Glenn's Underground Cabin Update

Started by glenn kangiser, January 30, 2005, 10:24:03 PM

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at least if it gets damaged it is not anything of value ;)

glenn kangiser

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Got back in last night after the fire info meeting. Very happy to report no damage of consequence. Fire burnt all around us, and we still had two engines and crews at the top, and two more with a water tender at the shooting range. Feeling very relieved and grateful. Will post some pics later.
I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Thomas Jefferson

glenn kangiser

That is great, Harry. 

These guys are just a great example of what this country is supposed to be about.  If only the rest of government could be as good as this sector.

New Fire Map

Old one for comparison

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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As an ex rural area 20 year firefighter I can tell you that the "Majority" of the firefighters appreciate the help and hospitality you have given them.


I hope nothing "Else" happened to your "Holy Shirt" [cool]

If you live a totally useless day in a totally useless manner you have learned how to live

glenn kangiser

Thanks Bruce.  All of the firefighters except one Chief who immediately got friendly were super.  The bureaucrats displayed their godly attitudes at the first fire meeting - our people didn't care how much they wanted to kiss each others s's.  They just wanted to know if they were burned out but, they were grateful for what was being done.  That was not the place foIr 45 minutes of s kissing IMO-- they should have done a press release for that.

The real workers - the guys doing hand lines, the strike teams, the guys back burning in the fiery hell are the real heroes but it also does take the supervision, coordinating and planning to get it all done.

I also met many supervisors who were great so I can't put them all down -- not fair.

I am a welder and the t shirts tend to get holes from welding -- that one had a really rough day and had a few extra ones plus the rest seemed to have doubled in size -- to the rag bag with it next wash I guess.

Man, I loved that shirt.  :(

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Glad to see this is working out in your favor Glenn and Sassy. I bet you can use some rest after this past weeks excitment. We've had many fires around here over the years so I know how trying these things can be.

John Raabe


Got a call from Kelia (SP?) at the Yuma fire station about wanting to use some of your fire team photos in their newsletter. I gave her your contact information.

None of us are as smart as all of us.

glenn kangiser

I took a good nap yesterday afternoon.  Our town is filled with firemen.  Today is the first day I've been out since last Friday.  About to fall asleep again. d*

Thanks Scott.  Things could change but look pretty good for us right now.

Great, John.  I have higher res ones I can send and extra ones also.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

Please put your area in your sig line so we can assist with location specific answers.

glenn kangiser

Received this this afternoon.

Subject: Yuma Firefighters
Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2008 12:06:56 -0700
From: Kayla.Holiman
To: glenn-k

Hello Mr. Kangiser!
My name is Kayla, and I am a fire inspector with the City of Yuma Fire Department. I am a 'stand in' public information officer when our real PIO is out of town. He happens to be out of town right now, so I am in charge of the press releases! Our Assistant Chief forwarded your kind words out to everyone on the department, and we have all been watching your blog! I really enjoyed seeing the photos of the guys, and hearing some of the things they have been doing. I sent out a press release this morning to the media to let them know our guys were on their way home. I attached two of the photos from your blog, and told them they were courtesy of Glenn Kangiser.

Our local newspaper has online access, and since you seem to be very handy when it comes to the internet, I thought I would attach a link to their website with the story. They even featured two of your photographs! We have a lot of local support for our guys, and I know it makes me feel great to know they have it from you guys when they are away from home!

Thank you again for the updates! I hope all is well on your end. PS - your dogs are now celebrities in Yuma :-)

Kayla Holiman
Fire Inspector
City of Yuma Fire Department

RE: Yuma Firefighters‏
From:    glenn kangiser (glenn-k)
Sent:    Fri 8/01/08 5:19 PM
To:    Holiman, Kayla - Fire Inspector (kayla.holiman); Kathy Kangiser (kathyk-rn)
Security scan upon download    Virus scanning provided by Trend Micro ®
Attachments: Princess ...bmp (1008.6 KB), Yuma, AZ ...pdf (9.4 MB)
Hi, Kayla,

Thanks for the letter and informing us that our favorite team is on their way home.  We have been thinking of them.

It is great that you are using the Internet the way it was meant to be used.  I'm glad you found the photos and info useful.

I would have been happy to have the team back again for more time here but I used to work on Caterpillars all over the state and I know how hard a road trip to a remote unknown location can be, especially doing the kind of work they are doing.  I'm glad they are on their way home.  Send them our love and best wishes from me and the the members of Countryplans.

All of the neighbors are so grateful to them and the other firefighters, in fact there are signs all over town.  I am sitting here with donated vegetables from the gardens of neighbors your team was helping to protect.  I was collecting them up to cook them a fresh meal if they did manage to get back here.  I figured they would probably not get back as this fire was spreading so fast.

I was pretty sure they would be assigned to a different area.  They were special to us because they sat right here on one of the worst nights and assured the safety of this very spot.   I was happy to have the honor of getting to spend time talking to them and getting to know a bit about them.

Sorry I wasn't dressed better in the pix.  That shirt had a real rough day.

My dogs loved your fire fighters.

Suzy - the mostly white and black one made a special effort to guard Princess Andrea from any wild bears and mountain lions that may have been wandering hungrily through the night.  Spike loved Paco.  Princess (not to be confused with Princess Andrea), our mostly black dog, so wanted to kiss a firefighter and thank him for helping.

As promised, I have named the Royal Throne Room after Princess Andrea.

I hope to hear from them after their safe return and a bit of rest.

Thanks again.

Glenn Kangiser
Troglodyte and Countryplans Administrator

Note - the Princess Andrea story was because she preferred the Royal Throne at the Underground Complex to the poison oak in the California bush country. Her team mates were teasing her a little about it. 

I don't blame her a bit but couldn't resist getting in on the joke a little.  She seems very good natured.  I told her I was going to name the Royal Throne room in her honor and you know I'm a man of my word...  ::)

...and to think that the Yuma Fire Department made Spike, Suzy and Princess world famous in a major paper.  So much good coming out of this encounter.  They may all get jobs in a movie or something.  [cool]

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Glad to see you made it through the fire unscathed.(sp) Sounds like you met some real good people and a few of the others. I bet you are glad things are calming down.

So I've got a question for you. Is the underground complex your main residence? Least ways when your not selling your body.........?

I sure bet those fire fighters were glad to see a friendly face and calm place to rest once and a while. I am still amazed at what all you got done in such a short time.

Keep the spirit.

A hard life only makes you stronger.


glenn kangiser

Things are very slowly returning back to normal around here, Larry.  I was able to get into town to stock up on shells and supplies and much more.  Some Congressman's wife was down there when I was telling my story.  They like to be where the action is whenever a great group of government worker bees are doing their job.  I call it good show by association.  :)

Actually she was a nice lady, a bit taken aback by the guns part of the story but said she loved it up here and wouldn't mind living in the area.  Nobody named names so I am still remaining anonymous.  [scared]  They'll never know it was me- shhh - nobody tell.  Probably should have used a pseudonym... hmm

I am very much into selling my body for money, Larry.  I guess that will never change.  I stay here full time except when working the streets.  Sassy works in the big city and goes to the other house in the valley for several days every other week.

Yes, Larry.  I am a professional man of the streets going to the valley to pillage and plunder until I can get away from whatever job I have contracted and back to the relative safety of the mountains.

Note: Glenn is a professional welder, ironworker, contractor, mechanic, equipment operator, former well driller, pilot, all around super hero and BSer.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Quote from: glenn kangiser on August 01, 2008, 07:59:46 PM

Note: Glenn is a professional welder, ironworker, contractor, mechanic, equipment operator, former well driller, pilot, all around super hero and BSer.

And breakfast cook  :) as the F/Fighters can attest to.

  It ain't B/S-in IF you can do it right ;) 
When in doubt , build it stout with something you know about .


Glenn, I am sorry I missed you today, but I was able to meet Sassy (I kind of surprised her in the pool!) and after reading all the posts, I felt like I knew her before she even said Hi.  She gave my daughter and me the grand tour of your place - all I could say was WOW!  I want one!  I loved the floors especially! And the doors and all the cool beams.  We will have to talk when I am ready to build.  !  Of course, after this fire, all the ideas I had are shot because I am now no longer interested in nestling the house in the trees!

And Sassy, thanks for the flower seeds!  I can't wait to plant them

After looking around our place, what impressed me in particular was the great care the firefighters (and you!) took of our place - all kinds of brush, tree limbs, and grass cleared near our propane and water tanks, and items gathered from the sides of our shed, container, and playhouse and neatly stacked out of harm's way.  I felt pretty bad thinking we should have done this work ahead of time, and here these crews were away from their families, doing my chores for me to make sure our homes and structures survived. I cannot say thank you enough to all those who worked on stopping the damage from this fire!

We drove the rhino up the hill to Harry's and looked around - looked like the fire got really hot up there, lots of thick white ash in some sections.  We had a chance to talk with the great crews from the Palomar Hot Shots, the Orange County fire dept, and a couple guys from the Kings County/Fresno area who were taking some R & R under the shade of some semi burned trees off Harry's road.  

We also visited with the Rose's who were equally thankful for the great work the firefighters did.  We all feel very blessed to have had such great people helping us.

The Roses reiterated your idea that a neighborhood party is definitely in order.  We will be whitewater rafting in Oregon for a week but when we return, let's please put something together!!  My people will call your people....

glenn kangiser

Cool, Jeanne.  I heard about the surprise in the pool.  rofl 

I think she scared a few helicopter pilots too.  She figured if she turned her back and didn't look, they wouldn't be able to see her. [rofl2]

Jeanne, your problem is that you have failed to realize that the house goes in the ground. d*

I guess Harry's shooting range is where we missed you as we went up the hill on the Bush Hog to Harrys and saw the fire fighters but didn't stop.

The party sounds good.  We have several fair flat areas and the pool so maybe we can do it at our place.  Maybe Yuma can send a strike team up to keep the steaks from burning.  That would be cool.

Looking forward to your call.

We'll go up and check on the firefighters at Harry's tomorrow and see if any want to go for a swim if off on some R&R.

The chief I first met on the John Deere had his crew come up and clear the grass as well as back burn to protect the cabin when I told him I was clearing fire trail and checking on your place.  I think they are also the ones who fed and watered Dave's dog the first time.  That was before I had time to meet the crews who came to help out so I do not know who to thank for that.  They were all great though.

I think I'll jump on the Bush Hog and see what's up with the fire fighters at Harry's -- I assumed they may have been busy today and didn't stop.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

Please put your area in your sig line so we can assist with location specific answers.

glenn kangiser

Quote from: PEG688 on August 01, 2008, 10:22:17 PM
Quote from: glenn kangiser on August 01, 2008, 07:59:46 PM

Note: Glenn is a professional welder, ironworker, contractor, mechanic, equipment operator, former well driller, pilot, all around super hero and BSer.

And breakfast cook  :) as the F/Fighters can attest to.

  It ain't B/S-in IF you can do it right ;) 

I can but don't tell Sassy, PEG....shhhhh.

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

Notice Blue Oak Ridge - Telegraph Fire and associated neighbors, emergency personnel  and friends.

Potluck barbecue here Saturday - the 16th starting Mid Morning going to....?  Currently working out details.  209-742-5725

I figure it's past time the locals on this end of the mountain get together, exchange phone numbers, get to know one another and be better prepared for emergencies.

I am also inviting others in the area nearby that were effected by the fire.  We will have a guest book for names, addresses, emails and phone numbers.

From the information we collect we can at least put together a contact list for any emergency our friends or neighbors may have.

By doing it potluck style, we will be able to handle many guests and have enough food.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

Up to 80% now barring any unforseen circumstances.

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

New piece of information.   The lady I was talking to about the Sheriffs excessive coercion who was with the assemblyman's wife was none other than Diane Fritz, supervisor District 4.

Frank - my renter says --"Now we weren't naming any names." to her.  I didn't know at the time. d*

I looked her up and I think I'm still OK.

QuoteI believe in the rights of property owners and that we need less Government in our daily lives.

I hope she lives by that quote.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

I was just thinking ---

If you were slipped up on by a mountain man looking guy with a death wish, a 12 ga. Mossberg, a .380, a Camo Bushhog 4x4, a 90 lb. American Bull Dog and 2 other 40 to 50 lb dogs, would you consider that to be intimidating?  Opinions please.

Just trying to figure out what type of image I projected to someone I had never met before.

Could have got me shot?  That wasn't a problem to me - I had no fear of that.

My fight was to help save the neighbors - maybe town and against abuse by authority- I reserve all rights.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

Spike went missing for a few hours last night.  He and Suzy had eaten some spoiled food thrown out by the on grid people and thrown up.   I was afraid he had food poisoning and had wandered off to die.  I called the Sheriff's Animal Control to see if they had seen him.

(estimated cost of food thrown out by on grid people who lost electricity -my estimate- 2000 people x $500= $1,000,000.00   ...We would have lost $1000.00 or so had we been on grid - We now have 2 freezers and 2 electric fridges).

In an hour or so we heard the neighbor dog barking and they were together visiting the firemen at the camp up the mountain by Harry's.  He's Mr. Sociable and never one to be left out where there is lots of attention and handouts.  Sheriff Animal Control dispatch officer  laughed when I told her where he was.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Glenn I would not have been intimidated in such a situation since where you live having a gun and dogs would not be unusual. If it happened in town that would be different. My experience with authorties is that is you seem competent and sure of yourself they won't hassle you as much as if you seem scared or uneasy around them. I once chewed out a state trooper for delaying me at a road block for no reason in 100+ heat ( I had no A/C in my truck). He backed off quick and sent me on my way without the full papers check they where giving the others they stopped. Only glanced at my licence to see it was valid and where I lived I guess.

glenn kangiser

I was hoping that was the way it came off, but after I got to thinking about it I was going hmm. 

When I have my gun prospecting and encounter law enforcement or BLM they never seem alarmed.  It was said that this fire ruined millions of dollars worth of this years marijuana crop.  That's my regular reason for packing it.  Never know when you may slip up on an unfriendly farmer.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

A good look at the fire I found.  I could see the smoke and hear the roar but not see the flames as good as this video until later in the day.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Hey Glenn,
I bet all this has been such an ordeal with the fires. You know while I have been building this summer and breathin' the smoke and lookin' around at all the dead brush(you know same kind of country as yours up here). I realized that we really needed to clear more defensible space. After reading your fire report,  I am working out a deal with the neighbor who has a dozer to help him put up fencing in exchange for clearing around our 5 acres and new structure. As far as unfriendly farmers with particular crops go, have to be just as careful around here not to wander off to far, always keep the sidearm available.