Wall Plugin for SketchUp

Started by Medeek, March 05, 2017, 12:03:48 AM

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Version 0.9.9y - 01.09.2019
- Added cripple and corner studs to the Medeek Estimator.
- Added top and bottom plates to the Medeek Estimator.
- Added window framing: header, sill plate, king studs, trimmer studs and sill trimmer studs to the Medeek Estimator.

I shuffled things around a bit so the presentation is also more tidy both in the preview screen and in the CSV file.

Cripple studs are sorted per wall by length (shortest to longest).

Windows for each wall appear below the wall's item listing, notice the different color header to help visually differentiate the sections.  I will also use a unique color for doors, garage doors, columns and SSWs within the Wall table.

If there are sub-items that need similar treatment in roof and foundation assemblies I will utilize the same system, as it seems to work reasonably well.

I have not yet added doors and garage doors, they will be next.  Windows are the guinea pigs.  There is quite a bit of data to process so the ruby transmits the data to the HTML in blocks.  Even so the speed is so fast there is hardly a lag when you hit the calculate button.  I'm curious to try this with a full house model with 100+ walls.

I haven't gotten much feedback on the layout of my CSV file, I am hoping for more input in the near future so I can make it as effective and usable as possible.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


I've added doors and garage doors:

I've been working on incorporating the Ruby gem "prawn" for automatic PDF generation.  In the case of the estimator it would be very nice to not only have the CSV export option but also the ability to instantly generate a PDF document of the material list.

I realize that you can always print the HTML preview screen as PDF but the formatting never comes out quite right with this sort of thing.

I will probably add in-wall columns next and if I get ambitious this evening maybe even beam and stair assemblies.

At this point I am focusing on just getting the basic framing data in place for the various elements.  With doors and windows there is a vast amount of data that can be presented, all of this will be in good time.  Right now it is baby steps...
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


Version 0.9.9z - 01.11.2019
- Added door framing: header, king studs and trimmer studs to the Medeek Estimator.
- Added garage door framing: header, king studs, trimmer studs and portal frame studs to the Medeek Estimator.
- Added in-wall columns to the Medeek Estimator.

I think I am done with the Estimator for a while, at least until someone makes a specific request.

The next big thing will be the roll out of the gable walls and the end of the BETA phase of development for the plugin.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


As I've been working on the estimating module it has become clear to me that I need to add a menu (or module) that allows the designer to customize the output of reports.  Two key items are missing:

1.)  Company/Corporate/Designer Information:  Name, address, contact info. etc...

2.)  Project Information:  Customer Name, address, contact info, Project Title etc...

This information would be shared by all three plugins so it would be similar in some respects to the estimating module.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


After giving my pricing structure and licensing system much thought over the last few weeks I've decided to keep the licensing system the way it is.

Rather than trying to force people to renew their license (with a subscription system) it makes more sense that they should only renew if the added features actually warrant them doing so.  This has always been my philosophy, however recent financial pressures have caused me to seriously reconsider this business model and waiver from my core beliefs.  I think if you offer a decent product at a fair price then the economics will sort themselves out.

With that in mind I will also be lowering the renewal costs on all plugins in order to encourage existing license holders to renew their licenses and take advantage of new features that have been recently added (Medeek Estimator, labels, construction dimensions etc...).   

In order to offset the decrease in renewal fees I will be increasing the initial cost of the plugins for new clients.

Later this month I will probably introduce a volume license (3-in-1 price) for all three plugins (mdkBIM Suite), however this will be only for new license purchases and renewals will still be handled on a per plugin basis.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


Version 1.0.0 - 01.15.2019
- The Medeek Wall extension moved from BETA status to initial full release.
- Added the Open/Close (icon and function) to the Medeek Wall Tools toolbar.
- Enabled opening and closing of all man doors: 90 deg. or 45 deg.

When using the Open/Close tool the opening angle can be toggled (45 deg. / 90 deg.) with the CTRL key on windows. 

When the wall is modified, regenerated or moved the doors will automatically close up and return to their default state.

I may also extend this function/tool so that it can utilized with garage doors and windows but its not a high priority at this time.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


The door opening/closing tool as was actually a very simple piece to add in. I probably should have added it a long time ago but no one had ever asked.

When you open and close doors the wall itself and all of its components/elements do not get altered in any way so the nice thing is that a wall regen is not required. This makes this feature very quick and lightweight. All that is really happening is the door(s) are getting rotated into their new positions or back again.

Since the tool is persistent, you can easily go around the model opening and closing doors until you are blue in the face.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


Version 1.0.0b - 01.16.2019
- Enabled opening and closing of all garage doors.

Toggling the opening angle will have no affect when you open a garage door, it only affects the man door openings.

