Glenn's Underground Cabin Update

Started by glenn kangiser, January 30, 2005, 10:24:03 PM

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Looks like you've been hanging out in the Bay Area too long :)

I think I saw someone else wearing that exact same outfit last week.

glenn kangiser

I was hoping they would send me home.... unfortunately several of them liked it.... [scared]  

You are right, pmichelson.....I really have been here too long.... but ... you didn't have to go and tell me about someone in the SAME really know how to hurt a fella..... [waiting]

I told this little old lady what I was going to do when I was shopping for it, and she said that didn't even surprise her nowadays in the bay area....

I was hoping to have a picture from the jobsite today but apparently the worker who took my picture pressed the wrong button on my new picture.  I can tell you I wore it for two hours until a major problem regarding the job came up.... thought I better take it off to avoid confusing the issues.  I think I made my point, but now I am not sure what it was.  [noidea'

Thanks, TT.  Some think I'm hot in it...... but (blush) ... I didn't think it was really anything special... just a little something I threw on.

The good news is I did not get run over by any heavy equipment.  

When I told the Project Manager about it he completely understood my concern of setting the polyester vests on fire and creating an OSHA violation.... not a problem.

Make you a deal, Stinky... One slightly used hot pink Bikini... $20... A bargain since I got it on sale and it is usually $40 for the set....
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

I really have been in the city too long... look what it is doing to me..... [waiting]

Lots of progress on the job today, getting the elevator tower squared up after the non-RFI'd change that left steel per original plan.  We are continuing to rebuild a lot of it in the field and ordering special parts from the shop too.

Of course the guys are legal up there as they are making connections and it is exempt from tie down rules.... the straps trip us so are dangerous.  We wear them in some situations though.

We use my crane when we have good access to reach the places we need to work in.

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Hot pink is a good color for you Glenn, brings out the color in your "cheeks".  (giggle).....and Nobody will run over you in that outfit.

glenn kangiser

Thanks, Considerations.  I know you can see the Macho Man in that picture even if I do have to wear pretty safety equipment. 

You are correct ... no tire tracks down my front, though a couple of gawking equipment operators were driving dangerously. 

I think they may need training to keep their minds on their work... [waiting]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Looks like your color.Good to see things are progressing well on the job site.

glenn kangiser

I don't want to run this thing into the ground, Ben.... but I think when I am trying to make a point I must put my best image forward. [idea]

It would be impossible for a forklift operator to run over me in this outfit..... I mean... the bosses are right.... something that can be easily seen is so much better than walking around in drab, do nothing clothing....

OK - I think I mentioned that the original pictures did not come out since I failed to tell my associate how to properly operate my camera..... [ouch]

Complete strangers are walking up to me and telling me that my picture is all over the internet...... I am somebody... the world knows me...

One of the guys told me he knows it was sent to Texas......:)

I asked my buddy ... the foreman of the steel company that is putting up the iron..... if he got my photo yesterday... I don't think I could go through all of that again, bedsides - I made my point.... the welders and Iron workers do not have to wear the polyester vests within an hour of cutting, welding or grinding per my proposal...... Anyway, yes ... he got my pix and sent it to me via cell phone and e-mail.

To prove to you that I wore it ... actually for two hours on the job....

I now present you with the newest superhero.... Super Safety Man....

Ahhhh yesssss ,   love that all business, no fooling around look..... [waiting]

Thanks, Ramon.  [scared]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Well,your pic made it all the way to the east coast.SC to be specific.It came to me by way of facebook link to this thread and by way of this thread.  [cool]


... californians..   :-\

good to see your stickin it to the man, in your own unique and apparently very pink way. 

glenn kangiser

Thanks guys. heh

This fake safety crap to try to prevent future litigation and pretending what they are doing is important, really irks me.  Now if I get run over by a forklift they can say we told him to put his chartreuse safety vest on and now there he is .... lying there all squishy and bleeding on the ground and doing the worm.... We told him ... it's not our fault.

It would not have to happen if they did not try to humiliate me in my hot pink bikini...... [waiting]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Quote from: considerations on June 16, 2011, 07:52:15 AM

....and Nobody will run over you in that outfit.

They might run over him BECAUSE he wearing it either due to tears in there eyes from laughter , or just some uncontrollable twitch of the steering wheel from the shock and inhumanity of it all   c*

  Enny got a good chuckle out of yer outfit Glenn :D
When in doubt , build it stout with something you know about .

glenn kangiser

Glad she liked it PEG.....  I have been trying to sell it but it seems that nobody wants to buy my used bikini....[noidea'

Soon I will be wildly famous and it will be too expensive for them to afford... then they will wish they had bought it while they had the chance....... [waiting]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

Still working in Hell and likely will be here for a couple more weeks at least, so no updates at the cabin until tomorrow. 

They are loosening my chains this afternoon and I am expecting to break free until Monday Morning about 3AM.  Off to work for me now though..... these 12 or more hour days are making me crazy..... [waiting]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Quote from: glenn kangiser on June 18, 2011, 07:42:02 AM

  Off to work for me now though..... these 12 or more hour days are making me crazy..... [waiting]

  Humm , I'm not sure that's what caused it , but if you say so!! c* One things for sure , you is a bit different , crazy might be a stretch , but the safety gear might seal the support the crazy part.  rofl [chainsaw] 
When in doubt , build it stout with something you know about .

glenn kangiser

Hmmm, I know I can always count on you for support, PEG.    :)

I have to say it worked well though... I have not been bugged about my safety vest again.  It's always fun to mess with the pretenders....

