Global Warming

Started by Sassy, October 05, 2006, 02:01:48 AM

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Another scary movie!  I guess being off-grid and catching/growing my own food might not be enough.
Put this in the "nowhere to hide" category.

glenn kangiser

Tesla invented the technology this is based on in the early days of electricity.  He was an electrical genius.  After an experiment gone bad, he dismantled his and said it was too dangerous for man to have.

At his death the government confiscated his papers for their own use.  Thanks to them we now have a machine that once again is too dangerous for man to use.

Tesla info:  Note that I have not read all of it but here is a quote (old news):

Fox Television Tesla Program
A one-hour segment of the popular Fox series In Search Of... will describe some elements of the work of Nikola Tesla. Planning by the U.S. government to build the "Star Wars" National Missile Defense shield has revived interest in Tesla's much earlier research and predictions on that technology, which was popularized by the press as "Tesla's Death-Beam" or "Death Ray." A Fox location crew visited Society Executive Secretary, William Terbo (Tesla grand nephew), in March 2001, to tape an on-camera interview for the program. Airdate for the program has not been confirmed, but will probably be in the Fall 2002 schedule.

Note that the above was mentioned as being called part of a ground based "star wars" system - by another name for funding purposes.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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 Bill introduced to Congress refers to damage of 'target populations' with climate, weather or ' tectonic system ' exotic weapons
Free Press International

A bill (HR 2977 IH; Space Preservation Act of 2001) introduced to Congress by Congressman Dennis Kucinich on October 2, 2001, refers to exotic weapons systems including weapons designed to damage space or natural ecosystems (such as the ionosphere and upper atmosphere) or climate, weather, and tectonic systems with the purpose of inducing damage or destruction upon a 'target population' or region on earth or in space.

Congress received an "unfavorable executive comment" from the U.S. Department of Defense.

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


Global Warming and the Price of a Gallon of Gas
by John Coleman

With a preacher's zeal, Mr. Gore sets out to strike terror into us and our children and make us feel we are all complicit in the potential demise of the planet.
Here is my rebuttal.
There is no significant man made global warming.  There has not been any in the past, there is none now and there is no reason to fear any in the future. The climate of Earth is changing. It has always changed.  But mankind's activities have not overwhelmed or significantly modified the natural forces.

Through all history, Earth has shifted between two basic climate regimes: ice ages and what paleoclimatologists call "Interglacial periods".  For the past 10 thousand years the Earth has been in an interglacial period.  That might well be called nature's global warming because what happens during an interglacial period is the Earth warms up, the glaciers melt and life flourishes. Clearly from our point of view, an interglacial period is greatly preferred to the deadly rigors of an ice age.  Mr. Gore and his crowd would have us believe that the activities of man have overwhelmed nature during this interglacial period and are producing an unprecedented, out of control warming.

Well, it is simply not happening.  Worldwide there was a significant natural warming trend in the 1980's and 1990's as a Solar cycle peaked with lots of sunspots and solar flares.  That ended in 1998 and now the Sun has gone quiet with fewer and fewer Sun spots, and the global temperatures have gone into decline.  Earth has cooled for almost ten straight years.  So, I ask Al Gore, where's the global warming?

The cooling trend is so strong that recently the head of the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change had to acknowledge it.  He speculated that nature has temporarily overwhelmed mankind's warming and it may be ten years or so before the warming returns.  Oh, really.  We are supposed to be in a panic about man-made global warming and the whole thing takes a ten year break because of the lack of Sun spots.  If this weren't so serious, it would be laughable.

Hello Al Gore; Hello UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.  Your science is flawed; your hypothesis is wrong; your data is manipulated.  And, may I add, your scare tactics are deplorable.  The Earth does not have a fever.  Carbon dioxide does not cause significant global warming.

The focus on atmospheric carbon dioxide grew out a study by Roger Revelle who was an esteemed scientist at the Scripps Oceanographic Institute. He took his research with him when he moved to Harvard and allowed his students to help him process the data for his paper.  One of those students was Al Gore. That is where Gore got caught up in this global warming frenzy.  Revelle's paper linked the increases in carbon dioxide, CO2, in the atmosphere with warming.  It labeled CO2 as a greenhouse gas.

So who is going to go against all of that power?  Not the politicians. So now the President of the United States, just about every Governor, most Senators and most Congress people, both of the major current candidates for President, most other elected officials on all levels of government are all riding the Al Gore Global Warming express.  That is one crowded bus.

