I did it myself and you all helped!

Started by Okie_Bob, January 16, 2007, 11:43:44 AM

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It's now been 3 1/2 years since I started my little project and I couldn't have done it without the help of this forumn.
I finally learned how to build my own blog too and you are all welcome to check it out and make any comments or ask any questions you like.
It is just a start but, hopefully will grow as I have time to work on it. And with the weather we have had lately, that should be alot of time.
John, I hope you don't miind I put in a plug for this, our site and used screen names for some of my greatest helpers.
Anyway, check it out, if you like and make comments or ask questions and I'll be happy to respond.


Looks like a nice place. I am so glad yours is a new blog. I didn't have to wait for 400 pictures to load at the speed of dialup. And I haven't found it in my best interest to spring for satellite.  ;) So is it safe to assume that pretty quickly you will be fishing full time?


Doesn't it feel great to live in something you did all by yourself.  Congrats on the project and the blog.  


Nice Blog, BoB.  Say that three times fast.

I'm really tired from helping-- can I have a beer now? :)


I couldn't say nice blog bob.

Especially since the weird little dog--"Little Bob Porcellino" (with the c pronounced ch, because I think it's Italian for pig--long story) far too often gets called "Little Blob."  When he came up here after Labor Day he was 30% underweight, tried to keep anyone from touching him.  If we did manage to pick him up he behaved like he was expecting to have his throat cut.  But tonight he was happier to eat out of my hand than out of a dish.  Still doesn't want to be petted, though.  Or brought in when it's cold.  Let alone taken to the vet.


I've stopped trying to make him come inside.

So he can't.   :'(




Nice house and a nice blog, too.

Enjoy both!  :)


Thanks for all the nice comments. FYI, I added a little yesterday and will continue as time permits. At this writing, it is raining again and maybe I'll have some more time. The lake is now up to only 2' low...from over 7' low a couple of weeks ago.
Okie Bob


Is your dock high and dry then, Bob?

Does it vary annually or seasonally?


Very nice!  Beautiful area... I'm enjoying reading your blog - great story about the sewer line  :D ;D


Thanks Sassy and Glenn.
The pic of the boat house being hign and dry is now history. Recent rains have brought the lake level back up to just 2' below normal. That is why I haven't been to the house the past two weekends, way to cold and wet for me. I'll take new pics next weekend and add to the blog.
Yep, Sassy, I have a few more like that one. Learning everything as you go makes for a few mistakes and 'do overs' not planned or budgeted for!
FYI....normal pool of Cedar Creek Lake is 322' above sea level. Current level is about 320'. I control up to the 325' elevation and then actually 'own' up to the road. I am not supposed to build anything permanent below the 325' mark.
The lake is owned and controlled by the Tarrant County Water District. This county is the one surrounding Ft Worth, TX. But, if you could see a map, the lake is aout 100 miles from Ft Worth. Far thinking politicians built the lake and it was opened in 1965 when it first filled. There is a 60" concrete pipeline from the lake to Ft Worth where water is pumped when needed. It is called a constant level lake. This means they try to maintain the 322' level and it has never flooded yet. But, the level can go down based on usage or need in Ft Worth.
Strang subject but, huge war about to break out between Okla and Tx over water rights. It's now in federal court with a decision due Jan 23...Tuesday.
Looks like Tx wants Oklahoma's water and Okla wants to sell to anyone but Texas!!! Okie's say that if Tx would limit their growth or conserve their water, they wouldn't need Okla water. Tx says they should be able to buy whatever they want. Very anxious to see how this plays out. Could have huge impact down here.
Okie Bob


We don't have water rights problems here--yet.  But I expect that they're coming.

It's why I'd like to get rainwater collection started here, so maybe it will be grandfathered in.


I have to say, beautiful job!

No lack of water up here in the land of 10,000 lakes.  There has been some talk of a pipeline from Lake Superior, but it is down 10 ft. from normal, and the talk has disappeared.  That and the umpteen jurisdictions and countries involved.

Good luck and enjoy the place!