
Started by Gary O, August 23, 2011, 09:55:43 PM

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Gary O

Quote from: firefox on December 06, 2011, 08:03:40 PM
Nice touch Gary with the insurance plug.


Yeah, I'm sure the Traveler's folk would not consider it a 'plug', but maybe good sports (?)

OK, I missed a creation for veteran's day, but since today is the 70th anniversary of our wake up call, I wish to show a little thing I put together from a compilation of the purple heart and a lone eagle at Arlington.
Hope y'all like it

I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson

Gary O

fauxto of the evening
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson


Thanks for the veterans day pic Gary. Very nicely done.
Bruce & Robbie
MVPA 23824

Gary O

Thank you, Bruce

fauxto of the day
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson

John Raabe

None of us are as smart as all of us.

Gary O

Well, it's getting to be my busy season, so may just be posting the evening edition for awhile.
Kiddies need their toys on time ya know

midday fauxto
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson

Gary O

fauxto of the evening
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson

Gary O

OK, I lied a little bit
Last of the morning fauxtos for awhile (really, not kidding this time, for sure...........maybe)
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson


I have absolutely enjoyed this thread...Thank you!

Gary O

Well, thank you, StinkerBell.
It's just as fun of a journey on this side
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson

Gary O

fauxto of the evening
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson

Gary O

I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson

Gary O

I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson

Gary O

I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson

Gary O

I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson

Gary O

I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson


Bruce & Robbie
MVPA 23824


Oh, Gary, the 'ronde de jambs' was just perfect -- and the others made me chuckle -- thank you for taking the time to do all of these!  After watching the Off the Grid documentary, I needed a pick-me-up!  (I still love the sheep -- and the "antic artica" and the "incatnate" and  . . . and . . .

carroll ;)

Gary O

carroll, you really should get out more........
Juuust kidding. So glad you enjoy these.

If the majority of members enjoyed them as much, I'd quit my day job.
But then just being able to barely afford living in a commune a few miles outta Taos, with a bunch of meth making renegades is not a big attraction to me.....even though I too am a renegade, but only for shear entertainment purposes......

Fauxto of the day
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson


My whole family loves puns -- shear delight, right?  ;D

Supposedly one of the things one won't find on the Mesa is any meth-making fools -- pot being the drug of choice -- but hey, wherever I wind up I'm going to be poor and barely making it (that's true where I am now).    ;)

There sure is a beautiful sky on the Mesa, but not sure I want to be hanging around drunks with guns -- or without them, for that matter . . .  ???

So, I'm taking the opportunity my laryngitis has given me for quiet reflection.  I really ought to at least get to some gun classes in the next few months, no matter what, just in case, hee, hee! d*


PS  And all the other members may enjoy your fauxtos and quips just as much as I -- trouble is, we're not paying you!  (Rats -- you knew there was something wrong, but you just couldn't figure out what . . . . .)

Gary O

Quote from: carroll on December 15, 2011, 07:44:00 PM
My whole family loves puns -- shear delight, right?  ;D

Supposedly one of the things one won't find on the Mesa is any meth-making fools -- pot being the drug of choice -- but hey, wherever I wind up I'm going to be poor and barely making it (that's true where I am now).    ;)

There sure is a beautiful sky on the Mesa, but not sure I want to be hanging around drunks with guns -- or without them, for that matter . . .  ???

So, I'm taking the opportunity my laryngitis has given me for quiet reflection.  I really ought to at least get to some gun classes in the next few months, no matter what, just in case, hee, hee! d*


Well, thing is, living modes vary.
The HOAs and CCRs, and all the suburban trappings.
The farm and rural life, and upkeep.
Or the place to hang yer hat, computer, and meager things of need.
My bride and I tend to lean toward the latter.
Been that way 42 yrs.
In town, just cozy little places.
No museum rooms.
All function.
In the bush, cozy cabins. All appearances simple but with an aura of warmth, wood, calm colors.

The decision, in my eyes, is if you plan on your place being an investment, or just your abode...a place where you yearn to be, to get back to, to putter around, gardening, tending chickens, curling up in a cozy room with a book and a cup.
Wife and I can be anywhere, together. She'd live in that commune in a heartbeat. I could, but I won't.
I prefer my renegade neighbors to be a bit more distant.

Only you know what your innermost being needs.
Enjoy the adventure.

'PS  And all the other members may enjoy your fauxtos and quips just as much as I -- trouble is, we're not paying you!  (Rats -- you knew there was something wrong, but you just couldn't figure out what . . . . .)'

Yeah, I s'pose.
Thing is, truthfully, gettin' paid for something like these crazy creations would kinda take most the fun out of it.....and I don't know what I'd do with the $2.78 a month anyhow............

fauxto of the evening (just to keep Sassy from fussin')
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson


D'ohhhh...Stupid Harbor Freight chain binders!
If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy. (Red Green)

Gary O

Not a bad guess, waggin, but I think haste made the waste...been there, kinda.

Didn't put the latch lock down when hookin' up the trailer to a little flat bed straight truck. Fired up the little JD 450 crawler, and commenced to nurse it onto the flatbed and KA-PLEWY, the trailer front end popped straight up, tearing off the pigtail and safety chains.

Slowed me down a bit.
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson


Seems that trailers and cranial flatulence go hand in hand.  I remember figuring out that the center of gravity on one wasn't quite where I thought it was with a small boat and outboard on it when I undid the coupler and the trailer tilted rapidly for the sky.  It missed my cheek by a whole inch or so in the process.  Another attention grabbing incident was when the free trailer I was towing had the coupler come apart while going down a hill on a busy 2 lane road at about 50 mph.  Thankfully my education on safety chains had occurred before that one, as the only damage was where the trailer winch stand modified my tailgate.  Was able to MacGuyver it back together the right way on the side of the road and continue on for the next 3,000 miles.  Ah, the things we survived when we were young.  I like to think I'm smarter now, but every now and then I prove myself wrong.
If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy. (Red Green)

Gary O

  Headin' to the crackamyas river early one morn', a couple guys ahead of me whipped around the corner. Their drift boat, however, decided to put in right there, from off the starboard side of the trailer. We all had a good laugh, swapped lies, tied down his boat, and went our merry ways.
Yeah, surviving youth. Makes ya patient, and careful....more often anyway.

Goin' ta bed now...and settin' both alarms.

'cranial flatulence'......nice

Say g'night waggin
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson