Newbie asking for advice, U.P. MI

Started by zoos47, January 03, 2007, 10:30:40 PM

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Hey everyone!  Great site here!  Just wanted to ask anyone about experiences with land development company called Naterra land.  I am actually going to see a property in the U.P. MI on the Sturgeon River in a couple days.  This will be my first time doing anything like this so I appreciate any words of wisdom!  Here is the link for the lots I will be looking at...

So far, here is what i know about it... guaranteed buildable, soil tested, paved road about 1-2 miles away which leads to a gravel road which goes to the site, electric has been brought to the perimeter of the area, one lot has a well, minimum 1000 sq ft build policy, taxes in the $600 range, lots been on market for approx 6 months with half of the lots sold (so says the broker), and that is about it.

I plan to build an 12-1500 sq ft A-Frame if I acquire a lot there.  I have some experience in building garages but will definitely be a regular here if things work out :)  

Some specific questions:
---if you have expereince with Naterra (first or second hand), can you give me your thoughts?
---is there an average negotiating percentage when dealing with a develpement company like this?
---besides flooding issues, are there any other specific things I should be looking for in regards to river issues or questions I should be asking (they have a policy of homes being no less than 100' from water)?
---if I choose to pay for electric to be brought to purchased lot, would you have any info on approximate cost p/ distance incriment?  Broker says that the electric comp will give first 100' for free.

Ok, thanks for you time reading through this!  I appreciate it and will be back regularly.  Really like it here!



Negotiating - we tried about 8 to 10 percent here and got it.  You don't have a chance if you don't try.

Power companies can vary - may be cheaper to get an independent - just check with both if possible.


Thanks Glenn!  You were exactly right... the developer went down 10%!  I'm extremely excited and cant wait to start my A-Frame!!!  I close early February and will start the build as soon as ground defrosts.

I'll post pictures here as I go.  Thanks again

PS, i checked out your website Glenn and your work is absolutely amazing!


Glad things are working out for you.

Thanks-- I'm pretty good with a chainsaw and sledgehammer. :-? :)


Hi!  Welcome "uuper" (pronounced YOUper, as refered to by folks in Wisconsin and lower Michigan.  Your plan sounds exciting.  I've seen NATERA and wondered about them.... they seem to come to the game lately and have a lot of marketing prowness.  I'm sure you did well, heck you decided to buy...good for you.  
I have yet to build on my lot way south of you (Shawano Cty WI) but when I do so much of what I learned here will be built in.
DO post pictures and keep us posted.  It is so helpful to the lesser skilled, and you may get great recommendations from experts like Gleen, Meg and of course John.  
Thanks for sharing, I'm exited for you too.  Make sure to come back many times!


Scott ,  Good luck on your venture  . As soon as I get out of Iraq I plan on becomming a YOUper  as I am now a troll. Did you have any problems with your land perking ?


Welcome to the forum, becka.   :)

Haven't heard from Scott in a bit - hope he drops by soon.  Miedrn is also in that area.  She drops in once in a while.

Are you planning on building a house or cabin?


Interesting. I live in the city the above company is based out of and never heard of them? After having looked at their site, another possibility (probably the accurate one) is that my brain just automatically filters them out due to their high prices! Yikes

Just an FYI ----- The correct spelling of our collective name up here is Yoopers!  ;D  

I come here to browse quite a bit but forgot I was actually registered. Just tried it out of curiousity and it worked  :D  (i use the same name everywhere)


Glad you finally started talking to us again, Jerngen.  Looks like you have been here almost a year now :)

Do you have a project going or in mind? :)


QuoteDo you have a project going or in mind? :)
Still dreaming/scheming at this point. First we need to make up our minds if we're staying here or moving to Alaska (changes weekly it seems). Then finding the property we want etc.
I am actively looking at property around here so if we reach a permanent decision for here, I'll be able to iniate the next phase of the plan fairly quickly.
Have doodled many plans on paper over the last couple years using the ones here for inspiration. Really enjoy reading everyone here  :)

*I forgot to add southern Colorado on the possible move list. Wife has a lot of family there.  


