Glenn's Underground Cabin Update

Started by glenn kangiser, January 30, 2005, 10:24:03 PM

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glenn kangiser

Rick... I am right there with you......for sure......

They were back last night and unplugged the power to the manlift chargers thinking they could make the lights go out to steal stuff I assume... Lights are direct though. 

Security guard next door said they are coming in around 2AM...

Tweakers... how can normal people stay up enough hours to catch them... ?

I offered him a $20 if he would call me when they come in....

Larry, I looked at it... nice work and useful for any of us of the gridders.... Personally I am a bit lazy though and have a Bosch on demand propane instant water heater.  Thanks for dropping in and don't be a stranger.  :)
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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I looked real hard at those tankless heaters. With the price of propane now I am real glad I didn't go that route. I know it will come back down SOME but I expect it to follow the same way gas did. Plus we are trying to get away from anything that has to be processed commercially where we can. I am getting more and more worried that we are on borrowed time.

A hard life only makes you stronger.


glenn kangiser

I was surprised to learn that propane was near $5 per gallon this winter Larry.  I think we all need to think of alternatives. [ouch]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Yeah I talked to a guy who I think is in MI he paid $8.70 or $8.90 he said. Talk about gouging.  >:( My dad got some 60 miles from me and paid $5.09 a gal for 600 gal.. I would have had a heart attack. I paid $2.39 a gal last time I got any and that was up from $ 2.19 just the month before. So we are looking at any and all alternatives.

Have a good weekend

A hard life only makes you stronger.



We paid $3.88 last month

I hear that some are paying over $5 now here in WI

the wood stove has been running full time the last 2 weeks -- the furnace kicked on only a few times when it was 15 to 20 below

The thing is, that it is a contrived 'shortage' because they exported more propane last fall than usual
Often, our ignorance is not as great as our reluctance to act on what we know.


its not really a contrived shortage, the local infrastructure does not have enough excess storage and shipping capacity to handle the high demand from cold temperatures and the record corn crop that uses huge amount to dry.


Quote from: glenn kangiser on February 14, 2014, 01:07:00 AM
I was surprised to learn that propane was near $5 per gallon this winter Larry.  I think we all need to think of alternatives. [ouch]

It was purdy close to that here.I use K1 (aka kerosene) and it hit an all time high of $4.89 per gallon.Last week it was back down to $4.29 per gallon.

glenn kangiser

That's the way they do it Ben. Raise it a bunch. ...give back a little.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

Progress on the laundry building continues...

I have the whole show this week with seven welders and deckers under me.  What a rat race.... Schedules to be kept... some of the guys mildly interested in working...

I gave them a little pep talk today though... don't want them becoming complacent.... [waiting]

Little things were becoming a problem to them to where they were slacking off on getting deck down and nailed properly after I showed them too... grrrrrr.... I took care of it.  Spent a bit of quality time and show and tell with them to be sure they understood.  So many places to be at the same time... but getting it working.  :)

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

Out of touch for a bit as I had to work both Saturday and Sunday getting the roof ready for the first hundred feet x 250 ' inspected....

Passed the entire roof inspection last night.... Hilti pins can have a few problems when shooting down nearly an acre and a half of deck, but we did git 'er done.....

We  broke 3 Hilti guns in the process but managed to finish with one out of four still working...... almost 30,000 pins + or - shot into this roof.

The stand up gun is a little too wide for the tight ribs on this deck so it can cause the pistons to break as well as leave the pins loose and give us problems with inspectors... [waiting] 

Fortunately we had a great inspector.

....anyway ... it's all on now so we can keep finishing details under the roof and hang the canopy out front soon. Pictured here is the smaller hand gun which actually has more power than the bigger stand up gun.  We fixed a lot of problems with it.... until it broke too.  Hilti is great with service or help if you need it though.  Two reps showed up the next day and would have come sooner if we had asked them too.  They overnighted a big gun to us to keep us going too.:)

Incentives can help to keep schedules... even ridiculous ones. I offered the guys a $50 spot each to help me get it finished last night.... that really made a work attitude change as far as seeing to it that it was completed to the GC's schedule... (not mine... I would have been more reasonable). [ouch]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Will that be the finished roof or will something be laid over it?I need to up mah edumakation.

glenn kangiser

It is getting 2 inches of foam ... maybe 2 1/2.. then an EPDM or similar liner I think, Ben. 

I helped the plumber a bit.. I asked why the roof drains were a foot and a half above the low points before he had to replace the roof and the drains from the lake on the roof....   [ouch]

The GC about had a cow... He didn't know.... He asked me to patch the holes... He is getting to be my friend now.  :)

They are putting in roof curbs for the HVAC and stuff now.  [waiting]

I am just getting ready to install the entry canopy, and minutes before I started to mount it I had to buy a welding helmet... one of my welding guys broke his and I wanted a new one due to scratches on I loaned him my old one.

One the way to buy the helmet the GC called and said we need to wait for the engineer because the size of tubes steel was changed to 20 inches from 24" and now the bottom was too high... OK...

I needed time off anyway as one of my student visitors from about 4 years ago is coming up for Sunday and Monday... Yay...  [cool]

The GC about had a cow... He didn't know.... He asked me to patch the holes... He is getting to be my friend now.  :)
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

Make that 4 inches of foam, Ben. :)

Got the 8000 lb window decoration put up and welded together ... finished today.

I got 2 big sections cut at a 45 on the ends and had to place them and weld them together then grind out the corners...used about 40 to 50 lbs of welding wire to hang it up there... I made temporary supports from scrap angle left over  from truss bridging.

A combined 8x20x3/8 and 12x20x1/2 tube steel HSS canopy....

One of our student family guests from UCLA returned after about 4 years. He just took his bar exam to be an entertainment lawyer between the US and China.  He speaks fluent Chinese and has had several jobs acting in Chinese National TV.  He hails from Tennessee here in the states and Beijing in China.  He brought along a friend from Hong Kong.. Caitlin, and we took them hiking in Yosemite as well as had a stay at the underground complex.  I took Monday off to do that.....  Can't work when our kids are coming home... :)

Sassy and Caitlin

Caitlin and Grant....and some ugly guy they picked up in the parking lot that Caitlin called Santa Claus... [waiting]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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4 inches of foam should help keep the temps a little more stable inside.Good to see ya'll are still taking on the younger people from other countries.I wish I'd had the chance to do what some of your visitors get to do when I was young.

glenn kangiser

Yes.... they are putting the roof on but they are finishing the roof before they have all of the changes done under it... but... hey... I did my part on time. Completed the steel part of the building Friday evening. [ouch]

They still are designing things like the roof access ladder and none of the openings waiting for a change order are in... but they can pay more for that later I guess.

Canopy is completed...

Dock stairs are in....

Made a quick trip to the underground complex to get the mail, see the animals and rob the garden... :)
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Good work there.UGC is producing some goodies.

glenn kangiser

That is a combination of volunteer stuff and fall planted stuff.  I planted large white turnips but lack of water and cold made them go directly to seed....... so there are greens to eat anyway. [hungry]

I missed the international students dinner this month due to finishing the above job and working late... but our house is always open to them.

We help others on a regular basis and am helping others I met through them with their ministry to help poor villagers in remote areas of Cambodia.  It is great to help those with real needs and see the results through modern technology (I get pictures back from the trusted people I work with - extended family to us)  rather than giving to local churches and playing basketball on the new basketball court... They also invest their time and money in the projects I help with.

I don't brag about it but do like to let others know what is possible... so many charities here in the US with hands headed deep into our pockets but 80% commonly is used administratively.  This way one hundred percent and more is used by those who need it.  A little bit helps hundreds instead of the privileged few here in the US.

Gives me a reason to keep working... :)
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

Finally got the change order in from the State for the Tehachapi Hospital.  I got an advance copy from the superintendent I work under yesterday for my review.  It took them over 2 months - maybe over 3 months to handle it.  I guess I was right in calling out a problem at that point.  :)

They called me back before I finished  the previous job but they did give me time to finish.  I worked a total of 6 hours and completed the work that was ready for me to do.  Everything else is now waiting on others.  [waiting]

It's OK though.  They tell me another check is on the way for work I already completed.  That is fine with me.  [ouch]

Nice place to sit and have to wait for work anyway.  Looking out my front gate.... yup... I'm almost a city dweller now... the groundhog has seen his shadow....

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Winter needs to peacefully depart our area for a while.Good to hear there's a check in the mail.

glenn kangiser

I think it needs to come back to us for a bit, Ben... biggest drought we have had in years... no rain or snow to speak of, at least not significant ..thanks to the weather modification people... affecting the weather all over the world.  The weather is like a pond... throw a rock in it here and the ripples go everywhere.

They do this here.....

...and you as well as the rest of the world they are doing it in feel the effects all over..... not crazy weather... crazy greedy humans...

How about the ability to make square clouds... note the dark "X" above transferred into the cloud a light area..

I took three intense studies of weather for my pilots license so see things that are not normal patterns... or.. you may think... Ohhhhhh ...Glenn has gone crazy again.... [scared]

....   whatever  :)
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Glenn has gone crazy again....     

I didn't think he had left from before.    ;D


Glenn, I just got booted off a forum of mostly pilots that I had been a member for almost 8 years

why ?

I dared to assert that there was massive geoengineering going on  and made the site admin look erm, well, stupid

good, fairly new site

and interesting youtube from an Air Force whistleblower

Often, our ignorance is not as great as our reluctance to act on what we know.

glenn kangiser

You got it right, John.  :)

Windpower.... it is amazing the people who look straight at it... watch it... and deny what their eyes are seeing..... so brainwashed into thinking government has our best interests at heart rather than the interests of the elite and the globalists....

It is their game but I am watching it.  [shocked]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

Watched the video, Windpower.  I hope she lives to keep telling the facts...  [waiting]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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