With the garage doors the assumption is a 12" radius for the track of the garage door.  When I further flesh out the Garage Door tab in the global settings I will make this parameter user definable.  It appears that the most common radius for the garage door track is somewhere between 12" - 24".  So for now I am using the minimum radius of 12" since it provides the least amount of headroom when the garage door is open but also allows for the least amount of installed space required (clearance between top of garage door and ceiling).
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


I would like to add the stand alone post/column module since I have had quite a few people asking about it recently.

However as you can see from the photo below the wrapping of such posts can get really involved:

At the very least I would like to have the ability to wrap the post and also provide the option for an outer wrap (pedestal) or wainscot (with option to specify and set the ledge height and width).

Should I also have an option for molding at the top (capital) and bottom (base)?  Astragal?

Also if I do have the wainscot option is there a need for an air gap?  and does the outer wrap or wainscot cover the wrap or does the wrap end at the outer wrap/wainscot?
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


This is kind of what options I have in mind, as you can see there are a number of possible permutations by enabling or disabling certain features:

Each color denotes a unique material that can be specified by the user.  Hopefully this should give enough flexibility when it comes to wrapping free standing columns.

For now I will stick with rectangular posts, circular posts/columns (greek columns) are a whole can of worms on their own.

Postscript:  Now that I am thinking about it some more both the wrap and the wainscot will need an option for an air gap, since the wrap may be stone or brick and not butt up tight against the actual structural steel or wood post.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


Per customer request I will be adding in the octagon (fixed/picture) window:

The ratio of the window height to width determines whether it is a true octagon or an elongated one.  As usual the possibilities are infinite.  I think for now I will just utilize rectangular shutters for this window type until someone tells me otherwise.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


Similar to the Oval/Circle window I'm not installing a ledge with the Octagon window, let me know if this should be otherwise.

Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


Version 1.0.1 - 01.18.2019
- Added octagon windows to the window draw and edit modules.
- Fixed a bug in the license and registration module.

I've never actually seen an octagon window with ext. shutters so for now I will use rectangular shaped shutters on octagon windows until told to do otherwise.

I kind of forgot how much work it is to add in a new windows shape, there are so many options and elements and each one must be dealt with:  sheathing, cladding, framing, trim, casing, shutters, band boards, frieze boards, water boards, wainscoting, labels.

The good news is that as I add in more window shapes/types a lot of the code begins to overlap so I can usually cobble together the logic based on work I've already done, which of course is easier and faster than creating something from scratch.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


Version 1.0.2 - 01.19.2019
- Added a louver vent option for all window shapes: Rectangle, Half Round, Segmented Arch, Gothic Arch, Oval/Circle, Octagon

Louver vents are really nothing more than removing the sash and glass from a window assembly and replacing them with slats.  Exterior trim around the louvers can also be applied (the same as regular windows).
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


I am adding a sponsors section to each plugin page:


Hopefully this will be another small source of revenue to help offset my recent decision to skip out on subscription licensing.  I am also excited to be able to provide some recognition to those who have been instrumental in the development of these plugins.

If you feel like you should be included as one of the development or finanicial sponsors please contact me via email.

Each sponsorship includes a listing with your logo, name (individual or company), a short paragraph explaining your business, credentials, products etc... and a link to your website.

The same sponsors section will be shown at the bottom of all three plugin pages.

I am also open to suggestions on how to make this feature/listing more attractive to potential sponsors.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


I've looked around for some relatively lightweight electrical outlets and switches to use as the default components in the new electrical module.  Unfortunately, everything in the warehouse is too complex or high poly count for my liking.

I've created some very basic outlets that I probably use in this new module, you can preview them here:


I will also create a series of low poly switches.

The electrical boxes are dimensionally accurate and are models of the Carlon Blue PVC boxes.  The faceplates are per the specs sheets from Leviton standard face plate sizes.

When I get some extra time I will add in more options for boxes and face plates.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


Yet another plugin within an already beautiful plugin.  The plugin suite is not only increasing in depth but becoming very broad as well.  The best is yet to come.

Some have asked me where does it all end.  My best answer, at this point, is only when the plugin(s) can successfully model, create full construction documents, estimate and engineer every aspect of a residential design.  Then my work will done.  Looks like I have a few years to go...

My goal this year is to hopefully bring on some extra programming help so I can further accelerate the development and eventually get to the engineering (my piece de resistance) modules. 
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


Version 1.0.3 - 02.11.2019
- Fixed a bug in the display of the toolbars (Mac and Windows).
- Added a trimmer extend option to extend trimmers up to bottom of header when a built-up header is used that has a bottom plate.

In certain jurisdictions the trimmers (jack studs) must extend to the bottom of the actual header and not to just the bottom plate of the built-up header.  This option allows one to set this per window and also within the global settings.

The toolbar bug is probably more apparent to Mac users but technically also affects Windows users as well.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


Version 1.0.4 - 02.14.2019
- Added logic to the final assembly routine to allow for electrical components (Medeek Electrical) to be retained within wall panels.

