I figured it out...Pics of my new house!

Started by benevolance, November 22, 2006, 10:40:28 PM

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Wow - I remember Blaine -- I tried to smuggle Canadian beer and 151 rum across the border there when I was 17, eh.   :-/


ah 151 rum...they had that way back when you were 17 Glenn?

I remember drinking Lambs Navy Rum when I was younger...Oh man I got sick...

We played a drinking game with Dice called Threeman....It was April on my birthday and cold couple feet of snow on the ground...

Half the quart straight chasing it with beer I passed out...Woke up naked in the snowbank outside...It was below freezing.... I got sick on myself and they just stripped me down and threw me out in the snowbank figured the snow would melt on my body and clean up the puke....

talk about shrinkage :o...I slept in the snowbank for about 6-7 hours and was able to hand and knee it inside the house...

And yes there is nothing quite like the Douglas Fir  and Canadian Red Cedar from the Frazier river Valley in BC

I grew up in the east and Douglas Fir was worth it's weight in Gold way back in Nova Scotia...We had pretty decent Red and Black Spruce which make great lumber as well....Lots of Hemlock back there too...

As for hi-jacking a thread...No worries...I have been known to rant, ramble and  side track other people's threads...It is all good... best part of this place is you never know where a thread is going to go...Everyone chips in with their experiences and that leads to more questions pictures and examples...

No more pics of the house sassy until the week-end...I am back at the shop working for the week to make money 4 hours from the wife at our first home...I will see her and the new house on the week-end...We should have internet there this week-end...

So yes more pictures will be coming... they will be slow as I will be working away through the week until christmas likely.. back to work on the place on the week-ends.


That's what I call living dangerously.  A quarter inch of frostbite in your wizened state could have destroyed any hopes you had of expanding the family tree.

Last time I got that way my friends pulled the tent off the top of me and made me look at the sun in the morning.  I had spent the night crawling to the creek and talking to ralph.  Every time I went there I had to remember a landmark so I wouldn't crawl through the last pile.  Stopped that type of behavior shortly thereafter.

Six hours naked in a Canadian snowbank - I'm trying not to picture that. :-/

Make lots of money so you can post more home improvement pictures.  



Trust me it was not my finest moment...I was so drunk I did not remember much and I woke up all confused and frozen...Stumbling around in the snow bank my hands and feet all numb...

I came into the house got to the bathroom put the shower on as hot as I could stand it and stayed there for half an hour....Other than the headache that is beyond description and a nasty case of the shakes I felt okay.... I think I had puked enough by then for ten drunken idiots

That sort of thing has only happened to me a few times...Hopefully never again if you know what I mean....


Geeze, what a bunch of stories...

I don't think we want to go back to those years! I know I wouldn't last long in a snowbank no matter how much anti-freeze I had in my bloodstream.

Time for another picture. This was taken about 7 am. The old camper with the cleared hood is the truck I stole the battery from to get the generator going last night. It has another battery for starting the engine.

The weather is now bright and clear but very cold. No wind but lots of trees broken and laying down on the job. I've called the business district of Langley town (a mile away) and they still don't have power. Some areas near me are still in the dark.


For people who don't get much snow often, you guys sure are hogging it, John and PEG.

Probably .gov playing with HAARP a bit -- seeing if they can twist the jet stream a bit.  We were supposed to get the big winter this year -- maybe they'll push it down here and bury us later too. :-?


Please send a little of that snow to Hotlanta.  We have been sunny and 70+ for a few days now.  Hard to get in the Holiday spirit ... maybe its better to drink it.


We've sort of got the S-word in our forecast for Thursday night or Friday morning.

A friend in South Arkansas (I think the Big City is Russton LA) has it for tomorrow night or Thursday.

Atlanta might be enough in North Georgia to get a bit too.  At least some rain and colder by Friday.



You are a kill joy...I am wanting to start chipping the old cement driveway and getting it ready to recap with 4 inches of concrete...I hate working outside all day in the rain :(