Garden thread.

Started by peg_688, April 12, 2006, 08:45:41 PM

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glenn kangiser

Sassy picked a few garden vegetables the other day.  The garden is still doing pretty well as the winter vegetables are starting to grow pretty well and the things that like cooler weather are coming back.  Tomatoes and peppers seem to do better after it cools down a bit.

The peppers we dug last year to keep from freezing, are in the greenhouse.  It was too hot during the summer but now they are producing quite well.

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Homegrown Tomatoes

glenn kangiser

Thanks, Homey.  I need to get the rest of the cabbage and cauliflower into the ground this weekend.

Sassy ate a few straggler strawberries the other day. [hungry]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

Got the plants in the ground this morning as I woke up early.  Garden is still volunteering well. :)

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Homegrown Tomatoes

Ordering my seeds and some fruit trees tonight!  I love spring!!!

Homegrown Tomatoes

Got half of my seeds in already, but can't plant them because it is too dang cold.  Told my hubby that for a combo birthday-valentine's present, all I want is the garden ready for spring, so come heck or high water, he and the kids are planning on spending all day Saturday helping clean out and prep the garden beds... hopefully we'll at least get corner posts set for our fence, too, and weather permitting, some of the cool season stuff in the ground.  I'm afraid it will be typical Oklahoma and warm up all at once, if I don't get stuff in the ground now when I should.


you still have those earthbox clones homegrown?  maybe you could start them on the porch with that and drag them in or cover them up on frosty nights?  transplant when the ground is good.  just an idea.


I started mine in dixie cups around the first of the month.  just little 16 oz cups with two holes drilled in and filled with soil.  wrote the labels on with a sharpie of what they are.  Another option to get your seeds started before waiting on the ground to get ready.

I did it last year and it worked out pretty well.  I wound up doing some trading with friends who also started seeds.  As March came I still had a dozen plants.  I found a woman on craigslist actually selling plants done in a similar fashion (rediculous markup too), wound up trading plants with her - she grew some of what I had left over, I grew what she had leftover.  I need to email her about this year ...

anyway, just another thought to get it going.  Personally all this credit crises ~ sovereign default ~ cds spreads talk everywhere I go all day long at work has me in serious need of garden time.  I cant wait till spring.

Homegrown Tomatoes

You and me both, Muldoon!  I have some stuff started in the sunroom, but seriously, it has been more than a week since I've seen the sun, which is unheard of in Oklahoma... it is too cool in there for it to germinate, and I don't have one of those fancy heaters for starting seeds, though I'm thinking hard about getting one.  I do still have my big boxes, which I plan to do peppers in again this year (the peppers seem to thrive in them on the east porch.  But I'm starting the peppers indoors and will put them out there once they are a little bigger to discourage the cat from thinking the boxes are king-size litter boxes.  (They're covered up on the north side of the house right now, had to get them out of the way for firewood.)  I'm planting some climbing roses with the girls this morning, and then tomorrow we're cleaning out the garden beds and getting them ready, just in case the weather does ever get better.


 Does this hold over onion count as a "first harvest"?


 Got the garden turned over , I'll have to check the beginning of this thread to see where I'm at compared to past years , seems early.


 Spring is here ,  Yea!  8)

When in doubt , build it stout with something you know about .

glenn kangiser

I see you have worms, PEG.  [waiting]

I got 2 more trees and planted them today.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Thats a good thing in a garden they say.
When in doubt , build it stout with something you know about .

glenn kangiser

I planted a few grape vines this weekend and we added a bunch more fruit trees and walnuts last weekend since the trees were on sale.  The grape vine starts came from our other place in the valley.  They had grown into the ground and rooted already voluntarily so were ready to go.

We reworked an old section of the top terrace this weekend, added two wheel barrows of Alpaca poo and one of wood mulch from the saw mill.  I spread all of those goodies on top of the soil after working it a couple times with the new tiller then worked it into the soil.  Adding the wood mulch will make it require additional nitrogen as it pulls nitrogen from the soil to decompose.  It may help with our moisture retention and compaction  problems with the clay soil also.

