Glenn's Underground Cabin Update

Started by glenn kangiser, January 30, 2005, 10:24:03 PM

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glenn kangiser

Ol' fishbreath......... Sheba

Danged ol' cat is probably around 14 years old, has cataracts, throws up when she eats too fast, hoarks up hairballs and will probably live forever..... [waiting]

She used to bite and scratch me every time I would pet her.... with no warning.... [noidea'

She only has one canine tooth left... lost the other one in the vets hand along with one of her claws...vets arm, with a ribbon of blood looked like a barber pole...  tooth was infected and she was near death... leaving it in the vet cured her along with the anti-biotics he prescribed, but he thought she may have cancer as her jaw bone was 3 times normal size... nope ... just a bone infection from the tooth and she was too tough to die....who knows where she lost the other two canines.  "Hmm, still got plenty of spunk," the vet said as he bled like a stuck hog..... [scared]

All she can eat is canned cat food.. the kind she likes .... too much dry catfood swallowed whole and it just returns as a sticky pile on the floor.... nasty old cat....looks are deceiving, eh?  :)

We thought she had gotten eaten the other night as there was an ear shattering cat fight in the garage (I was working in Burlingame) - Sassy told me.....but... nope ... still punishment for past sins I guess.  [mouse]

I very much disliked this miserable excuse for a cat when she was always biting me, but she is really too smart for her own good.  Inbred excuse for a mouse catcher that has never caught a mouse in her life unless it came from a can...    [mouseno]

.......but a few years back she decided I was her idol, and now she thinks she needs to harass me and spread fur all around the entire house for as long as she is able.....  [ouch]

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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"very much disliked this miserable excuse for a cat when she was always biting me, but she is really too smart for her on good.  Inbred excuse for a mouse catcher that has never caught a mouse in her life unless it came from a can...  "  

Uh now who's being catty?  :)

glenn kangiser

Well, it's not my fault she knows class when she sees it....... [waiting]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Quote from: considerations on September 04, 2011, 10:33:15 PM
"very much disliked this miserable excuse for a cat when she was always biting me, but she is really too smart for her on good.  Inbred excuse for a mouse catcher that has never caught a mouse in her life unless it came from a can...  "  

Uh now who's being catty?  :)

psssssst, Considerations,  I had to give Glenn the definition of "catty"   heh heh

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free

glenn kangiser

How fitting that women would know these big words..... [waiting] :)
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Gary O

 I'm here to help ya Glenn.
I believe it all started with George Fenneman. Thus, Fennemanism, and words like 'catty' came to being.....
Anytime you need me, I'm here for ya.....
'Course the word 'catty' reminds me of a fine single malt, but then so does the word 'hammer', or 'aardvark'

I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson

glenn kangiser

Thank you so much for the back up, Gary.....

When these highly edicated ladies start ganging up on me and I'm all alone here.....

I feel so....... like..   sniff....sniff.... vulnerable.....[waiting]

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Gary O

You too?
I firmly believe cats represent wimin, and dogs are, well, dogs (us, Sirius)
I mean, dogs just like to play...even work is play.
Cat's work at playin'.

Then, say somethin' funny, and 27 days later we get a 'what'd ya mean by that'?


Had a cat that had some real personality. However, she'd turn on me without provocation or notice.
I'd be watchin' a ball game, and here she'd come....nestle in right on my lap.
So, I'd pet her weird little head, and stroke her back (if I did this to my dog, he wouldn't move for a month.....come to think about it, he might've passed away)....anyway, there we'd be, miss kitty and caring me.....then after 20-30 minutes of this, her eyes would narrow to slits, and her tail would start to twitch, then in one fell swoop she'd flip over and administer one of the best combinations I've ever seen, shredding my petting arm, and jumping down, looking back at me like, how dare you, you, you, dog!
Talked to my cat loving hippy buddy about this.
"She just knows you weren't sincere".........

OK, so I wasn' was the 8th inning!!

I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson

glenn kangiser

Well, that sweet looking little pussy above is the same as that...except the twitching tail and warning part.  Straight from miss cuddly to the axis of evil in a split second.... razor sharp claws (she never dulled them on things like mice or rats, remember.... ) slashing through the air and into the back of my hand without warning....

