Well, are you a birther or not?

Started by NM_Shooter, March 02, 2012, 08:24:02 AM

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Think Obama's posted birth certificate is a fraud?

Hell yes.
9 (45%)
No.  There is a perfectly legitimate reason for the released pdf to have 10 layers and a few pixelated signatures
11 (55%)

Total Members Voted: 20

Voting closed: March 05, 2012, 08:24:02 AM


I see that Sheriff Joe in AZ is running an investigation.  Hopefully he won't have the same wine that Breitbart had.


A year or so ago, when the birth cert was published on the white house web site, I saw the initial analysis by a graphics guru who pointed out that the document had a dozen or so layers that you could turn on or off, filling in some of the blanks.  He also pointed out that some of the handwriting was exceptionally pixelated, and some was not. 

Weird, huh?  I'm amazed that there has not been more direct media exposure (even in the conservative media) regarding this.

I saw this story as soon as it came out, went to the whitehouse web site and downloaded it for myself to look at.  I'll be doggone.  They were right, and my blood ran cold.

So....put me down for hell yes.
"Officium Vacuus Auctorita"


Not being a real big Fan of Sheriff Joe, I'll have to look at his end findings with the same amount of suspicion I look at Obama's Birth Records with....maybe a little more!

That said, I'm a potential Birther but the simple fact is, he's been President, he's already done the damage and if we hang him now for being low down and high smelling, that damage isn't going away.

I'm a lot more concerned about him being re-elected because the Republicans are doing what they always do when they have the advantage....blowing it!
These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here!


I have to say I flip flop on this, but mostly I come up thinking that there have got to be more people who could have been anointed than just Obama, so selecting him, if you believe in that conspiracy, would not have been their best choice. Although I am fascinated by the layers. I do use Photoshop and took a good look at that. A big puzzle to me.
The personal dietary habits of people kill more frequently than firearms. Eat healthy and carry a gun.


I'm pretty confused by the three votes that indicate that 10 layers of text, including digital pen signatures are not suspicious.  I'd love to hear their reasons why.
"Officium Vacuus Auctorita"


Here is the video.  Keep in mind that you can (or could, as I did) download this document. 

It is clearly, unarguably, a forgery.  Obama may have a legitimae US birth certificate, but the document that was posted as his birth cert was a fake.


"Officium Vacuus Auctorita"


Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


This is a political sideshow for voters.  The Sheriff is an elected position and he is running while being investigated by a Federal Grand Jury that has been empanelled since way before this (2009).

The reason this is a sideshow is they don't state any way that he has jurisdiction under any power as a County Sheriff for any law that was broken that he has the legal capability to enforce.

In every article, he carefully states this is not about Obama being qualified to be president, because he has no jurisdiction in that.
It is not about whether he proved to be on the ballot.  That was vetoed as a matter of law.  http://articles.cnn.com/2011-04-18/politics/arizona.president.bill.veto_1_birther-bill-arizona-secretary-state-ballot?_s=PM:POLITICS

In a summary judgment motion you presuppose the fact that are alleged to be true, and even with that, if it is deficient by law, the action is dismissed.  So let's presuppose the document is fraudulent for purposes to even survive a claim.  It is published on a website in Washington, D.C. by no person that is a resident of Maricopa County.   A county sheriff cannot claim nationwide jurisdiction.  This is all before anyone would even rely on the supposed "expert" testimony of anyone.  I could put a birth certificate on my website saying I was born in Montana, the Maricopa sheriff has no jurisdiction.

This will electrify his base, distract from the Federal investigation, if he is indicted he can blame it on retribution, and if he is not reelected he can make a ton of cash speaking and writing about it.  Win/Win.  Smart Politician.

Edit: Maricopa


His team that he is relying on:
5 Tea party volunteers.

QuoteArpaio told reporters on Thursday his review of Obama's birth certificate began in August, months before the Justice Department investigation findings in December

The Justice Departments findings were released in December, the investigation (which he was aware of) started in 2008 ( edit based on article listed below).

