Controling an internet forum

Started by ScottA, October 07, 2011, 03:22:59 PM

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Things have been pretty quiet around here lately so I thought I'd stir the pot. I don't know if anyone else has noticed but there has been a trend over the last few years that anytime a conspiricy or hot political topic get going on these forums names appear that are rarely seen around here otherwise. These names tend to try and discredit or place doubts about the topic or original poster in peoples minds and generaly make the mood unfriendly in one way or another. End result is the topics change direction or die off. I ran across this article that some may find interesting.

COINTELPRO Techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of an internet forum

Yes Glenn I'm looking at you. ;D


Quote from: ScottA on October 07, 2011, 03:22:59 PM
Things have been pretty quiet around here lately so I thought I'd stir the pot. I don't know if anyone else has noticed but there has been a trend over the last few years that anytime a conspiricy or hot political topic get going on these forums names appear that are rarely seen around here otherwise. These names tend to try and discredit or place doubts about the topic or original poster in peoples minds and generaly make the mood unfriendly in one way or another. End result is the topics change direction or die off. I ran across this article that some may find interesting.

COINTELPRO Techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of an internet forum

Yes Glenn I'm looking at you. ;D

Who knew?  It seems that discussion of the UBC, dimensional lumber vs. TJI's, and 8/12 vs. 12/12 is not exciting enough to warrant conops at Country Plans.
New Mexico.  Better than regular Mexico.


I have no idea what you people are going on about. ;D


There's a Bible verse I could use about pearls but I'll refrain  c*

Sometimes you get tired of trying to get people to look outside of the box (I hate that saying, they always used it where I worked but if anyone tried to do that, they'd be castigated).

I have friends that totally understand & others that think I'm a kook  ???  and just humor me.

Scott, I've read about the infiltrations of websites, forums - I totally believe it. 

I always think about the quote "Me thinks you protesteth too much!"  Those that want to classify anyone that doesn't agree w/the status quo is called a "conspiracy theorist" another term I hate. 

Just watch politics...  all the name calling & blatant lies that are slung...  its just like in the novel 1984  "war is peace & peace is war" or in the Bible, people will call right wrong & wrong right; yes is no & no is yes... 

Didn't they make a movie years ago - actually there was 2 sequels - "The Matrix" - take the blue pill or the red pill... 

There's so much going on today in the political realms, economic realms & even in the religious realms...  there are so many layers - just depends how deep you want to dig... 

I know I'm not Glenn, but I had to put my 2 cents in  ::)  Each person has a right to write their opinion, but please, if you don't agree w/something, stop calling it a "conspiracy theory!"  At least come up w/something original  ;D

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free

Gary O

OK, I'm piqued.
Izziss about something thread specific, or a pointed jab at a perceived trend, or just a heads up?
I've only been here a couple months, but have read most every thread since joining. Seems nuthin' here Scott.

Understand, it's wise to keep yer ear to the ground, but lookin' for the thought police can get tedious and can beget a ton of time misspent.

A PM w/be good about now.......from somebody
My Email is also handy

Gary O'
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson

glenn kangiser

The thought police show up here once in a while, Gary, but usually when I have been stirring things up a bunch.  I have been working out of town 12 hours a day most of the time and haven't kicked the bees nest for quite a while. 

Thanks, Scott.  You are correct that certain ones do drop out when there is nothing that may make people open their eyes going on.  I often wonder if they are actually on a payroll of if they do it just for old times sake?

I do watch for them.  We have major Feds monitoring us.... even participating sometimes,  but I am not too scared of the ones I know of... and I look out for the ones I don't know of.

I have even traced links back to Virginia sometimes when things seem unreasonable....but for the most part I guess I will stubbornly continue to try to get people to look at the direction they are being steered, look at the crap they are being covered with and try to get their heads above it and see things as they really are, no matter what the trolls throw at us.

Glad you are one of us, Scott.... use the force, eh?  :)
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

Please put your area in your sig line so we can assist with location specific answers.


