Character Analysis - Do You Really Want To Know?

Started by glenn-k, February 26, 2007, 10:56:47 AM

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I found an interesting test last night.  Try it  - post your type here or keep it to yourself.  It may be an interesting experience to check out what type our corner of the world is.

You may find out things about yourself you didn't know -- You may find out things about yourself you didn't want to know, but it seems it could be useful information and mine seemed pretty close.

Mine was INTP


ISTP it is for me.  :-?
Danke Herr Kangiser.


I don't know, sounds partly right.  Lots of the questions were neither or a bit of both.


ISFP.. not sure how accurate this is.. some of the answer choices weren't either what I'd pick. :-/


Yeah - I had a hard time choosing between some of them.  Must be because we are so superior. ;D


Interesting that we are sticking with the first "I" so far.


You two -Daddymem and Mommymem only differ in the F and T.

I think they must consider that some things could go both ways but still come up with a pretty interesting analysis that is pretty close to the way we look at things.


QuoteISTP it is for me.  :-?
Danke Herr Kangiser.

Sorry Daddymem.  Living in California del Norte - Mexican influence -- I made an improper response.  Besides I'm a Lithuanian German.

Think I should have replied, "Sie sind willkommener Herr. Schluter"  or possibly "Du bist, Herr Schluter willkommen."

Machine translations - you gotta love em. :)


ENTP here

So many of the questions my answer was neither...

In life I like to use both the emotional and the logical approach to dealing with people and tackling problems

Weirdly  I enjoy doing things differently....Sometimes one on one and sometimes in a group...As a rule I hate people though...Well more accurately I hate being around people that cannot think for themselves... When surrounded by clones that do as they are told I want to explode....

I never used to hate people...I hate that there are so few of us left that have a backbone that are willing to ask questions and come up with our own answers....I guess it was that which brought me here.


Aside from the problem of some answers not fitting either one, Peter - how do you feel about the accuracy of the analysis as it applies to you?  Interesting stuff here. :)


Glenn some of it was right...In real life I talk alot and love to bounce ideas off other people and to have them respond...But then I will go over the merits of other people's arguements when alone...Consider them trying to decide the good and bad..

The test forces you to say you are a loner or not.... the test tries to force you to choose between using emotion and cold logic...

For some it is easy....and then some of us both....I mean I make a conscious effort to anyways... In my life I see the merits of emotion and logic...and while we all have strengths I try to work on my weaknesses and make a point of spending time alone and surrounding myself with intelligent people from time to time.

This test reminds me of the minnesota farmer test from the 1920's....

You could telegraph the questions in this test as you were taking it...see where they were leading as you took it and what classifications were being made about you as you took least that was what it was like for me...

I have a real problem on some levels with these tests....We have talked about medicine being self serving....Well shrinks are more so than doctors and the drug industry is just as connected.

I was listening to the news tonight with my wife as I made supper...and there was this commercial that said 1 in 5 suffers from a serious mental illness that should be treated with medication....which made me furious.....Absolute self serving bullshit....

Getting back to these tests and others like them....with the rhetoric and logic being used by doctors and shrinks...We see no matter what your answer there is no correct answer and one way or another they will  try to modify your behavior or medicate you...

I see many of these tests as a precursor for investment and planning by the drug companies... Call me paranoid if you like....
I can almost see tests being used not to decide if you are normal or not...Sane or not.....There is no chance you avoid medication....The test just determines what medication they put you on for life...Or until the meds causes other problems...which would lead to more meds for you....

I find it very disturbing that people get classified so much....Why cannot we all just be people...

But yeah some of it was accurate.....Sorry to go postal on you there Glenn I need some more meds... ::)


Since I'm not going for the drugs anyway I just view it as a way to see tendencies in myself that I could voluntarily change from time to time temporarily, if I choose to in order to accomplish something different or in a different manner.  Why should I really try to change perfection. ::)


glenn you know you want to go see the doc and get some pills...It does not matter what type...Just get some need them....Life is better on pills...

How sad is it that some people think like this?



But I think there's a fair amount of conflict between how people look at me, and how I see myself.

Who's right--durned if I know.


Hard to tell for sure but now at least I have an excuse to give to my wife.  I tell her I can't help it.  It's my kismet.


Amanda, I took the test 2x's & got ENFP each time - I told Glenn that I didn't really think it sounded like me but then when he was reading through it, he kept saying, yeh, that's you... so - and his fit him pretty good, also.  


well I think we can all see some of us in the results...


I reviewed those qualities, PEG and yours seems to fit you pretty well also - at least from where I stand.  Mr. Take Charge kinda guy. :)


Interesting test. I came out an ENTP, which compared to the alternative boxes, sounds about right.

In high school I took the MMPI (I think it stood for Minnesota Multiphase Personality Inventory). It was the first test to identify me as a bit of a hypochondriac. I hated it at the time but have come to see some validity in the assessment. It also said I would make a good accountant....  8-)


It does seem to gather a pretty good picture from not too many questions.   :)

It also gave me several stock answers for the wife when she doesn't quite understand me.  I can't help it.  It's in the genes.  Or is that Jeans? :-/