What's for dinner?

Started by Homegrown Tomatoes, October 17, 2007, 04:08:34 PM

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You two are good. ;D

I think there may have been a little hippy and truck driver in there too, Don.  Right on. :)

San Fernando, Stink.???? :-? :-?   :o Crimoney.  I thought you were a genuwine Washingtonian Redneck gurl. :o

I used to work and drive truck through the San Fernando Valley.


I am a graduate of L A Unified School District, North Hollywood High.....GO HUSKY's.....


Cool, Stinkerbell.  I always associate Hollywood with the La Brea Tar Pits.  A cool place.  

So North Hollywood picked a Husky for a mascot.  Does the Husky know and appreciate that?



The American Indians have in many cases had themselves removed from being mascots, probably because they don't want to be associated with the actions of many of the individuals who do not necessarily represent their name in a conscientious manner.

I was just wondering if any Huskies had voiced their disapproval or not. ;D


Ask PETA, I think they might know  ;)


A brown rice and barley medley: brown rice, barley, black beans, corn, green peas, tomato, peppers, cilantro. All that wholesome goodness counter-balanced with some Kielbasa and a beer that was begging to come out of the dark fridge.

Yesterday's air show was a good one. (F22 standing on its pipe going straight up to 40K+ feet in no time.) Dinner grabbed along the road home; Inn of the Mountain Gods c-a-s-i-n-o/resort; Apache C-a-s-i-n-o Smoky B's Buffet, adequate food and prices, no waiting. A little bit of a detour out of the way home, but my son's RX8 needed the twisty road exercise.  ;D


...a whole can of Spaghetti O's and about three tablespoons of pure apple cider vinegar an hour later to see if I can get them to digest. :-/

Not working yet. :(  

May need more vinegar.  :P


My condolences Glenn.

I just noticed that your filters don't like the word c-a-s-i-n-o.


One of the bad words, Don. ;D

We had a spammer that wanted to post links to an online one so we blocked it.  Might have even put some crazy substitute word in there. :o ;D


Cooked for myself, Don.  Just nuked the "O"s.  I don't know if I'll ever be able to eat a whole can of them again. :(



sucks to be old dude... I guess it is not all bad...Canned food mostly is crap! Filled with Sodium and MSG...Friend of mine who is pushing 90 has trouble eating restaurant food and the good thing about that is he eats really healthy light non greasy meals a lot of fish and vegetables.... no spaghetti-o's or mc donalds


We had one of our granddaughters over for the night - when I was at the store with her, she insisted on Spaghettios.  I don't like the crap myself.  When I fixed it for her, Glenn said - "she never buys me Spaghettios."  I told him he was welcome to eat his own can of the stuff.  I think he may be cured of the hankering for Spaghettios  ;D


Seems the vinegar and Pepcid did their job -- the Spaghettio's got digested.    Guess I should stick to better food. :-/


Ugh!  Spaghettios!  I didn't even know if they still made those.  The last time I saw them was when I was about fifteen.  I was babysitting a couple of little boys and when I went to make lunch, that's all they had in the pantry.  I fasted.  They ate them like they were going out of style.   :P

Several years ago we started eliminating almost all processed foods from our diet, and now if I try to eat fast food it makes me almost sick.  In fact, the last time I ate a Whopper, I was miserable for a few days.  Last night we'd been working in the house, and the stain fumes were overwhelming.  It was about 50 degrees and all the windows were open, but I was still getting sick (and I mean SICK) from the fumes... there was no way I could stand in the kitchen and cook without up-chucking, so we decided to go out.  DH decided that fried chicken sounded good, and since it'd been years since we'd eaten at KFC, we decided to stop there.  I had to laugh at him when he ate one of the potato wedges and said, "Man, that's salty!"  When we first met, he would've salted his ketchup before even tasting the fries... he's just gotten used to tasting the foods and not the salt.  It probably wasn't the healthiest thing to eat, but it didn't taste bad, though I couldn't eat a whole lot of it.  For the baby's sake, we slept with all the bedroom windows open and the fan going on high last night... even though we did were staining the shelving in the kitchen downstairs and had the door shut to the stairwell, the smell of wood stain had certainly drifted up there and was overwhelming to me.  However, the kitchen is looking really good.  I have to get it cleaned up and get the top of the remaining cabinet tiled, as well as the rest of the backsplash, and then take some pics to post.  Freezing to death today with the windows up, but just don't think I can take it with them closed.   :P  Even the smell of the sourdough starter pushed me over the top yesterday, so much so that I threw it out and don't think I'll bake sourdough until after this baby is born!  

