Darn, that ain't gonna grow back

Started by Don_P, January 26, 2012, 11:56:34 PM

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Well, after a couple of months waiting for a sore shoulder to heal I went to visit the doc to see if he had any boat payments he needed help with. He scribbled something on a piece of paper and sent me down to the room with the long culvert they slide you into. They stuck me in there and then invited the entire staff to come along and bang on the outside of that pipe for a good half hour while telling me I had to lie perfectly still. Who says they don't have a sense of humor. And then he invited me back to his office for a talk.

It looks like I've completely torn free 2 of the 4 tendons that form the rotator cuff. Tendons are what connects your muscles to the bones. Apparently there are several kinds of cuff tears, these are full, the muscles are disconnected and retracted. From the MRI's, I tore the upper muscle loose some time ago and it is atrophied down to about 40% of it's original size. I tripped a couple of months ago and landed on my elbow on a rock/dirt pile and felt a whole new world of hurt from the shoulder. That was when I tore the muscle out of the back of the joint. I tried to tell myself it was the bursitis kicking up but it kept getting worse. I mentioned that I was feeling pain in the bicep and he said he'd check the bicep tendons when he's in there. With those bungee cords of muscle above the ball snapped, the head of the ball of the humerus is now pretty free to rise up and hit the collarbone, and the bicep tendons run over that ball. Every time the deltoid muscle fires the ball rises and the tendons bang into bone, they hit in the shoulder but I feel it in the middle of my bicep... pretty wierd. I can still lift and carry a couple of hundred pounds with my arms dangling but couldn't get that hand to hit the screw in a upper cabinet door and was practicing my best french in getting that heavy screwdriver up there. It looks like I might be able to work again in ~6 months if the surgery goes well. The clients, I couldn't ask for better. The house is dried in and we're siding, the interior is roughed in. They are willing to wait and we'll proceed as we can.

Life has a way of handing you remedial lessons until you pass. I've always had a tough time trying to bring someone else up to speed as my replacement and moving up myself... I like making things, working with just the two of us, and pretty much dislike managing things. We're going to need to hire help and I have 6 months of enforced patience   ::) It'll either work or we'll have to figure out something else on the way to figuring out what we want to do when we grow up  ???.

I started this to Mt Don but I've mentioned it to several folks in pm's and here so figured I'd let you all know what's going on. If you see some colorful posts chalk it up to modern chemistry  :D


Oh crap!! That must really hurt.  I feel bad just thinking about it.

Modern chemistry... yep they can make the hurt less with a pill, or two or three, but some of the side effects can be gnarly. Too bad they can't repair the damages without the knife... one of my least favorite things.

I wish you all the best with all this; surgery, recovery, pain management, enforced rest period....

Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


That can be the problem with tough ones like yourself.  Sometimes they ingnore the hurt and power through. Most times in life it works to the persons benefit.  No complaining over the little things. Then the pain tolerensess get higher, until you are pushing when something is more serious and you don't know it.  It is a common problem among the hard working.

Here is hoping to a fast and complete recovery.


DonP, sounds very painful  :(  Make sure you get a good surgeon.  There's people who I've talked to that feel like new & can pretty well resume all their old activities.  Just don't do what I did - the day after my back surgery last spring, I felt so good...  we were having company so I was running up & down stairs cleaning, bending (forbidden for 6 wks by my doc) lifting - not following doctor's orders...  after a couple days of that I squatted down & felt a searing tear...  not good.  Then fell off a step stool a couple weeks after that onto a tile floor...   :-[ d*

So, what am I trying so say?  Obey doctor's orders no matter how invincible or good you feel!  You don't want to undo the work that is done. 

When are they planning on operating? 

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


Ditto on what Sassy said.  Do what the Doc says.  Things will have a better chance healing.
I had the end of my arm scraped off about 15 years ago.  The bone on bone was catching a nerve and I lost all grip.  I got the grip back, but I can't throw overhand more than about 10 feet,  but I can throw underhand fine.  This works for me because I love bowling almost as much as I did softball.
Just keep in mind that recovery takes time and sometimes is measured in different ways than comparing what was before you got injured.

Good Luck!
A bad day of fishing beats a good day at work any day, but building something with your own hands beats anything.


Thanks for the thoughts, it really doesn't hurt as bad as it sounds, but I'm not looking forward to it by any stretch. Yes Squirl,  I was pretty much raised on the "root hog or die" method of child rearing. My wife refers to it as testosterone poisoning. The doc said he would shave the top of the bone to decompress the joint around the bicep tendons. Recovery time is always hard to put up with but it looks like I won't have much choice. She's shopping for one of those jackets with the arms that tie in the back. My SIL is a PT so I expect to get kicked when I'm down to help me rise above my condition  :).


