Garden thread.

Started by peg_688, April 12, 2006, 08:45:41 PM

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We have friends up here who have lots of red & golden raspberry patches & also boysenberries.  They told us we could get some canes from them to plant on our property.  I've eaten some of the berries & they're really good!  Now we have to figure out where to put the berry patches...  at least Glenn has to  d*

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


tomatoes, summer squash, cherry tomatoes, serranos, cayenne, bell peppers, habaneros in the dirt.  drip system patched and back in working order.  Compost bin full to the top with dead trimmings from last year. 

I had great helpers this week and it made the time fly by really fast working in the garden with my kids.  We decided we liked cherry tomatoes so much and never seemed to have enough we planted 6 of them in two big 12gallon containers; going to aim to make a cherry tomato hedge for ourselves this summer. 


Quote from: Sassy on March 10, 2011, 01:57:19 PM
We have friends up here who have lots of red & golden raspberry patches & also boysenberries.  They told us we could get some canes from them to plant on our property.  I've eaten some of the berries & they're really good!  Now we have to figure out where to put the berry patches...  at least Glenn has to  d*

Sassy just pick a spot that you know he doesn't want them and tell him you are going to plant some there.  He will find an alternative site and probably plant them for you. ;)


Good idea, Red!   [cool]

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free

glenn kangiser

Quote from: Redoverfarm on March 10, 2011, 03:02:23 PM
Quote from: Sassy on March 10, 2011, 01:57:19 PM
We have friends up here who have lots of red & golden raspberry patches & also boysenberries.  They told us we could get some canes from them to plant on our property.  I've eaten some of the berries & they're really good!  Now we have to figure out where to put the berry patches...  at least Glenn has to  d*

Sassy just pick a spot that you know he doesn't want them and tell him you are going to plant some there.  He will find an alternative site and probably plant them for you. ;)

John....we need to talk..... [waiting]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Glenn I had your best interest at heart.  Berries on ice cream and berry shakes.

glenn kangiser

That sounds very good, John and a very sensible meal too..... [hungry]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

Please put your area in your sig line so we can assist with location specific answers.

Homegrown Tomatoes

How's everyone's garden so far this spring?  We just got ours in the other day, kind of late.  Hoping the cool season stuff doesn't burn up before it even has a chance to get going good.  Having to water a lot... just been so darn dry around here.

Pine Cone

Too cold and wet to start ours yet.  We have had more than a foot of rain so far in March.  Yesterday was the first day of March were it only rained a tiny bit. 

Last year everything we planted early just rotted in the ground so we are waiting more this year.  Need to move our raspberries this year.  The area they have been in needs to be rotated to some other crop since we had lots of problems with raspberry cane blight last year.  It will take us a few years to get a new area into production, but the berry crops are great once they get going. 


Great that you got your garden in, HG!  I've done a lot of weeding, Glenn planted onions & cabbage where I weeded - the onions are doing great - no heads on the cabbages yet.  Still been pretty cool & rainy.  I read you had 88 degree weather?  Wow, pretty hot - the fires haven't affected you, have they?

Pine Cone, that is too bad about the berries.  I'm hoping we get some berry canes planted this year.  Glenn's mom brought us a jar of  raspberry jam when she was here last - we had it eaten up in a week!

Our friends have lots of berry canes & strawberry plants that they'll give us.

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


Going to try Square Foot gardening this year. Have the book and want to try. I need to test the soil and see what it needs. May have to wait a bit, there is suppose to be snow tomorrow. Happy gardening everyone.
Don't worry about the horse being blind, just load the wagon.


.. Man I love springtime.  garden is shooting up like weeds.  in 21 days check out the before and now pics.  I posted here on the 10th, only 3 weeks ago. 

Cherry Tomatoes





Looking good. Shoot it would be July before ours looks like that.  Shoot it is snowing again tonight.