Tonight we'll have goulash, or something to that effect.  Had a hankering for burgers the other day (which we almost never eat) and so I still have part of the ground beef left that needs to be used up.  Actually, I don't think I wanted the burger itself nearly as much as the drippy tomato/onion/pickle/mustard combination, but the meat probably boosted the nutritional value of it considerably!  Cravings are strange things.  Wanted a coke float from Sonic really bad a few days ago, but there isn't a Sonic in Wisconsin (or even Illinois?) to my knowledge.  Didn't think it was worth driving all the way to Missouri for  ;D.  Ate a whole jar of the crunchy kosher dills in about a day and a half last week, and that was TRYING to show some restraint.  Would have eaten them all in an hour if I had let myself!  Another day, ate a whole bag of frozen chopped broccoli.   :-[  At least that on was healthy!


Mornin, 'maters.   :)     For Sassy's benefit, (Ex-FIL was from Arkansas and called Tomatoes 'maters)

Please keep reminding me that nearly all pre-prepared and fast food is crap. :-/

Do you think a water based stain would be better?  Probably cant find it in the color you want.

I liked the Sonic Coconut Cream Pie shakes but last time I had one it really tasted a lot like shaving cream. :(


Note that Spaghetti-O's has changed from Franco-American to Campbell's but it probably isn't an improvement.

Remember the song?


Homegrown, I can remember those days even though my youngest is now 26!  I was working in a bank at the time - we had carbon-paperless forms (new product at that time) I couldn't stand the smell, would drive me nuts!  Well, at least you know there's a fairly defined time-frame for being pregnant... & a wonderful reward at the end  :)

Three days before I delivered my 1st I made an "entertainment center" - went to the lumber yard, picked out the boards I needed, knew one of the owners from church - he cut the lumber to my specifications for free, went home, built, sanded & stained it in 2 days - it covered a whole wall.  I guess I was in that nesting mode & needed storage - gave me lots of room for the stereo, books, nicknacks etc.  

We try to eat fairly healthy - Glenn still likes to add salt to everything - usually when he is working, he sweats a lot - especially when welding in the summer in 100+ degree heat - his clothes will be covered with dried salt  :o so I don't worry too much about his salt intake - he loves ice cream & eats at least 2 bowls a day - I keep telling him that is probably what's bothering him, but he doesn't believe me.  

I offered my granddaughter other food, but she didn't want anything but the spaghetti-o's - Glenn offered to give me a bite - I said "no thanks, I don't even want to taste them" in fact, I don't think I've ever had more than a spoonful when they 1st came out & I didn't like them then!


well as for fast food... most of it upsets my stomach also... burger thing mc dogfoods are never on the menu with my wife and I ... it has been several years since we have eaten their crap.... my wife for some reason likes Wendys chili

even if someone wants to buy me supper I will not eat Mcdogfoods....I love the dog too much to even feed it to him

I used to eat the irish stew in the can as a kid....I do not enjoy it much anymore...never could eat spaghetti- o's

The only thing we eat from a can is corned beef....We have corned beef hash with potatoes usually once a week...

Grab half a dozen good sized potatoes  the size of your hand palm opened up and mash them.... and then dump them in the drying pan with a can of corned beef.... cook until potatoes are just starting to brown add desired spice  and presto...

that is about the extent of our canned foods...

Once a year we make chili and I guess the kidney beans and stewed tomatoes come from the can

our pasta sauce comes from the bottle sometimes....


