The American Nightmare

Started by glenn kangiser, September 11, 2010, 08:40:29 AM

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glenn kangiser

Copied with permission - In my opinion the author has this dead on... Opinion from the other side of the world

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The American Nightmare

30.08.2010 15:09

By Hans Vogel

There once was the "American Dream." To be sure, first this dream was American in the true sense of the word, pertaining to the entire continent from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego. Before long, however, the adjective "American" was hijacked and applied with appalling single-mindedness to the US exclusively. This operation has been so successful that today to most people in the world, "American" is synonymous with "US".

Yet one ought to remember that once the American Dream could be chased not only in the US, but in Canada, Brazil, Cuba, Venezuela Argentina and Uruguay as well. Since the mid-1800s the latter, like the US, have also attracted millions upon millions of Europeans in search of a better, freer and more comfortable life. Until quite recently, many of them were indeed rewarded for their efforts. Their labor has forever transformed the face of the New World.

The golden years for the "American Dream" (referring to the US exclusively) began after the end of World War II and lasted for about a half century. Its definitive end came when the New York Twin Towers collapsed. In hindsight, the signs of decay in the US were visible before 9/11, but since then the American Dream is being shattered in ever smaller pieces, with ever diminishing chances of being put together again.

True to the cherished European myths about the New World, everything in the Americas seems beyond the scale of what Europeans are accustomed to: bigger portions on your plate, a faster-paced life, and bigger fortunes when things go well. But when they go sour, the demise also seems faster and its scale bigger.

Curiously enough, US administrations seem intent on accelerating the destruction of the American Dream and the very infrastructure that made it possible in the first place. It now seems eons ago when US presidents only got themselves into wars they could win, or at least wars from which they and their friends could reap handsome profits at minimal cost. For instance during World War II and Korea, the US tried to leave the fighting and dying to others.

It took the Vietnam War for the US to realize that the time of easy war fighting were over. But instead of drawing the right conclusions, the US has rushed headlong into expensive, unwinnable colonial wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Meanwhile, due to the rapacious policies of a ruthless ruling class devoid of any sense of responsibility whatsoever, the US middle class is being chased out of its homes, jobs and colleges. And if that weren't enough, it is being robbed of its savings through cleverly masked fraudulent schemes such as Obamacare.

Today, 40 million out of 300 million people in the US are on the dole and many millions more are set to join their ranks. Most of the national wealth is concentrated in the hands of a small percentage of the population. They include banksters pocketing bonuses and salaries running into the hundreds of millions of dollars.

At the same time, the conversion of the US into a single giant prison, has been proceeding apace. Whereas back in the 19th century, Russia was sometimes characterized as the prison of peoples, today the US is truly a prison of individuals. Nowhere in the world are there more people in jail than in the US. Nowhere in the world are so many people under some form of penal surveillance, such as the millions on parole.

The government tries to control every movement by every citizen, subjecting them to humiliating and degrading searches at airports, public buildings and sports events. Just as Tocqueville, the perceptive French observer predicted in the 1830s, the US has now been turned into a panopticum, the perfect prison envisioned by Jeremy Bentham in the late 18th century. New legislation under way is set to eliminate the remaining aspects of freedom. Laws to make downloading illegal (ACTA), to outlaw the growing of vegetables without a government permit, to make jokes or to call people names illegal. The list is long and defies belief.

One could say the US ruling class is trying to dehumanize life. No doubt the ruling class believes it can continue living a comfortable life while making it miserable for their less fortunate countrymen. Indeed they might, for a while. But eventually the Frankenstein monster they are creating will turn against them.

Now that the US has become one giant prison, its streets patrolled by swaggering, overweight and brutal policemen, it is attempting to impose its dreary way of life (if that is what it can still be called) on the rest of the world.

However, if the world was once willing to adopt the American Dream and accept a change in life style to make it more like life in the US, it is to be doubted the world is willing to be turned into a US style prison, a kind of globalized Guantanamo. The American Dream was once sold to the world by the friendly cigarette smoking, gum chewing, coke-drinking GI. Today's salesmen of the American Nightmare are less friendly. They are often mean, crack smoking, coke-sniffing desperadoes, killing Third-World civilians.

There once was a time when the US produced good salesmen. They found a warm welcome because they sold quality goods made in the US. Today the good salesmen have been replaced by shifty-eyed marketeers with nothing to sell, because the once flourishing US industry has been offshored to China and elsewhere.

The only products the US has on offer these days are misery, death, threats and endless doses of violence. Certainly the world—and the US—deserve a better fate. It might actually be a good idea for us in the rest of the world to encourage US citizens to re-establish control over their own lives, to summon their leaders to stop being selfish, to punish their irresponsible ruling class. The whole world would be a better place if they did!

Hans Vogel
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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This guy is right on a few things and screwed up on most, oh brother

In WW2 we left the fighting & dying to others??  Iwo Jima, battle of the bulge, Normandy, guadel canal, etc etc we were dying to defend countries in other parts of the world, not just the US

As far as having too many folks in prison, I guess we should cut off a thiefs hand and let him go and that would be better?? OK with me. or maybe we should just say dont do that.

many Americans have become freeloaders and slackers and have been spoiled and now want something for nothing. easy to pin it on the big bad banksters. They have the money someone else wants & wont work for, so they must be evil. what a crock

The government is taking over all our liberty, he is right about that and I do think we are doomed. But it is mostly our own fault, and like rome we will fiddle with our products made in china while the country burns

socialism never was the answer, self sufficiency is the answer and we have forgotton how that works.

America may suck but they suck worse, I would not move anywhere else, we will be brought down by our own freeloading thugs

glenn kangiser

I think he may be referring to our entering the war late.

We import tons of drugs and sell them in the cities to support our covert ops via our CIA as reported on many times - - Iran contra - Ollie North - etc- ... not stopped - maybe hidden better  - substance abuse creates prisoners -we are currently guarding poppy fields in Afghanistan and other countries so our elite can profit, not only from sales for clandestine operations but personally as well as from war machine sales.  See  Iran Contra - Ollie North, The Last Circle, the Octopus, etc.

Enablement by government programs creates more slackers and support for programs for mare taxation and free stuff.

Our system has created support for purchasing from China as our elite profit and we become a third world country.  Wall street mentality.

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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I was getting worried there would be no conspiracy theory posts for the aniversery of 9/11. What a relief to see this, after all this is the aniversery of the biggest conspiracy theory of them all. You know the one...19 devout muslims, after a long night of partys and strippers hijacked 4 airliners using box knives and plastic forks, managed to somehow disable the entire US air defense system and destroy the constitution in a matter of hours. That's the grandaddy conspiracy of them all.  ;)


I have to say that the article is  right on target as I see it.

Good post Glenn

As far as having too many folks in prison, I guess we should cut off a thiefs (sic) hand and let him go and that would be better?? OK with me. or maybe we should just say dont (sic) do that.

Some stats from the BOP

Notice 1 person in 150 out of every man woman and child  in the US is a resident of the crossbar hotel system

over half are in for 'drug offenses'

also note that banking and insurance, counterfeit and embezzlement aren't even one half of 1 percent (I am sure this should be higher)

Last Updated: Saturday, 24 July 2010

  Inmate Population back to top  
Total population: 211,014
Total sentenced population: 192,615
Inmates in BOP facilities: 172,839
Inmates in privately-managed secure facilities1: 24,001
Inmates in other contract facilities2: 14,174

  Types of Offenses back to top  

Drug Offenses: 100,627 (51.3 %)
Weapons, Explosives, Arson: 29,740 (15.2 %)
Immigration: 22,327 (11.4 %)
Robbery: 8,631 (4.4 %)
Burglary, Larceny, Property Offenses: 6,868 (3.5 %)
Extortion, Fraud, Bribery: 9,997 (5.1 %)
Homicide, Aggravated Assault, and Kidnapping Offenses: 5,450 (2.8 %)
Miscellaneous: 1,862 (0.9 %)
Sex Offenses: 8,430 (4.3 %)
Banking and Insurance, Counterfeit, Embezzlement: 840 (0.4 %)
Courts or Corrections: 661 (0.3 %)
Continuing Criminal Enterprise: 532 (0.3 %)
National Security: 94 (0.0 %)

Often, our ignorance is not as great as our reluctance to act on what we know.

glenn kangiser

Umm - Scott, I was waiting for someone else to start the story of the Federal Government conspiracy on 9/11 as I have a lot of good stuff to add but I thought I would share the fun this year..

I could not believe the line of crap congoleeza (sp?) was spreading earlier - like her and Big Dick Cheney were scared and running out of air  sitting down there in the bunker below the White House  directing (air ) traffic (controllers to sit back and shut up).
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Holy Cow!! This guy sure hit the nail on the head! Why have the American People not yet realized what a bunch of evil crooks run both our Government and our Banking/Economy?? Or maybe they're just starting to figure it out with movements like the "Tea Party"? I personally don't think there is much hope for our country....I think we've just went too far down the toilet drain to pop back out again....but I do hope I'm wrong. After all....even at this late me a better country on this planet than the USA!
Near McCormick's Creek State Park, Owen County Indiana


Well I always like to stir the conspiracy theory pot but it usually seems like a thread killer.

I think mourn over this date even more than average folk, not only for the direct victims of this disaster, but for all the other victims as well- you, me and the rest of the world.
I was counting on the angry youth to raise a holy stink but apparently they were all hooked into their PS3 along with cheap beer and drugs.

QuoteInsert Quote
Umm - Scott, I was waiting for someone else to start the story of the Federal Government conspiracy on 9/11 as I have a lot of good stuff to add but I thought I would share the fun this year..

I for one am all ears, I got nothing new.

glenn kangiser

I'm just following the new stories on Rense and a few other places, Dug.  A lot of it is still recycled but there are more listeners and questioners all the time.     has a pretty good collection of articles and the latest stuff, but trying to get someone to listen who wants to believe the lies of the government is pretty hard.     Commissioners don't buy it. Oddities
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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I was kinda hoping to avoid 9/11 this year.
It's hard to separate the conspiracy from the hype, so I don't try anymore.

My reality is a little harsher. On that day I was in an airport with a client. No one paid much attention to the news because someone or the other had been trying to bring those buildings down for a long time....and, they were in New York.

If I had said this on 9/10, I'd have gotten a big laugh. "Someone should crash a big plane into New York" someone would have chimed in and said "Yeah, they otta crash two of them".

On the way back to the office I stopped for gas and a fellow who was obviously from New York, came in babbling about what was going on. The response from everyone he talked to was the same..."So what!"

All of a sudden on 9/12, the American people became best friends with New Yorkers and the 9/11 BS started.

I'm sorry I'm not as sympathetic as I should be. i didn't know any of those killed that day, people die every minute of every day, I have a thorough dislike for New Yorkers to start with and this is just an excuse to shred our Constitution, and so far, they've done a very good job of it.
These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here!


Quote from: peternap on September 12, 2010, 05:20:40 AM

On the way back to the office I stopped for gas and a fellow who was obviously from New York, came in babbling about what was going on. The response from everyone he talked to was the same..."So what!"

This is one of the more despicable things I've ever seen posted here. 

Really, "So what"  that 3000 Ameicans were being murdered in cold blood by terrorists.  Reprehensible.
Give me a place to stand and a lever long enough,  and I will move the world.


Quote from: bmancanfly on September 12, 2010, 09:26:16 AM
Quote from: peternap on September 12, 2010, 05:20:40 AM

On the way back to the office I stopped for gas and a fellow who was obviously from New York, came in babbling about what was going on. The response from everyone he talked to was the same..."So what!"

This is one of the more despicable things I've ever seen posted here.  

Really, "So what"  that 3000 Ameicans were being murdered in cold blood by terrorists.  Reprehensible.

I could sugar coat it, but that was the attitude.
There are tragedies every day and on a larger magnitude, much larger.

Maybe I should make up some stories about all the folks screaming and pulling their hair at the news, just for your benefit. It didn't happen though.
The aftermath, the Patriot Act and destruction of our country by our own government, is far worse than anything a few terrorists could possibly do.

Now if you want some emotional discharge. Ask those same people in the gas station what they think about the Government's handling of 9/11. I'll guarantee. you won't get "So What".
These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here!


I'm not going to try and educate you,  because it would be a waste of my time.

But just inhumane and despicable.  Period.
Give me a place to stand and a lever long enough,  and I will move the world.


Quote from: bmancanfly on September 12, 2010, 09:52:30 AM
I'm not going to try and educate you,  because it would be a waste of my time.

Thank You!
These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here!

glenn kangiser

Quote from: bmancanfly on September 12, 2010, 09:52:30 AM
I'm not going to try and educate you,  because it would be a waste of my time.

But just inhumane and despicable.  Period.

I know how you feel but I will .

Our government wants Muslims and Middle Easterners blamed to forward their agendas.  See PNAC - we need another Pearl Harbor to get the support of the people.

All they need to do is fool the gullible 95% of Americans who will look no farther than their word and believe their sham investigations.  They just want to ignore the facts, look the other way and not think about the mass murder that is being done in their name.  

They do not give a crap about America's (The US part)name being drug through the gutter by the elite who have stolen our country for greed and power.  They have little love for more than their sports, beer or drugs.  

They will not look at the Mossad agents who were sent to record the even and were dancing and high five-ing each other when the planes hit, then after an investigation by our complicit government, were given their freedom and sent back to Israel.

They don't want to think that they were a part of the vote that helped get these guys into office and that includes the current administration who is continuing and intensifying Bush policies - there is no change so get over it.

Voting makes voters feel like they are responsible - vote fraud directs action in the intended direction.

QuoteJosef Stalin was certainly correct: "Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."

A sense of helplessness because they are unable to do nothing about it- yeah - I can see that.... it's pretty well to much broke to be able to fix it, like an old car that is beyond repair... time for a new one.  

Tea parties to make them feel like they are empowering themselves and next election they will turn this thing around?  They need to look at their natural resources.  Crap replacing crap - criminals replacing criminals.  They have no new improved parts to repair the old car with.  They system is geared to only accept defective parts so more profit can be made for the owners of the system.

The system brought us 9/11 and all evidence to those who will look says it could not have happened without our governments assistance at the minimum.

Mental masturbation - that's a tea party.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Shawn B

I find it despicable that the government has killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, (actually around 2 million since Gulf War) in the name of 9-11. Even the Afghani war is a joke. They decided to overthrow the Taliban, and commit to nation building rather than just hunting down the few Al Qaida that had left the reservation, so to speak. Al Qaida was created by the C.I.A. in the late 1970's early 1980's by Brezenski (sp). There used to be a video of him standing on a mountaintop on the Pakistan/Afghanistan border telling the people their that they were the soldiers of god and to go and fight the infidels (Russians).

I'm personally tired of 9-11 this/that. How many years are the networks going to be doing these "Lets all remember 9-11" marathons.
"The natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on Earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man, but only to have the law of nature for his rule." Samuel Adams


QuoteBut just inhumane and despicable.  Period.

So is the killling of innocent Middle Eastern people.  But I suppose it's just "collateral damage".

"They must find it difficult, those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as authority"- G.Massey

"Freedom is just Chaos, with better lighting." - Alan Dean Foster

glenn kangiser

9/11 is still important as that was a major turning point in the theft of the United States so we need to remember it not only for the deaths of the innocent Americans but as the point when the PNAC and associates was successful in their quest to steal our country and as the time when the majority of the American people were mentally devastated and refused to believe what was happening to them.  Most are still afraid to look.  They know it is true and will not look. 

That is the event that we must never forget.  The deaths of the innocent victims of 9/11 was terrible.  The deaths around the world because they were successful make our 3000 pale in comparison.  Our military sons and daughters die daily and yet we are brainwashed into believing that it is for more than power, mineral conquest and oil.  Their lives are stolen for big business, CIA and elite drug running and the American nightmare.

Watch GHWB in the above video clip, please.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

Quote from: IronRanger on September 12, 2010, 10:49:20 AM
QuoteBut just inhumane and despicable.  Period.

So is the killling of innocent Middle Eastern people.  But I suppose it's just "collateral damage".

Our sons and daughters giving their lives to save our country, lives which are stolen for big business and big politics, are also collateral damage and yet we don't really give a s---.   Hey, how about them Cowboys?

My wife works trying to piece them back together either physically or mentally on a regular basis at the VA.  Many of them are getting a clue what is happening to them but it was too late for them to get out of it.

Those who don't want to rehash it or talk about it typify America.  No fault of theirs.  They are victims of a massive brainwashing campaign that is so successful coming at them from all sides that they cannot even believe it has happened to them.

QuoteThe individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.

    * The Elks Magazine (August 1956)
J Edgar Hoover....    He should know if anyone does....
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Quote from: IronRanger on September 12, 2010, 10:49:20 AM
QuoteBut just inhumane and despicable.  Period.

So is the killling of innocent Middle Eastern people.  But I suppose it's just "collateral damage".

Give me a place to stand and a lever long enough,  and I will move the world.


All I'll say is that regardless of who did 9/11 it is obvious that there was an effort by the higher ups in the executive branch to supress any real investigation. That alone is enough to warrant someone standing trial for obstruction of justice. But not one person was investigated for this. To ask us to belive that they can just pick who did it with no proof whatsoever is unbelivable. But that's exactly what they did. They picked a guilty group and blamed it on them without any proof then procceded to bomb anyone who spoke the same language and dressed like their guilty parties. The law applies to all or it applies to no one.


Often, our ignorance is not as great as our reluctance to act on what we know.

glenn kangiser

Yeah - another case where saying or doing the wrong thing makes you dead.  Good stuff though.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Often, our ignorance is not as great as our reluctance to act on what we know.


Quote from: Windpower on September 13, 2010, 10:47:32 AM
Paul Craig Roberts comments (courtesy of the Silverbear cafe)


The whole truther movement is nothing more than a paranoid delusion.  Nothing more than innuendo completely unsupported by the facts. 

The History channel did a great documentary on the truther movement where they eviserated every truther theory one by one -  quite interesting.  When they confronted the perpetrators of the false theories with the facts they basically say "oh well" and just create different theories,  which are then scientifically disproved.  They're always a moving target.  And a certain segment of the populace is always willing to buy into it however ridiculous and unsubstantiated the theories are.

The same people who don't think the the US gov't can even deliver the mail properly believe that the US gov't orchestrated this immense conspiracy and have managed to keep it a secret,  without one person spilling the beans,  for nearly a decade.  Preposterous.

The only conspiracy is the conspiracy of incompetence by the Bush adm. leading up to the attacks.  The warning signs were flashing and they chose to ignor them,  and the America people chose to forgive them (Bush, Cheney, Rice the whole lot).  The attacks were preventable,  but the Bush adm. was indifferent to the threat of terrorism pre 9/11.

Give me a place to stand and a lever long enough,  and I will move the world.