Raw Food Raid: Armed Agents Bust Raw Milk & Cheese Sellers

Started by peternap, August 03, 2011, 04:36:03 PM

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(NaturalNews) The raid on Rawesome Foods by a combined force of agents from the FDA, Dept of Agriculture, CDC and the LA County Sheriff's office wasn't the only SWAT-style armed raid that took place today. Sharon Palmer, a mom and owner of Healthy Family Farms was also arrested and taken to jail. A third woman, Victoria Bloch, the LA County liaison for the Weston A Price Foundation (www.WestonaPrice.org) , was also reportedly arrested, NaturalNews has learned.
These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here!


Can't have people selling healthful foods

I think this is going to get ugly

they are trying  to make everyone that drives a farm vehicle get a CDL now too

no more teenagers helping dad on the farm
Often, our ignorance is not as great as our reluctance to act on what we know.


Our government is the terrorist in this world  >:( 

As we lie down & let them step all over us...  I try to spread the word, email & call but haven't put myself on the front lines to protest yet... 

Our many tics (politicians & NGO's) are totally out of control!!!

Been seeing all this coming for years...  been reading all the "conspiracy" websites  [frus] [waiting]

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


In between run away national debt and trying to control the population they will PO the population to well - well write or call their congressmen and turn the channel.  Leave It To Beaver or Green Acres.  Leave It To Beaver or Green Acres. :o Oh there is Bonanza; gee sorry got to go....   
Proverbs 24:3-5 Through wisdom is an house builded; an by understanding it is established.  4 And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.  5 A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength.


They've been attacking small farmers for 40 years or more. Corporate is the wave of the future you know. Do you feel like an ant in a farm yet?


Saw this one a while back -- it's disgusting.

Also one of the reasons I often say "what free market?"


I think we are up to around 18 people confirmed sick from raw dairy products from a dairy here in Alaska.


Quote from: kenhill on August 10, 2011, 11:21:42 AM
I think we are up to around 18 people confirmed sick from raw dairy products from a dairy here in Alaska.

What's your point Ken?
Sh&t happens even under FDA oversight.
22,500 people got sick from inspected Cargill Meat....66 sick from Nestle Cookies, the list is endless.
These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here!


Quote from: peternap on August 10, 2011, 11:37:28 AM
What's your point Ken?
Sh&t happens even under FDA oversight.
22,500 people got sick from inspected Cargill Meat....66 sick from Nestle Cookies, the list is endless.

Lots of cases of Government approved facilities causing illness (Salmonella recently, and E-Coli).

I argue that it would be LESS of a problem if we had a free market and did away with the FDA and USDA...but then that's me ;)


The FDA & USDA are in the pockets of the pharmaceutical & big cattle/turkey/pig/chicken/meat packing etc corporations.  How many major recalls of meats/veggies/eggs have we had in the past few years from the "USDA Approved" supplies?  How many FDA approved medications have been recalled due to life-threatening side-effects?  The gov't leaders for the USDA & FDA just keep jumping back & forth from the corporations to the gov't...  just trace a few of them - I can name 2 right off the top of my head - Cheney & Rumsfield...  Why can Monsanto dictate what GMO plants can be grown w/little long-term studies?  Guess the peons are again the guinea pigs, just like our children/grandchildren are the guinea pigs for the mass vaccination programs going on now - when have they ever done research studies into the long term effects of countless vaccines before a child is 5 yrs old?  Oh, our children & grandchildren are the research subjects - now that's real ethical...  [waiting]   When a parent tells a health care provider that his/her child developed a high fever, terrible rash or other side-effects the same day he rec'd a vaccine, they are told that it wasn't related to the vaccine, the child was just getting ready to get sick... 

How about all the biological warfare research labs in bed w/the USDA - "uh, we're trying to see whether the bugs that cause disease in animals can jump to humans"  how many different H1N1 bugs are there?  Where did Lyme & West Nile disease & others come from?  Remember the big "mad cow" disease scare?  They won't even test for it anymore in the US - is it because it's so wide-spread that you'd have to slaughter all the animals?  The big outbreak of hoof & mouth disease in Europe a few years ago by feeding animals infected dead animal parts.  They've traced mad cow disease in the US from the same practice, so now they have cut back on that but still feed them the blood products that carries the same diseases.

The list could go on & on... 

You don't hear a lot about natural supplements & small farm, natural/organic foods causing problems.  They tried to blame the outbreak of sickness in Europe a few months ago to organic farms - but the story changed so many different times, did they ever find out the culprit?  Seems like people should have the right to choose if they want to grow their own, buy from a co-op, or buy from the big supermarket down the street.  Have we become such helpless children that we need big gov't (whose bottom line is "what's in it for me?") to hold our hands, wipe our butts, etc.  When you think that congress can conduct insider trading w/impunity (is that why they've bailed out all the big banks etc?)  aren't required to be part of Obamacare or Social Security, get full pensions w/very few years in office [frus]  Ya think there might be some sort of agenda  ???

Anyway, it's pretty late, I think I've ranted enough.  If anyone wants citations, I will post them... 

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


Sassy, right on target.

"Control the oil and you can control entire Continents. Control food and you control people.", Henry Kissinger
Often, our ignorance is not as great as our reluctance to act on what we know.


Sassy, we're on the same page.  I'm in favor of doing away with so much of the government agencies that most wouldn't recognize the US if they did it my way...

At a minimum I'd say pre 1900 levels!


Windpower - I was gonna post some stuff about the Rawesome Foods debacle. 

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free