Sounds like fun on the way - please keep us updated on your progress. :)


I have to ask...

Where in southern CO are you thinking?


Her top priority out there is her grandmother in the little town of Ordway, so within 2hrs driving time of there.


Thanks for the replies everyone!  I am anxiously waiting for road restrictions to lift so not much news from my project.  

Regarding Naterra, Everything went well, but as this was my first property purchase, I dont have much to compare to... But I did hire an independent appraiser and all turned out great in regards to purchase price/appraised price... I would definitely give them a thumbs up!

I go up to my property this Sunday - Tuesday.  I will meet with the well contractor to confim quote ($7100 estimate on a 200' well... ouch!).  Also meeting the septic to touch base and get approx quote.  These are hopefully the only two contractors I will use... unless I get stuck!!!  But I will study up here and hopefully find all the right answers!  I will also stop by city hall and meet the building and zoning dept folks and hopefully get off on the right foot.   Besides this, I'll do some general clean up, and more importantly, try to aquaint myself with this new environment (I was born and raised in the Chicago burbs, so this will take some getting used to).  

So Im throwing a sleeping bag, chainsaw, and tool box into the pickup and will hope for the best!  Will bring a camera too and try posting here.
OH, thus far, the people in the U.P. seem incredibly friendly!  I had a septic contractor return my call to tell me that he does not do installs anymore... only maintenance... he proceeded to get his ph book out, give several referals, explain the permit/health dept process, explain how the field system works and ended the conversation by telling me to call him with any questions about the process... Dont see that in Chicago  :)

Thanks again for the replies!  I'll definitely keep you posted.



Congrats on the progress Zoos47! People up here indeed are very friendly and helpful! Look forward to the pictures  :)


Thanks Jerngen, Glenn Frank... Oh, and Becka, I forgot to answer your question about perking last time I posted...  Buying from a developer does mean a higher sale price, but for a newbie like me that does not know everything to look for, going through a developer has some advantages... like with the perk issues... They soil tested and guarantee septic / well or money back.  

And while on the topic of perk, I went to the lot last weekend and had a terrific time!!!  BUT, I did notice a lot of ice build up that made me pretty scared about the perking topic.  But the septic and well guys told me that it went from below freezing one day, to 68 degrees the next which melted all the snow, then to 15 degrees the following day which left a lot of ice and slush.  I also talked to the broker abour this and she assured me of excellent drainiage in the area.  So I feel better about it now.  

If any of you would like to see pictures of the lot and the general area, I started an online journal.  I will also post some pictures here a little later.

So I cant wait to go back!!!  My next trip, I will continue to clean out the fallen trees, dig a 7' hole for soil testing (even though Naterra already did this test in multiple areas throughout the development, the heatlh dept still requires a test per septic system???).  This is a hoop I dont mind jumping through/fee to pay as I would hate to have septic issues in the future.... I'll also get the application for septic/well and schedule a the test for a future date.  



Nice looking area Scott.  Thanks for the blog link..

Please keep us posted.


Great looking area. Looks cold, but I have just gotten spoiled after living in a warmer climate. Can't wait to see your progress on your building project.


I say this at least three times a year.

Rainwater harvesting will work, might be comparable or less expensive than a well.  If your area has been having to re-drill wells every couple of years (as in, the aquifer is not being replenished), I would seriously consider it anyway, even if it looks to be more expensive than the--first--well.

I like the Earthshiptm book for a handful of reasons reasons--they are based in a very arid area, apparently some of their people live happily with under 10 inches of rain a year, and they've even got flush toilets.  Expensive and reads a bit like an advertisement.

Here's a page of links--You can get to Art Ludwig who has a couple of books, and there's a link to the--excellent--Texas water development board's on-line manual on the subject.

The hottest guy in greywater systems right now is Brad Lancaster.  He--and Ludwig--are supposed to be doing books on the nuts and bolts of how to catch rainwater for domestic use.  

Volume one is out, maybe volume two.  But three is the one I'm looking for--two is supposed to be out this summer.  Link to One here.

Of course, there are parts of the country where this is illegal.  Mostly out west.