18x28 2-story Northern wisc.

Started by Patrick, March 28, 2013, 09:14:16 PM

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I think this just emphasizes the fact that people need to inform themselves to their individual state/local codes and understand the IRC is a guide and not the bible.


The well driller said he is done,said he hit bedrock at 87' and drilled another 40 to get 10 gallons a minute.  Hopefully that will be a good well for a long time. So I will be going up this weekend to start digging for the addition.In the meantime I have collecting some cedar bevel siding and cedar trim boards and getting those stained. That is a slow process I can see why people buy siding with the paint on.


The well is in 142' deep and water is sitting at 14' tested good no bacteria. got the hole mostly dug out but my ramp failed before I was able to get all the dirt out I wanted to so I had to hand dig quite a bit and that slowed things down.I was trying to finish and had to dig back another 2 feet so I tried to cut in from the top and the whole thing caved I was pretty tired at that point and still had to drive 3 hours home so next weekend I hope to finish.But I'm pretty happy with the progress had perfect weather mid 70's during the day and high 50's at night, but I have discovered a fisher spider situation in the basement must have been a dozen of them on the walls.They really seem to like the block walls.


Well I got the footings done,I had an additional cave in on the house side so between the two it was a relaxing 6 hour dig out. But concrete is ordered for Thursday so hopefully no more land slides,there was a pretty heavy rain and everything has held so far.


Concrete is poured ,forms are stripped ,water line to well is run and the block is started.I stepped up to a rotary laser level this year  to help set the corners and turns out I should of used one last year as well. Still learning, always learning I must say doing all this solo is pretty tuff, It's amazing how much additional time is spent on the little tasks.


Strange where those visitors show up from time to time.  Must have been a building inspector in training!  BTW the footing  [cool]
Proverbs 24:3-5 Through wisdom is an house builded; an by understanding it is established.  4 And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.  5 A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength.


Welded the pitless in and installed the pump and we now have water no tank yet but the water comes out of the hose with alot of pressure.tastes great should be a good well.It was a bit scary laying down to weld the bottom side knowing if it caves thats it. Also got almost half the block work finished really starting to look like something.


Almost dun,duhn,done, I have almost succeeded in eliminating any signs of those annoying fingerprints on my hands.My wife asked if had named any of the blocks like they where my baby and I responded with yes,I named them all son of a b##ch!


Looks sharp.  Yes, you have got a bunch done for sure. 

I sure am glad, we don't have to dig down like that here in TX!  I'm also glad I don't have to worry about snow.  I will be building all through winter (while the weather is NICE!).



The snow does get old but  the change is nice,and no bugs is also nice and I've been in the frozen north so long now anything above 50 degrees and I start to sweat. I'd probobly melt like a snowman living in the south. :D


Worked on the window well and poured concrete for the window sill so hopefully get that window in this weekend.Also continued on the roof almost finished the one side the weather was cold there was some snow on the way up .


Love the great attitude on such a hard project.. [cool]


Nice project! 

Hard to tell from the picture, hopefully you put some slope on the concrete window sill to prevent water coming in. 


No slope yet, the plan is to add slope with mortar after the window is installed,The concete was mainly done to bring the opening to the corect size I did'nt want to cut block and this seemed the easiest way to get the dimension correct. I'm no mason and I'm sure there are many better ways but I like the look so far.


finished the roof and got the big basement window in, the weather was awesome i really didn't want to leave. One window left for the basement and thats closed in now I will work on the sheathing and getting the pellet stove hooked up again


Well winter came a little early this year but I finished the sheathing,windows and door just didn't get the shed roof finished so it will wait,We started burning brush now that the snow is on the ground and will go back up next weekend to burn more.Pellet stove worked really well again and I want to start getting the interior framing started,But some of you know winter and snow makes hard things even harder.


I hope you feel a pretty as you look!  HA!

House looks great!  You got a ton done and just in time.


As a father of three daughters, I understand. 

Right now, my son is only 6 but in a couple of years he will be ready and we can dissapear into the garage and do manly stuff.  Way too much pink in my house!


Went up this weekend and actually didn't work for once,other than burning some brush.We took some time to just enjoy the place and went to Wisconsin point and clowned around.Was really warm and lots of cool fog from all the melting snow our lake was no longer frozen enough to walk on.


Met with a septic guy this weekend,waiting to see that estimate.Started framing off the upstairs bed rooms and bathroom.Built an over the staircase loft bed for one of the many children we have to please. Cleaned up the beach area so the kids have a play area.Started building this winters burn pile,watched 3 loons fishing right in front of the boardwalk for about 20 minutes.Saw 2 wildfires on the drive home its very dry here right now.


Well finally finished the boardwalk,the strait part anyways.Got some lights in the basement to start setting the insulation for the radiant heat.Buried the conduit to wire the electric for the pump and installed/painted some more siding.


Well we continued on the siding, finally changed the kitchen window out finished the insulation,radiant pipes and poured the concrete in half of the basement. I framed the header and opening to join the buildings together and framed of that bedroom and hallway and framed the stand for the pellet stove.We are going back in a week and the septic is suppose to be in so we will plumb some of that in,maybe.


The septic is in and one bathroom is plumbed,We have some drywall and a real door on the bathroom.I almost finished the stairs to the basement and got the pump wiring installed in the conduit and got that hooked up ,just need to hook up the pressure tank now.The whole place finally is wrapped in some house wrap and we even found time to cut down 4 dying trees and cut,split and stacked those for my neighbor who lives there full time .   


Patrick, I figured I would come check out your build since you checked out mine and I have actually been watching this progress for a while now.  House looks great, I got a kick out of seeing all those cinder blocks looks like something I would have done also.  We thought about going with block but was a little higher in price than concrete and I was worried about matching the level up to our existing house.  Awesome job though.  I can't wait until my little boy is out there helping paint the house.  I love seeing the whole family involved in the home constructing process.


Well its been a little while we are still making progress,I have some water lines in now and the toilet is working also have an outdoor faucet and wired in 2 rv boxes for my brothers campers.got some more soffit and facia done and continued some more siding. Outdoor cleanup seems never ending and we took a break and brought the kids on the Duluth scenic railroad for a special pumpkin gathering train ride, Also took the super brave 6 year old on the haunted William Irvin haunted ship it was a good time. Stocking supplies now for the woodshed/playhouse in the spring and getting ready to move all my blueberry and raspberry plants from the city house up there next week.