How's the weather

Started by Redoverfarm, December 17, 2007, 11:09:58 AM

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It's clear out today and not to cold for January usually a clear night in January will bring below zero temps here so I am even more hopeful for an early spring.  It looks like the sun is going to shine today but it is hard to tell until the sun comes up.  Sometimes things start to warm up and then we get fog. 
Peresrverance, persistance and passion, keys to the good life.

glenn kangiser

Interesting -- the sun has been up for an hour or better here.  I forget that you don't get the winter sun we do- then we don't get the summer sun hours you do.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

Wonder if this will work?


Looks like it did.

Probably changes during the day but note CA getting the sun before WA in the morning.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Yes, we get the sun a bit later than folks in CA but I also have to wait for it to clear a mountain ridge before it actually hits my livingroom windows.  And if the sun isn't hitting the windows it isn't up or out.  See I was a bear in my past life. 
Peresrverance, persistance and passion, keys to the good life.

glenn kangiser

That explains it.  :)

We are on a ridge so get first and last sun in this area.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Quote from: tanya on January 06, 2008, 11:18:30 AM
It's clear out today and not to cold for January usually a clear night in January will bring below zero temps here so I am even more hopeful for an early spring.  It looks like the sun is going to shine today but it is hard to tell until the sun comes up.  Sometimes things start to warm up and then we get fog. 

16 degs here but the sun is coming out. We had a little fog but it is burning off. I am hopeful for a early spring but not sure it is coming this year? Mark


The west coast weather has arrived in RR, New Mexico. Raining right now. 51 degrees. Winds 12 to 20 from SSW, 29.77 inches.
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


Light rain mixed with light snow this AM.
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


Sunny and headed to low 70's today.


53 degrees, partly cloudy, decreasing PG&E guys.

Getting ready for more rain come tomorrow, but the radar doesn't see it yet.

glenn kangiser

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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It's snowing here and the weather advisory says it will snow though tomorrow.  Car has a dead battery too so I am working on that, plus I have to do all my own chores today the kids have all gone back to their own lives.    But it isn't to bad I have the battery charging, brought firewood in and fed the horses already now I jsut have to take more water out for the horses and hook up the battery and that will be all for today.  No way am I shoveling today I am still really sore from shoveling three days ago plus I am really tired we had my daughter and her husband here for dinner last night and I stayed up to late and ate to much too.
Peresrverance, persistance and passion, keys to the good life.


Quote from: tanya on January 07, 2008, 03:01:29 PM
It's snowing here and the weather advisory says it will snow though tomorrow.  Car has a dead battery too so I am working on that, plus I have to do all my own chores today the kids have all gone back to their own lives.    But it isn't to bad I have the battery charging, brought firewood in and fed the horses already now I jsut have to take more water out for the horses and hook up the battery and that will be all for today.  No way am I shoveling today I am still really sore from shoveling three days ago plus I am really tired we had my daughter and her husband here for dinner last night and I stayed up to late and ate to much too.
We got 4 inches of snow today and it was blowing out. According to our forcast should get between 9-20 inches of snow over the next 3-4 days. Glad I have a tractor to plow with but the walkways need done with a shovel! I am tired of the snow but to early in the season to get depressed about it yet. Give me a couple more months of snow and I will probley hate it! Mark

glenn kangiser

I picked up a load of stainless steel stands to weld from my job 80 miles away and brought them home to weld.  Easier to do here when storming than there when storming -- rain tomorrow?  Shows 100% ...Looks like a couple more good ones headed in our way -- don't look as bad as the last one yet.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

Please put your area in your sig line so we can assist with location specific answers.


Looks like the rain is going to stay in the sky for a while.  I won't get a truck down the hill to the work site, but Dan and I are going to start trenching for our irrigation line.  That's another good thing about our place.  If it's too wet to drive on, it's a good time to dig.  The clay bakes as hard as a coffee cup in the summer.

Funny.  I work in an office and sometimes mention my building and growing plans.  "That's a lot of work," most say.  Well, yeah!  What would I do all day if it wasn't?


Today was a little snow a little rain a little mist and some sun too.  I took the long 100 mile trip to the big town over the pass and the roads were pretty sloppy but I got a lot of groceries, some garden supplies and a grow light so I can start my tomatoes and peppers so I am happy but soooo tired.  I can't wait for spring now. 
Peresrverance, persistance and passion, keys to the good life.

Homegrown Tomatoes

Quote from: Drew on January 09, 2008, 04:42:01 PM
Looks like the rain is going to stay in the sky for a while.  I won't get a truck down the hill to the work site, but Dan and I are going to start trenching for our irrigation line.  That's another good thing about our place.  If it's too wet to drive on, it's a good time to dig.  The clay bakes as hard as a coffee cup in the summer.

Funny.  I work in an office and sometimes mention my building and growing plans.  "That's a lot of work," most say.  Well, yeah!  What would I do all day if it wasn't?

