"growing" impatient

Started by Homegrown Tomatoes, April 16, 2008, 04:32:24 PM

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Homegrown Tomatoes

I think for the most part I like this doctor a lot better than the others I've seen, but I guess that's our one sticking point.  But at least she ADMITS the truth about induction... she said she likes to have the babies born during the daytime when there is a full staff at the hospital.  I told her that we don't need an anesthesiologist or anything like that, and as far as I'm concerned, I don't plan on arriving until I'm ready for someone to catch the baby, and I figure by that point, I won't care whether it is her or the front desk receptionist.   ::)  I don't think she liked that too much.  I read yesterday about a 17-year-old girl who was at home alone and went into labor in the shower.  She delivered her own baby in the bathtub and then walked 4 blocks to the hospital at 5:30 in the morning with the baby wrapped in blankets to get some help! 

Meanwhile, I've lost another 4 lbs. without trying.  I now weigh only 11 pounds more than I did when I got pregnant this time... guess it is the high protein/low carb eating because of the diabetes... or at least that combined with the fact that it is so gorgeous outside that I'm getting a lot more exercise than I would've in WI.  DH was laughing yesterday because I'm already darker than he is (and he's pretty dark-skinned for a Korean) from just being in the wonderful sunshine. 

Homegrown Tomatoes

Storms came through during the night and when the pressure changed I started having contractions pretty seriously.  Was really hoping it was the real deal, but after getting up and walking around  and getting thoroughly awake, everything settled down.  Pretty much was awake all night and then was falling asleep in my chair while the girls ate their breakfasts... they were making fun of me.  Thinking about taking the kids to the park or the zoo and hiking around for a little while to see if it helps get things going again.  Cleaned the house top to bottom yesterday and there's really nothing left to scrub today.... would like to sew, but it is uncomfortable to sit in a straight-backed chair, and hard to sew on a machine in any other kind of chair... guess I'm kind of fidgety because I need something to do but feel lazy at the same time?  Thought about driving over to the area where we're hoping to buy land and posting a notice on the P.O. bulletin board asking if anyone has land to sell to contact me.  But... can't even get my darn realtor in WI to reply to my emails at this point, so I don't see what the point is... she said last time that no one in our price range has gone under contract in over a month, so my thought is that we need to lower the price and give someone the incentive to buy it.... it is holding life up on this end.  Wish we'd sold it a year ago and lived in a rental up there for a while instead of waiting until we moved.  From a purely pragmatic point of view,this was the worst time to try to sell and move, but I'm still thankful we did.  Just hope that someone really falls for that house soon.

Homegrown Tomatoes

I think I may be in early labor, but I'm not absolutely sure???  Kind of crampy and achy, and my back is contracting, up high and wrapping all the way around... almost done getting all the chores done ahead of time so I hate to stop right now, but something is going on.  If it is labor, it feels way different than in the past, but then my water hasn't broken yet, so maybe I'm not feeling the contractions as strong as I have in the past?  (Plus I don't have needles all in me and synthetic hormones coursing through my veins.)  I only lack getting the homeschooling room table cleaned off and the ironing done and then there aren't any chores left to do.... Another strange thing is that I don't have any appetite at all, which is weird for me.  All day today I've only had a few handfuls of nuts, a cucumber, a cup of milk, and a spoonful of peanut butter.  Nothing tastes good and I'm not hungry.  Hmmm...

glenn kangiser

You never know when something may pop up ...or out as the case may be.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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Homegrown Tomatoes

Well, no baby yet.  Went to the doc this morning and she said it could be any day (or minute).  Still not sleeping worth a darn. 


Hmmmm sounds like a lazy boy baby  heh

glenn kangiser

I haven't totally experienced it.  I generally left it up to the ladies. ::)
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

Please put your area in your sig line so we can assist with location specific answers.


Hope you get some rest, HG...  I had a lot of contractions with my last son - they always had to break the water...  hope it's soon for you!  Isn't it ironic that you get so uncomfortable that you'll go through anything to get that baby out?   :-\  Guess it prepares us...  Get some rest - you won't get a whole lot after the baby's here...  wish your house would sell...

Hey, how about posting the link here to your house in Wisconsin so we can see all the work you guys did remodeling it...  I can't remember what the topic was where you'd posted it before...  thanks.

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free

Homegrown Tomatoes

It's in the general forum under the Kitchen remodel...  I just updated it a day or two ago.

Homegrown Tomatoes


This should get you there.  Glenn posted some of the pics for me, but there are more at the album site, too.
Mostly just kitchen stuff, but I think there are a few of the other rooms, too.

Homegrown Tomatoes

New method for trying to induce labor:

Kids and I are going to wash and groom the nasty dog today.  He stinks so badly that anyone within ten yards of him is miserable.  If hauling his 70 lb. carcass into the tub doesn't do it, the smell ought to.... I just hope that I have time to hop in the shower myself after we get him washed and shaved. :)  The kids have been outside playing with the dogs this morning, and THEY smelled bad enough to make me gag when they came back in.  (He has 4-5" long hair and got wet in the rain the other day; the rain gets down under his fur (even though he's not matted at all) and sours down there, creating the worst smell in the world.)  Wish I had a kiddie pool that we could wash him in outside instead, but we don't. 