Don sounds more grim than you first described.  Injuries are never convienent to ones schedule.  If you have got something that needs to be done I am only a phone call away.  Keep us posted.

Gary O

Well, gee Don, if all doesn't go as desired, you could become the guru and teach...and write.
What an entertaining, descriptive read.

My Barbor has somewhat the same malady.
Showed me his bicep.
Looks like he has two on one arm.
Thing is, he's a polio victim.
Virtually zero muscles in his legs.
So, he needs his arms to get around.
Months ago he tore something getting out of his sports car (another story).
Didn't think much about it, not much pain.
Now the doc says they can't do anything to get it where it was, due to atrophy, but did do some cut and paste to keep him functional.

Yeah, the 'work thru the pain' deal is sometimes not the best.
Sit tight, get well.
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson


Sounds like you'll be needing an aprentice !

they come in real handy for hammering in nails where required . you just need to point where !

My buddy in CO just had three similar issues sorted in his shoulder- the first two months were bad- the third he's brighter and more active but still in a lot of pain

he has physio every other day and also has a daily routine to follow.


Quote from: Redoverfarm on January 27, 2012, 07:34:03 AM
Don sounds more grim than you first described.  Injuries are never convienent to ones schedule.  If you have got something that needs to be done I am only a phone call away.  Keep us posted.

Sorry Don!
It's tough facing the things that just won't heal.
What John said and I'm probably a little closer and am pm'ing my number if you need anything!
These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here!


A good friend had this done a few months ago

He is doing well

good luck to you, and don't overdo it -- it sounds like you have incredible resistance to pain

I had a stuck rotator and the pain forced me to the doctor -- first time in 30 years ( didn't even go into the Dr for the cracked ribs from a dirt bike mishap)
Often, our ignorance is not as great as our reluctance to act on what we know.


I'm back home, they did the shoulder repair yesterday. The nerve block, kinda like what the dentist numb feels like, is wearing off and the narco's are kicking in. I won't hold any grudges if the mods delete anything for awhile  :D.

The day was good. The tissue was in good condition and he said it was not as bad inside as he expected. The bicep tendon was, there's a fancy name I don't recall, banged up but unfrayed. I asked if I was still a carpenter, he thinks so.

I talked with my folks the night before, Mom has had this surgery, it failed after several years and she has a reverse replacement. The big bummer during the conversation was that Dad fell a week ago, it sounds like he did the same thing. I don't hold a candle, at 78 he's still sharing his talent going to work with his buddies building ramps for the old folks.


Glad that everything went off w/o a hitch and there was less damage than anticipated.  Not to sound like MOTHER HEN but do what he says.  He faces these problems on a daily basis and probably knows what he is talking about with regard to healing time.  Remember I am only a phone call away.   [waiting]

Hope the rest of the family mends as well.

Take Care

John Raabe

Good to hear the shoulder work went well. Maybe the whole family can just sign and circulate the same "Get Well" card.
None of us are as smart as all of us.


I agree w/Redover - follow the recovery instructions...  something I didn't do after my back surgery  d* 

Glad everything went well  :)

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free

Gary O

Yeah, when I got myself laid up, the doc says 'take these'.
I told him I don't take pain pills.
He advised that I take them anyway, they were for the missus.....so she could sleep.

Get well, Don_P, and do as yer told...hear?
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson


Well, here's to a speedy and complete recovery   c*   An appropriate day for it.  ;D
That's a can of Guinness, BTW. Join me with whatever is your cup o' tea, or whatever mixes well with the meds.   ;) 

I won't repeat what others said about following instructions; I know that can be difficult. Me bad, at times.   :(  Do your best. 
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


 Just saw this thread I thought you might have cut off a finger or two by the title!!

  Hope the healing goes well , do what the Doc says or you'll undo his work.   Good luck!
When in doubt , build it stout with something you know about .


Happily all the digits are intact. Thanks for all the kind words :). At least for now there is no danger of me getting froggy, I'm thinking the only thing I'm resistant to is pain killer right now   d*
A Mother and daughter who are family friends both had theirs done last year at the same time. The mother, who is 90, still drives, and is quite active, was up and about quickly and asking when the pain was going to start. The daughter said the first couple of days were pretty rough for her. Go figure. I've told Dad that we can trade off on who holds the worm and who holds the hook  ;D


I'm glad to hear that things looked better than expected.  You seem to come from hearty stock, I am less worried. 