When DH and I first got married and bought our old house 20 miles away from town, all the other Korean students thought we were nuts.  They just couldn't understand why we'd grow our own food when it was easier to just go to the grocery store and buy what we needed.  They couldn't fathom us doing the work ourselves to fix up that old place, either.  They just didn't even begin to get it until the Korean engineering student group came to our house for a cookout, and they ate juicy tomatoes and lettuce that had just been picked sometime after the grilling started.   We had apple pie from our apple tree for dessert and they were in awe.  Their kids all had a ball watching the chickens and messing around in the garden, as well as running around and around the house, because most of them lived in tiny student apartments and had no yards to play in.  THEN they sort of got it (not completely, of course, but at least the way we lived started to make a little sense to them.)  My MIL still doesn't get it.  One time I decided to bake homemade bread for them in Korea.  (DH's idea because when we first got married he was amazed that you could bake breads and cakes at home;  he had no idea it was so easy before that.)  Anyway, MIL became irritated and impatient with the whole kneading/rising process and kept saying, "If you wanted bread that badly, there's a bakery right down the street.  Why don't you just go buy bread???"  She didn't get that I was making it for them to try because my husband wanted me to.  My FIL was a bit smarter about it... he lounged in front of the TV while I worked and commented on how good it smelled baking, and while MIL had gone to bed early before the bread was done, he waited to sample some.  And some more, and a little more, until the entire loaf was gone (it was a big fabulous braided loaf of challah).  He turned to my husband and said, "Now I see why you let her go to the trouble... I'd never eat bakery bread again either."  To DH's knowledge, that was the first time their oven had ever been used to cook in; up to that point, his parents had no idea you even COULD cook in an oven.  They used it to store their pots and pans! Anyway, all that is beside the point, Drew.  I think God created work for us to do to be enjoyable, but somehow through the ages we've developed the idea that it should be avoided... we lost the joy in hard work and a job well done.  Those of us who do enjoy it are a mystery to the ones who just don't get it.  Some of the best times that we have as a family are working together.... building the chicken house, working in the garden, preserving the harvest, working on the house, etc.  Other folks don't get that until they've tried it and succeeded in doing something they didn't think they could do.

Oh, yes, this thread is about the weather!  The earlier part of the week was wonderfully warm and tornadic, which I thoroughly enjoyed as it felt much more homey to me.  Then, yesterday the sky cleared up and we actually saw the sun, though the temperature was only about 40 (still warm for WI this time of year, and nice because of the sunshine.)  This morning is looking cloudy and like it could rain... there is supposed to be some rain turning to snow this PM.  Sigh.  Back to Wisconsin winter.


"Rain, rain, go away.  Go and bother San Jose."

It's Thursday, so I don't care if it rains a little.  I just want to work under a dry sky on Saturday.  I'd do Sunday too, but I lead our 4H web design project that day.  Poor kids.  It's supposed to be sunny and 54 degrees.  Maybe Dave and I can get a bike ride in!

I was walking in the City (That's SF to us geocentric types) on 12/31.  I was thinking that maybe I should take my next contract up here.  All the young dudes were wearing North Face jackets.  Mine was from Cabela's.

Homegrown Tomatoes

So far, still no more rain... the sun is really trying to make a showing... peeking through the clouds every now and then because I can see shadows outside right now, but couldn't a minute ago.


Rain and temp @ 36F. Glad I jumped on the cabin early and got in about 3 hours before it started running the facia board on the porch framing. Prediction is 80% today and 100% tomarrow with freezing rain and snow.  :(.  Was sort of hoping it would hold off for a couple more days to get my metal on the roof. Well maybe next week I will grab a couple good days.


sounds like weather in Illinois, Mississippi, Alabama looks pretty rough?

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free

Homegrown Tomatoes

Dreary, dreary, dreary.  That's all there is to it.  A little over freezing.  Cloudy.  Snowed really heavy last night but it was above freezing so it is gone off the roads and sidewalks, and there's still a light dusting on the yard.  I hate winter here.


Well it rained early and stopped at 1000. So back I went to the Mt to finish what I didn't get done yesterday. Temp's were 40-45F, windy but the rain held off. If it will just stay away for another day.  I keep saying that " All I need is one more good day". That will run out soon I'm sure.

Homegrown Tomatoes

Pretty nice today for this time of year... partly sunny and about 40 degrees.  Kids got to play outside for a change.


Well I got me another good day. Temp was in early 50's and sunny. Just what I needed to get the metal roof put on my cabin. That was a great relief that I wouldn't get it done before bad weather. No I can concentrate on getting the windows and door put in.  If it rains I can live with that as long as the road doesn't get bad. The forecast is rain, freezing rain and snow for the next three days. Just have to wait and see.  Alot depends on the southern weather  front and how far it tracks off the coast.