too many children rant

Started by tesa, January 30, 2009, 02:23:18 PM

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OMG, i'm usually not too keen on getting overly vocal about peoples choices when it
comes to family size, but good lord!!

did you hear of the woman that just gave birth to 8babies, with 6 already at home???

how on earth do they expect to feed all those children

i'll tell ya

you and i will be paying for those children, at some point, mark my words

medicaid, welfare, wic, whatever, how can anyone, short of a "donald trump" support that many

unless they are filthy rich, how else would you feed that many children

pay for new clothes and toys



i just don't get it

daniel comes from a family of 5, and he says times were sometimes hard on his family

i watched my aunt spend close to 100K on fertility, trying for years, and years to have a baby

but she never gave a thought to the fact that maby god didn't want her to have a baby

maby her place was to adopt a child that didn't have a family

but to have 15 kids??

as a parent of two, its sometimes hard to make sure both my girls get the attention they deserve

and its darn expensive to have even the two

sorry for the rant, it just pisses me off

now i'm not sayin' we should be like china with too many rules about family size, but theres gotta be
a happy medium here

"building a house requires thousands of decisions based on a million bits of information"-charlie wing


Another fact:  She is not married lives at home and takes fertility drugs.  ???

I am afraid I just don't get what the parents were thinking letting this happen.
Bad Wolf


She will get her own television show for this.  The childrens care will be paid for by every baby company till someone has 9.  None of my dogs even had that many puppies.


I'm glad you brought this up.  We discussed this in my philosophy class.

In the same day we read how people are upset with the woman who paid $50,000 to clone her dog. But the general consensus for the woman who gave birth to eight children was excitement.

Think about these two issues and how the general public views them.

A woman has eight children, already has 6, lives with her parents, single...we are paying for that crap, yet we are excited because she gave birth to eight at once. 

Then we get mad at a woman who uses her own money to do clone her dog? Her own money, she paid for it.  Whether or not it is considered "morally wrong" to clone a dog, it doesn't affect us nearly as bad as a woman who has 14 children.

The earth is becoming increasingly overpopulated and some countries have resorted to population control; such as China.  From what I've cities you may have one child and in the country regions you may have two.  I have also heard that not everyone in China is allowed to have refrigerators because the resources don't exist to make that many. 

Individuality: You are all unique, just like everybody else.


The Dugger family has 18 kids and they do not live off the state. They supported themself before their TV debut.

Woman who cloned her dog can do what ever she wants to do with her money. It's non of my business.

This woman who gave birth to 8 kids. I am curious, if she is living on state funds who paid for the fertility treatment? Something is not right with the story. Things are not adding up. As for being joyous about a woman giving birth to 8 babies, it's still non of my business unless my taxes are paying for it. Then I will have an opinion.


It is insane to have that many children. It seems there is another baby boom going on right now, everyone I know is pregnant, and 17 people at work are going on maternity leave too. It will eventually come to a point where we will see first hand how limited our resources are becoming, when we watch American children starving to death. Its been going on for years in the third world countries, we just are to arrogant to think it will never happen to us.

I like kids; and almost everyone should be able to experience raising their own little genetic copy; But at least limit it to just a couple of them.
"A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine."
-Thomas Jefferson


The science that goes into artificial fertalization, cloning, and genetically modifying food is almost identical.  I don't see much difference. 


I've heard of teenage girls getting pregnant just so they can get thier own place and get on welfare so they don't have to live with their parents. These people who are messing around with nature will get what they deserve sooner or later.


i have also heard that the duggers don't use public assistance.

thats great

i as a tax payer appreciate that

but even without that, as a mother i just don't see how you can tend to so many wee ones!

you know what happens, remember my husband comes from a family of 5

the older ones have to take care of the younger ones

daniel was in the middle, but he remembers, many times, his older sister, and brother cooking, cleaning,
washing, and generally tending to the younger ones

and resenting it for much of their young lives


"building a house requires thousands of decisions based on a million bits of information"-charlie wing


I agree with stinkerbell that if we aren't paying for it, it is NONE of our business.  The majority of people I meet can't imagine doing the things I do and I'm no superwoman.  I just do what I can and am slowly losing the "box" I was given c/o society and our government.   Aside from the whole overpopulation propaganda issue, many people have abilities different than our own.  And, many people live their lives quite differently than mainstream.  We spend our money mostly on food and books and spend almost all of our non-work time together as a family.  I don't fit in with the "manicured nails" around me that can only handle 2 kids even when they send them to school all day.  That doesn't make either of us wrong.  Maybe they can't handle doing what I do just as I couldn't handle living life as they do.  This site is such a weath of people who are living their own way, not trapped by societies norms, that it is an inspiration.  I don't know anything of this woman's story more than what was said here.  We have no right to judge.  The government is already controlling every other aspect of our lives, PLEASE do NOT support people having control over the number of children we can have and when. 

And personally, I don't think it is that awful for children to learn to work together as a family.  Of course it has to be done appropriately by loving parents who are giving their all to their family as well.  I don't think they should raise their siblings if there are parents around, but helping siblings, helping parents, helping out around the house, they SHOULD be learning that.  My oldest children will undoubtedly have more responsibilities as they grow up because that is a natural part of being a family and birth order.  As a parent, I know enough to know that that also means I must give them more priviledges accordingly to balance it out.  Children will ALWAYS find something wrong with the way their parents raised them...that is part of learning from life.

Stay-at-home, homeschooling mother of 6 in "nowhere" Alaska


"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness " our "inalienable rights" as humans and Americans.

Now those words are meant for us as long as we do not impede on others. A person wants to have a dozen children and is able to pay for them and met their needs, and it is their desire, it is allowed. However, that said not everyone can raise a dozen children and others can not raise even one.

