What the average person thinks of us in Iraq...

Started by Jimmy C., March 30, 2006, 04:29:41 PM

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Hidden cost of Iraq war - and the lies to hide it.


QuoteAmerica won't simply be paying with its dead. The Pentagon is trying to silence economists who predict that several decades of care for the wounded will amount to an unbelievable $2.5 trillion.


Dahr Jamail from Alaska is showing up here at the community center in El Portal.  He is a number one source of truth about what is happening in Iraq and spent longer than any reporter actually over there in the middle of it.  

We have been getting his reports for years now.

Sassy and I are going to go see what he has to say tonight.



A great evening with a great proponent of truth.  Dahr was a guide at Denali and has friends here at Yosemite.  While he brought up things that were great revelations to many people who don't follow alternative news sources, it was right in line with what Sassy and I spew here regularly.  No differences, significant or otherwise.  His scope was basically limited to Iraq.

He is currently going to Lebanon and Syria to report - leaving next week and was there reporting during the recent attack on Lebanon by Isreal.

He suggested that he drop in to visit the underground complex next trip through.  We of course would love to have him visit if he can find the time.

He had been here a year ago last November, unknown to us.

One point he brought up was that people voicing their opposition to current policies did have the effect of causing Halliburton to lose a multi-billion (13.7?) dollar contract.  He says we can all make a difference.

He mentioned in after the discourse conversation that about 80% of the people fighting the occupation were Iraqi citizens, just as we would fight if we were occupied and losing close friends and relatives to the occupying forces.

I asked him how he felt about around 80 journalists being killed in Iraq by our forces and other tragedies of the war .  He said it was actually over 200 and that while there was danger there he felt that others were in greater danger than he was.  His previous friend , driver and translator had to flee to Syria and his friends there told him not to come back - it wasn't even safe for them there.  He was in Falluja around the time we napalmed and white phosphorused the civilians to teach them a lesson for hanging the Blackwater mercenaries.


QuoteIndependent journalist Dahr Jamail, who exposed how the U.S. used white phosphorus bombs in Iraq, says Israel is using the same tactic in Lebanon. We speak to him in Beirut.

While Human Rights Watch is accusing Israel of using cluster bombs, the Lebanese president Emile Lahoud says Israel is also using white phosphorus. Lebanese doctors have reported witnessing the effects of white phosphorus on their patients. Independent journalist  is in Beirut and has spoken to some of those doctors. We reached him earlier today.

   * Dahr Jamail -Independent journalist. Dahr Jamail spent the last week on the Syria-Lebanon border and the last several days in Beirut.


I don't know that much about what is going on over there.
My main criticism would have to be the people making massive profits from the war, if that is true.

I think the media should focus more on finding out what companies are making massive profits from the war, and to what extent that has anything to do with why the war is taking place, or lasting longer than it should, or taking turns for the worst.

Of course there is nothing wrong with profits, and war is often neccessary, and there might even be a case for profits during war, but I doubt that the average Coalition soldier or Iraqi civilian over there appreciates people making massive profits at their expense. Just my opinion but I suspect that if you end the profits and you will end this war.


The media is controlled by the government.  You will not hear of solutions or even the main problems from them.  Every story is carefully crafted to keep the major portion of the people dis-interested and of the view that our government and military will handle it just fine without our intervention or direction and in spite of the illegality of it.

That is why un-embedded reporters like Dahr are so important and also why their lives are so much in danger.


Last night Dahr brought out that this is the first administration that has ever been staffed nearly all by oil company people.  

He brought out that Cheney's portfolio has increased by 4000% since he entered office.  

Haliburton serves the military (not saying they don't deserve it) premium meals in what he referred to as the mega-bases, because they are on no bid cost plus contracts to the government (US Taxpayers at this point - Iraq money is gone).  The more they spend the more profit they make - we are talking roast beef and turkey dinners every day.

You will not stop war profits by anything but impeachment, in fact future candidates are poised to continue more of the same.  The profiteers are in control of the government.

As you touched on - our military - sons and daughters are being sacrificed for big business - oil - war machinery etc.  The mercenaries are being paid much better, but even they are not impervious to bullets and bombs.

Contract workers from other 3rd world countries (read slaves) work for about a third of what the Iraqi's do (Iraqi=about $150 month) and help prevent security breaches or infiltrations.  They die also.  Neither they , contractors , mercenaries or green card soldiers are counted in the official war death counts.  Soldiers who die after being evacuated to Lundsdahl or other places are not counted.  Funding is being reduced for veteran care and is scheduled to be greatly reduced after the next elections.

Cancers and growths from depleted uranium (not officially) are affecting not only our returning soldiers but also their wives and children.  Someone we know will be reporting to Dahr on this after his return from the middle east in May.


