Nancy Pelosi

Started by Redoverfarm, January 14, 2009, 06:29:26 PM

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I never thought she was the sharpest tool in the shed and this just confirms what I already knew.

Windfall Tax on Retirement Income

  Adding a tax to your retirement is simply another way of saying to the American people, you're so darn stupid that we're going to keep doing this until we drain every cent from you. That's what the Speaker of the House is saying. Read below................

  Nancy Pelosi wants a Windfall Tax on Retirement Income.  In other words tax what you have made by investing toward your retirement. This woman is a nut case! You aren't going to believe this.

  Madam speaker Nancy Pelosi wants to put a Windfall Tax on all stock market profits (including Retirement fund, 401K and Mutual Funds! Alas , it is true - all to help the 12 Million Illegal Immigrants and other unemployed Minorities!

  This woman is frightening.
  She quotes...' We need to work toward the goal of equalizing income, (didn't Marx say something like this?), in our country and at the same time limiting the amount the rich can invest.'  (I am not rich, are you?)

When asked how these new tax dollars would be spent, she replied:
'We need to raise the standard of living of our poor, unemployed and minorities. For example, we have an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in our country who need our help along with millions of unemployed minorities. Stock market windfall profits taxes could go a long way to guarantee these people the standard of living they would like to have as 'Americans'.'  (Read that quote again and again and let it sink in.  'Lower your retirement, give it to others who have not worked as you have for it'.   


unbelievable quote.  I didn't see a link for it and went to find one. 

Copy/paste a line from it took me to snopes where it said it was false and was part of 2006 campaining email swarm.

I dont like Pelosi any more than anyone else here, but it seems this was a partisan hack job and not something she legitimately said. 

That said, there was some talk about removing the tax breaks for 401ks last year from Senate democrats.

to which I say that's stupid, who would even consider tying their money up for 30-50 years without the tax benefit?  Even with it I dont know why so many go for it. 


I saw her this morning on ABC fielding a couple of "hardball" questions.  One was for the second half of TARP funds, and how Obama was going to insure they were spent wisely.

She spent more time trying to pin it ALL on Bush, all $700 Billion (It still hurts me to say that number), than to say what the Democrats had planned for it.

Definately NOT the brightest bulb on the planet.

A bad day of fishing beats a good day at work any day, but building something with your own hands beats anything.

Pox Eclipse

Without regard to the brightness of her bulb, this is a good example of why we should all be very skeptical of factoids we get forwarded to us in our email.  Most of it is unadulterated rubbish, as this in this case.  If your outrage meter pegs immediately, it should be a red flag that someone is deliberately trying to mislead you.  Always do a quick google to see if there is any corroborating sources to confirm the story.


Maybe start a catagory of "for what it's worth" which is exactly how I viewed it when posted.   


Well maybe she didn't say it yet but give her time.  d*


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