You know the type.... take the minutia, pick something out... make a big deal out of it pretending it is important.

I think we can all agree that when you are stuck on the ground under the tire of a giant piece of machinery, or the tracks of an excavator,  it doesn't matter whether you are wearing a chartreuse safety vest or a Hot Pink bikini.... [waiting]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

Checking things out around the Underground Command Center today.  The garden has completely filled in around my potato patch.  I think I got the two old gophers and things are not getting eaten so often now.

Checking out the hugelkultur bed, it has not received any water except rains since I left about 5 weeks ago.  Still looking good.  The quail ate nearly everything except the potatoes and Jerusalem Artichokes, but they are looking very good.

Lots of fruit on various fruit trees that were not frozen ...apples... nectarines...peaches.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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I think we may have another gopher  :-\  When I was weeding the other day, there were a few beets laying on their sides without any beet, only the stalk.  I don't trust myself w/the gopher trap, I will probably catch my fingers in it  :o  and I don't really like pulling them out of the hole w/a dead gopher  :P

This next week I'll plant a bunch of veggies - Glenn was going to put them in the hydroponics garden but hasn't had a chance to finish that since he's been gone 6 weeks actually.  

Will have to weedeat some more - spent about 5 hours last week - that was the 4th time this spring!  We've had soooo much rain but not complaining - we always appreciate the rain around here.  Takes me about an hour & 1/2 to water everything & that doesn't include the fruit trees or hugalkulture beds.  Glenn had put the trees on drip once a week & just increased it to 2x's week.  

It's amazing how well the potatoes & Jerusalem artichokes are doing in the hugalkulture bed w/out any extra watering.

On the 1st picture Glenn posted, in the back on the upper terrace - those are NOT weeds!  They are broccoli plants that have gone to seed...    :D

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free

glenn kangiser

[noidea'  Hmmm - guess I lost a week there....

Well, the cows still remember me.  Sassy hasn't seen them all week and here they come ... lumbering up the hill to see me, or to see if I have treats for them.... click the pix for a short video -

and, got by my buddies place where he is building his underground cabin.  He is doing quite well, but my work schedule is holding him up.  He needs a few big logs set and more soon to keep going.  Hopefully I get a break so I can give him a hand.

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Quote from: glenn kangiser on June 20, 2011, 12:50:38 AM

[noidea'  Hmmm - guess I lost a week there....

Well, the cows still remember me. 

This is that time of the morning when it's hard to decide if a guys up early , or going to bed late!!  03:50 !!

I hope you find your week , and I'm glad some one still remembers you ;)
When in doubt , build it stout with something you know about .


So which was it PEG, night or morning?   :D  Glenn took off early this am, had a mishap on the way - he'll probably write about it. 

I was out feeding the chickens, gathering eggs - there's some animal that has made a hole under the chicken pen & is eating the eggs - there was one egg-shell in the nest & one in the water  >:(  I've tried to block the hole off w/rocks but it is still getting in.

Watered everything, gonna do some more weedeating & will plant a bunch of veggies since Glenn won't have time to get the hydroponic garden going & the plants need to be in something bigger.

The cows are no-where to be seen - they only like Glenn...   ::)

The guy Glenn has been helping w/an underground cabin came over again today to weedeat around the perimeter of property & down on the terraces where the fruit trees are - that way I'll be able to get down to them - right now I can't even see a path to go down to the lower terrace.

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


Quote from: Sassy on June 20, 2011, 02:12:00 PM

So which was it PEG, night or morning?   :D  Glenn took off early this am, had a mishap on the way - he'll probably write about it. 

The cows are no-where to be seen - they only like Glenn...   ::)

It was morning for me, I woke up thinking about a small detail on something I made for the job over the weekend, turns out it was nothing to worry about but I didn't know that until about 9AM.

So it sounds like it was morning for Glenn as well eh, he headed back to the city / steel fixing job again !!

Throw them some hay once in awhile,  they'll like you almost as well as they like Glenn!!  :)
When in doubt , build it stout with something you know about .

glenn kangiser

Yes... 3:30AM  - what was I thinking?

Sassy needs to start the Bush Hog and drive around to call them.  The kid I got the bull from lost a wild calf a few days ago, but my trained cows know to follow the Bush Hog for treats.

A light guard from my truck fell off - hit the road then bounced and hit the radiator ripping a tube out of it.  I nursed it down the hill to a small truck stop - glorified gas station, scrounged through the tools and soldered it back together.  Almost thought I didn't have flux, but digging a bit more I found it.  My truck is a mess but it has a lot of stuff on it. [ouch]

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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you sure are getting more than your fair share of truck problems .....

btw the bikini deal is the best laugh I had in a long time

you go girl I mean guy
Often, our ignorance is not as great as our reluctance to act on what we know.

glenn kangiser

All of this constant running is taking it's toll on the old rig, but I keep fixing it and it keeps going.  Doesn't seem to have done any greater damage than the obvious the other day.  Running good after cooling down and fixing it. 

The Bikini thing... they are still talking about it at work.... [shocked]

I had a talk with the steel foreman today right after he got off of the 22,000 lb reach lift.  He said he would much more likely run over a guy in a chartreuse safety vest than he would a guy in a Hot Pink Bikini.....  [scared]

It's just that the guy is so much more noticeable in the Bikini. Everyone is looking at him and taking pictures.   It is the ultimate in safety.  After you have worn the best, why would you want the rest?    [noidea'

I see those silly flammable unsafe safety vests, and think.... boy .....are those sheeple ever being led astray......

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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