumb, but stuttered his way thru grade school.
We all used to do strange things with BB guns. One game was bend over and take a hit. Well, it was my turn with the pump, and managed to press the lever a bit past usual, and it was Bart's turn to bend. Thing is, all our bib overalls remained loose. Bart's got tight...r-e-a-l tight.
He chased me thru the woods, up the hill, thru the barn, and almost to the house....stuttering obscenities about my ancestors all the way.
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson

glenn kangiser

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

Please put your area in your sig line so we can assist with location specific answers.


Spinach enchiladas; white corn enchiladas with fresh spinach, pico de gallo and corn in a creamy white cheddar, green chile sauce with black beans and arroz verde. A bit different, but very fine.

No, not my own cooking. We went to the Range Cafe in Bernalillo.

Karen had the Quesadillas;   artichoke hearts, roasted red bell pepper, fresh tomato, green chile strips and white cheddar cheese grilled on a flour tortilla with sour cream and guacamole.

Darn good stuff!!

We'd never dined at the Bernalillo Range Cafe, there are 2 other locations. Something struck me as funny. Bernalillo is in many ways a typical old New Mexico town. The Range cafe is located in a 100+ year old building on the main drag. Just down the street a short ways is Silva's Saloon.  The sidewalk is at street level with the store fronts right there on one side and the roadway right there on the other. Most of the buildings have a step up into them. In front of Silva's the sidewalk rises to the exact height of the Silva's door threshold. No step for the inebriated to have to deal with. Plus there is a healthy size welded steel guardrail all along the rasied section of ramped sidewalk. No chance of the same falling directly into the street.

Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


Home made Killian's Irish Red Beer Beef Stew with fresh new potatoes from the garden.

Ya, it's awsome :)

Going to have some French Bread with it too...holy mackerel it's good stuff!

Homegrown Tomatoes

Tonight was good!  Glad the weather is finally cooling off so we feel like cooking again!  It was smoked ham, corn on the cob, cabbage, homemade rye bread, and dessert was a homemade honey peach pie.  [hungry]  We're all full as ticks.  Oh, and we added a scoop of Braum's Egg Nog icecream to the hot pie and it  was really good.  I was kinda stingy with the honey in the pie, but the icecream more than made up for it.


Lazy. Dinner out at El Pinto, a very nice restaurant in ABQ. Chicken Adovada (chicken breast marinated in red chili sauce, then grilled) with calabacitas, pinto beans and rice. Mmmmm Good!

Dinner on one of the patios; had a heater going.

Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.

Gary O

I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson

Homegrown Tomatoes

Pretty neat... wonder if it would really work.... unfortunately, fresh corn is out of season here, and we don't have a microwave.   ???

Supper tonight was western omelettes.  I took the kids to a cafe a few towns over for dinner this morning, and they were asking $8.75 for a western omelette.  I thought it was ridiculous, so I ordered something relatively "cheap" and decided to make them for dinner tonight at home.  What is that, something like 400% profit??  Needless to say, we won't be going back there again.  Their coffee had gone up to $1.30 a cup!!!  Guess they must be trying to make out like bandits with the tourists who drive route 66? 
There is a huge piece of some kind of insanely rich chocolatey cheesecake left over from my best friend's wedding on Sunday.  As soon as the kids are all soundly sleeping, DH and I intend to eat it all up ourselves like a couple of selfish pigs. :D


Someone sent me that video, GaryO - you could probably steam them & do the same thing, though haven't tried it either way...

HG, good for you, the kids wouldn't appreciate such a rich, chocolaty piece of cheesecake  ::)  That coffee is CHEAP compared to what we have to pay in California...  I never order it, just for that reason...  $1.99 is probably the cheapest I've seen it in a restaurant.


You will know the truth & the truth will set you free

Homegrown Tomatoes

Seriously??  Where are these rich folk who pay two bucks for a cup of coffee??  I was choking at the $1.30!  And it wasn't even very good coffee.... it was the kind where you have to add a ton of sugar and cream to make it even drinkable.   :P  The local cafe here where we live has it for under a buck, and that is even with every male over age 59 coming back in twenty times a day for refills.  And it is GOOD coffee... really good. 

I made a pie for dinner the other night to use up the rest of the pie crust I made a few days earlier, and didn't have quite enough cherries, so I filled it in with some canned drained apricots.  It was sooo good.  I think I might make cherry pies with apricots from now on.

Gary O

 Yeah, Homegrown, the coffee cup to pot price ratio ain't there, but I do know eateries across the board are feelin' the pinch.
Guess we'll all have to start invitin' people over to the house more.......
Boy oh boy, can you talk pie.
There is nuthin' an I mean nuthin' like homemade pie.
My gramma could put together dough and fruit like none other.
Rhubarb her expertise.
She called it 'pie plant'.
My bride musta hung with her enough, cause she carries the pie torch now.
Restaurant pie?
I've been to the mount.
You don't happen to have them big pillowy upper arms that pie makin' grammas have do ya?
My wife's gettin' em.
Those are pie makin' arms .
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson