Just wondering if there are any patriots on this board?

Started by buyloewen, July 08, 2010, 06:15:06 PM

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glenn kangiser

Hmm... haven't been to the city lately, Pox?

We have cities full of those individuals.... products of gangs, indifferent parents, the modern government school system designed to produce unthinking, uneducated, unemployable cannon fodder for the never-ending political greed war of the moment.  The CIA needs bodies to guard the poppy fields in Afghanistan to finance their operations.

Their networks bring the dope to our major cities and sell it to the idiots dumb enough to become addicted to it and not only finance the next mass of murderous covert ops but create more of the same useless drains on society in the cities to purchase more of their product and finance more of their operations.  http://news.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/hi/newsbeat/newsid_7375000/7375494.stm

Video games are great.  How much easier could it be to learn the basics of controlling modern military planes or weapons.  That is all the little dummy really needs to know.  He is expendable otherwise.... just meat with a mold-able mind.  

Teach him that other races are animals and he will work out to be a fine killing machine to support our plunder of the wealth in other small semi-defenseless countries.  Many are dumb enough to believe that.  Endless government propaganda by the mainstream media whores will soon have the dumbed down America believing we should go somewhere else to kill.  Many of the stories are obvious disinformation to sway the minds of the uncaring who will believe whatever the talking heads tell them.

Look how easily we are accepting the destruction of the ocean and the gulf states.  It's alright - we don't care...hey ... how about them Lakers?  [waiting]

Jay, I'm with you.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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glenn kangiser

BTW, did you hear that untold riches in minerals have just been discovered (or brought into the open) in Afghanistan.  What a blessing for the Afghan people... now they can get away from their life of growing poppies and become rich beyond their wildest dreams..... as soon as we clear the way for our corporations to get in there and safely exploit their natural resources.

Likely it will be led by a parent company of our corporations who have taken our jobs out of the country to profit from cheap labor so their CEO's can continue the gigantic annual incomes and ripoff of the American people without a care for the jobless lower class back home in the states.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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Quote from: glenn kangiser on July 10, 2010, 10:13:34 AM
Hmm... haven't been to the city lately, Pox?

We have cities full of those individuals.... products of gangs, indifferent parents, the modern government school system designed to produce unthinking, uneducated, unemployable cannon fodder for the never-ending political greed war of the moment.  The CIA needs bodies to guard the poppy fields in Afghanistan to finance their operations.

Their networks bring the dope to our major cities and sell it to the idiots dumb enough to become addicted to it and not only finance the next mass of murderous covert ops but create more of the same useless drains on society in the cities to purchase more of their product and finance more of their operations.  http://news.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/hi/newsbeat/newsid_7375000/7375494.stm

Video games are great.  How much easier could it be to learn the basics of controlling modern military planes or weapons.  That is all the little dummy really needs to know.  He is expendable otherwise.... just meat with a mold-able mind.  

Teach him that other races are animals and he will work out to be a fine killing machine to support our plunder of the wealth in other small semi-defenseless countries.  Many are dumb enough to believe that.  Endless government propaganda by the mainstream media whores will soon have the dumbed down America believing we should go somewhere else to kill.  Many of the stories are obvious disinformation to sway the minds of the uncaring who will believe whatever the talking heads tell them.

Look how easily we are accepting the destruction of the ocean and the gulf states.  It's alright - we don't care...hey ... how about them Lakers?  [waiting]

Jay, I'm with you.

And where will Labron James go?


glenn kangiser

OlJarhead, sorry to say I have not taken the time to learn who he really is or about his dilemma, but to my credit, I have seen his name in the mainstream headlines... [waiting]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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Quote from: Pox Eclipse on July 10, 2010, 09:13:20 AM

If public schools expelled the underperforming students at the same rate as private schools, we would have a permanent underclass of uneducated, unproductive juveniles spoiling for a reason to take out their frustrations on the society that spurned them. 

Heck, we have that now.  We have a permanent underclass of uneducated, unproductive juveniles... and many of them have high school diplomas. 

We don't have to expel the under achievers.  Put them in shop class or home economics or something that they have somewhat of an aptitude for.  Forcing them in the exact same academic path as those who have aptitudes for math and science only pisses them off and compromises the education of those who represent the bulk of the population, and especially the upper end of the curve. 

Teachers have figured out that if Johnny brings home good grades, they don't have to deal with pissed off parents.  So pretty much everybody makes good grades.  Everybody wants to be valedictorian too... some schools have as many as 10 or more per graduating class.

Having done a significant amount of volunteer work in the APS public school system, I can tell you with 100% certainty that the majority of underachievers in school are doing so not because of lack of talent, but because of lack of discipline.  They just don't try, are not motivated by teachers, and their parents don't give a crap. 

It only takes one or two kids to disrupt an entire class when the teacher has no authority to discipline.  We've made teachers apathetic.  They can't punish the kid.  What are they going to do... fail him and have him next year as well?
"Officium Vacuus Auctorita"


I really don't think "education" has much to do with this.. what people are beginning to lack is common sense and work ethic.. and that comes from parenting.

I had a very hard time in school (I'm 21 now). I was kicked out of every school I ever went to, except for the one I dropped out of. From the time I was in 7th grade to 10th grade when I dropped out, I didn't do an ounce of work. They literally passed me with 0's for all my grades. Two weeks after I dropped out, I got my GED and scored in the top 3 out of 215. Joined a technical college but disliked it also and dropped out. Three years later I make an average salary (and my CountryPlans home is nearly completed  :P)

I give all the credit to my parents.. I sure couldn't give any to "education"!

