Okanogan 14x24 by a lurker :)

Started by Oljarhead, September 21, 2009, 02:53:09 PM

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Going back up this weekend and it looks like it might be perfect for falling trees, sawmilling and working in the back room!


Been a while.

Got up to the cabin and finally for the back door on the composter/power room installed.

And finished testing a new power supply that was pretty awesome!


After a slippery drive up the iced over road to the road up to our property we chained up and made out way the 2.7 miles to the bottom of my drive.  Other then a little slip or two in the ice we'd had a pretty uneventful drive so far but turning onto our driveway I wondered if my friends well built Jeep (Willy's JLU with 39" tires, lift, front lockers, you name it) would easily crawl up the steep drive in a foot of snow on top of built up ice.  We learned pretty quickly it was going to be a fight!

For about 30 minutes we took two steps forward and one step backwards as we crawled our way up the hill counting progress in inches and then feet but we made it up safely, laughed at the crazy driveway and continued the remaining 1/4 miles to the cabin.

Since it was below freezing out the routine (which is pretty much always the same) had me unlocking the cabin, turning on the power, firing up the propane heater (aux heater for these occasions) and then helping to get things loaded off the deck and into the cabin.  We then filled up the water jug at the frost free and noticed the pressure was down, we'd have to turn on the pump in the morning and try to get the solar panel facing the sun to pump the cistern full.  Finally, I got the woodstove going and the cabin temp began to rise above freezing.  My super insulated back room was at 50F and only dropped to 49F overnight despite temps dropping into the single digits - SUCCESS!

After a late night enjoying some bourbon and good conversation we crashed for the night.

IN the early AM (about 5:30) I got the coffee going, stoked the stove back up and after more conversation over coffee I made a breakfast of bacon and scrambled eggs.  It was excellent!

Next we flew the drone (video above in the earlier post), got the tractor warmed up and the plow blade attached and then cleared the snow in the driveway and range and made a path to the range.  I then hooked up the Starlink for internet (which was awesome) and made plans to head up the hill after lunch.

After a quick lunch of sausage dogs we headed up the hill to check out the scenery and saw some deer hanging out on the upper section of the property.  The deer tracks were EVERYWHERE! 

Finally, we headed back to the cabin (after giving a neighbor a few bucks for plowing the main road to help out) and set up the range.  We had a great time siting in rifles, getting in some practice and finally, freezing and sore from all the walking in the snow (me not Doug) we headed back to the cabin to escape the cold but not before collecting all the game camera footage to see who'd come back in the two months since the last visit to the cabin.

That evening we BBQ'd up some steaks that Darci had sent me with and had a great dinner over more conversation.  Then it was time to pour a drink, turn on the music and just hang out listening to just about everything I could think of since we both have a love for music and called it a night at about 11pm!

The next morning after a good breakfast (more eggs and bacon) we cleaned up and packed out ending another awesome weekend in the woods away from the hustle and bustle of modern life.

What a grand weekend!


In today's installment of: The Old Jarhead is waiting to get back to his cabin....

Meanwhile, I'm heading up alone on Friday which will be the first trip on my own since November!  Wow!  I haven't been away this much in a long while and due to my hand healing and not liking it when I drive more than 5 minutes I've not tried to drive up -- nor with my back been willing to go alone much in fear of slipping a disc of two and having to crawl out.

But I have a Zoleo now and Starlink so can at least crawl to my phone or the zoleo and push the help button if need be!  LOL Getting old isn't for the weak!

Enjoy and get out there!


I'm headed to the cabin today!  Woot!  Love being up there and looking forward to this trip.  It will be a sloppy wet weekend I think but that's ok, the woodstove will keep me warm :)

Meanwhile here's my latest video:
