Finally pictures of our 20'x34' 2 story

Started by rdzone, May 03, 2006, 11:49:53 AM

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Well we have finally started back up.  My wife and I have been doing the little time consuming things here and there.  Floor span connectors, blocking, cleaning and organizing.  This was the first weekend that was snow free.  Two weeks ago we still had 2+ feet of snow, but now everything is drying up.  We had to sweep the volcanic ash off the deck from Mt. Redoubt's past eruptions, but the place looks great.  I have a buddy who is going to help with the plumbing and another that will help with the electrical.  My wife and I reworked the stairwell walls in the basement and actually started stairs, well sort of.  We put in the landing between the basement and the first floor.  I hope we can get the stringers done correctly.  Of course nothing is perfectly plumb or square, just to make it more difficult.  The concrete slab has a dip in it and some how the damn framer (that would be me) didn't square up the stairwell hole perfectly.  Hopefully I won't mess up to many stringers. I thinking of making an OSB template (cut to the width of a 2"x12") that way if I mess up it won't cost so much $$ as I have lots of strap OSB.   

I will be taking a week off at the end of May to paint and do the remaining trim work around the windows, belly bands and the final coner boards.  Then I will probably move to interior work.  I still will have the porches and rear deck to do, but those will have to wait for now. 


Well my daughter and I went up to the cabin to do a little work today.  It was a very nice day.  We added one more platform to the stair landing and finally got around to shimming all the windows.  I have attached a few pictures.  One of my helper trimming shims, one of the stair landing and one of the pond out front.



Well I took a week off to paint and of course it rained 3 out of five days.  We got the front painted and all the trim on.  We also finish the flight of stairs from the basement to the first floor.



Finally have the whole cabin painted with all the trim installed.  I am definitely glad to see the scaffolding gone.  We finished the painting last weekend and my wife installed all the window screens after removing all of the manufacture stickers and washing the insides and outsides.  The place looks pretty finished from the outside, but still all of the inside work to do. (plumbing, electrical, insulation...etc).  

My daughter, one of my friends and I worked on my daughters playhouse.  We started the foundation and deck work last fall, but never got to the walls due to weather and lack of time.   Saturday we built all of the walls and got them sheathed.  Sunday my daughter and I worked on the trusses.  We finished them all and have them stacked and ready to go for next weekend, hopefully the weather will hold, so we can install the trusses and get the roof sheathed and tar papered.

I will post some pictures when I get a chance.


some pictures as promised.


glenn kangiser

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

Please put your area in your sig line so we can assist with location specific answers.


Thanks Glenn.  Now on to the inside, once I get the roof on my daughters 10'x12' playhouse. (read daddy's shed once she is to old to appreciate it)  :)  

I will post so pictures of the playhouse as things progress.


Great pics rdzone!

I bet the decks and view will look amazing. Do you mind if I ask what you estimate the house to cost? ( not land ) Or rather what you've paid up till now including labor for what we see in the pics?

It is a very nice house. Great job!  :)


Thanks Bishopknight!

My wife can't wait to get the decks and porches done as the views will be amazing as you said.

I am a little afraid to run the numbers but I will guesstimate:

The foundation, stump pulling, rock work and well are the only things I paid to have done.  I have done all of the other work with some help of friends, my wife and daughter.

The foundation was around $10,000.  The rock work was around $6,000 and the well was around $2,500.  As far as the rest I think around $5,000 per floor for framing, sheathing and siding. The roof trusses, sheathing and metal roof probably $3,500.  The windows and doors were the most expensive things around $7,000. So if I round up because of the other things I have bought but not installed, the electrical supplies, plumbing supplies, insulation and other supplies(connectors. paint, ceiling fans,  toilets,  tub, ect), not to mention my daughter playhouse. Somewhere around $50,000+.    (My wife just came home and told me $75,000+) Still Not bad when you consider a 2000 sq ft house here runs well over $300,000 and the lot sizes are very small.


Really nice!   8)  I'm sure you & your wife are pretty proud of what you've accomplished!

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


Thanks for breaking down the costs, its cool to get an idea of others peoples projects.  c*

I'm looking forward to more pics!


I can't wait for more pictures too.  That means I got more done.  :)

I will post pics of my father/daughter project ...the playhouse/shed as soon as I can get things downloaded.


I started another thread to cover my daughters playhouse/mini cabin.  But I did squeeze in some work on the big cabin.  While it was raining my wife and I got another flight of stairs completed.



Well my wife and I took yesterday off and we got our stairs done, winders and all.   [cool]  My buddy also came over and we started the rough plumbing.  :)   No pictures, but we will take some this weekend.  I must say I over thought  ??? the stairs, once I broke it down into pieces they really were not to bad.  They are not strictly to code, but the cabin is in an area without any codes.  It sure beats climbing up and down a ladder!


Ok more stair pictures and some rough plumbing pictures finally.  I hope to get some more work done the next couple of weekends.



You're moving right along - great job!   :)

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


Hey, that stair landing looks just like mine....only mirrored - good job!   [cool]


Thanks for the comments.  I had hoped to get more done this weekend, but I took a spill and fractured a few ribs and sprained a finger.  We did manage to move our construction door to my daughters playhouse and install our new door which helped to reduce some of the clutter inside the cabin.  We really need to do a thorough clean job moving all the extra materials down to the basement.  I hope to start drilling holes so I can pull electrical wire this weekend.


Well we have done a lot of work since my last post.  One of my friends has been helping with the plumbing and electrical.  We have pulled over 2000' feet of 12-2, 12-3, cable and telephone wire.  I hope to do one last check of things this weekend and hook everything to the breaker box, that way we can start insulating!!!!!!! :)  I never thought we would get to this point.  Pictures to follow.


rdzone I would take the extra time to DOUBLE check the wiring and the plumbing.  Make sure that there is no wire staples into the wire. Run an OHM check on the wiring.  Pressure test your plumbing. Once the insulation and subsequent wall covering is attached it is almost impossible to fix something.


Not a problem. Thanks for the advise.  WE have been checking and double checking along the way.  As far as plumbing goes 99% of it is in the interior walls, but we will also triple check it.

some pictures



Finally started the insulation!!!!!!!!!!!!!



That will make a lot of difference with the temperatures!   Looking good!

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


OK, I just have to ask; why all the outlets going up the stairs?  ???


Perhaps it is preinstalled wiring for making a home version of this:
I think someone else already posted this link but I couldn't find it.

Back to reality, perhaps it is for installing something like these:
The problem with foolproof devices is that they fail to take into account the ingenuity of fools