Previous versions of the Wall plugin will not be compatible with the new Medeek Electrical plugin.  You will be able to create electrical components but as soon as you rebuild or modify a wall it will blow away all of your electrical components.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


It might be useful to have a button somewhere in the global settings that allows one to reset all of the settings to the initial installed settings, essentially reset the entire plugin with a single action.

Any thoughts on this?

I think a few settings such as the serial number one would not want to reset.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


First look at the Custom Header Library (Manager):

The look and feel is somewhat similar to the material manager, but it may evolve further as we go.

I've set it up so that metric and imperial libraries are stored in completely separate files.  Each library is loaded based on the currents units of the model.  This allows one to maintain two distinct header libraries, one for imperial sizes and one for metric sizes.

Metric header sizes (dimensions) will be displayed in millimetres, imperial in inches.

Names or the description may include spaces as shown.

There are five basic parameters for a given header:  name, depth, thickness, ply and material.

The ply is limited currently to 1,2 or 3.

Materials are limited to:  Lumber, Timber, LSL, PSL, LVL

There are other more exotic header configurations (ie. foam sandwiches etc...) however this update will at least allow the user to create their own custom sized headers.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


I will be creating a new toolbar within the Wall plugin that will be called Medeek Documents. This will be the start of the Scenes/Layout piece of the mdkBIM package. Eventually I will pull this out of the Wall plugin since it will be similar to the Medeek Estimator in that it will eventually work with roofs, floors and foundations and not just wall panels.

The toolbar and its icons will be the following:

The first icon will allow the user to select various assemblies and generate corresponding scenes that can then be utilized within Layout.  For example a framer or contractor may want framing details with dimensions for each wall panel. 

The second icon will allow one to export DXF documents for floor plans, roof framing plans, wall framing plans etc...  This one is going to be a big project.

The third icon will essentially do the same thing as the DXF export function however it will automatically push it out to a PDF document using the built in Ruby Gem (Prawn).  Again this will be a big project as well.

The DXF and PDF function are rather low on the todo list for now, but I would like to enable the scene generator as soon as possible and after reviewing the applicable sections of the SketchUp API it shouldn't require more than a few lines of code to pull it off.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


The three new header types being added are:

LVL, PSL and Timber

The thing I really like about having the Custom Library is that I no longer have to worry about trying to figure out what header sizes and combinations everyone wants.  Now you can create your own sizes with a choice of 1 thru 3 plies and five different materials to choose from.  The possibilities are limitless.

I had a pretty good handle on standard imperial sizes but the metric world was well beyond the scope of my limited knowledge of other countries building practices and standards.

The other upside is that you can narrow down the library to specific sizes you actually use so your drop downs are no longer cluttered with sizes that mean nothing to you.

Glulam headers are not handled by the custom library and remain a separate module but the offering there is vast so I do not think users will find it limiting in any way.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


Version 1.0.5 - 03.05.2019
- Added toolbar icons for "Documents" module.
- Added a Custom Header Library/Manager in the Headers tab of the Global Settings.
- Enabled custom headers for doors, windows and garage doors.
- Enabled three new header materials: LVL, PSL, and Timber.

Just a word of warning for those users on MacOS.  The headers tab of the global settings (Page 2) will probably exhibit the same issue with the HTML menus as the Material Library.  I am still trying to come up with a proper work around in the code that fixes the modal behavior on MacOS and so far it has confounded my best efforts.

What this means is that you will probably not be able to add or edit headers in the library currently if you are a Mac user.  I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and I am just as frustrated with this issue as you are right now.

In the meantime if you need to (manually) edit the header libraries they are stored in the "library_headers" sub-folder of the plugin.  There are two files, one is for imperial headers and one is for metric headers.  Either file is a simple text filed deliminated by vertical bars. 

The text files can be edited in any text editor (eg. notepad, wordpad, TextEdit etc...)

Each row or line of the library file contains seven columns or entries. 

The first the row is the header name with "mdkheader_" prefix attached.

The second row is the header name.

The third row is the header depth (in./mm)

The fourth row is the header thickness (in./mm)

The fifth row is the header ply (1,2 or 3)

The sixth row is the header material (LUMBER, TIMBER, LSL, PSL, or LVL)

The seventh row is the header status (ACTIVE or INACTIVE)

Note that the material library can also be modified manually however if textures are involved it becomes slightly more complicated as you would also need to place a copy of the image file in the "library_mats" sub-folder along with editing the MATERIAL_LIBRARY.txt file.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer


Version 1.0.6b - 03.07.2019
- Parameter change highlighting enabled for wall draw menu.
- Parameter hightlight (input) color added to General tab of global settings.

To disable this feature just set the input color to #ffffff (white).  This update is per user request.

This feature is still quite new and once I am satisfied with it and receive enough feedback I will roll the same behavior out to the other HTML menus within the plugin.  This is relevant to all HTML edit, draw and global settings menus.

Personally I like the light blue color (pre-selected color within the HTML color picker) but allowing this to be customized is the right thing to do.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.
Designer, Programmer and Engineer