Glenn's Underground Cabin Update

Started by glenn kangiser, January 30, 2005, 10:24:03 PM

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glenn kangiser

Looks like the Underground compound is going to go into an English Textbook possibly. It will be for students studying English as a second language.   [ouch]

I gave them permission to use a couple photos.  If it actually gets published I will let you know more of the details. 
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Sweet.. I hope it does.. you both deserve it... awesome compound.


glenn kangiser

Thanks, Jeff - still trying to remain rather low key but I see it is spreading around the net pretty good.  My contact on this is from the UK.

My main goal is to have people understand that shelter does not have to be something that has to be done for you - always conventional - always using expensive corporate produced goods - always as prescribed and dictated by big brother.... [waiting]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

This weekend, The Underground Complex had the privilege of being host to a wonderful group of college students from UCLA and USC. :)

The church Sassy attends works with a group to give foreign exchange and other students the opportunity to visit Yosemite and spend some time in peoples homes while they are doing their studies  here in the US.  For many of them this opportunity would be very hard to accomplish without the help of the group - I believe it was called "Bridges International".

We were honored to be able to provide a place for four of them to stay, have a couple meals and get to see, meet and interact with some of the high class local culture, meaning of course .............     Sassy and yours truly.  ::)

While they were highly appreciative of having a place to stay and a bit to eat, I have to say that the real winners here were Sassy and I.  

We had people from the other side of the world willing to come and spend a bit of time with us... share a bit of their lives and culture with us and the opportunity to get a slice of life that we would never be able to get under most circumstances.

Grant, a law student from Tennessee and part time in Beijing, China, Ming from Taipei, Taiwan, Annie, an English Major from Taipei, Taiwan and Hikaru  studying linguistics, from Hokkaido, Japan.  

Annie and Hikaru.....

Hikaru is a Japanese name meaning, to shine - light -radiance - I know because I looked it up.... [idea]  

How fitting...

This girl lights up everything everywhere she goes.  Annie was just as pleasant, polite and bright as Hikaru...  :)

Hikaru's interview.... ::)

Grant, Annie, a troglodyte, Hikaru, Ming

Grant .... studying to be a lawyer... can I deal with that.... [noidea'

I mean ... really....

You know... this guy is so cool I think I can even overlook the lawyer part... as long as he doesn't wear a suit around me....

No... all seriousness aside.... Grant is the coolest guy from Tennessee that I know.... OK.... so he's the only guy from Tennessee that I know....  but he's still cool.. heh

I have to add also, Lisa, Ming's girlfriend from Taipei, Taiwan wanted to see the place so bad that we arranged things so that we could get her up here also before the potluck dinner break.  She had stayed at another home.  

There may still be hope for the human race.  This group of kids was so nice that if they all wanted to move in tomorrow, I told them I would dig another hole for them..... [waiting]

Lisa wants to stay, live and work with us.  Annie and Hikaru did not want to leave.  I told them the solution was simple - we would just keep them all. [shocked]

While that was not possible with their study schedules, we left the invitation open for them to come and stay any time they were able.  Hopefully we will get to see them again before they have to go back to their respective countries.  

Hikaru is here for a bit longer so hopefully she will get to come back and spend a bit of time with us this summer.  Grant is also going to be between LA and China for a few years so hopefully we can drag him back here for a bit of his Tennessee ambiance.

Ming - 2 masters (Taiwan and US) and a PhD on the way --- and he thinks I'm smart.... [ouch]  What a pleasure to talk to this young brilliant man.   [waiting]

I took the guys down to the spring on the Bush Hog while the girls were getting ready to go.  Ming said it was a special treat for him as they did not have things like that easily available in Taiwan - the 4 wheelers or the cool hills to run them on.  I gave them an "E" ticket ride I think.  I warned them to fasten their seat belts, keep their arms and legs in and stay in the vehicle in the event of a roll over.... that should have done it.... [scared]

When we made it back to our destination in one piece, I took the girls for their ride to the spring.

I did short interviews with all of the kids -- forced them to say things they didn't want to say..... [waiting]

Annie said she didn't want me to put her video on here, but she was so cute, I just had to. heh

The potluck dinner break.  I have to say --- this group of people knows how to cook and eat.  [bbq]

A feast fit for a king.  I'd say there was close to 100 people there, all ate until they were full, or as me--- stuffed, and there was food left over.  They don't just go for the simple dishes either.  Everything you could imagine with all doing their best to see to it that everyone had a great meal and a great time.  

Hikaru, sweet little Hikaru, was so sad because she didn't want to leave.  Her makeup was all smeared from crying - she looked like a little raccoon.... I told her we would stay in touch on the internet and have her up for some time this summer if she can make it.  She cheered up a little.  :(

Many of her friends had to come and comfort her to make her feel better.... we kept increasing the size of the circle of friends until someone said it looked like I was collecting a harem and we had to break it up for a picture.  She felt a bit better by then. :)

Annie was impressed with our computer  set up and ability to use it.... Imagine that  - a tech savvy senior.... [ouch]  

We made sure all of them had our email address and was informed on how to find us on the forum.   At the least, Annie is supposed to join - maybe others too, and she said she will bring us info and pix of things in Taiwan.  That would be so cool I think.  She said I wasn't like an old guy - I was like their generation... a bit of flattery there, eh?  :)  Taiwan is like the new Silicon Valley.....  the US is rapidly becoming post industrial society.

What a great experience and what a great hope for the future.  This group of kids is the future as everything is headed to go global whether we want to face it or not.....maybe some of them can give the planet a shove in the right direction.

Last but not least, I have to thank Sassy for setting up this opportunity for us to have these wonderful students in our home.

This gathering of people  is not a church group - it is a family, a family with family members on all sides of the world.  
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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  [cool]  That is so cool yet scary.Not that they are from a different culture but they're all ladies.   d*

glenn kangiser


Yes Ben .... the future world is going to be ruled by ladies....   :)

I hate to break it to you like this, but they say it is for the good of mankind.... [noidea'

They insist that they can make the world a better place......except every so often....     ::)

One of the young ladies at the church who I have known for about a year was kind enough to compare notes with me, on how to gain loyal subjects to rule.  heh

Mine was kicking harder than hers.   [ouch]

Note that I am not really  THAT fat.   I was kind of forcing it out to match hers.......... really.... REALLY..... [shocked]

I have a bit more story with Ming and Grant but the videos take so long to load and  I wanted to get the story going, so I posted what I had and figured I would add more later.

I also have a bit of video on taking the ladies down to the spring on the Bush Hog..... that was a blast [waiting]

Here is a shot of them in the Bush Hog getting ready to risk their lives on a ride down to the spring.

I'll get some more going and get it posted later today.  :)

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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it's great what you guys are doing for others.

By the way Glenn,are you my long lost Pappy?We kinda shaped alike,but in my picture I had cut my beard and my hair.   rofl rofl


glenn kangiser

I feel that what we are doing for others is little compared to the friends we have made and opportunity we have been given to share cultures and knowledge with these young people.  Even though it was only a short time - 2 days, the friends will be there forever and the sharing of knowledge and experiences will continue for a lifetime, whether here in person or on the other side of the world via the net.

Annie thanked me for sharing knowledge with them, and one thing I added to that was that even though they were learning to specialize in their fields via college, do not let the title they gain limit their quest for knowledge in other fields.  I told her that if she has a desire to learn something, don't be trapped or limited by her specialty.  Grab a book, the net, whatever is available and read, study and do the things you want to do.  Get your hands dirty - experiment.  Don't think the education limits you to just that field.  I didn't say it in exactly those words but that was the point I was trying to get across.  Study what you want to learn - get  in there and just do it. :)

Long lost pappy... hmm    Dang Ben.... There is a striking resemblance....   I don't recall losing any kids that would be your age about now though.... [waiting]

I'm not quite ready to remove my winter coat yet either...   [noidea'

I mean, the beard stays for a bit anyway.... I can never get rid of all of it though.... too scary.  [scared]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Glenn mine is about ready to come off.  My wife was joking around Christmas about me staying on the mountain so much that I was going to turn into a Mountain Man. (wanted to be like my idol)  [waiting]   I said OK I will just let mine grow.  She hasn't said a word about it since.  ;).  Might have to get a picture for prosperity though.  ::)

glenn kangiser

Come on. John ... what are you waiting for ... Us abused mountain men gotta stick together....Keep at least part of that thing...  :)

Even though we are tough as John Wayne toilet paper, John, I am sure you agree that we generally try to be pretty decent guys.  I know you are. It's kind of the code of the mountain man :)
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

PS, John, you can't even trim  it until they stop talking about cutting it.... code of the Mountain Man, section 1, article "a".     [waiting]

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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That pic of me is three years old.I have a full beard and wool hair.I do the shaved head and trimmed beard at the beginning of warm weather and again about the first of fall.The winter wool really helps some days.   ;)

glenn kangiser

I know that one.  Whitlock said he was cold the other day and I said "It's not cold - I only have a t-shirt on." 

