Our Tiny (10 x 12) Cabin

Started by Gary O, July 31, 2011, 09:19:24 PM

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That turned out really nice Gary. Good job.

Gary O

Quote from: ChugiakTinkerer on November 22, 2016, 01:16:49 PM
is that an elk bugle I hear in the distance?

I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson

Gary O

gittin' it now

six more inches of snow
more comin'

Purdy though

y'all keep a fire
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson


Love the picture of the woods all buried in snow. So very peaceful!


Looks as if you have it well insulated as there are no bare spots on the roof.  Now that you have your supply of wood in and your workshop finished looks as if you are all set for the winter with a place to go and get out of the little woman's hair occasionally.  ;)  Looks good Gary.

Gary O

Quote from: Redoverfarm on December 26, 2016, 12:07:09 PM
  Now that you have your supply of wood in and your workshop finished looks as if you are all set for the winter with a place to go and get out of the little woman's hair occasionally.  ;)  Looks good Gary.
Heh Heh
'tis a truth you speak

thanks guys
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson

Gary O

OK, now we're gettin' it.
Measuring in yards, not feet.

There's a picnic table under that mound.

The shop is a huge refuge.

Temps have soared from -24F to low thirties for awhile.
Begetting several days of snow.

The one path I maintain is this one;

keepin' a fire
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson


Keep a fire indeed!  Glad to see all is well and hope you and the misses are staying warm and not throttling each other ;) :D  d*

Stay warm my friend.

Gary O

Quote from: OlJarhead on January 08, 2017, 06:12:56 PM
Keep a fire indeed!  Glad to see all is well and hope you and the misses are staying warm and not throttling each other ;) :D  d*

Stay warm my friend.

Oh, we be warm.
There are times we consider throwing ourselves in a snow bank when we over stoke the earth stove.

My hibernation gene kicks in this time of year.
I git up around 9 or 10 or 11 (gawd I luv retirement!)
scratch my back on a tree
grab a few sticks for the stove
await breakfast
take a nap

the afternoon I may do some chores, maybe  (gawd I luv retirement!)
take a nap

sometimes a nap makes me sleepy
I take a nap (did I mention what I thought about retirement?)

somebody keep that fire (yawn)

and catch those lights

(take care, OJ...luv ya, man)
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson


knock it off!  All that napping is making me sleepy! ;)

Gary O

Well, that ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ sound is not all snoring

on a more serious note;
months before I'd conjured up shop design thoughts, my lady sent me a pic
hehh, liked it so much I pasted myself into it

not far from reality now
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson

Adam Roby

Heheheh... always get a kick outta your posts.

Can you show us a closeup of the paint-job on the loo?  Almost looks like faces...

PS:  I could have very well asked this same question a year ago and already forgotten the answer so forgive me if this was already answered.  I am sooOOooOoo looking forward to retirement, you have no idea. 

Gary O

Quote from: Adam Roby on January 09, 2017, 05:58:09 PM
Heheheh... always get a kick outta your posts.

Can you show us a closeup of the paint-job on the loo?  Almost looks like faces...

PS:  I could have very well asked this same question a year ago and already forgotten the answer so forgive me if this was already answered.  I am sooOOooOoo looking forward to retirement, you have no idea.

Retirement is not what they say it is...

Our poophaus;

Heh, we threw that thing up in a couple hours.
(actually while feeling the urge)
We haggled over the camo design, but I think I won...maybe.

In summer you can hardly see it, at least that was the intent, in case revenuers got past the gate.
So far, so good.

Anyway, I fashioned a little 'LOO' sign outa sticks and found a door knocker much like the one scrooge used when it came to life.
At least that's what came to mind when I grabbed it off an old discarded door.

Inside is rather plush, I must say, with the foam wrap an all.

don't mind the sprinkles

And, of course, the back door hatch

as you can see, the appointments were quite well thought out

Questions, anyone?

Lines are open

I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson

Gary O

Well, here it is, middle of January and we still have six cord of wood.

....and ten cord of snow and ice on top of it.

Heh, its gonna warm me a lot more than 'twice'

....a lot more
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson

Adam Roby

Quote from: Gary O on January 09, 2017, 10:07:08 PM

Questions, anyone?

Lines are open

I like the design.  Foam wrap, I was gonna ask about the cold seat... that wrap is well needed.  Is this your only toilet?
Where do you empty the bucket, do you have some compost pile or barrel or something?


Time for a passive solar heater?

Gary O

Quote from: Adam Roby on January 24, 2017, 09:22:30 PM
I like the design.  Foam wrap, I was gonna ask about the cold seat... that wrap is well needed.  Is this your only toilet?
Where do you empty the bucket, do you have some compost pile or barrel or something?

Yes, our one and only
there's only two of us
we don't eat much
therefore, well, you know

permit me to lazily grab an old post I submitted last summer from another site;

This is what I learned today from a guy down the path that had been composting his family of five's 'stuff' for six years.

Build a bin

Approx four feet cubed

Posts in the corners and 3-4 inch wide by half inch thick boards

2-3 inch spacing

Initially leave one side open with one or two boards at the bottom.

Start with a generous layer of pine needles or the like.
A layer of straw on top of that does not hurt.

Empty your pail of you know what, including TP, and well...P.
(no wipes, won't break down)
Pine needles and straw on top of that, about 2-3 inches.

Add boards as needed.

If you experience an odor, add more straw and needles.
(if you experience an odor after saaay a foot of pine needles and straw, change your dining habits or see a doctor)

Once the bin is full, proceed to the next bin and start the process anew.