Credibility of the Accuser?


Well, I couldn't vote, since you didn't include the option of 'Firmly on the fence'. It would appear that something fishy is going on here, which has much larger implications than simply whether or not he was born in the US. Of course, those that are setting out to 'prove' this also have pretty big ambitions, so I don't feel I can fully trust them, either. I admit that I'm very concerned that our President's past has been so securely obscured. That in itself leads me to believe that there's a lot going on behind the curtain. I am pretty sure that the American people are being played, and that by the time it is obvious who is playing us and how, it will be far too late to reverse it. It may be already.

I'm not poor- I'm financially underpowered.


Tom Fife: The First Time I heard of Barack Obama


From a prominent Russian party member spoken 1992 to Tom Fife.

"Yes, it is true. This is not some idle talk. He is already born and he is educated and being groomed to be president right now. You will be impressed to know that he has gone to the best schools of Presidents. He is what you call "Ivy League". You don't believe me, but he is real and I even know his name. His name is Barack. His mother is white and American and his father is black from Africa. That's right, a chocolate baby! And he's going to be your President."
Often, our ignorance is not as great as our reluctance to act on what we know.


It's good that he remembered that 1992 conversation in 2008?  It is amazing that he never once wrote it down until he was a Obama presidential candidate.  He didn't write it down when Obama was later elected to state legislature. He only had 7 years to figure out the coming commie threat. You would think that would have jogged his memory. He didn't write it down when Obama was giving the Democratic National Committee address on National TV.  I guess that "Barack" state legislature guy addressing half the nation running for Senate didn't jog his memory. He didn't even bother when he was elected to the Senate, but after he became a presidential candidate, then he remembered that story in 1992 and bothered to tell people.

I get so confused is he an Atheist Russian Communist or a Secret Muslim Terrorist? rofl  Oh wait, I forgot, he was a radical Christian racist like his pastor Jeremiah Wright.

Oh wait, it was written on 11-20-2008, after he was elected president.  Great memory.


Didn't the communists collapse that year?


Quote from: Squirl on March 02, 2012, 06:21:47 PM
Didn't the communists collapse that year?

'91 more or less...

"The dissolution of the Soviet Union was a process of systematic disintegration, which occurred in economy, social structure and political structure. It resulted in the abolition of the Soviet Federal Government ("the Union center") and independence of the USSR's republics on 26 December 1991. The process was caused by weakening of the Soviet government, which led to disintegration and took place from about 19 January 1990 to 31 December 1991. The process was characterized by many of the republics of the Soviet Union declaring their independence and being recognized as sovereign nation-states." - wikipedia
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


Quote from: MountainDon on March 02, 2012, 06:34:46 PM
'91 more or less...

"The dissolution of the Soviet Union was a process of systematic disintegration, which occurred in economy, social structure and political structure. It resulted in the abolition of the Soviet Federal Government ("the Union center") and independence of the USSR's republics on 26 December 1991. The process was caused by weakening of the Soviet government, which led to disintegration and took place from about 19 January 1990 to 31 December 1991. The process was characterized by many of the republics of the Soviet Union declaring their independence and being recognized as sovereign nation-states." - wikipedia

As I've mentioned before Don...it was a time portal into what's happening here.
But, that's a subject for another rainy day. ;D
Gotta be a way to blame Obama for the rain.
These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here!


Yes, please, let's rehash this stupidity once again.
Ajax .... What an ass.


Quote from: Ajax on March 02, 2012, 09:14:07 PM
Yes, please, let's rehash this stupidity once again.

Well I'll be darned. I didn't think it existed but right there it is in black...er..green and white. c*

Country Plans.
Rules and Regulations

Rule 428.7

Ajax is required to view every thread he hates. Further, he is directed to actively participate in the discussions, present evidence dispelling the opposing views and eat popcorn while reading.
No exceptions!
These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here!


   Didn't vote on this one.

