How's the weather

Started by Redoverfarm, December 17, 2007, 11:09:58 AM

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-3F this morning.  High of 23F today.  But no snow.  Glenn needs to talk to his buddies in the air. 

glenn kangiser

Seems to be a communication lapse here, John.... I thought you wanted less snow... [waiting]

My bad... I'll see what I can do...  [ouch]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Went out this morning; 11 0 F.  The frost was unusually heavy and my camera was on the end table.  d*


A little bit better than yesterday.  This morning it was 0F.  I think it did get up to 28F (in the sun). I ran to the cabin to take some measurments for cabinets and it was 22F inside and 28F outside ???

"Red in the morning sailors take warning"

They are predicting 2-6" of snow tonight. So I guess we will just wait and see if it holds true.


We got up to 41 here today. I was working in a tee shirt all afternoon. It's wierd how 41 feels warm after 2 weeks of sub freezing weather.


Can't believe that it was not in the teens or below this morning.  Almost above freezing at 32F.  Rain predicted.  Maybe it will get into the 40's today.  Nice change.

glenn kangiser

I believe we may be getting ready to send you a bunch more of that snow you wanted, John.  The boys are working it hard.... give us a few days to a week or so...
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Low 50's during the day, high 40's at night...caught myself wearing a tee-shirt rather than a sweater.   :D


Rain last night and today. Maybe snow here at home in the next few days. Snow for certain up in the mountains, maybe 6 inches or more in the next 24 hours.
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


Glenn you sent us too much.  The perfect combination for flooding.   With the snowfall accumulation, rising temperatures and heavy raining in the last day when are getting more than our fair share.  Parts of Marlinton are flooding as we speak.  There is no access to town from the only route traveling east-to-west which is now flooded.  Several areas have been evacuated already with additional areas every minute.  

It is nice to have a quaint town nestled along a major river between mountains but only when it does not flood.  Transportation going in all directions through the majority of the county is intersected in town.  So you can guess what kind of a mess we are expecting.  

glenn kangiser

John, I was afraid this would happen.  [noidea'

It's not nice to fool mother nature.... and I can't get the fly boys to stop spraying.  I  assume you will get more. [waiting]

Maybe a break by the end of the week for you.... [ouch]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Weird day. Flood, sunshine, and snow all in one day.  The only thing we lack is a quake.   NO THANK YOU.
Temps are dropping fast.  Prediction is 2-4" of snow by morning.   


We're supposed to have rain tonite & tomorrow...  I think we are well over our average rainfall - woke up to the sound of jets flying overhead...

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


Sassy have Glenn send more snow up this way.  It is bad but hardly a drought.  We do get some good rains but need snow for storage in the hills and high mountains.  I think he and the air force need to do a little more fine tuning.  I agree with John please don't send any earthquakes.  Yellowstone is still showing some activity in the western part of the caldera.   
Proverbs 24:3-5 Through wisdom is an house builded; an by understanding it is established.  4 And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.  5 A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength.

glenn kangiser

Sorry Rick... seems to be some sort of communication failure between me and the spray team.  I'll see what I can do.

We have a nice caldera just over the hill also.  That would make some nice fireworks, and it grumbles every once in a while.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Lot of joking about earthquakes, volcanoes and disasters of that type here in the USA.  What a perfect opportunity to declare marshal law.  Washington then sends out for help.  They invite thugs, (Excuse me, I'm out of line there - police forces) from other countries to police the unruly population.  (Us). 
Proverbs 24:3-5 Through wisdom is an house builded; an by understanding it is established.  4 And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.  5 A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength.

glenn kangiser

Yeah - Long Valley Caldera, just over the mountain from us. 

I feel so safe... the plans are already in the works to take care of us...

Thought I found a shackle train the other day rick, but looks like it was just for cars - a three decker. :)
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Well "It's back".  Currently 15F and snowing.  Accumulation thusfar is about 2".  But no ice ;D


Pretty bad ice storm and plenty snow, down in the teens here in NE OK. I'm not exactly sure what ScottA's lookin' at up where he is, but it's so close that I doubt things are much different.

I anticipate losing telephone, power, or both at any time from falling limbs. They're scattered all over the place in my yard.


Seventeen and about 4 " on the ground and still falling so the weather folks got the 4-6" right. Now let's see how they do on the back side !
Authentic Appalachian American


Another 4-5" last night.  Temp is 32F.  Getting ready for yet another one due to arrive on Friday.  Yuck.


Well it did arrive just as predicted.  Currently temp at 29F and it has been snowing since yesterday morning and hasn't stopped.  So far I guess the accumulation is around 12".  Tonights low is suppose to be 4F and not much better the rest of the wekend until about tuesday and then another front moving in for some more.  From what I gather the majority of the snowfall is north and east picking up moisture from the coast.  I guess we will just have to wait and see what we end up with. 


Wow you guys are getting burried John. We have another 4-8" forcast for Sunday and Monday.


Sad thing about it Scott is that what you get we will have in about 2 days.  Keep me posted. ;D


Still have snow from the last storm. Raining now, but there has been a winter storm warning issued. There may be up to 6 inches of snow. Horrible weather for the south. I wonder if Obama is looking out the window at the White House and talking about global warming.
Don't worry about the horse being blind, just load the wagon.