What a nice tiller to use.  Even in the cramped old terrace area with existing plants we wanted to keep, I was able to dig around them or up to them, put it into reverse and back out of the tight spots.  It threw out rocks up to 6 inches across without having a cow about it.

After the soil was prepared I planted a a dozen cabbage plants, a bunch of short day onions that will hopefully make heads, and a patch of corn about 4 feet square.  This is the early cool weather corn since it is a bit early so hopefully it will grow without freezing.  Smaller square patches rather than long rows get better pollination thereby filling out the kernels in the ears better.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Homegrown Tomatoes

Everything is coming up in the garden... including weeds.  We went from winter to summer with not much spring in between.  HOping the cool season stuff doesn't burn up too fast!

glenn kangiser

I got the strawberries in and my corn is coming up - fertilized the trees and old strawberries today too.

I did a soil test the other day before planting the new strawberries..... Ph about 6.5 to 6.8 - slight acid - OK for lots of stuff, and fertilizer test -- that was easy - pretty much there are nearly no nutrients in our soil - maybe a bit of potash but the rest show nothing so I guess the thing will be to build the soil with organic material and add nutrients - fertilize the crap out of it - or maybe into it.  [waiting]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Homegrown Tomatoes

So far behind on gardening this year.  Did get a fence built around the garden, though, and have gotten a lot of the cooler season stuff already up and doing well, but just frustrated that there are always too many things to do in a day!

glenn kangiser

I know what you mean, Homey.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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I'm behind a bit on the garden this year, too.  I should have started the tomatoes weeks ago and am just starting them now.

Put Carrots and Lettuce in this last weekend, and peas sometime during the week before - and that's only a small part of the 70' X 12' garden - then I have the 20 X 40 foot cornfield that I need to prep for planting.

All that, and get to the ranch and build a cabin.

It's going to be a busy summer!


Well, I weeded the gardens yet again - figure I spend about 5-6 hrs wk just weeding...  that doesn't include down the hill on the terraces.  Glenn planted strawberries, besides the 30+ fruit trees we have & we're planning on planting other stuff.  Today is the 1st day in several days that I think it got over 60 degrees.  We've had rain, hail & wind & 30-40 degree weather! 

I'm surprised that the tomato plants Glenn planted are still alive...  and there's a few corn stalks coming through the ground.  I'll have lots of apricots this year it looks like - yummy!  Apricot/pineapple pie & jam is the best!

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


Snowing in Anchorage.  4- 10 inches expected today.  But my rubarb is showing red buds pushing up!


Yee ha.  Got my tomatoes in!  Better late than never.
"Officium Vacuus Auctorita"

Homegrown Tomatoes

I hear ya, Shooter.  We got ours in day before yesterday.  There is a lot up out there that needs thinned... beets, chard, cabbage, napa, pac choi, spinach, carrots, etc., etc.  I need to get the tomatillos and husk cherries and the rest of the squash/cukes/melons out today.... feel like I'm so far behind this year on it!  All my peppers are still in pots in the house so far.  We had a long drawn out winter, and then when it became spring, it was almost like summer overnight.  EVERYTHING is blooming and blowing at once.   My dark blue truck has a greenish cast from the pollen.  Our new red roof looks gold from pollen... I'm so busy sneezing and snotting around that a lot of the time I just haven't felt like getting it done.


Joining the better late than never crowd,


When in doubt , build it stout with something you know about .

glenn kangiser

Thinking about pulling the rest out of the greenhouse and planting them but we have 90% chance of snow Tuesday and I'm still working out of town during the week.  I keep running out of time. [ouch]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Homegrown Tomatoes

ARGH! Went out this morning and ten out of eighteen tomato plants are just GONE.  Not wilted, not dried out, but gone!!  Time to cheat and buy some half grown.