My understanding is that the media is controlled by big business, as is the government. It is a bit muddier than that but it is all pretty much the same thing. What further complicates things today is that many of these large corporations are multinational, both in their operations and in their investors.

I really can't say I even begin to understand it all. As we know, assuming what we hear is true, there were people around the world making huge unethical profits in Iraq before the war, and now there are, supposedly different people around the world, making huge unethical profits in Iraq during the war. The difference might be that more people are dieing, Iraqi and American and British, there is more infrastructure destroyed which presumably will have to be rebuilt, and the taxpayers in Iraq and American and Britain, but mostly America, are paying a much bigger bill.

Not sure what is really in it for the average American. The ultimate showdown, at least economically, has to be with China. My gut says that that is ultimately what this war is all about, getting there first, but I still can't begin to understand it. There are American investors in China and Chinese investors in America, so it is really not as straightforward as it might seem, even for someone that loves conspiracy theories as much as I do. I think its just another case of human weakness and mass stupidity, on a grand scale.

It could get a lot worse though, and probably will. Perhaps therein lies the real justification, and the problem. There is madness to this method.


It is very complicated and I don't know that anyone understands it all.   Follow the money helps to explain a lot of it.  Money - greed -- power all enter into it.  

Our figurehead people in government are not smart enough to direct all that is going on by themselves.  The plan is not to benefit our nation or people or the world.  It is people above government and from different nations that are or feel that they are above all governments that steer this thing in the way they want it to go to maximize their power and profits. It's more of a world wealth and power struggle rather than a national power struggle.  

Recent moves in our country - toll roads owned by foreign countries - ports sold to Arab countries and China - Nafta highway from Mexico to Canada with Mexican customs in the middle of the US (hope I have all of that right - that's more Sassy's area) all indicate a world economy without regard for the common US citizens welfare in mind.  We are the serfs.

As an old work aquaintance once said, "Dems et gets it's dems et don't talks about it."


I talk to people in China on Skype every so often and along with what Dahr said last night - the people in these countries are just like you and I.  We could all be friends.

The exploit comes from big business, money greed and power mongering without regard for death or human suffering.  A girl form China asked me what I thought of China.  I said I thought it was just like here.  A lot of good people with a few bad.  She agreed.

China makes it fairly easy for US companies to set up shop there  - they partner with Chinese companies to get started then in a few years can go on their own.  Our corporations jump at the chance to maximize profits by using near slave labor and increase revenue for their shareholders -but mainly for those at the top of the ladder.  If our jobs also go overseas it is of no concern to them.  Corporations are considered to be the same as people under US corporation law, but people without a heart or conscience.


QuoteAs an old work aquaintance once said, "Dems et gets it's dems et don't talks about it."
Good one.

Another one, somewhat related.
"The puppet master doesn't have to sing the tune. He only has to hum it."


Pretty deep there, James.  Makes you think.  Yup -- I think he already knows the song -- in fact the entire show and direction it's going.


Here is a point Dahr stressed strongly last night and a great clue to where the puppet master is headed with this thing.

QuoteIn September 2000, a few months before the accession of George W. Bush to the White House, the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) published its blueprint for global domination under the title: "Rebuilding America's Defenses."

The PNAC is a neo-conservative think tank linked to the Defense-Intelligence establishment, the Republican Party and the powerful Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) which plays a behind-the-scenes role in the formulation of US foreign policy.

The PNAC's declared objective is quite simple - to:

   "Fight and decisively win in multiple, simultaneous theater wars".

This statement indicates that the US plans to be involved simultaneously in several war theaters in different regions of the World.

Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Vice President Dick Cheney had commissioned the PNAC blueprint prior to the presidential elections.

The PNAC outlines a roadmap of conquest. It calls for "the direct imposition of U.S. "forward bases" throughout Central Asia and the Middle East "with a view to ensuring economic domination of the world, while strangling any potential "rival" or any viable alternative to America's vision of a 'free market' economy" (See Chris Floyd, Bush's Crusade for empire, Global Outlook, No. 6, 2003)

The Role of "Massive Casualty Producing Events"

The PNAC blueprint also outlines a consistent framework of war propaganda. One year before 9/11, the PNAC called for "some catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor," which would serve to galvanize US public opinion in support of a war agenda. (See http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/NAC304A.html )

The PNAC architects seem to have anticipated with cynical accuracy, the use of the September 11 attacks as "a war pretext incident."

The PNAC's reference to a "catastrophic and catalyzing event" echoes a similar statement by David Rockefeller to the United Nations Business Council in 1994:

   "We are on the verge of global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."

Similarly, in the words Zbigniew Brzezinski in his book, The Grand Chessboard:.

    "...it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus [in America] on foreign policy issues, except in the circumstances of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat."