Let the first bin 'rest' for 12 months.

Happy birthday, you now have compost.

Yes, I compost the stuff, in summer.

Winter (now) I burn it.

diesel/gas mix
add some sticks
molten crap
takes patience
matter of fact, I need to stroll over there right now to cover the barrel

somebody on that site warned me about mixing poop and urine for compost

my reply;

About the urine;
Looks like I need to back up a bit to clarify my intent.
This 'compost' will not go into our garden.
Bushes, shrubs, maybe trees, if anything.
My intent is to just break down the 'stuff'.
So, the explanation of 'learning the hard way' prolly doesn't apply in our case.

I'm just getting somewhat weary of spending a goodly portion of whatever is left of my precious time here on irth boiling poopoo.
At first it was fascinating.
The lighting ceremony.
Stirring the caldron.
Tossing on more...and more.....and more fuel.
Not sure when tedium recognition took place, but, by end of winter the allure had transmuted to some kinda sordid monotony.

This led me to the quick and easy aspect of composting.


to extract urine from the other stuff, or to somehow divert the stream 'tween urges?
Not bloody likely.

Then again, if we were to be so bold as to use our loo-made urineized compost in our veggie garden after a year of resting, well, those fine neighbors down the path have been doing it for years now and they seem normal.....good color, no hair loss, good muscle tone....minimal itching....

so, yes, summer it becomes compost
winter it goes away, sorta, eventually
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson

Gary O

Quote from: OlJarhead on January 24, 2017, 09:37:03 PM
Time for a passive solar heater?

thinking about a gigantic magnifying glass
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson


6 months and no update?  Hope all is well Gary!?

Gary O

Quote from: OlJarhead on May 27, 2017, 08:43:11 AM
6 months and no update?  Hope all is well Gary!?

No worries

tis the busy season

no need to bore you folks with repetition...


Temps steady into the 70s for as far as the forecast shows
Some days dallying with 80
Time to rise early
Cut wood in the cool of the wee morn hours

Then breakfast
Then the easy things, roofing, decking, hauling water...

That's when work blinds one's senses.
Forget to eat
What wives are for

I get coaxed to the meadow round 2p
The trough water is cold this time of year
The sun
Is hot
Gonna sprawl out on those new home built chaises


(I'll sneak back to work round 6p, stays light til 8 something)

Night is easy

No fire to keep

Bed window wide open

A blanket


...and my woman

Oh, I made a couple chaise lounges when our plastic ones gave it up

Thanks for the touch, pard
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson

Adam Roby

Nice to hear everything is OK. 
The last thing I am when reading your posts is "bored".  Inspired is more the word I would use.
You're looking more buff... this lifestyle suits you and seems to be making you a healthier person.
Glad to see you are using your workshop for leisure as well as work. 

Keep well.

Gary O

Quote from: Adam Roby on May 28, 2017, 07:40:44 AM
Nice to hear everything is OK. 
The last thing I am when reading your posts is "bored".  Inspired is more the word I would use.
You're looking more buff... this lifestyle suits you and seems to be making you a healthier person.
Glad to see you are using your workshop for leisure as well as work. 

Keep well.
Thank you Mr Adam

I gained 20 lbs over winter
It may take all 8 cords to git it back off....
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson


Quote from: Adam Roby on May 28, 2017, 07:40:44 AM
Nice to hear everything is OK. 
The last thing I am when reading your posts is "bored".  Inspired is more the word I would use.
You're looking more buff... this lifestyle suits you and seems to be making you a healthier person.
Glad to see you are using your workshop for leisure as well as work. 

Keep well.


Glad to hear from ya Gary!  I often check your thread to see what's new when I pop in to update my own ;)

Gary O

You guys are too kind

I need to catch up with all y'alls projects


It's spring....
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson

Gary O


I searched out and bought a propane driven chikin fryer for $44 at wallyworld

It's the mini me version of a turkey fryer
Sez on the box NOT FOR TURKEYS
Set it out in the meadow by the metal trough (our tub) to hurry up a warm bath
It's just that these late spring morns at 20° turn the tub water a bit frigid and keep it so all day
Guess we're gettin' soft

Anyway, it sends my mind back to childhood

The folks were always aimed at having a pool
Got wunna those huge above ground jobs
Tiny elect filter, cover and all
Took weeks to fill it
Months to warm it
Invited folks over
We all watched as each guest made their grand entrance from daylight basement to patio to pool

Everbody in the pool
Standing around, floating, sorta
Carefully drinking drinks
Taking in the bubbling aroma of chemicals while looking for places to put their elbows

Masked frog kids exploring the amazing underworld of the wrinkled plastic ocean floor, stirring up chlorinated sludge at the incredible depth of 4.5 feet
Two and three year olds choking on the filtered water of a dozen middle aged crotches

Our too huge house was on the edge of a well established stand of doug fir trees
Everthing from those trees landed in the pool
Lifeforms took residence in spite of the neglected cover
T'ward sept they'd pretty much taken over
A preteen lad could do a science paper on the evolution of what swam in there

By fall, the sagging walls of the once coveted pool gave way, sending a tidal wave of green/brown scunge back to the forest

The folks, their waking hours taken with three full time jobs, hadn't given much in depth consideration to maintenance issues, and the attention span of a preteen lad and his daily decision of not skimming out a potential prize winning science collection of fluttering fauna

Dad had moved on from the fixation of a summer pool to a larger boat

And folks wonder why I'm driven to a simpler life

I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson