Glenn's Underground Cabin Update

Started by glenn kangiser, January 30, 2005, 10:24:03 PM

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glenn kangiser

Oh yeah... and mustn't forget, Merry 14th Anniversary, Sassy.....

Anniversary breakfast was at one the several semi-palatable restaurants in our little town.... Actual date was June 23rd but that came and went while I was stuck on the job in Burlingame this last trip.

I brought her home various PEZ dispensers and a couple of the hard to find PEZ flavors..... I am so thoughtful, eh? ... [waiting]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Congrats , belated , nice photo of you two! c*  Nice spurs to!
When in doubt , build it stout with something you know about .



Thanks!  It was great having Glenn home for a couple days  :) 

Gonna get my 2 granddaughters today for a few days.  Spent this past Monday, Friday & Saturday getting ready for an estate sale which was held Saturday - 100 degree temps.  My mom passed away 12 yrs ago & my dad 3 yrs ago this last Feb.  My brothers, sister & my great SIL's (who did most of the work) & my BIL were all together which was nice.  My parents' house is 5000 sq ft...  over 1/2 of which my dad & brothers added on - Dad was great at going to auctions & buying building material.  There also is a large basement soooooo, many, many years of stuff accumulated - both my parents couldn't pass a bargain up. 

All the family/extended family took the furniture/stuff that held sentimental value or that they needed but there was LOTS of stuff still - nice things but a person can only have so much before it is way too much so I tried to restrain myself as much as possible.  We just about gave everything away.  One couple came back 5x's.  They send clothes down to Mexico & also help the homeless in Merced County through their church so we told them that whatever was left, they could have it all - there was still some furniture, lots of clothes, linens, knickknacks etc.  Hopefully lots of people will be helped.  We were able to sell/give away everything.  Now, to get to the things that need to be fixed in the house...  [waiting]

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


Here's a photo of our mason subcontractor using some of his OSHA approved safety gear ,


  Ya,  it's a Kolher toilet box,  rofl   Andy was spalding the stone after he'd cut it with a stone cutting blade , and the heat "pops" the rock so he kept getting hot rock bit down his shirt, the box prevented that , he had safety glasses on as well!!

Anyway it reminded me of Glenn's safety gear in some ways.
When in doubt , build it stout with something you know about .


You will know the truth & the truth will set you free

glenn kangiser

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Happy belated anniversary guys.  Those potatoes just need some bacon and eggs to beat any "semi-palatable restaurants".   
Some seasoning and some hot oil is all you need.   ;D

glenn kangiser

You've got it, Muldoon.  That is what gets me when we go to a restaurant.

I know anything we cook at home will taste better.

At least it saved Sassy from cooking breakfast.  [waiting]

The flavors of the heirloom potatoes are so much better, or more interesting than lots of others.  I like them with salt and butter.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

I got a new printer for use while traveling.  It does high quality photos as well as normal printer work.  Actually they recommend it more for the photos. 

It is relatively small - about 2x6x13 or so.

Last night a few work detail changes came through email, so I was able to print them off for review.... Nice.  :)

I highly recommend it if you need a small printer for travel.  You can get a battery for it too if desired for total portability. 

It's like a portable office.  [ouch]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Dave Sparks

Nice printer!  How about proper bacon? Ever have proper bacon? It would be good with homegrown potatoes and Pacifico !
"we go where the power lines don't"

glenn kangiser

Thanks, Dave.  I have used the printer several times now including tonight to print out a bolt certification for the inspector.  :)

Proper bacon.... you've got me there.... [noidea'

I am quite sure I am putting my foot in my mouth here or something like that...... [waiting]

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Dave Sparks

Nice picture! I might/did steal it :)   Proper bacon is English. They use the pork shoulder instead of the belly. It ends up being one of the things I want on my deathbed or to take with me when I go for that last walk in Bear country.  There is an English lady up here in the hills that told us about it and we started curing our own a few months ago.  Who would of guessed the English ! I always thought bangers, warm beer and fish/chips. 
"we go where the power lines don't"

glenn kangiser

Hey, No problem, Dave.... I stole it too.... [ouch]

I many times search for pix to illustrate my points, and that one was one of my victims...... :)

I guess I'm not too old to learn something new..... if I don't forget it......

I have wanted to smoke some meat for a long time.....

I still have a hard time getting it into those little papers though.... [waiting]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

When we went to Davis last month to see our Humphrey friends from all over the world graduate, they insisted we stay with them for the night.

We got to know them because when three of them stayed with us at the underground complex, all of them wanted to visit the next day.  Since then we attended their potluck dinner dinner and have stayed in touch with several on the net.  Now we meet every so often on Facebook for those who can.

Here is our group pix where Mage set my camera and then ran to get into the photo before it went off - everyone was laughing as she barely made it before the flash went off.  True friends, brothers and sisters to Sassy and I, they all showed up to visit, sing us songs and cook for us just because we cared enough to spend time with them.  It was a highlight of the year.

It is a photo and time I treasure most of all from this year, as it will be impossible to ever duplicate.

The Hubert H Humphrey fellowship sponsors industry and government professionals from all over the world and brings them together for a year to study.  I would have to say it is to get the same story spread around the world, but it does promote friendship in a way that is separate from politics.  That is the good thing and we are not talking about what else we do at this time.

Left to right - back to front ... A friend who dropped by, Seeng- Botswana, Lee- Zambia, Myo-Myanmar (Burma), Ha- Vietnam, Fernando- Argentina, Sassy-US, Charmaine-Uganda, Josie-Argentina, Ana-Mexico, Cherise-Uganda, Tehut-Ethiopia, Mage-Argentina, Facundo-Argentina, Me-Underground, Carol-Uganda, Nacho-Argentina, Joshua-Uganda.

It was a true family feeling that night as kids romped around the room, Cherise interviewed guest and did her best imitation of Ray Charles singing songs.  Fernando and Mage sang us songs from Argentina as he played the guitar.  Luz from the Philippines bringing food - she had other obligations.  Others of the group dropped in also for a bit, but those pictured just had a great family get together.

Our love goes out to all of them - most are back home now, but it is a time that began for us at the underground cabin, that will remain in our hearts and minds for the rest of our lives.  Here is hoping we are able to remain in contact and possibly meet again in the years that follow.  :)

Here is hoping that our wars and their own wars do not touch any of their families, and that one day all the leaders of the world will just decide to let our loved ones, the common people of the world, live in peace... [waiting]

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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You lead a rich life Glenn, well done! Love is perhaps the only worthy adversary against tyranny and oppression.

glenn kangiser

Thanks, dug.  Money, power and greed are worth very little.  Friends around the world, to me, are priceless.  That is what makes me rich as you noted.  Love thy neighbor even if he is on the other side of the world.  

Funny how our drone pilots sitting at a computer in Nevada have never taken the time to meet these people.  [waiting]

Haven't been there yet?  Give us time.  We will figure out a reason.

I am thankful that our cabin gave us the chance to make our friends a part of our lives.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

Everybody said goodbye to their friends in Mariposa.  We had taken several of them on two trips to Yosemite, though I missed the last one.

Click the pix for the video of the short goodbye.

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

Sassy came up to the jobsite so I wouldn't have to drive the truck home this weekend.  Neighbors are watching the place for us. 

Sassy says the cows are down the hill and Susie is incarcerated on a run line for chasing and biting them.  Expecting a calf maybe and it would be a quick dinner for her and the others.  She is the ringleader so she is in trouble.  [waiting]

We plan on having a look at Half Moon Bay... the fog and drizzle should be a nice change.  I'll try and catch a few interesting pix to post later.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

Well, not at the cabin so I had to show the town to Sassy.  We dropped by the project yesterday after she arrived... you know.... Ho...Hummm ... that's what you do all day... amazing....utterly amazing.... [ouch]

Oh well... it pays the bills and allows me to enjoy a bit of time at the underground command center every once in a while.... :)

Today I took her to a very palatable... no... extremely good breakfast at the Crepevine on Burlingame Avenue.  Delicious... We shared a Philly Cheesesteak Crepe, A Cherry, sour cream, whipped cream and Ice Cream Crepe (don't remember the name of it) a couple chicken apple sausages and some roasted potatoes.

Totally yum..... [hungry]

A much better anniversary meal than the anemic breakfast steak in Mariposa last week...... [waiting]

After that we took a walk through the Burlingame Farmers market.... Nice...Clean ..and totally overpriced... but then again .. they are city people... they are used to it.

While there we listened to this fellow from Bolivia playing the guitar and pan flute at his booth,  and picked up a couple of his CDs.  Music on his site opens on his page.

After that we headed over to Half Moon Bay then drove around the old roads a bit checking out the forest and other sights.

....a cute bumble bee collecting pollen for dinner....

...and what Sunday drive would be complete without the token picture of the smiling lady in front of the ocean.....

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

Thanks, Considerations.  I still watch it daily but don't say a lot.  It has been most heavy in our area just before all of the destructive storms they have seen in the east, though it is usually around in lighter form many other days.

I remember that photo from a bunch of internet commentary in the last couple of years.  It was being used as a way to cover for the spraying program... trying to make it look natural, but as I recall it was proven to be Photoshopped by the angles of flight and many different inconsistencies in the photo.  Planes going straight but curving contrails etc.  UK is in on it too.  Generally you will see it in all of the NATO countries.

They continue to try to keep it a secret, but they don't fool everybody.  Blame this years devastating floods and tornadoes on it.  You will not be far off.  Now you see why they cannot let information get out about what they are doing.  The affected citizens who have lost everything would want to hang them by the neck ....... or their privates.

Compartmentalization as used in the Manhattan project can help keep the lower levels involved from knowing what they are doing.  The weather modification this year alone has likely destroyed the livelihood of hundreds of thousands of American citizens.

They are not fooling me and Senators also know what is going on to a point.  Legislation was introduced years ago to prevent it but never made it to the floor.

I suspect it is done with the influence of those who have enough power and money to influence world government and military operations... the owners of our resident in the White House and other countries leaders.  Australia gets speeches scripted word for word the same as in our country.  A tell tale sign that direction is from a higher level.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Quote from: glenn kangiser on July 10, 2011, 08:05:11 PM
Well, not at the cabin so I had to show the town to Sassy.  We dropped by the project yesterday after she arrived... you know.... Ho...Hummm ... that's what you do all day... amazing....utterly amazing.... [ouch]

Oh well... it pays the bills and allows me to enjoy a bit of time at the underground command center every once in a while.... :)

Today I took her to a very palatable... no... extremely good breakfast at the Crepevine on Burlingame Avenue.  Delicious... We shared a Philly Cheesesteak Crepe, A Cherry, sour cream, whipped cream and Ice Cream Crepe (don't remember the name of it) a couple chicken apple sausages and some roasted potatoes.

Totally yum..... [hungry]

A much better anniversary meal than the anemic breakfast steak in Mariposa last week...... [waiting]

After that we took a walk through the Burlingame Farmers market.... Nice...Clean ..and totally overpriced... but then again .. they are city people... they are used to it.

While there we listened to this fellow from Bolivia playing the guitar and pan flute at his booth,  and picked up a couple of his CDs.  Music on his site opens on his page.

After that we headed over to Half Moon Bay then drove around the old roads a bit checking out the forest and other sights.

....a cute bumble bee collecting pollen for dinner....

...and what Sunday drive would be complete without the token picture of the smiling lady in front of the ocean.....

Them sum mitey fine lookin vitals and the view is purdy too.

glenn kangiser

Thanks, Ben.  We had one more meal at the Crepevine this morning - my break time about 10 AM as it is 1 block from the job.  Sassy met me there just before she split for Mariposa..... We held a Safety Meeting to fulfill our corporate duties to the job also.  She is the official safety director for our company. 

She had everything ordered before I got there so it took no longer than a normal break, I got to eat good food, and see her before she took off.

As an added bonus, I didn't get the Hershey's Squirts from the lunch wagon that comes to the jobsite.... [waiting]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Quote from: glenn kangiser on July 11, 2011, 07:03:50 PM
Thanks, Ben.  We had one more meal at the Crepevine this morning - my break time about 10 AM as it is 1 block from the job.  Sassy met me there just before she split for Mariposa..... We held a Safety Meeting to fulfill our corporate duties to the job also.  She is the official safety director for our company. 

She had everything ordered before I got there so it took no longer than a normal break, I got to eat good food, and see her before she took off.

As an added bonus, I didn't get the Hershey's Squirts from the lunch wagon that comes to the jobsite.... [waiting]

Glad to here you two were able to make a little time for each other.It's rare to see a chuck wagon around here but at the larger sites you can find one.I always took my lunch and avoid that half a day sitting in the blue office.   [toilet]