   Obama once described himself as a 'mutt' during a speech.

   I'm not real sure who he believes who his father was.

   But who am I to question that?

My vessel is so small....the seas so vast......


We as a nation have gotten so politically correct that even if a video surfaced of the birth of the person in question showed delivery in a straw hut in Kenya, we would be quiet as a mouse about it.
We are so afraid of the (should I write it) R_CE card being played and we get portrayed as such. I believe we will even go so far as to vote against our convictions just to prove that we are not what the left says we are. We as a nation are so hung up with appearance and man pleasing.
It is too late even if S. Joe proves its a fake, what good will it do.
Didn't vote on this one either.
If Ron Paul would only change his stance on Israel.....
"You will find the key to success under the alarm Glock"  Ben Franklin
Forget it Ben, just remember, the check comes at the first of the month and it's not your fault, your a victim.

Pray while there is still time


Quote from: peternap on March 02, 2012, 10:25:35 PM
Well I'll be darned. I didn't think it existed but right there it is in black...er..green and white. c*

Country Plans.
Rules and Regulations

Rule 428.7

Ajax is required to view every thread he hates. Further, he is directed to actively participate in the discussions, present evidence dispelling the opposing views and eat popcorn while reading.
No exceptions!

You got a point?  Is there something I can do for you?
Ajax .... What an ass.


All you need to know about this topic is here.


This has long since been settled.
Give me a place to stand and a lever long enough,  and I will move the world.


From the fact check article:

QuoteUpdate, April 27, 2011: The White House released the long-form version of President Barack Obama's birth certificate, confirming (yet again) that he was born in the United States. The Hawaii Department of Health made an exception in Obama's case and issued copies of the "Certificate of Live Birth."

Well having been born  in Hawaii I have a copy of my long form birht certificate, and amazingly I did not need a special "exception" to get it. Just saying.....

I'm sorry but if that is the case, this "controversy" could have been settled long ago. There are too many unanswered questions, and everytime the administration tries to settle the debate they raise more questions than they answer. Sorry in this case where there is smoke there is fire.


Smoke and mirrors.

I have no doubt Obama was born in the USA.  OK, I do wonder a little about the whole Kenya thing from time to time but it's all just smoke and mirrors.

After all, if you spend time worrying about birth certs then maybe you won't notice the whole Marxist 'Hope and Change thing'....and well, the $4/gallon gas prices.

Conspiracies always, the good ones anyway, have some truth to them, that's what makes them so intriguing.  However, it doesn't matter because you won't change anything worrying about it but the Obama administration WILL change A LOT of things while you're not paying attention.

Heck, he'll probably even get re-elected.  After all, "when the people realize they can vote themselves money it will be the end of the Republic" to paraphrase Ben Franklin.


My consternation with this remains that fact that the document that the administration published has layers of information that has clearly been edited. 

If it had been scanned, it would have had a single layer. 

That document was faked up to look legit... it was not scanned.  Why post a fake if the original was available?

Again... Why post a fake?

I think this is a perfect example of a liberal vs. conservative argument.  The liberals vote in spite of tactile evidence proving otherwise.  We have at least 5 votes here indicating that they believe that the posted document is legit, in spite of the layering.  Not a single explanation why. 

"Officium Vacuus Auctorita"


"Officium Vacuus Auctorita"


Quote from: NM_Shooter on March 03, 2012, 10:37:07 AM
My consternation with this remains that fact that the document that the administration published has layers of information that has clearly been edited. 

If it had been scanned, it would have had a single layer. 

That document was faked up to look legit... it was not scanned.  Why post a fake if the original was available?

Again... Why post a fake?

I think this is a perfect example of a liberal vs. conservative argument.  The liberals vote in spite of tactile evidence proving otherwise.  We have at least 5 votes here indicating that they believe that the posted document is legit, in spite of the layering.  Not a single explanation why.

Post a fake so you will worry about it.  Makes perfect sense and comes right out of their playbook.