Well, most stuff that we eat from cans is stuff we canned ourselves.  I buy canned pineapple because I really like pineapple, and how the heck do you get fresh ones in Wisconsin???  I like canned pears every now and then, too.   I never liked Spaghettios, though, and my kids have never even tasted them... have a feeling they wouldn't care for them.  The never order off of  the kid menu when we go out because they just don't like bland stuff.  If we go eat Mexican food, they order steak tostadas or carne asada.  Went to a steak house when we first moved here and my oldest pitched a fit because they didn't have steak on the kids menu.  So I ordered a big steak and worked it out with the waitress to divide it and add some sides for DD (who was then 2.5).  When the waitress asked how my daughter's steak was, I wanted to slide under the table when she replied cheerfully, "It is tough.  It tastes like shoe leather.  Do you have any Heinz 57? I don't care for A-1."  This was the same steak house where the same DD kept pronouncing loudly, "Why is it so dark in here?!  Don't they want you to see what you're eating?" and "Why's everyone whispering?"  Needless to say, we never went back there!   ::)


QuoteHomegrown, I can remember those days even though my youngest is now 26!  I was working in a bank at the time - we had carbon-paperless forms (new product at that time) I couldn't stand the smell, would drive me nuts!  Well, at least you know there's a fairly defined time-frame for being pregnant... & a wonderful reward at the end  :)

Three days before I delivered my 1st I made an "entertainment center" - went to the lumber yard, picked out the boards I needed, knew one of the owners from church - he cut the lumber to my specifications for free, went home, built, sanded & stained it in 2 days - it covered a whole wall.  I guess I was in that nesting mode & needed storage - gave me lots of room for the stereo, books, nicknacks etc.  

We try to eat fairly healthy - Glenn still likes to add salt to everything - usually when he is working, he sweats a lot - especially when welding in the summer in 100+ degree heat - his clothes will be covered with dried salt  :o so I don't worry too much about his salt intake - he loves ice cream & eats at least 2 bowls a day - I keep telling him that is probably what's bothering him, but he doesn't believe me.  

I offered my granddaughter other food, but she didn't want anything but the spaghetti-o's - Glenn offered to give me a bite - I said "no thanks, I don't even want to taste them" in fact, I don't think I've ever had more than a spoonful when they 1st came out & I didn't like them then!

Three days before delivering?  What a champ!  A week before our second was born, we went tent camping in the Ozarks (she wasn't due for almost another month) and the day after I got back, my doctor checked me out and then looked up and said, "Well... I don't know how you feel about having a baby TODAY..."  I told her I couldn't and that she needed to let me go home so that I could finish unpacking from the trip and get the garden picked, etc.  She reluctantly let me go home, and in the mean time, I canned tomatoes and pickles and cooked a whole freezer full of dinners so that there was always something to be popped in the oven for dinner... In fact, we were still eating those stupid homemade frozen dinners up until we moved away because I went so overboard! :D  (Nothing like goat enchiladas and goat lasagna for weeks on end, ha ha!)  When our first was born, no one knew for several days (because it was during Christmas) and so there weren't ladies from church showing up at the door with dinner every night for two weeks... I thought we were going to starve to death because the baby wanted to nurse all the time and making a PB&J was sometimes the best I could muster.   The next time, boy was I prepared!  This time around smells are bothering me way more than before.  Last time it was putting anything in my mouth (straws, spoons, toothbrush) because the gag reflex was so strong.  With the first, it was intense cravings for fish and broccoli.  So weird the things that set you off... I got sick eating a really mild Korean soup in Korea when I was pregnant with the second one, and to this day, I can't even look at or smell that soup without the same feeling coming back, even though I used to really like it.


I couldn't stand the smell of coffee any of the times I was pregnant but as soon as I delivered I liked it again  :-?  seemed like I just wanted to eat healthy stuff - especially the 1st 3-4 months- must be the good Lord looking out for the baby  :)  Loved potato salad with dill pickles - made a big bowl - lived on it a couple days & couldn't stand it afterwards  :D .  I can't remember a whole lot of other smells - but I know there were several that bothered me.

You really outdid yourself with your last child - harvesting the garden, canning, fixing up dinners & probably remodeling during all the pregnancies!  

I used to make bread every week - I need to start doing that again.  Homemade bread is so much better, although they are making better breads - at Trader Joe's you can get the Ezekial bread.  

Peter, I like corned beef hash, too, out of the can, fried.