The only apparent problem is the Iraqi's and Afghan's failure to cooperate in this part of the plan costing countless lives and bloodshed on all fronts. [highlight] "Fight and decisively win in multiple, simultaneous theater wars". [/highlight]

Dahr brought up that our military is spread out in all corners of the globe.  We enter but do not leave.


Zbig has been a pro at steering US foreign policy since the Carter days and may have been instrumental in in helping steer the breakup of the USSR.


Looking for a quote from Zbig, I found this - http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/zbig.html interesting read.

While I try to stay away from Alex Jones for direct reference, as  some consider him to be a tin hat conspiracy nut, I haven't found things he has said to be untrue and he is the one who pulls this info together the best.

The PNAC took his words, that it would take an event such as a new Pearl Harbor to get support for their agenda  from the ambivalent people of the US, and we somehow miraculously  :o got 9/11.

Now seemingly feeling that Bush regime has gone overboard, he is turning around the other way, criticizing their actions and warning of false flag operations that may be enacted in the near future to get support for attacking Iran.



Before I lose this, note that a lot of our troops over in Iraq are not so happy about being there to support big business and Cheney's portfolio.  A lot of them are not happy about risking their life for a lie - actually a lot of lies.

They signed up to defend our country - not to build an empire.  If you think 9/11 had anything to do with the reason they are there then you have a lot of studying to do.  It was the excuse - not the reason.


Wouldn't it be nice if they got to come home.  $1000 a month for our guys compared to around $1500 a day for mercenaries?  No wonder they don't want to stay - and I'll bet the mercs have health care.

Why aren't the Bush daughters in Iraq?


I would really like to see a real list all who have died besides the "official" one.


This is more in agreement with the article in the Air Force military magazine.  It didn't agree with the official news either.


What are the families told?

Or is there some sinister don't report the single orphans thing going on?

I think I've read before that they are not listed as official war casualties if a) they were still semi-alive when they were put on the plane to Germany, or b) if the deaths could be written off as, say, an auto accident--never mind that they were in a shooting match with a pursuing vehicle at the time.  


I'm not sure how all of this goes down.  I've searched a bit for it but don't really know of a way to find out much.


The Donald looks at Iraq with his eyes open.



maybe the donald should be president....Only thing is he would have to take a half billion dollar per year pay cut to be president....And that is not going to happen

He was right about one thing...

Everything in Washington under Bush has been a lie.... completely totally a lie...

That summed it up pretty well...


Yeah -- personally I don't really care for the guy but he really has a good handle on what's going on.  


well the donald has an ego the size of manhatten...

Other than that all of his problems are minor...

But he is usually one to tell it like it is...


Anyone need a job?  Don't count on getting any support if you get killed  :-/  

Blackwater Heavies Sue Families of Slain Employees for $10 Million in Brutal Attempt to Suppress Their Story


If you are lucky you could soon be deployed by Blackwater here in the states though.


This may turn out to be a composite, or even creative writing.  

But since riverbend left the country this may be how we're going to see Iraq.


the excerpt below came from information clearing house via a friend--put in only part of it here.


Home, a home...any home...I think I will write about that instead.

Marwan is a Palestinian Iraqi. This is how he defines himself.

"I do not know where my family is. They are stranded somewhere in the desert, between Syria and Iraq. Layla, I already lost 4 of them in Baladiyat. I regret Saddam so much..."

Ah regrets and nostalgia...Maybe I need to write about this instead.

Salman, an Iraqi shia. An staunch anti-Saddam says to me.

"There is no end to this dark tunnel, Layla. Give us back a strong government, with an iron fist. I would pay anything to have that back..."

Did I hear pay ? Pay, paychecks...

Now check this one out.
I mentioned in one of my posts that a junior member of parliament in the Green Zone brothel makes 30'000 dollars a month plus fringe benefits. Now do you want to know how much the matron makes? No joke here.

Jalal Talabani makes 1 million dollars A MONTH plus fringe benefits. This heavy hooker has pocketed in 2 years, 24 million dollars! Whilst the majority of the Iraqis don't have a piece of bread...

Bread...That reminds me of Nadia's husband. After being sacked from his job as an accountant, he took up the job of a baker. I just learned that he has typhoid.
Raging fevers in raging Iraq...

So kindly tell me, where would you like me to start? Pick and choose.

Fatherless day, orphans in feces, sodomy Americana, blood pools, home burials, severed heads, public castrations, erring homelessness, regrets and nostalgia or how to make a million bucks per month in Iraq? Or maybe I need to stop here and put out this fever?

So when you decide, let me know. But do remember there is no end in sight...

Now, If you don't mind, I would like to go and crawl into some corner, take up a foetal position and vanish...Vanish from these endless beginnings, vanish from my own powerlessness, vanish far away....