It is one of our business, unless We The People are picking up the tab. Then we can rant and rave all we want. However in this instance, I hold the medical community responsible for this,  if this is on the tax payers dime. I would hope that if it is that state or government agency paid for this  they get out tax dollar back from the medical practitioners, because IMO this would be medical malpractice.


Large families were not uncommon in the 20 & 30's.  Partly because we were more of an agricultural community.  The more kids the more farm help.  There was nothing unusual for their to be 8-10 kids.  But then again you had a full time mom.  Now there is basicly part time parents. 


While I believe how many children you want is your own business I personally believe, in our modern world, that it is irresponsible to deliberately set out to have more children, by the use of fertility drugs and embryo implantation techniques.  I believe the medical team that performed the procedures for her are morally bankrupt. The embryos were implanted. That was a deliberate and irresponsible act, IMO.
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


I re read my last post, need to clear up my position a little. I think the planting of 8 embryos is medical malpractice. First this woman has children, therefore did not need imo to be artificially impregnated, however we still have no idea how she became pregnant the assumption is she was implanted, but  the number of implants  (if that is what it turns out to be) IMO endangered the health of the mother and babies. So what if it is not implants but she took a drug to help her become pregnant and for what ever reason she became pregnant with 8? I think what is needed is a full understanding of the events and not the tid bits we have. A miracle my even be here with pregnancy that was created under normal conditions.....Highly unlikely, but one never knows.


The news report I saw stated they were implanted, all 8 of them.   :o    But there is some fuzziness over that, because other sources say that would be very poor ethical practice.
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


News I saw said she came to the doctors who help deliver, mid pregnancy and could not answer the "How".

Many layers to this.


New meaning to: It's better to have 2 in braces than 5 that need them.


How many layers to this?...That's just what I'm trying to figure out. Single, unemployed immigrant, mother of 6 (2 of which have Autism) on welfare was implanted with 8 embryos....Oh this needs to be investigated. No wonder why we haven't "seen" the happy mom.

I agree, that it is a person's right to live their life as they please as long as it's not hurting anybody else. This includes putting a burden on anybody else. How many tax payers right now feel all positive about this situation? Can I see a raise of hands?
Something is seriously wrong. Come on journalist...time to dig...

Now, the 14 children involved in all this. #1...I feel for these little souls. #2...what's REALLY going on here?...Journalist....who paid for and why did they plant these embryos?

I'm not going to comment on where she's from. I just want some answers.
The wilderness is a beautiful thing for the soul. Live free or die.


actually, being an only child, i grew up wishing for brothers or sisters

and i do understand about our past, my father comes from a family of 8

and i do agree, if you can raise that many happy/healthy/well adjusted children without
government help, more power to ya!

i just wish people would consider the childrens future

"better to have 2 in braces than 5 that need them"   indeed!!

i didn't think you could get fertility treatments on public assistance, surly our government
wouldn't allow that? right  ???

"building a house requires thousands of decisions based on a million bits of information"-charlie wing


I've read that the mother is NOT a welfare Mom. Not yet anyways.  :D
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.

glenn kangiser

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

Please put your area in your sig line so we can assist with location specific answers.


Good Grief!

Such malpractice in this.


Just to throw fuel on the fire.  I heard on the news that she got divorced just one year ago and that the ex-husband is not the father of any of the children and she has no one else to support them.  On the upside, she is a college graduate with a degree in child development, and she is currently going to school for a masters.


Quote from: StinkerBell on January 30, 2009, 07:05:11 PM
"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness " our "inalienable rights" as humans and Americans.
Now those words are meant for us as long as we do not impede on others.

But it does impede on others.  This is why the libertarian philosophy cannot work.  Let's say...I don't believe the government should be able to make me wear a helmet with a visor while riding my motorcycle.  But what if I am riding my bike and I get hit in the face by a fat bug and lose control of my bike sliding it into a family of four and killing two?  At that point it does impede on others because if I had been wearing the helmet in the first place it would never have happened.

Population control is just as serious.  If everyone has 10 kids, we will run out of resources very quickly, other countries are already limiting children because this is a problem that DOES impede on others. It impedes on their "pursuit of happiness" because they no longer can get food.
Individuality: You are all unique, just like everybody else.


Quote from: Sonoran on February 02, 2009, 12:54:11 PM
Quote from: StinkerBell on January 30, 2009, 07:05:11 PM
"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness " our "inalienable rights" as humans and Americans.
Now those words are meant for us as long as we do not impede on others.

But it does impede on others.  This is why the libertarian philosophy cannot work.  Let's say...I don't believe the government should be able to make me wear a helmet with a visor while riding my motorcycle.  But what if I am riding my bike and I get hit in the face by a fat bug and lose control of my bike sliding it into a family of four and killing two?  At that point it does impede on others because if I had been wearing the helmet in the first place it would never have happened.

Population control is just as serious.  If everyone has 10 kids, we will run out of resources very quickly, other countries are already limiting children because this is a problem that DOES impede on others. It impedes on their "pursuit of happiness" because they no longer can get food.

Well lets see, you impeded on others when you slide into a family of four and killed two of them.

Can you give me an other example for this discussion? (I think you gave a bad example and am happy to have this discussion)

The argument that we will run out of food, hmmm. I guess I could argue back that maybe we need not to depend on others but depend on ourself and grow our own food. Food is a commodity and I think I can rant on about how only  certain countries  produce certain things is a mistake. I think diversity would serve everyone better then the current system. But the mere fact I get fresh fruit from a south american  country when it is winter for me makes us lazy and unadaptable when there is a problem.