I have to have corned beef hash about every week.... it is a staple at the house... a Chicken a week a beef roast and corned beef hash .. we have fallen into boring routines at the supper table...

as long as that does not happen in the bedroom I am okay with it ::)


QuoteI couldn't stand the smell of coffee any of the times I was pregnant but as soon as I delivered I liked it again  :-?  
Wish I had that trouble!  Was really good with the first and never touched caffeine and was so careful about what I ate and yet she is the wildest little woman I've ever seen.  With the second, I needed a cup of coffee a day just to survive pregnancy and a toddler (they're only 18 months apart.)  Drank coffee most of the way through with #2, and she's the sweetest, calmest, most compliant child in the world.  Now I'm still drinking coffee, but don't think I could stomach more than one cup a day.  It still smells wonderful, though, and I'll find myself wanting some if I smell it, but I've been pretty good about not drinking too much of it.  Can't stand Coke, though... and usually in spite of knowing it's not good for me, I really like Coke.  Probably have to give up coffee by  month 5 anyway because the heartburn gets so bad.  Maybe it had something to do with drinking coffee when I was pregnant and/or nursing  my girls, but both of them actually LIKE black coffee... when they were little, if my husband left his cup sitting somewhere where they could reach it, he'd turn around and catch them guzzling it like apple juice.  I remember tasting my dad's coffee when I was little and thinking it was gross and wondering how anyone could drink that stuff.  I still don't like it without cream and sugar... with my older daughter, I craved fish all the time, and she absolutely loves fish, including things like anchovies and sardines... she could make a meal off of them.  With the younger one, I had a total aversion to fish, and she still doesn't care for fish (except the Korean fried dried anchovies and grilled tilapia with a lot of spices.)  Older one hated potatoes and has only recently learned to like them (though she only likes them baked, and then only with sour cream) but I craved potatoes with the little one and she loves them.  Sometimes I wonder how sense of taste develops in kids... I know that I am blessed in that my kids are great eaters and not really picky.  I don't think it is so much a matter of parenting that they ask for things like spinach at the grocery store as opposed to things like Cheetos... I think it has more to do with what we eat and what they were introduced to early, and the fact that they've been in the garden and seen how things grow since birth.  Still, it's funny to go in the grocery store and watch the looks on faces when the girls start hollering for some of that "beautiful broccoli" or a bigger bag of carrots, or asking if we can buy some ginger root for putting in kimchee, and it's fun to take them to the farmer's market and listen to my four-year-old try to talk farming and genetic diversity with the vendors (she always asks which things they sell are heirloom varieties and then is sure to tell them that by growing a variety of heirlooms, they're protecting genetic diversity.) ::)  Dunno where she heard that from. ::)

Benevolance, I don't think I've ever eaten corned beef hash... I may have to give it a try.  I like corned beef on reuben sandwiches.  Our food rut is tabouleh, which we usually eat more than once a week.  In the winter, we usually don't have tomatoes in it, but we almost always have it on hand in some form or another... made with lots of parsley, mint, green onions, and cumin.    It's usually what we take to potlucks, etc., too, even though a lot of people haven't ever tasted it before.  Sometimes we add grilled chicken or canned tuna and just eat that for dinner.  However, I was just reading here a while back that mint in large quantities isn't too good for men, so I may have to slow down on it for hubby's sake.  Guess it stimulates your body to produce estrogen if eaten in large quantities??

Tonight, I am going to experiment with making tiramisu for dessert.  We had some the last time we went on a date... it was so delicious, and expensive, and so I've been looking up recipes on the web to see if I could come up with a less expensive substitute that didn't require hiring a babysitter and going out to a nice restaurant.  :)  I'll post later to let you know how it turns out.  I finally found one recipe for it that didn't require raw eggs (which I wouldn't have a problem with if we still had our own chickens, but with store bought eggs, I'm kind of leery.)  If it turns out good, I'll post the recipe if anyone is interested.


Quote...corned beef hash... I may have to give it a try.  I like corned beef on reuben sandwiches.  
Corned beef out of a can is very different from the sliced corned beef that goes into a Rueben, IMO. Ya' can't really compare them. Out of the can has way too much animal fat for my liking.  :-/ OMMV   Heavy on the sodium as well

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