He said "I've seen you with your shirt off and you have more clothes on with your shirt off than I do with mine on...."  [ouch]

I can't help it.... it just grows.  Now if it would only grow on my head....   [waiting]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Glenn how'd you get all those cuties over to your place? I really need to pay more attention to your ways.

glenn kangiser

I agree, Scott, because by the time you get old as me, you are going to need to have been paying attention or they will never show up....  [noidea'

I guess first thing is to look old as the hills so they know you are not a danger to them..... [crz]

Then you can do like I do.... [idea]

Have your wife volunteer rooms for them when they are needed.    Stay in the background.... have her pick them up, so as not to frighten them... [scared]

Put on your camo shirt and Aussie Leather hat so you are inconspicuous..... note my example.... [waiting]

Just lay low and stay out of the way so they don't notice you until it is too late for them to make other arrangements.  

Have your wife cook them a good meal and start feeding them.  Then she can quietly close the door so they can't bolt....

Once they make friends with your dogs, cats, and get comfortable with their surroundings so they don't get spooked off, you can come out of hiding.

Having an underground cabin helps according to Mike Oehler..... I guess it draws their attention..... ::)

It does help if they are great young people like these ones. :)

As I mentioned I was going to do earlier, I uploaded more videos of their visit.  Here was their death defying trip down to the spring.  I put these on YouTube.

The green stuff Annie is holding - it is not what you may think at first glance...[ouch]

..... it is Yerba Santa... a local wild plant that is good for asthma and a multitude of other things.  It was named by the Missionaries when the local Native Americans introduced it to them.

Hmm hmm Wonder if I was able to scare them... even a little?    heh

Next up is the interview with Ming... It was a bit short as I was having a hard time thinking of good questions.... [ouch]

The interview with Grant wasn't so hard ...

I didn't have so much problem with the questions because I couldn't shut him up... after all... he is practicing to be a lawyer.... [waiting]

Notice when I give him the second chance to come clean with his real name, he still insists he is Slim Pickens....  That is his story and he's sticking to it....

This good ol' boy from Tennessee is going to be one good lawyer I think... [waiting]

Now after all of that, I wish they were all back here.   :(

Hikaru wrote and said they got back OK.  I bet they are tired... it had to be about 5 hours back to LA.  

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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I noticed you mentioned they are from Taiwan. My cousin Tony has been living there for the last 10 years. He came to visit me for 2 days last week. He teaches english. His girlfriend is from there she seems really nice. BTW he thinks my cabin is huge. LOL

glenn kangiser

Yes, Annie, Lisa and Ming are from Taiwan.  They said Americans enjoy it over there.

I told them I didn't think the TSA would let me through, and I am not ready to be terrorized by our government trying to get out of the states...   [waiting]

Relatively speaking, I'll bet they do think you do have a huge, great cabin.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

Annie wrote last night - she would like me to write a book so she can translate it into Chinese and show her friends how cool I am....... that is going to be a hard one for me to live up to, don't you think?   [waiting] seems that their short visit will last a lifetime.  It works for me.  :)
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Glenn, that's awesome that you hosted international students!

I bet they loved the place!

glenn kangiser

Thanks, BK.  They all loved it and we thought they all were the greatest.  [cool]

I think we will be doing it every month or two for the summer.

It is really fun to do because they are all from countries we likely will never get to visit, yet we will have good friends there.  They generally all speak good English so communication is not a problem.  It's a bit like traveling without having to leave the cabin.   

I hope to finish the third bathroom soon and add more sleeping areas - bunks - day beds etc.  They get to talking with each other and more want to stay here.  The experience is so enriching for us, we want to have them.  :)
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

Quote from: Bishopknight on March 25, 2010, 09:51:23 AM
Glenn, that's awesome that you hosted international students!

I bet they loved the place!

Enlarging on this thought a bit, Annie wrote,  "For me, I still can't believe what I've experienced during these days is true. Everything was so unrealistic and full of blessings. I'm so thankful that I was given the chance to be part of your life even though it was [a] short [visit]."

Hikaru wrote, "First,thank you so much for your hospitality.
Although it was just a short stay, I never forget you, your amazing house, sweet doggies and kitties.."

I was just thinking how hard it must be to be here studying, away from their homes and families in a big city with no personal transportation, and to try to go to a park 300 miles away and get a bit of enjoyment while cramming for college.  The group helping them has to be commended for their effort.

It was an extraordinary effort on the students part, then to have to get right back with the program and back down to earth.  I told them to consider us as their family while in the states.  It just seems like they need an anchor while here so far from their home families.

Now they are part of our extended family. :)
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Well Glenn they did stop talking about it so "Off it Went".  Maybe again this fall when it turns colder.


John that plastic chair has got to go.  ;)


Quote from: ScottA on April 02, 2010, 04:30:54 PM
John that plastic chair has got to go.  ;)

I've got some of those chairs....only mine are green. You would be very surprised how comfortable those things are.....and they cost like $5 !!


We have several too. Doesn't everyone. But John, I think they look out of place. Maybe some camo paint would help.   ;D
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.