I suspect you haven't heard it because the mass media did not report it, but I am not alone on the no man-made warming side of this issue.  On May 20th, a list of the names of over thirty-one thousand scientists who refute global warming was released.  Thirty-one thousand of which 9,000 are Ph.ds.  Think about that.  Thirty-one thousand.  That dwarfs the supposed 2,500 scientists on the UN panel. In the past year, five hundred of scientists have issued public statements challenging global warming.   A few more join the chorus every week.  There are about 100 defectors from the UN IPCC.  There was an International Conference of Climate Change Skeptics in New York in March of this year.  One hundred of us gave presentations.  Attendance was limited to six hundred people.  Every seat was taken. There are a half dozen excellent internet sites that debunk global warming.  And, thank goodness for KUSI and Michael McKinnon, its owner.  He allows me to post my comments on global warming on the website  Following the publicity of my position form Fox News, Glen Beck on CNN, Rush Limbaugh and a host of other interviews, thousands of people come to the website and read my comments.  I get hundreds of supportive emails from them.  No I am not alone and the debate is not over.

In my remarks in New York I speculated that perhaps we should sue Al Gore for fraud because of his carbon credits trading scheme.  That remark has caused a stir in the fringe media and on the internet.  The concept is that if the media won't give us a hearing and the other side will not debate us, perhaps we could use a Court of law to present our papers and our research and if the Judge is unbiased and understands science, we win.  The media couldn't ignore that. That idea has become the basis for legal research by notable attorneys and discussion among global warming debunkers, but it's a long way from the Court room.

I am very serious about this issue.  I think stamping out the global warming scam is vital to saving our wonderful way of life.

con't at next posting

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The battle against fossil fuels has controlled policy in this country for decades. It was the environmentalist's prime force in blocking any drilling for oil in this country and the blocking the building of any new refineries, as well. So now the shortage they created has sent gasoline prices soaring. And, it has lead to the folly of ethanol, which is also partly behind the fuel price increases; that and our restricted oil policy.  The ethanol folly is also creating a food crisis throughput the world – it is behind the food price rises for all the grains, for cereals, bread, everything that relies on corn or soy or wheat, including animals that are fed corn, most processed foods that use corn oil or soybean oil or corn syrup. Food shortages or high costs have led to food riots in some third world countries and made the cost of eating out or at home budget busting for many.

So now the global warming myth actually has lead to the chaos we are now enduring with energy and food prices. We pay for it every time we fill our gas tanks.  Not only is it running up gasoline prices, it has changed government policy impacting our taxes, our utility bills and the entire focus of government funding. And, now the Congress is considering a cap and trade carbon credits policy.  We the citizens will pay for that, too. It all ends up in our taxes and the price of goods and services.

So the Global warming frenzy is, indeed, threatening our civilization.  Not because global warming is real; it is not.  But because of the all the horrible side effects of the global warming scam.

I love this civilization.  I want to do my part to protect it.

If Al Gore and his global warming scare dictates the future policy of our governments, the current economic downturn could indeed become a recession, drift into a depression and our modern civilization could fall into an abyss. And it would largely be a direct result of the global warming frenzy.

My mission, in what is left of a long and exciting lifetime, is to stamp out this Global Warming silliness and let all of us get on with enjoying our lives and loving our planet, Earth.

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


global warming silliness

I guess that sums up the validity of the article you posted Sassy... Silliness...

Sounded like that line  was written by Anne Coulter...

Water levels are rising, weather is changing... heck the gulf stream has started to change and move...The arctic ice is at an all time low (since man has walked the earth)....And we are seeing dought floods and natural disasters like never before...

Yes this whole focus on the environment and global warming is indeed Silliness


what really gets me with global warming is the religious like hold it has on people.  When I hear someone say the science is proven, there is no debate I want to pull my hair out.  Were still debating gravity in science, and thats exactly the way its supposed to work.  Were supposed to ask questions and challenge the existing explanations to find new answers.  But with global warming, its like dogma and your a heretic if you don't believe. 

I think there likely are some good points in the research, but I also have to go with what makes the most sense to me, global warming is caused by the sun.  Its friggin hot, sun spots are huge releases of geothermal and electromagnetic energy that blast the earth.  This energy reacts with our megnetosphere and generates heat.  As these blasts come in cycles we see cycles on earth related to temperature.  Man only makes 3% of all greenhouse gasses on the planet, the rest are from volcanoes, no answer there.  Mars ice caps look exactly as ours - with a 20% shrinking over the last decade, same as ours - theres no manmade anything on mars. 

The other thing that really irks me is this negativity associated with carbon, low carbon this, carbon footprint, carbon credits/taxes, hello- carbon is not a poison, were made of carbon.  Everything on this planet is carbon based.  Its not poison.  You know, I generally like the ideas involved, reduce reuse recycle.  Dont pollute, take care of earth, keep rivers and lakes clean.  All good things I can agree with.  Too bad the people sellin the story can be such lunatics. 

One last thing I never understood.  If water expands when it freezes (pipes anyone), should the sea levels actually decrease when the ice caps melt because the water should actually be less volume?  It works that way in a glass of ice water. 

silliness indeed. 


Like it or not all this global warming talk is nothing more than a control device. The elite want to slow or stop progress in the developing countries and reduce consumption of fossil fuels by everyone else. The plan is not all bad. Some reduction of useage is a good thing in my opinion since it lowers pollution levels and traffic on the roads. It gets people to build smaller homes and use better insulation. On the flip side I don't feel it's moraly right to force the third world to stay poor and dependant on food hand outs. If you take a  good look around you'll see that nearly everything is being controlled these days. The government spends billions to keep the population marching to it's 1/2 free 1/2 slavery tune. Thats right. If you pay taxes you are a slave for a portion of your life. Slaves need to be controlled or they stop being slaves. The global warming scam is just one more way to keep the world enslaved.


Quote from: muldoon on June 13, 2008, 02:27:21 PM
One last thing I never understood.  If water expands when it freezes (pipes anyone), should the sea levels actually decrease when the ice caps melt because the water should actually be less volume?  It works that way in a glass of ice water. 

When ice floating in water melts the water level does not change. Try it with a glass of water with a couple of ice cubes floating.

Yes the water expands as it freezes. If it didn't the ice would not necessarily float. That could be bad news; even worse news if ice became more dense and sank.

However, when land bound, or non floating, ice (or snow) melts, if it enters the oceans as liquid water it will cause the water level to rise.

On the global warming topic itself, I believe that the climate may be warming at present. If it is though, humans probably cannot make much immediate impact by instituting many expensive plans that are espoused by many environmentalists. There should be some changes made simply to reduce dependence on petroleum. Other known methods of electrical power, for example, must be pursued. Things like solar power, PV and thermal both. Things like wind power and in places tidal and wave power. Things like, gasp, nuclear power. The environuts are too vocal and spread too much of a near panic situation. But then complacent people everywhere sometimes need a good scare to make them think about what's happening.
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.

glenn kangiser

You will note that the politicians/elite have already worked out ways to buy and sell carbon credits - money making schemes.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Well the icebergs that break free are often way above sea level... So when the polar ice caps melt... if you want to use the glass of water analogy... would be like massive ice cubes that stick hundreds of feet out above the top of the glass...

And yes Glaciers all over the world are melting at an alarming rate....Alaska Montana Africa all are experiencing dramatic melt on their glaciers.


Global warming, sure there is global warming.  When all the glaciers and ice caps at the poles start melting, it's increasing average temperature that causes it.  Now, is this global warming caused by man's activities... there's your debate.  Maybe even more important, can curtailment of man's activities or changing direction of man's activities have a significant effect on it... another debate; and one that probably doesn't have an answer.  Still, man needs to feel like he has control over his own existence (even though he really doesn't), so we get nonsense like carbon trading schemes.     

Like was written above, the earth's average temperature has varied between Ice Ages and interglacial period temps.  Mankind wasn't around back then to influence the temp one way or the other.  Several history programs (on TV) that describe the environment, even as recently as the dinosaur period (the Mesozoic - Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous) indicate probable earth temps as high as 40% hotter than today.  Now, that's some significant global warming.  And we're spasming over an average temp increase of 1 or 2 degrees in the last 50 years; gimme a break.

But, the planet (and life on it) still survived. Now, did any one particular species survive all the changes... of course not (except for maybe the cockroach, and the crocodile).  Will mankind as a species survive... that's doubtful too.  If mankind doesn't survive, it won't be because of global warming.  There are many other things that can have a much larger effect on mankind's survival than the planet being a degree or two (or 10) warmer (or cooler) than now.   Here's one to chew on.  Right now, the planet barely (maybe) produces enough food to feed everyone (if we don't try to burn it up in our SUV's).  But, world population continues to grow.  Right now, 7.5 billion people (if memory serves), but it won't be long until it's 9 billion.  They aren't making any more farmland, and we're running out of the raw ingredients to make fertilizers (so increased farming productivity won't solve it). 

Here's maybe one other way to look at it.  If you advertise the global warming problem sufficiently, such that everyone keeps their minds occupied worrying about it, then maybe they won't notice the other things that are happening, that are even bigger.     
My house building blog:


QuoteOn the flip side I don't feel it's moraly right to force the third world to stay poor and dependant on food hand outs. If you take a  good look around you'll see that nearly everything is being controlled these days.

