Our Tiny (10 x 12) Cabin

Started by Gary O, July 31, 2011, 09:19:24 PM

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Welcome home Gary!

I am in what looks to be the final year of my work career and it has been pretty busy.  Between surgeries and shutdowns we haven't made it out to the cabin since last fall.  Now it doesn't look like it's going to happen until September.  *heavy sigh*

At least there should be lots of blueberries then.

When I do hang up my spurs then we will finally be able to finish all the things that aren't yet done.  Soon, real soon.
My cabin build thread: Alaskan remote 16x28 1.5 story

Gary O

'Soon, real soon.'

Just don't let it get to later

Time...it slips by too fast

Keep a fire

I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson

Adam Roby

Glad to see you back in your element Gary!  Has anything changed there, disappeared or simply gone missing?

I haven't been on much in the past year... life just gets so busy and days, weeks, months pass before you realize it.
Border has been closed for a few months, and I never got back to my cabin so its been abandoned since last fall (probably 10 months now).  I just hope everything is how I left it.  Never got a chance to put away the tractor, 4 wheeler, popup camper... for all I know a large pine is laying across the roof and my old tenants (raccoons) have moved back in.  They sure do cause a lot of damage, especially when unchecked.

Gary O

Nothing was touched
Not even a chunk from the wood pile
Folks out here know me

Yeah, a forsaken cabin becomes a worry
We winterized it before we left
Mild winter
We popped in when we could most every month

The chippies seemed to have missed us

'for all I know a large pine is laying across the roof'

Heh, always a worry

Keep a fire, AR
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson


Quote from: Gary O on November 14, 2019, 01:55:06 AM
Moved to town

Selling the place

Glad to hear you guys were back at the cabin, I've got to admit, when you posted that you were selling it felt a bit like a gut punch. I've enjoyed watching your progress over the years and it really took me by surprise when I read that, but at the same time, I get it.

Gary O

Yeah, at 71, tough decisions don't come lightly.
Winter is the biggie
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson

Adam Roby

That is the problem with our society.  We tend to wait for retirement to actually live our lives the way we want to, and by then our age or health can be an impediment.  My wife and I are at odds already, retirement is still 16 years away, but she is thinking of condos in the city close to everything where I am thinking the opposite, and old farm house in the country on 100 acres.  I know waiting to 65 could mean I have less energy to do everything I have planned in my head.

Best of luck to you, whatever ends up happening.  Happy you can at least enjoy it for now, take advantage of that time.  You have been a real inspiration to me, as well as others as I can see.

Gary O

Yeah, life has it's tough choices...all the way....from birth, seems.

....and they get tougher as we go.

Good to enjoy the moment (as I've always preached)

I put words to that thought on a pic from our cabin window

I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson

Gary O

Quote from: Adam Roby on July 01, 2020, 09:49:51 AM
That is the problem with our society.  We tend to wait for retirement to actually live our lives the way we want to, and by then our age or health can be an impediment.
You got that right
So far, I'm in relative excellent health...in spite of myself...
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson


Good to see you back.  CP site is like everyone took vacation.  Not really for me but not much posting.  My cabin is essentially finished.  No not really but almost.  Been wanting to incorporate solar to the mix.  Hey I got the panels but that is far from being installed.  Dealing with an aging mother now so there is a push to finish the apartment as my mind thinks it is only a matter of time when she will have to give up her house to be more in watchful eyes.  If only age would stay at bay we wouldn't have those problems.  But life chooses differently.  Oh yeah I still have tons of stuff to do at home as well.  No winter wood cut yet.  Don't think I will ever get caught up.  I guess like everyone else " I will do what I can and pass on what I can't". Damn bucket list.  Enjoy what you can while you can.

PS:  I guess there is always light at the end of the tunnel.  Our telephone company stopped by the house to get permission to cross my property with fiber optics .  After having to reset the modem numerous times in a day it will be a welcome addition.  Never thought I would see it here. 

Gary O

Quote from: Redoverfarm on July 01, 2020, 05:27:59 PM
Good to see you back. CP site is like everyone took vacation.  Not really for me but not much posting.  My cabin is essentially finished.  No not really but almost.  Been wanting to incorporate solar to the mix.  Hey I got the panels but that is far from being installed. Dealing with an aging mother now so there is a push to finish the apartment as my mind thinks it is only a matter of time when she will have to give up her house to be more in watchful eyes.  If only age would stay at bay we wouldn't have those problems.  But life chooses differently.  Oh yeah I still have tons of stuff to do at home as well. No winter wood cut yet.  Don't think I will ever get caught up.  I guess like everyone else " I will do what I can and pass on what I can't". Damn bucket list.  Enjoy what you can while you can.

PS:  I guess there is always light at the end of the tunnel.  Our telephone company stopped by the house to get permission to cross my property with fiber optics .  After having to reset the modem numerous times in a day it will be a welcome addition.  Never thought I would see it here.

So good to hear from you, sir Red
Yeah, I sure don't see as much activity here as a few months (years?) ago

Uhg, solar systems...sheesh
Anything good, worth having (incl batteries) is around $20K
I'm good with gennys for now

Heh, winter wood
It's what spring/summer/fall is all about

Cheers, ol' pard
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson


Hi there John and Gary. Yes it is pretty quiet here.

FYI, we have as of this May closed our preschool because of the coronavirus. We're splitting our time between the suburbs and the cabin, alternating more or less a week at a time. The forest surrounding us is locked up due to wildfire hazard combined with coronavirus danger the firefighters might face.  With the reduced air traffic and no road traffic, the forest is very peaceful.

Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.

Gary O

Quote from: MountainDon on July 03, 2020, 03:38:29 PM
Hi there John and Gary. Yes it is pretty quiet here.

FYI, we have as of this May closed our preschool because of the coronavirus. We're splitting our time between the suburbs and the cabin, alternating more or less a week at a time. The forest surrounding us is locked up due to wildfire hazard combined with coronavirus danger the firefighters might face.  With the reduced air traffic and no road traffic, the forest is very peaceful.
Same here
Getting a bit of brownish grey to the eastern sky
Hope it's not a wild fire

Good to hear from you too, sir Don
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson


Glad to see ya back!

I think this forum has been impacted by the Facebook virus much like the others.  I advise everyone to avoid facecrap -- social distancing the right way! ha!

Even updated my own thread a little -- but I need to look at pic hosting options.

Gary O

'Even updated my own thread a little -- but I need to look at pic hosting options.'

Check out imgur
I've stored about 5000 pics there
Very few hiccups
Easy to navigate

Heh, 'facecrap'......I've got other (not near as nice) words for that place
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson