Gluten/Wheat....Does not like me any more!

Started by StinkerBell, October 26, 2011, 07:41:34 PM

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I have an appointment with the allergist for a scratch test. Took a Celiac blood panel test yesterday. It is evident I am allergic to flour or gluten, maybe even both.

Anyone else here in this boat? I must admit I am pretty darn upset. I am a person who loves her bread. I am sandwich guru of sorts.


My brother has celiac disease.  His wife has studied up on this quite extensively & has learned to cook gluten free. 

For some reason, more & more of the US population has become allergic to gluten - don't know if it is all the additives, artificial stuff, preservatives, genetically modified wheat, corn, soy etc, but whatever it is, seems almost to be an epidemic.

The big food manufacturers are catching on & producing a much greater variety of gluten free foods.  My SIL made a pineapple upside down cake w/one of the popular cake mixes (she added the butter, brown sugar & pineapple slices).  It was very good.

I just rec'd several pounds of organic coconut flour - kinda pricey but was on sale at one of the websites I get organic coconut oil from.  Haven't cooked w/it yet.  They have organic rice flour, also - but it, too, is expensive. 

Wish you the best, Stinkerbell, it's not an easy path.  My brother said the gluten free bread isn't too good - I've never tried it.

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


I'm not a celiac but gluten doesn't do good things for my gut. Welcome to my club. Life seems like there is no point, right? What the F@@@ am I going to eat now, runs through your mind. At least it did mine. I too am a bread lover. One of the highlights of traveling in Europe last year was to sample the variety of local breads.

However, I am still alive and sorta used to it by now. My bad news came just before aforesaid trip to Europe. I made like I had not heard the news until returning.

DeBoles makes about the best gluten free, rice flour based, pasta. Amazon Grocery sells it in packs of 12 at a good price; much better than buying it 8 ounces at a time at Smith's. Trader Joe's has a brown rice pasta; try it, it is less expensive, but I didn't like it as much as DeBoles. We have a local Italian restaurant that does serve up some excellent gluten free meals including pasta. Paisano's for those here. in NM.

I use rice flour for sauces and gravies. It's a good thing I/we don't bake much though. Pamela's makes a superb gluten free brownie Mix. The Pamela's pancake mix is pretty good too; great with real maple syrup.

Vans makes some good gluten free frozen waffles that are gluten free. Also available at Whole foods, Smith's and natural grocers here. They go on sale often too.

After nearly a year of staying as far away from wheat and gluten as I can I find that the occasional real sandwich with a fine real Rye bread is not a problem.

How are you on dairy. I took a hit on that too. Crap! I really felt my world had ended. There is an excellent dairy free cheese though. Look for Daiya. It only comes grated but is very good. Cheddar, mozzarella and jack types.

I have not met a gluten free bread that pleased me. I don't think there is any such thing, but I should not be so gloomy. Try Udi's. Our Smith's carries it as does Whole Foods. I don't eat bread anymore for the most part.
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.

Gary O

Oh man!
I am a sandwich slut, and take away my bread, well, I don't want to even think about it.
And I'd think (sob) beer comes into play.......

Stinkerbell, what are the symptoms?
I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson


Thanks for the tips!

MtnD I can not drink milk or eat ice cream at all without doubling over. BUT I can eat cheeses. It's the lactose in the milk. Thank goodness the bacteria eats the lactose when it is becoming a cheese.

My symptoms are blister hives I have had for months. I really thought that I had a case of chiggers and was treated for that along with scabies (just in case) but alas that is NOT the issue. The rash on my legs and shoulders started a few months back but last week I just broke out in such a way that I thought I might have staph infection in my legs.  My legs kinda look like a Dermatitis Herpetiformis /Urticaria. In my lower legs, elbows and back now.


I had a celiac blood panel taken and an appointment with the allergist next week. I have to be antihistamine free for 3 days prior to the allergist. I am not sure how I am going to make it.


Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


Quote from: StinkerBell on October 26, 2011, 08:23:32 PM
Thanks for the tips!

MtnD I can not drink milk or eat ice cream at all without doubling over. BUT I can eat cheeses. It's the lactose in the milk. Thank goodness the bacteria eats the lactose when it is becoming a cheese.

My symptoms are blister hives I have had for months. I really thought that I had a case of chiggers and was treated for that along with scabies (just in case) but alas that is NOT the issue. The rash on my legs and shoulders started a few months back but last week I just broke out in such a way that I thought I might have staph infection in my legs.  My legs kinda look like a Dermatitis Herpetiformis /Urticaria. In my lower legs, elbows and back now.

That sounds awful - hope you get better soon!  My brother just had severe abdominal pain.  I get hives quite often, but they are more from pressure ie if I carry a heavy bag or purse over my arm, wear pants that are too tight around the waist, etc.   I love bread, too  :-\

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


Glenn's daughter, Angie, started a blog on natural/organic foods.  Today's posting was on gluten free bread

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free



I'm not allergic but bread sends my glucose readings to the outer limits. I can get away with a little Pumpernickel for some reason, but nothing else.

If it's any comfort, you get used to it....kinda :-\

It could be worse. Imagine this, I love honey but I wouldn't make it out of the woods if I even ate a small amount.
I use it to attract bears so sometimes I spend 8 or 9 hours  smelling a half gallon of it TEN YARDS AWAY >:(
These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here!


I have had the same issues Stinkerbell. The dairy and gluten problem goes hand in hand. Some days are worse than others. I frequently cook with coconut flour. I also have a posting on "Let's Do Organic Coconut Flour." There's a couple of gluten free bread options out there that I have tried, like I say on my blog though, they are going to taste different than wheat bread. You can make good GF toast and toasted sandwiches with them though. I have tried a few varieties of Bob's Red Mill GF products and they are awesome. I will be posting on his line soon. I do not recommend garbanzo flour though :@ (that's my face for barf) it was weird tasting. The Bob's Red Mill brand makes an awesome gluten free browine mix, my husband loved it. Pamelas is another brand that makes good cookies that are gluten free. I have bought tapioca flour but it needs a bunch of ingredients that aren't practical to find or are expensive (i.e. Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, white rice flour, etc.). Good luck on the testing as my Naturopath said they have to  send you to a GI doc, knock you out and stick a scope in your gut. I guess even after that sometimes they can't even see the perforations that celiac causes. Blood tests aren't always accurate either she said. The proteins get stuck on those perforations in your gut and your immune system ramps up to fight it like it's an intruder, is the way she explained it to me. Both mine and my daughters eosinophil counts were off the charts. She has allergies too. It sucks but we make do. I will be doing a liver flush as she seems to think it will help with some of my problems, a lot of problems with allergies are caused by toxin overloads. I know this is true, because I have done some gentle detoxes before and immediately some of the problems I was having went away, I constantly had migraines and was sensitive to fragrances and those have mostly subsided. I will let you all know how the flush goes. Could do good or could make myself sick, we shall see. ;D
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