A slug just ate all my basil and lettuce sprouts in the cold frame.  Arggh!   >:(


Quote from: considerations on April 01, 2011, 07:21:12 AM

A slug just ate all my basil and lettuce sprouts in the cold frame.  Arggh!   >:(

Are you sure it was just ONE slug? LOL!

Plant more, I'm going to plant a few things today!

  I did a review of the thread which has become a garden log book ,

Planted in  12 April  2006 ,   March of 2007,   09 March 2008,  had snow 19 April of 09  ,  02 April 2009 , 15 April 2010.  Sort of interesting to look back at it.   
When in doubt , build it stout with something you know about .


Got -er done, 2 April 2011 , about normal.



  Now GROW!
When in doubt , build it stout with something you know about .

glenn kangiser

Better stand by with basket in hand, PEG.... I think they are about ready to start popping out of the ground as I am sure they would not dare defy you.... :)
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Homegrown Tomatoes

I've gotten all the cool season stuff in that I'm going to be able to plant this spring, but hope it doesn't burn up or blow away before we have a chance to eat any of it.  Having to water like crazy we're in such a drought.   :-\  Should be getting the tomatoes and peppers and stuff out in the next few days, but my tomatoes are just not looking up to snuff so far... they're kinda shrimpy and puny looking.  The peppers look fantastic, though.  Something about the soil here just doesn't seem really favorable to tomatoes... I don't know why. I've been working on amending it the two years we've been here. This will be our third garden here.  Structurally, the garden is looking great.  We fenced it before last summer, and just last week finally put REAL gates on.  We built a fourth raised bed on the eastern side, and I've put down burlap/brown paper in the paths and am slowly covering it with the mountain of mulch from when we rented a wood chipper some weeks back. 

glenn kangiser

Sounds good, Homey.  Our tomatoes did not do well last year. 
Friends tomatoes did not do well last year.

We think it has something to do with the persistent expanding contrails from the jets blocking so much of the sunlight nearly every day to every few days of the year around here.  Some say we are crazy.  Seems the plants see it too though.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Homegrown Tomatoes

Ours haven't done well since we moved here... at least not like what I'm used to.  Our soil is fairly poor and sandy, but somehow just about everything else does grand... is there one specific nutrient (not a macronutrient, necessarily) that tomatoes need more of than other things do?  I added some organic bought garden soil to the bed we're putting the tomatoes in this year, so hopefully that'll help.  Going to try to transplant the rest of the stuff I have tomorrow and over the weekend.


Tomatoes prefer a slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6.2 to 6.8. The term pH balance refers to acidity or the alkalinity of your soil from a numerical scale of 1.0 to 14.0. The neutral point on the pH scale is 7.0. Higher than 6.5 indicates alkaline soil, lower than that indicates acidic soil.

You may benefit from having a soil sample tested.  They do it for free at the nursery by my house.  The university at Texas A&M does it for a few dollars by mail.  You should check with your agriculture exemption office or local nursery - they likely can test it or suggest someone. 

If your soil needs to increase pH, (make less acidic), add ag lime.
If your soil needs to decrease pH, (make more acidic), add aluminum sulfate or sulfur
(all of the above is found at the closest garden supply or most hardware stores.)   

Tomatoes prefer to be planted by chives, parsley, marigolds, nasturtiums, garlic bulbs, and carrots. Avoid planting tomatoes by potatoes or members of the cabbage family.

- resource that may be useul:


  Got a few more things planted today.


When in doubt , build it stout with something you know about .


 15 May 2011 update ,

When in doubt , build it stout with something you know about .

Homegrown Tomatoes

We have greens growing like crazy, and tomatoes and cukes are at least started.  There is a lot more to go.  I haven't planted a lot of the stuff I wanted to have in the ground by now, but there are so many things to do and never seems to be enough time.  Structurally, the garden looks better than ever, though!

Homegrown Tomatoes

The last two months of triple digit heat and no rain is really taking its toll.  We've switched from trying to keep the garden plants alive to just trying not to lose any trees.  You know it is hot and dry when the chickens are playing in the sprinkler and even the blackjack trees are wilting.   ???