Building a near free RV storage garage

Started by glenn-k, January 28, 2006, 02:27:40 AM

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Note that with the unfinished building and melting snow runoff over the stabilized rammed earth there is no softening or deterioration of it.


Oh, good.

I wonder what it would have been like without the stabilization.


I can answer that--- I was just out there working a bit today - got the rest of the purlins up less the open area where the smaller version of the cupola will go --per  Jonesy's suggestion -- I was going to eliminate it as the big one wouldn't look right I don't think.  

Anyway - the unstabilized clay the driveway is made of nearly swallowed my forklift in the area I removed the rocks from.  Places that seemed solid before the melting snow are now mud pits.


Finally got a chance to work on the garage a bit more yesterday between storms and today.

Decided on the size and method of framing out the cupola.  Here is what I came up with.  Approximately 4' wide x 6'6" long by 7' high in the center - 12/12 pitch to match the garage roof.

The front will be even with the gable extension to get the desired room to be able to sleep up there if the urge strikes, and still not look funny from the side.  Supports will go in underneath the porch roof extension - too muddy to work out there now.

and the Cupola with that highly sought after rusty corrugated iron :)  I think I forgot to mention that a second friend also gave me a good pile of corrugated.  People just like to see use made of things that might otherwise be junk.


Today I got more framing in the cupola for the windows. The side ones will be appx 6' x 2' - not sure about the size and shape of the end ones yet -   Kathy even cleaned up after me so we could put a picture in that PEG would approve of.  I know --I'm way too messy.

Support posts are now in under the last set of joists leaving only 2'6" of the cupola cantilevered.

I had to do the window framing to be able to do the roofing as it will have to be flashed to prevent leakage.

The ol' Dodge sits by patiently waiting for me to finish.

I decided to do the front wall around the doors so it would really look like I was accomplishing something.

In addition to this I got a bit more roofing put on.  Rusty tin is cool.  If it doesn't fit right, smack it with a 20 ounce framing hammer-- it makes it look even better. :)


Yesterday, I took some pics of Glenn working in the cupola but he said the pics were too crooked so didn't put them in...  :-/   The view is great from up there, this was the 1st time I'd been up inside.   I cleaned up a lot of the mess around there, didn't want Peg to see the messy workspace  ;D  Its really coming along nicely - if the rain lets up for awhile & it gets a little warmer I'll finish the plastering inside of the archway tunnel & do some more on the rest of the place, for now, making sure I cook enough so that Glenn will have enough energy to keep working out there while I sit in front of the wood stove, check up on CountryPlans & see what other controversial topics I can find to post...  ;) just kidding...


   8-) Glenn and sassy she might be like sittin in a tree, well cupola .   Ok that's why I'm not a song writer ::)

  A clean site is a safe site  :) I bet those photos arn't that crooked Glenn's just web site shy ;)

 Pssss  Post them when he's in the shower ;D  And I didn't say of him in the shower ;)

 Going to be very cool / unique when your done :)



Hey PEG -- I used to wish I could sing--now I wish you could sing. :-/

What makes you think I take showers ??????? but you are right --Sassy does like to stand back and take pictures.

OK - here's the straightest one.  If only I could get her to leave the bottle of Ripple alone before she grabs the camera. :(


 You should see me dance  ;D  And maybe the picture is plumb and level and the decks off, you've just been compensating  :D :D

 Nice job , thanks , Back to the salt mines tomorrow  :( PEG ;)


If the deck is off it is intentional -- for drainage.  As Jonesy says, "Yeah, Right."

Hey - gimme a break - it's hard working with all these natural and used materials - also I don't always properly flog myself for letting dimensions slip a little.  Does --"It's rustic" cover it?  or maybe the fact that there isn't a spot level enough around here for someone to get a decent eyeball on it anyway?  :)


'Snow wonder I haven't been getting much done - wouldn't you know when I say we hardly ever get snow here we get it for about a month solid - at least several days each week.

But ---never fear -- the urge to accomplish something here is driving me on.  Finally a few boards on the front and a window to cut down a bit on the breezes.  It takes me a little longer because I have to saw the boards also but come to think of it, not any longer than running to the lumber yard.

The endwall is braced in 2 directions then the clapboards are nailed to the braces too making the wall even stronger.    The window was part of a large group of windows I got from an old house for thirty dollars - lets give it a cost of $5.00.  The siding was from a cedar log I've had laying around a couple of years.  The 4x4's for framing were dunnage from my steel projects - free for hauling home.

More will be done tomorrow. :)


 Gee a kid would love that place  :) :)

Will there be a way to go from the groto(sp) lower level , thru the arch ,up into the garage area then on to the cupola?

 If I was a kid that would be the first place I'd go , in the arch and up, if it was possible  ;)

Still getting SNOW :-? What happened to global warming ??



I think I need to add a trap door and a firepole.  

I also need to get a guard on the top window when it's in to keep kids from pushing each other out it.

