Progress finally

Started by Daddymem, April 28, 2005, 05:33:39 PM

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Glenn wrote:

QuoteThat is great - the "official" blessing.  Now you can do what you want without worry.  It may seem like a long time to you but it was really pretty fast.

Yes to both parts of that!


Finally got some pictures updated. Sorry for the delay Sassy!!  :-[


Thanks Mommymem!  You'd left me hanging  :-/ - I'd read a new chapter every week on your blog & right at the climax of the story you stopped posting!  Beautiful home, you guys did a wonderful job - I'm sure you're really enjoying the fruits of your labor  :) .  


Thanks for the update Mommymem.  Daddymem - could you please slow down with the shelves --- Sassy will be wanting more now. :-?


hmmmm... I was going to mention what wonderful storage you have!  :D


i love having so much storage, never enough!!
i posted some updates on the blog finally.. i'll get back to doing the blog regularly i promise!


Hi Mommymem!  I'm sure you are enjoying your new home - especially having built it yourselves  :)  Tried to put a comment on your blog but I have so many passwords for work etc couldn't remember what I'd signed on to post...  :-/  I guess I should get busy on my blog - so much gets posted on CountryPlans that I feel it's duplication... Looking forward to more pics when you get a chance.


We are selling our old house now that we are in our new one and I have to replace the roof.   The shingles are breaking off in high winds and portions are covered in moss.  Two small sections (10' each) require new soffit boards and drip edge.  I don't know if there are any soft spots.  There are two levels to the roof, one section is about 10' long, the other is about 24' long, the house is 18' wide.  
Here is a picture of it: our old house

Our Realtor is a friend of ours and there are two differing opinions on what to do on this roof between her and her husband.  He says we should strip the roof entirely and repair any soft spots all the trim boards and drip edge and start new with snow and ice shield and felt.  She says just throw new shingles over the ones there and replace whatever  trim pieces need it.  (there is only one layer)  I know what I would do if I were staying here.  I've never done a roof before but I think I got a good idea what to do and actually found some pretty detailed instructions on the Hammer Zone: Re-roof  I should be able to round up some help but was thinking of stripping it and patching it myself on a weekday and have the help roofing it on the weekend.  If I can't rustle up some help it looks daunting time wise and would likely require days unprotected from rain.  If I shingle over there is no weather issues.  Take this weekend for example, I had help lined up if the weather held out but it didn't.  It isn't raining, just about to rain any minute and is supposed to shower all weekend.  If I was re-shingling I could be up there now and stop when it started raining and go back when it dried out again.  I could even hit it after work when I got the chance.  It seems to me that a whole reroof is a race to get it all done before any rain comes.  I do have a few very large tarps that would easily cover the whole roof so I guess I could tarp it between felt and shingle work if it came to that.  
This house is by no means a palace.  It is an old cape cod weekend get away cottage.  It is 612 sf, poorly laid out and built at three different time periods.  It is on the low end of the market around here.  The house is in ok shape, it needs to be resided with new windows. It is on a tiny lot but it is in a great location.  We put in peel and stick vinyl and will have a new septic system put in.  Here is the listing: Realtor listing

Basically, what do ya'll think?  Is it worth the extras to re-roof?  Or should I just shingle over?  

Warning:  Got some insulation questions for the new house to get on here soon too.  ;)



Why not get a couple of bids and offer to  take that amount off your selling price ??

Then who ever buys it can pick the color / type roof they want . Or if they buy it with remodeling intentions they arn't undoing work that was just done.

The right way is strip , repair , reroof , but you know that.

How many layers are on the roof now ?? Most areas that have codes will only allow one lay over , so a total of two roofs on a building.

Your  old house photos won't open it sez forbidden when I click the link , so can't help much more without photos.  

Ah , the realtors link worked , you call the a Cape Cod ?? Or is it ON Cape Cod ??  ;D  

It would be easy to strip and redo , strip it , repair , felt in and have the tarps handy , a couple of big ones and you could wrap that lil guy right to the ground  ;)

I'd try the money off thing first if it was me .

432 square feet for #190K :o Whooooooooooweeeee!! There go any thought of moving back to N.England  :o :-[


Hmmm - then I guess I shouldn't have put the 3rd roof - or was it fourth on my old house.  

If that's true, then I don't understand why they make the long roofing nails. :-?



If that's true, then I don't understand why they make the long roofing nails. :-?

To nail on core vent ya wing nut ;D ;D

Think of the added weight you've put on that roof ! Each sqr. is new is at a min. of 240 lbs. So  if your old palce has a truss roof and in Ca. MTL it does if it was build post 1950, those truss's where designed with a two layer max. roof load , plus a fudge factor I'd think , so you just keep adding weight Glenn , I'm sure she'll taker er Capt'n! The hull could breach/ crush / blow!! :o :o

Aye , Scotty!! ;D  


All is not lost, PEG.  That is the one our professional roofer "friend" stripped off and changed about 6 months ago.  Back to single roof now.  It was built in 1952 - conventional stick framing/rafters.


Thanks, we are getting quotes too.  The pic is just off the blog, weird that it won't load, does for us but that's Blogger...sometimes works, sometimes doesn't.  One layer of shingles only.  Not a Cape style house a typical Cape cottage, probably best described as a bungalow.  This area was just summer cottages with no heat made for summer vacationing.  Very small, small lots, and not laid out for living in.  Give us a little more credit-612 sf ;)  This is the cheap spot of Mass too-you couldn't even think about this price in the surrounding area-and this is now that the housing bubble has burst.


Summer vacationing there.  Summer livin' there. :-/



From what I under satnd that's about the time Larry Hahn and the Ca." fast framers"  started to boom along down there.  Sort of reinvented house building in a way to it's detriment , at least as far a making good / complete carpenters , now we have specialist sider's , roofer's , framers , , formmen , flat concrete workers , etc , who really have no idea what it takes to do the whole house :( :'(

I'm some sort of friggen throw back from what I can tell  ;D


This was done by an old preacher - Mahaffey if I recall correctly -- my mind is leaving me you know---  :-/

It is completely sided in clear redwood -- which has been incorrectly painted about a million times -- Redwood doesn't like paint so it tries to undress itself every few years. :o


It's amazing to think - in about a year's time you went from planning stages to living in a new home that you built yourself - that's what impresses me so much about this forum - so many people (many with little experience in building) are building their dream cottage/cabin or home!  :) 8-)


Exactly PEG.  There are a number of homes in a row here exactly alike from that same time period.



-- my mind is leaving me you know---  :-/


Are you sure ?? I mean IF your mind is going , how are you sure it is ?? Maybe you just THINK you used to have a mind , and really you never did  :o :o I mean how would you know , maybe you have forgotten but just want to have HAD a mind at some time in the past ??  :-/ :'(

I feel yer pain man  ;D I used to be really sharp , I think  :o :-/ :'( ;D ;D


Please don't try to confuse me, PEG.  I don't have a clue right now. :-/


PEG as an existential philosopher, now?  Will wonders never cease? :D



PEG as an existential philosopher, now?  Will wonders never cease? :D

Hey now Boss,  no name callin  >:( ;) ;D


QuotePlease don't try to confuse me, PEG.  I don't have a clue right now. :-/
Colonel Mustard, in the foyer, with a gun?
there ya go glenn.


Thanks, Daddymem.  Now I have a clue or a Clue.  I guess I wasn't aware of it before. :-/


Ah Inspector Clueso  eh :-/ ;D