When I log in here, I feel like I'm with like minded people.

And I'll never say anything about the second ammendment and broken beer bottles ever again. (I think I deleted that least I hope I did... d*)


My vessel is so small....the seas so vast......


Sparks that is because the second ammendment was meant for organized militias.  It was never meant for private gun ownership.  The founding fathers never had any intention of the average citizen to have the killing power we do today.  If people do own guns, it should be the same ones the founding fathers intended.  Nothing more than a side lock muzzleloader.


Quote from: squirrel on October 08, 2011, 05:52:42 AM
Sparks that is because the second ammendment was meant for organized militias.  It was never meant for private gun ownership.  The founding fathers never had any intention of the average citizen to have the killing power we do today.  If people do own guns, it should be the same ones the founding fathers intended.  Nothing more than a side lock muzzleloader.

New Mexico.  Better than regular Mexico.


It's good we can still find humor.  ;)


Quote from: squirrel on October 08, 2011, 05:52:42 AM
Sparks that is because the second ammendment was meant for organized militias.  It was never meant for private gun ownership.  The founding fathers never had any intention of the average citizen to have the killing power we do today.  If people do own guns, it should be the same ones the founding fathers intended.  Nothing more than a side lock muzzleloader.

Perhaps it meant that founding fathers thought that private citizens should have the EXACT same weapons technology in terms of ordinance as our government.  

Now where did I put my trident missile?

And how about that birth certificate?   ;D
"Officium Vacuus Auctorita"


Quote from: squirrel on October 08, 2011, 05:52:42 AM
Sparks that is because the second ammendment was meant for organized militias.  It was never meant for private gun ownership.  The founding fathers never had any intention of the average citizen to have the killing power we do today.  If people do own guns, it should be the same ones the founding fathers intended.  Nothing more than a side lock muzzleloader.

Oh boy did you ever start one there.  Shame on you squirrel.  Glenn, Oh Glenn I think we have another goberment plant in our midst.  Shame on you, by the way the handle 'squirrel' sort of fits.

Or is this a false flag attack?  

Oh my word, let me look in the Constitution.  By golly you are right I found it right here.  We the People are limited to one muzzleloader.  It shall be one side locking Brown Bess in good repair.  We can own one skinning knife but not over four inches.  All other knives must be dulled and certified dulled by the local smith.  If you look further down we can own one pot to cook in, two pair of britches and one light leather shirt and one heavy.  You will also find we all are to receive one buffalo robe for cold weather per year from the goberment.  They are also to supply us with moccasins.  One light pair and one heavy pair.  Those in construction will be furnished with one pair of steel toed when they return their goberment furnished pair of heavy moccasins.

Oh look we can own one saddle horse per male in clan or family.  But limited to one pack animal per three members of clan or family.  Women per the Constitution must ride side saddle if allowed to ride by the ruling male of the clan or family.

Yep it is right there, the founding fathers wrote it.  Yep just like how you interpret the second amendment.   It is not there.  Sorry....          
Proverbs 24:3-5 Through wisdom is an house builded; an by understanding it is established.  4 And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.  5 A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength.

glenn kangiser

Ahhhh a new member trying to discredit our old loyal and faithful Squirl......

Careful guys.  This one is just trying to bait us up.....

It could have passed for our old Squirl, but what the newcomer doesn't know is that our old Squirl became disenchanted with the current administration and much of their MO for the most part and became more like one of us so we welcome him as a friend... but we still watch him.... heh

This new guy though.... I don't know about him.... [noidea'

He is so intent on throwing up a false flag and blaming our old beloved Squirl that he has even proxied through Squirls IP.  I have your back, Squirl.  The troll will not get away with iut.... :)

BTW.... there are still more FEDs here on the forum, so lets just carry on like we don't know they are there, eh?   rofl

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

Please put your area in your sig line so we can assist with location specific answers.


In all seriousness I have seen this employed.  There are large "PR" firms in NYC that employ teams of people to do this.  I know a few people that have hired them.  Most are large corporations looking to clean up their image or through doubt on lawsuits.  I personally know they would comment on news stories since almost all news pages have a comment section now.  Google got caught doing this just a few months ago.  They were based out of D.C..  Most of the time it is just big business at war with each other.  Everynow and again it is companies trying to tamp down negative or harmful views of their products. 

glenn kangiser

Thank for the insight on this Squirl.  I understand that there are government agencies doing this also.

There are also the ones who just do it for free because they don't want to think the truth could be real.  They are stuck on the propaganda fed to them.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

Please put your area in your sig line so we can assist with location specific answers.


Great going guys, according to my sources, you have now been
allocated the following: AEN 9-1078-7668

I tried to tell them that you were just a harmless bunch of kooks,
but they just wouldn't listen to me. Oh well, I tried.

Sorry guys,
Bruce & Robbie
MVPA 23824


Bruce & Robbie
MVPA 23824


Quote from: firefox on October 09, 2011, 03:22:43 PM
Great going guys, according to my sources, you have now been
allocated the following: AEN 9-1078-7668

I tried to tell them that you were just a harmless bunch of kooks,
but they just wouldn't listen to me. Oh well, I tried.

Sorry guys,

WOW Bruce is that good or bad?  I can not find any reference to that in any of my secret cryptic code books.  Nor my Johnny R Rocket Blastoff Secret Decoder Ring I got in a specially marked box of corn pops about 55 yrs ago.  

Harmless yes - kooks I don't know about that.  Just do not put your hand in the cage!
Proverbs 24:3-5 Through wisdom is an house builded; an by understanding it is established.  4 And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.  5 A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength.


Drug companies were the ones most recently that I can think of that come to mind.  Some pay PR firms to go out and find people who have taken a drug and had a favorable experience.  They then pay them to spam the hell out of websites promoting the drug.  Sometimes with off label uses.  The drug companies say they aren't responsible if a person wants to talk about using their drug.  They also claim it is an indirect transaction and they can't be held accountable under normal drug advertising rules.  The FDA is against it because it doesn't come with all the side effects warnings, such as death, and many times it is for uses not what the drug was approved for.

It was amazing the first time I sat in a room with dozens of people doing this as a job.  Typing away at a computer, talking on a forum..........


Hey you don't think maybe Sassy is one of them.  She used the word Advil today.
Proverbs 24:3-5 Through wisdom is an house builded; an by understanding it is established.  4 And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.  5 A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength.

Gary O

Quote from: rick91351 on October 09, 2011, 05:56:07 PM
Hey you don't think maybe Sassy is one of them.  She used the word Advil today.

Naw, she's not even a carrier, but I'm checkin' my bride's transactions of late.
Seems that pesky 'could cause rectal bleeding' side effect warning was left off a couple of her last 'great buys'.....
But, dang, do I ever feel peppy!
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson


I'm surprised Gary, I handed you the encryption decode in
the following post.

What, Me Worry?

Bruce & Robbie
MVPA 23824


I just found this on my computer I think the FBI is on to us! 
Proverbs 24:3-5 Through wisdom is an house builded; an by understanding it is established.  4 And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.  5 A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength.


Speaking drugs and conspiracy, I'm still trying to get my head around, "miraculous breakthrough doctors have kept secret for years, now available to you". I've practiced quite a while, and frankly, I'm hurt I haven't been included in a single cover up yet. Could be I've failed some test of my subterfuge skill. I suppose it's why I no longer get those free pens at my clinic.

glenn kangiser

Quote from: Gary O on October 09, 2011, 06:07:27 PM
Naw, she's not even a carrier, but I'm checkin' my bride's transactions of late.
Seems that pesky 'could cause rectal bleeding' side effect warning was left off a couple of her last 'great buys'.....
But, dang, do I ever feel peppy!

I think you were supposed to stick it in the other end, Gary.... [waiting]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

Please put your area in your sig line so we can assist with location specific answers.