I am considering one of JCL's  small scary platforms - like a small widows walk too- up out the back of the cupola.  Too much?????

The arch is turning into an entrance/exit novelty rather than a window - so yes -there will be a way.  You may have to crawl through it if you come to play here PEG-- 4' high ---so a tall kid like you will have to be careful not to knock yourself out on the rocks  (or damage the rocks with your head).  ;D


Is it possible to run an underground tunnel form the house to the garage? That would be cool!

To The Bat Cave!


Absolutely, Jimmy.  The thought has crossed my mind a couple times.  Approximately 50 feet.  I'm just waiting for Picard to say "Make it so."


"Global warming" is really a bit of a misnomer, as not all areas will become warmer. Places like the UK could actually end up with an ice age. A more correct term would be climate change. I suspect that that may have a bit to do with Glenns unusual snow conditions and it's a fair chance that's why half the population of New Orleans are living in trailer parks.  ;)


Global warming?  I thought it was government weather tampering.  Bummer. :-/

Well - I got a bit more done today - sawed up another log - made more siding - it was quite a bit larger than the other tree and I wanted the most coverage for the time spent so i decided that the difference in width was not something that was going to worry me.  All siding boards are Incense Cedar sliced 5/8" thick.  I don't need a vapor barrier or insulation for this application so the boards make both the inside and outside finish.

We are going to be hanging things on the wall later -trim will cover the ends and joint.

My main issue with the boards was that they were free.  Gotta stay within my budget.


With the weather straightening out part of the time now, I am able to get a bit more done.

Another part of the wall and tin on the roof today.  I also had to do a bit more framiing putting the posts in at the 4' center before doing the wall.

I found that when doing the Adirondack siding alone it is easiest to put a nail in the top of the previous board at each end leaving it down about 1" or for the desired amount of lap over the clapboard below.  Put the next board on top, nail it then move the nails up.  This eliminates most problems with trying to juggle the board and the nail gun at the same time.  I'm using 3" galvanized ring shank nails.  They hold so well that a soft pine board will rip out before the nails will come out of the old timbers.  I found that out taking scaffold bracing off with a 3' crowbar.  The scaffold braces ar also lagged into the framing with 3/8" lag screws.

I finished the framing for the end of the purlins and extended the scaffold boards out there to work from.  They are securely clamped with a big "C" clamp behind the tree.  Approximately 14' down to the ground at the end.

I also got the area above the doors framed and boards for accent panels behind them.  A door goes in the middle with a hay trolley mounted on the extended beam -to possibly be used to assist getting things into the attic or just for looks.


If you guys are looking for a way to stop that Bouncing Betty from vibrating you to peices...check out  It is what a lot of utilities use to lower the hand-arm vibration in their pogo-stick tampers.

just a thought.


I want the "Pull it back" vacuum job.  for emptying (and backfilling) holes.  Picks up rocks to three and a half inches.

I'd be pretty durned sure I couldn't afford it.--Limited production with a 24 HP Honda engine?  I don't think so.  Certainly not for two or three uses.


I liked the soil pick too-- seems like it took a lot of air though.

I got up the last section of siding on the wall today -- now on to some doors.


Just want to say this project is looking better all the time.  :D

Nobody but Glenn and Kathy could get so much soul out of such an inexpensive project.

With artistic scrounging, the necessary tools, skills and energy it is really possible to build just about anything. I'm sure they take it as just another challenge, but it is an inspiration to all owner builders to see that money is perhaps the least important ingredient in the mix.

50 years from now their property will have to be designated a "national heritage site"  8-) - You could probably retire in  a few years and just show tourists around. Be sure to collect a couple of bucks from each.


Glenn is the real dreamer & knows how to put things into action!!  :o  I'm more practical, although I know what I like... The RV garage is really neat - even though at 1st I wanted more of the house finished  ;) - it's the 1st thing you see as you drive over the rise in our driveway besides the garden on the rooftop & the shop.  You don't even realize there is a house anywhere.

John, talk about people touring the place... Glenn's parents were visiting (from Oregon) over the weekend - we took them to "The Bug Lodge" for breakfast (an international hostel on the way to Yosemite Nat'l Park).  While we were there, we met a couple from the Bay Area.  The wife was taking some classes on sustainable design in houses & when we told them what we were doing they were very interested so we invited them over to see the place.  They really seemed to like it... The husband had installed several very large solar systems, was an engineer, history teacher, had worked in Contra Costa county as a reserve officer patrolling the bay in boats - he said the meth dealers had their labs in boats off-shore & periodically they would blow up... interesting couple... of course we got to discussing politics & the state of the nation & world  ::) - they were pretty much like-minded.  

It's an adventure everyday - I never know what Glenn is going to come up with - I'm learning to just go along for the ride - he's too stubborn not to!!  (although I do put in my 2 cents  ;) )

Thanks for your kind words!  Glenn is back in Napa Valley - hopefully the rain lets up a little for them to get some work done.