Building in the country - plans, advice and free tools...
updated 05/11/01

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Owner-built cabin 14x24 w/ sleeping loft

CABIN PLANS (small starter home plans)

Complete building plans for three size buildings - 10'x 14', 12'x 18' and 14'x 24' with a loft - (shown). Complete kit for customizing your own layout. Two easy to build roof styles.

The simple foundation and flexible design allows the plans to be adapted to different needs and climates.

Perfect for an owner-built camping cabin, guest house or that starter place for the homestead. Also makes a great studio or home office.

14x36 Little House cabin built by owner For example... This version of the 14' wide house in the Little House Plans Kit was extended to 36' giving room for a downstairs bedroom with a large storage loft above.  It was built by a retired couple for around $10,000 (including $500 of professional help). Click here, or the photo for some additional photos.

A 10x14 cabin built by a site visitor

For example... This version of the smallest cabin in the Little House Plans Kit was built by a site visitor. He now has a business building these as upscale playhouses and workshop/studios for customers in his area.

A house such as this can be built for less than $2,000 in materials using standard lumber and a simple "no-concrete" foundation.

10x14 cabin w/ roof deck

RETREAT CABIN (how to photos)

An example of the simplest version of the cabin plans in the Little House Plans Kit . Step-by-step photos of the simple 10'x14' flat roofed cabin my two sons and I built for about $1400.

14x24 Cottage Home Plan

COTTAGE HOMES (Upgraded small homes)

Complete building plans for a upgraded 14'x24' builders cottage. High quality at reasonable cost. Best plan for working with a builder.

Greenhouse built using our plans


Build inexpensive sunrooms, skylights, and window walls using standard wood working tools. The key is using tempered glass insulating panels manufactured for sliding glass doors and a special hi-tech glazing tape. Click the drawing or the tiltle above for more information.

Also - Income opportunity for builders.

Diagram of a sun heated and solar tempered house

(Home Energy saving design & layout kit.)
Downloadable PDF file - print and use this kit today.

SUNKIT home energy and site planning tools. Use these simple layout techniques to modify any standard house for 10-40% better energy efficiency at no additional construction cost.

  • Simple, low-cost sun warming strategies that work anywhere in the U.S.

  • Evaluate your property before you buy. Pick the sunniest place to build.

  • Adjust your plans to your local climate.

Grandfather Cottage


Grandfather's cottage - a two bedroom cottage homefor many one-story homes.

BOOKS (on Land, Home design & Building)


The 7 best books on home building with short reviews of each. These are the ones you may want to own. Also read about the best home design software package and what you can and cannot do with it!

TALK (Discussion Forum)

TALK  Small home and alternative building discussion group. Ask questions and look up answers in the search feature.

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Ideas and articles

  • Some thoughts for those who might be interested.

Personal Notes

  • Click About Us to learn about the designer.

  • The Whidbey house is what we built for ourselves.

John C. Raabe (send e-mail to
Country Plans LLC
5010 South Inglewood Dr.
Langley, WA 98260
360-221-5535 (voice & fax)

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