In all fairness, she has learned that acting in that manner will evoke a string of obscenities aimed at her and a chase around the house whereupon she always manages to get away.   I mean...what could I do if I caught her....smash her....[noidea'

I suppose it's better that she always got away... and to her credit, she is learning to not do it anymore.... [waiting]

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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thanks Glenn for the paving lesson

and the entertainment  ;D
Often, our ignorance is not as great as our reluctance to act on what we know.

glenn kangiser

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Everyday this thread goes off on a tangent that is highly entertaining.   :)

glenn kangiser

That's the topic, Ben.... no topic.... just things related in one way or another to the Underground Complex....

Went out to check the cow beasts this morning and they had just walked right through the fence to get to the stack of hay a few feet away....

As I recall, John told me that fences only keep cows in that want to stay in.  They were not hungry after all they ate yesterday....

No taking off... no running away anymore....

We just thought we'd mosey on over to the haystack and do brunch.... [waiting]

I mentioned it would be nice if we went out for crepes this morning knowing that there are none within an hours drive or more that I know of... so Sassy was nice to me and made us Cherry Blintzes.  Yum.....   [hungry]

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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At least I didn't have to chase the cows today  d*

Glenn mentioned the crepes & I was thinking the same thing but too far to drive to Burlingame & besides, I wouldn't be able to budge Glenn from the Underground Cabin prematurely  :D

So, got out my French cooking cookbook & followed the recipe pretty much all the way for a change & they turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself.  Hit the spot.  Only trouble was, I bought some vanilla ice cream & didn't notice it was sugar free w/Splenda...  ???  Saved on maybe 50 calories   :P

Oh, Glenn's been here since Friday late afternoon...  today he took a window out across from our recliners & put in an air conditioner - he's been spoiled by the cooler oceanside atmosphere  ::)  Gotta admit, it feels pretty good, though.  The house had gotten up to 81 inside today.

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


81 ya say.It regularly breaks triple digits in our house during the summer.I'd be happy at 81.Spoiled indeed.  [scared]


Living underground does have its benefits  c*

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


Quote from: Sassy on September 06, 2011, 05:00:57 PM
Living underground does have its benefits  c*

Yes it does.One benefit for me would be outta the wind.The wind from himicane Lee is really racking our house the past two days and the wind isn't bad.It's just the unusual direction that it's blowing in from.


Sassy, those look like some 4 star crepes....Yum.   [hungry]

As for Glenn not knowing about "catty"....I bet he knows some choice words that we would need coaching to understand.

"Job site" language is a dialect unto itself.   [chainsaw]


Quote from: considerations on September 06, 2011, 10:19:50 PM
Sassy, those look like some 4 star crepes....Yum.   [hungry]

As for Glenn not knowing about "catty"....I bet he knows some choice words that we would need coaching to understand.

"Job site" language is a dialect unto itself.   [chainsaw

Thanks, the crepes were pretty good  :)

Yes, Glenn is a master at "job Site" language...  sometimes I just have to stop what I'm doing, look at him incredulously & laugh  :D

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


You will know the truth & the truth will set you free

glenn kangiser

Ummmm .... Uhhhh .... Considerations, I don't like to brag on my mastery of some of the PNW foreign logger, contractor or trucker  languages, but lets just say I am rather proficient at it if need be.... [waiting]

My education shines brightly sometimes.... rofl

Big Ben.... watch out... that wind will blow your dress up.... (just a figure of speech, Ben... )  :)
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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I must admit I was at one time conversant in steel, particularly the dialects of iron workers and job superintendents (interesting combination)...oh, and boat talk....

I think that there may have been a generational shift since then, and would probably look rather foolish using "obsolete terminology".

Fascinating the places a life can touch on over its course.  [slap]

glenn kangiser

I always enjoy talking to a well versed lady, Considerations.  ::)

Even the old terminology works well when used properly in a loud and efficient manner on jerks who understand it... then I find it useful to back off and be nice.... and they proceed to do the same never wanting to bring the crazy man to the surface again..... [waiting]

Some construction project superintendents and PMs will continue to ridicule and dish out the crap if not immediately put in their place on big jobs.  Their ego is much bigger than they are in reality... when someone with a bigger ego, and a good mastery of construction talk comes along.  The next key is being able to back up the mighty language with decent performance.  :)
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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 rofl at Gleen.I thought only a couple people knew about the dress incident.I guess word spreads quick thanks to the interweb.  d*

Evrything here is back to normal but we have been excessively cloudy.Ahhhh,a break from the heat. :)

glenn kangiser

You can run, but you can't hide, Ben..... [waiting]

Getting close on the job. 

My work here may be done tomorrow.... unless I get a bit of mop up.....

A couple of the company men may do it as I am scheduled to go to Vacaville prison soon..... [noidea'
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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