I agree Scott. I have done some reading on that, sorry I'm not as quick with links as others. It is much cheaper to bring countries down than to build countries up. So instead instead of bringing all these other countries up to our level of living standards, ours will be brought down further and theirs brought up some so it is all the same.  :-\

Also check out this news article and video clip from Australia...kill yourself to save the planet. >:(

glenn kangiser

So ...that's great -- they convince the 9 year olds to all kill themselves them in 20 years they find out Al Gore was wrong -- it was just sunspots.  Oh Well -- If people listen to the lies on mainstream corporate media they will very likely be misled.  They need to understand that.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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The latest and greatest, tact, is Climate Change.  It can't be called Global Warming anymore, since the earth has actually been cooling the last seven years.  So, now its the variability that is the target.  Every new storm that shows up is the worst storm ever, and is directly attributed to Climate Change... Whatever..  How stupid do they think people are?  They have half the country fooled into thinking that man has magically changed the climate, when no real data supports it.  Of course the climate is variable, as it has always been, and always will be forever.

The big agenda is the new world order, look out for that one.  Al Gore to the rescue.  I did some research, and back in 1998, Al Gore was convinced there was a huge ozone hole over the NE United States.  He held hearings, and demanded that we immediatly shut down all factories that were contributing to this, well thanfully, nobody listed to him.  It turned out, the research was faulty and was totally wrong.  Go Mr. Internet.

glenn kangiser

You got it, Bob.  The driving force for 9/11 and the world post 9/11 - not to say they haven't been working on it  They have.  The force above government.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

psst , Bob, I dont talk about the NWO much because I don't want anyone to call me a conspiracy theorist.  ::)
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Sorry, the NWO thing kinda slipped out.  The global Environmental police give them authority over, above and beyond national soverienty.  Ok, I'm done now. ;)

glenn kangiser

Some say they even have something to do with these and that's why they are showing up in nearly all countries and their neighbors with weather/environment???? modification installations like HAARP.

The above pix I took locally - it matches the pix in the Rense article.

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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i thought the world population was 6.5 billion...And I expect that total to start going down in my lifetime...

All of Europe have reached stage 4 where they have ZPG...Zero population growth where the population decreases a nominal amount...1% All of North America have also reached stage 4...And are experiencing declining populations. Australia and the former Soviet Union and it's countries are also at this stage of population growth.

India, China and a few countries in Africa are the concerns for the world population presently...And China through birth control and one child laws have seen a huge drop in their population growth...Within the next 20 years their population will start decreasing by a substantial amount...It will take India and some of the african countries longer to reach stage 4....But India is making huge efforts to get their population under control.

With India and China in Stage 4 the world population would flatten out or even start decreasing... Efforts need to double in the Middle East and  in Some African Nations and the world's population will start decreasing at a noticeable rate.

I really think that by the time I am 50 the world will be decreasing it's population and I think we will have less people on earth when I die than we do today...

Just my take on this...

Population or population growth is no longer the main concern...we grow more food than we can consume on this planet and we have done so forever...We have billions of tonnes of grain that are in storage that are going to go bad and be thrown out...

Greed, waste and poor management mean that we throw food away and food goes bad in storage while there are people starving to death.

We do not need to focus on better fertilizers or ways to double food production...We need to eliminate food going to waste or rotting in storage while there are people going hungry....Supposed shortages in food are good for big business as it drives the prices way up... much in the same way that supposed oil shortages double the price of a barrel of oil. When the fact is that there currently is more of both than we can consume as a people on the planet


I agree benevolance. World population is at or near it's peak a slow decline should begin in the not to distant future. I'm not sure where the leveling off point will be though, maybe around 5 billion. We don't need stupid games to convince children to kill themselves.


Every year they are creating new ways to grow food...better equipment, better irrigation, better fertilizers..etc As the world population levels out and starts to slowly decrease food production will continue to increase through better farming methods.

Nature is the winner here...As it means less land will be needed to feed the planet...So more land can go back to being marshland, forests etc...


Whiskey & Gunpowder
June 20, 2008
By Byron W. King
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

Worse Than the Fed

I received an e-mail from a Washington, D.C. advocacy group urging me to urge my U.S. Senators to "support the Climate Security Act." Climate security? This is legislation to set up emissions trading or a "Cap & Trade" system for carbon-based energy supplies.

Basically, the government sets up a national limit for carbon emissions. This is meant to slow the changes that are supposedly occurring to the atmosphere, and by implication threatening the long-term health of the Earth's climate systems.

Under the national Cap & Trade limits, industry has to obtain rights to emit carbon dioxide (CO2) or find another source for energy. This will lead to a new market for carbon-credits and carbon-trading. Industries that hold carbon permits will be able to operate. Industries that lack carbon permits will face shutdown and probable extinction. One way or the other, the economy will immediately transform into a system where one's industrial fate is controlled by the carbon permits.


You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


It's a total scam. Who decides who gets the credits? Will it extend to small business and include auto/truck emissions? You can see where this is going can't you. They will be able to decide who can make a living and who can't. The only fair system would be to divide all the credits equaly between every citizen in the country then let people sell their credits on the open market. I can't see that happening. Next they'll tell me I can't burn wood for heat even though it's carbon neutral. (deep breath)  :P