Of a completely selfish nature, I will be happy to hopefully see many more posts with your carpentry experience on the board.  If, heaven forbid, things don't go as planned, you can always teach.  I know many people who have already learned a lot.


And ditto from the bottom of this letter, sorry to wear it on my sleeve, ever wonder if you're just a cautionary example to others.  I'm being lazy, it takes forever to type. Anyway, here's where I seem to be tonite;

Hi Mom,
Wow, nice blooms! Everything here is running over itself to bloom.
They had a wildflower hike on the new river trail, the old rail line,
today. Carol, who leads the hikes every year, said it was the most
things blooming at once she has ever seen. We took a pass on the walk,
I've had a terrible week. Monday a molar decided to abcess and drove
me out of my tree. They found it and started amoxycyllin but after 2
days and no sleep they switched to a stronger one Thurs.I had saved 2
heavy pills just in case and used them on 2 nights during the week to
buy about 6 hrs at a stretch. The percocet, which I had a bottle of,
we always thought of as mighty strong, wouldn't touch it, after taking
a quadruple dose, dangerous and to no effect, I just quit wasting
them. I finally got a couple of hours rest just a bit ago and it seems
to be easing. The entire right side of the lower jawbone is firing now
that it is calming... I assume the infection was getting in the bone.

The big bummer is I think I tore out my stitches last night, stupid,
stupid. I had something in a consumer plastic bag. without thinking I
held the bag in my bad hand and poked it with a knife in my good hand.
The point was dull and I unwittingly created an isometric exercise. I
pushed and the knife went through but the release when it went through
rippled through me. In hindsight I built up force and handed it to the
stitches. I'll call him Monday, fess up and see where we go from here.
He warned me time and again not to do anything with that hand and said
the outlook fades alot if he has to go back in. The fault is all mine.
I had scheduled the tooth extraction for late in the month to give me
healing time, I might need to move that up if he has to go back in.
That needs to be gone and healed first. At the moment I'm just
exhausted. This too shall pass.

Your package arrived today, that was above and beyond! Thank you very
much. I'll pass it along when we've watched it. Sarah sent a legos
model of the Farnsworth house, a Mies van der Rohe house in Ill. I
built it last night.

Sorry to send bad news, I'll let you know what the doc says.


Good luck Don. I don't know what else to say, other than I'm sorry to hear of this complication. All my best to you.

Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


Let me tell ya, the tooth ain't giving up the good fight. You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille  :D
On the shoulder, I don't know what to say either, if I did it, it's done. It's my first go round with this, maybe I just made it mad. Nothing to do but wait and see.

Oh, and what my folks sent... both my parents have been teachers at several points in their lives. They have passed the joy of learning down through 3 generations now. We all enjoy the teaching company courses and whenever one of us buys one we tend to wear it out passing it around. They sent "Understanding the World's Greatest Structures, Science and Innovation from Antiquity to Modernity" The courses are taught by top professors from schools I'd never get into, they know their stuff well enough to make it interesting. This one is taught by the Professor of Civil Engineering at West Point. It'll make its way back to them via my nephews who will be interested. It's wrapped in the plastic from hell, I'm calling for backup  :)


Hopefully you just tweaked your shoulder & no more damage done.  Unlike me, I started doing things like normal the day after my back surgery  d*  didn't have any pain so was up & down stairs, bending over, lifting, cleaning...  surgery was on Tuesday afternoon, Friday I had been bending over too much & thought I better not keep doing that so decided to squat...  WRONG!!!  It felt like I tore something & the pain hurt something fierce!  Never have gone back to the surgeon to see what I did but know that I still have sciatica & lower back pain.   :(

Be careful about the abscessed tooth - that can cause complications, too...  geesh, no fun when your body just ain't behaving...

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


It rained last night which has increasingly come to mean sketchy or no phone service, the nurse and I shouted at each other this morning. I decided to go up to the phone booth to call her back.
The old apple was putting on quite a show;

3 bars from here  :)

There's a tower on the right mountain of the distant pair, center of pic;

Basically the best, and only, thing to do now is wait and see.  [waiting]

I handed off the next and only firm job to another contractor yesterday. It would be unfair to ask them to wait. I think it's time to look around. Michelle is off at a job seminar this evening.  My mind wanders, well I could retire down by the spring with a few sheets of copper and several feet of line  ;D.