Thanks for posting the link - I wasn't on-line for several days while down in the valley - the ER was so busy we didn't even get breaks in 13 hrs  :-\  so you can't say government workers are always lazy...   :D 

Hey, washing that dog just might do it!   rofl  I used to want a collie - the little ones, can't recall the name but glad we have short haired dogs - they don't smell too bad - some of those little dogs like poodles & snauzers have to be bathed all the time - I've been at other peoples houses who've just bathed their dogs in the past couple days & they still have that strong "dog" smell - gives me a headache.  Good thing Spike doesn't stink or shed much cuz he thinks he's  lap dog  heh

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free

Homegrown Tomatoes

Grover only smells bad when he's been wet and didn't get dried off good.  Or if he finds something to roll in.  He's fine in winter, but in summer, WHEW!  and his hair is thicker and longer than a normal collie... it's more like a chow's hair in thickness, like a mop head in length!   In hot weather, we keep him shaved down and he looks like a great big schnauzer... really cute fella.  The worst-smelling dog I have ever known was my aunt and uncle's toy pomeranian.  He had skin issues and his hair was never thick and full like it should have been... he smelled whether he'd been bathed or not.  I hate to say it, but I wasn't sad to see that dog go...he used to pull our coats off the coat rack and sleep on them, and then we'd smell like Buster!  Bleh!  OK, I'm done psyching myself up to wash the dogs, and we've eaten lunch, so we'd best get to it!

Homegrown Tomatoes

Well, three and a half hours later and a huge garbage bag full of dog hair, and dog hair and dirt all over the bathroom, and no labor yet.  Worn out thoroughly, though, and still have to clean the bathroom and the kids and myself back up.  The dog has a lot of bald spots, but what do you expect when you turn a 3-year-old and 5-year-old loose with scissors and electric clippers? ;D

Homegrown Tomatoes

Quote from: Sassy on May 09, 2008, 12:07:18 PM
Thanks for posting the link - I wasn't on-line for several days while down in the valley - the ER was so busy we didn't even get breaks in 13 hrs  :-\  so you can't say government workers are always lazy...   :D 

Hey, washing that dog just might do it!   rofl  I used to want a collie - the little ones, can't recall the name but glad we have short haired dogs - they don't smell too bad - some of those little dogs like poodles & snauzers have to be bathed all the time - I've been at other peoples houses who've just bathed their dogs in the past couple days & they still have that strong "dog" smell - gives me a headache.  Good thing Spike doesn't stink or shed much cuz he thinks he's  lap dog  heh

13 hours is a long time to go without breaks, Sassy, but it seems like in any medical field it happens a lot.  In college, I worked one year as a CNA on the night shift at a nursing home...I can remember MANY loooonnnnnggg nights.  People think that other people sleep at night and therefore it should be a quiet time to work, but not so! 



Sassy I think the smaller ones are "Shelty's" . But the classification of the worst smelling dog has to the hound varieties.  But when they get wet they all smell like hounds. 

Homegrown Tomatoes

Quote from: StinkerBell on May 09, 2008, 08:41:48 PM
Mineral Oil.

Stink, do you know this from personal experience or just advice you received?  Wondering because my stepmom told me all about her escapade with the castor oil when she was overdue with my step-brother. ;D


Castor Oil too.......I hear that works and if it doesn't, you will not be constipated! So no matter what you win!

glenn kangiser

My wife was in labor with our first child.  Things were going pretty well when suddenly she began to shout, "Shouldn't, couldn't, wouldn't, didn't, can't!"

"Doctor, what's wrong with my wife?"

"Nothing.  She's just having contractions."
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

Please put your area in your sig line so we can assist with location specific answers.

Homegrown Tomatoes

Glenn, that is cheesy, but it made me laugh anyway... still waiting it out, but there's a cold front hitting right now and I'm having contractions again.  Just ate a bowl of really spicy chicken soup for supper and thinking about fresh pineapple for dessert later if my blood sugar isn't too high.  Also a quick walk around the block after I get kids to bed...  had planned to go to a nearby nature park for a walk but my mom called and told me she was on her way up to pick up a table I had for her.  She came right before supper time, of course.

Homegrown Tomatoes

Nice power walk around the block, but don't feel any closer to having the baby than I did a while ago...  Just achy and tired.  And, to boot, I think I made every dog in the whole subdivision sound off when I waddled past.  DH could tell where I was just by which dogs were barking, so he knew I was still moving and there was no need to come check on me. 


Okay... I will prognosticate... Wednesday morning, 2am.

"Officium Vacuus Auctorita"


lol NM_SHooter.

I keep checking in on this thread a few times a day. When you get ready to go HT you better post something for us...Like, "I am on the way to have the baby"......


Quote from: StinkerBell on May 11, 2008, 12:10:43 PM
lol NM_SHooter.

I keep checking in on this thread a few times a day. When you get ready to go HT you better post something for us...Like, "I am on the way to have the baby"......

I 2nd that!   :)

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free