Looking for coal/wood entrance door idea for cabin.

Started by waltsuz, April 17, 2016, 08:11:28 AM

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I am trying to come up with a small insulated or sealable door to bring firewood into a cabin from the outside. The door would be towards the side of the woodstove floor level and needs to be lockable and sealed to help hold in heat but allow me to bring in wood stored on a side deck in the winter. I've been looking at old cast iron coal chute type things but maybe someone has an easier better idea for this. Just as a number 24x36 inches maybe. I am starting a 560 square foot cabin next week of my own design and would like to come up with something for this during the framing. Thanks you for any thoughts on this, Regards Walt


Old Boiler doors would just be about right if you can find one.  Might check with a scrap yard if you have one in the area.  I fabricated mine to create a pass through to another set of doors on the inside.  One on either side of the stove gives me about 4 days + of burn time.

A quick look showed these




Quote from: Redoverfarm on April 17, 2016, 10:43:31 AM
Old Boiler doors would just be about right if you can find one.  Might check with a scrap yard if you have one in the area.  I fabricated mine to create a pass through to another set of doors on the inside.  One on either side of the stove gives me about 4 days + of burn time.

I would love to see a picture of that, sounds like a good plan.


You can probably have a custom size exterior door/jamb made....I've had em made in many different sizes for various applications....your local building center should be able to hook you up....
"The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne."


 How about something like a revolving door?  It would be weather tight and secure at the same time.  You could load it on the outside and just spin it to face in as needed

   Like this but just 3' or so high
Find what you love and let it kill you.


^kinda cool idea, would definitely be a project...


Quote from: waltsuz on April 17, 2016, 11:56:56 AM

I would love to see a picture of that, sounds like a good plan.

Walt I thought I had a picture of the exterior pass-through doors but I couldn't find them so I will try to take a few.  Here is a picture of the interior portion.  I have two boxes (one on either side of my stove).  The outside is 1/4" steel plate door.  The frame is 1-1/2" angle.  Hinges welded to the frame.  The inner frame is tapcon to the concrete block of the flu.  But you could attach with wood screws to a wood box.  I am glad I had block lining mine as it takes a beating from the wood being put in.   I have a latch which could be locked from the outside but I just use a lynch pin to secure.  The interior has barrel locks on the doors. I really needed to put some more thought when I made mine.  For instance I should have used two rows of 1/4" X 1/4" square stock around the door inner face and then glued a 1/2" rope stove gasket to seal it off better.  I just used 1/4" foam self stick which didn't hold up well.  Same as for the interior doors.  Yes a little air leak which I hope to fix when ever I get time.

The storage area is 12"W X 24"H X 36"D which allow for two stacks of 16" length cut firewood. 

As you can see I had a hand truck full of wood in addition to the boxes so when the weather got really bad I wouldn't have to drudge through the snow.  Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you but my internet has been crappy at best. I hope this helps.


Wow, I may steal your idea. pro job...... [cool]
My better half has to see this....


Quote from: waltsuz on April 18, 2016, 10:44:37 AM
Wow, I may steal your idea. pro job...... [cool]
My better half has to see this....

Walt I had a friend who is also a welder by trade.  He made them up based on my sketch.  If you have a welding shop they could make it up for you if you just did like me and sketch what you want.  Better yet if you have a school nearby that offers Welding to the students they would probably be more than glad to do it and you would only have to supply the materials.   Keep in mind when you do figure it out allow some type of water proofing seal, flashing to keep the box dry.  Good luck


No problem with the welding/fab work. I'm a retired welding instructor and worked 32 years as a machine shop welder for US Steel. For me that part is easy. Lots of other stuff I gotta get opinions on. I'm new to the woods and homesteading...Thanks....


Quote from: waltsuz on April 19, 2016, 06:57:42 AM
No problem with the welding/fab work. I'm a retired welding instructor and worked 32 years as a machine shop welder for US Steel. For me that part is easy. Lots of other stuff I gotta get opinions on. I'm new to the woods and homesteading...Thanks....

For me it is the opposite. ;D