My children will not be going to any public or private school. I really dislike the way they associate college and a large salary with being successful in life.

glenn kangiser

Note that while I emphasized the cities above, dope is also taking over the countryside for those who are dumb enough to partake.

Around here it has been run by the law enforcement agencies and traced all the way to the department of justice.  The Sheriff who wanted to straighten it out was put away because he went to the state office in Sacramento and they are in on it too.  There are still families that were involved in the below caper in government and law enforcement here - the case is part of the continuing CIA operations - the Octopus as it has been called  is operating in a city near you.


Part of the PROMIS software scandal - Danny Casolaro died because of his investigation.


The case above has been roadblocked and never solved.  It is business as usual.  That is part of why things are the way they are today.  You can bet most of our congress critters who know of this are willingly involved due to profits, and those who are not involved know enough to keep their mouths shut to stay alive.

I have been told by an insider that Congress and high government here in the US,  is just posturing, drama, and acting for the benefit of the dumbed down people.  

If a sincere Congress critter were to be elected and try to straighten things out, in the rehearsal they would be taken to the side, told how reality is by the old salts of Congress and given a script.  Fail to follow the script, they will end up like other politicians who try to change important things without authorization from the real leaders of the world.

Frank, you have good points there and I have noted that worthwhile classes like shop, drafting, mechanics etc. are sometimes being dropped for lack of funding keeping more of the classes that are not of a lot of benefit for making a living in today's US.

Sardonic Smile, the education system has changed over the years to produce the problems you have experienced.  Common sense is pretty much against school and government policy.  You are to follow their book.  You are to drop what you are doing and march to the next room when the bell rings.  You are to salivate like Pavlov's dog at the noon whistle.  You are to follow the current authority. 

You are not to think..... hey.... I may not want to do that right now.  You are not to have your own thought .  Do not question the system.  Do not learn trades that are not yours.

You are a carpenter.  Do not pick up that pipe wrench. 

You are a Doctor.  Do not build your own house.

You are a secretary.  Do not learn how to change your own tire.


Unthinking Majority - if you don't like the music try to watch it once for the message.

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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I am reading a very interesting book, actually a trillogy of which I am on part 2 called the Millagro Beanfield Wars.

It details how a Spanish farming community in New Mexico was suckered into losing their independance after 400 years of a self sustaining lifestyle. The young were targeted first, enticed into taking paying jobs. In turn their parents would have to hire someone elses kid to help work the land. To get the money for this one of the other family members would also have to take a job, and no longer have time to care for their cow. Now they have to buy milk. Most available jobs (highways, developments, golf courses etc.) ended up raising their taxes while offering them no benefits. Now they must sell off some of their land  to pay these taxes, further reducing their independance. Before they realize it they have virtually nothing, and no hope of ever returning to their former way of life, which required no money, and no debt.

All carefully planned of course.

Most folks here seem to have the right idea. The more self sustaining debt free life you lead, the better off you are. As you become more attached to the governments teat, you become more enslaved.

49% of the population thinks the other 51% is full of beans. People need to stop blaming "those damn liberals!", or all the "pompous $%#@-ing republicans" for their woes.

The 2 party system is a bad joke. Deviseness by design. Different uniforms / same team. We, the sheeple, are being played for the fools we have proved ourselves to be.


Yeah... I agree with Dug. 

I think politicians are basically actors.  They perform for one group or the other, with no real passion except for whatever it takes for them to stay in office. 
"Officium Vacuus Auctorita"

glenn kangiser

.. and to twist legislation to put money in their own pockets ... think of the swine flu hoax and all of the politicians invested in the pharma industry seeing to it that taxpayer money buys stockpiles of useless Tamiflu, vaccines and other unproven or useless drugs that will expire in six months but will transfer taxpayer money to their corporations.  The drugs and scare are the vehicle to transport wealth to their pockets as is typical of nearly all loud federal government promotions - think of the war on terror, the war against drugs, the Afghan (operation Guard the Poppies and Plunder the Resources) and Iraq wars (Operation Kill Iraqi's ... I mean Iraqi Freedom) and on and on and on....  [waiting]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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glenn kangiser

Interesting free book (Novel) from Cory Doctorow of Boing Boing, and seems applicable - I haven't read it - just skimmed the forward.

Link to PDF of Little Brother or many other formats on link below.




"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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We all probably agree more then not here at CPForums :)

After all, we build our own homes/cabins and pride ourselves in doing most if not all ourselves.  We craft things, learn from each other and ignore what we're told we MUST do mos of the time ;)

4 years ago I looked my own life and said to myself:  I've been broke because I've been stupid.  I didn't blame anyone but myself and excepted that only Me, myself and I could change that.  So, with my new wife convinced that we ought to change our lives too, we began by buying a meat slicer and vacuum sealer...seems benign right?  4 years later we purify our own water (won't drink that crap in the tap), have plenty of reserve cash in the bank (or safer place -- which is only safe if I don't go blabbing where that is more or less *snicker*), have a little PM stashed away, have paid cash for our land and cabin supplies and have a good store of food in the pantry (we're not Mormons but we could go a year now without the Grocery store).

We now garden, read homesteading books, watch the markets to see when it's best to buy PM's etc and generally live differently then we did 4 or 5 years ago.  We buy bulk, repackage, hunt, garden and more all in the name of self sufficiency...and it's working.

The point?  Uncle Sam had nothing to do with it and wouldn't have helped anyway.  We did it ourselves and as a society, if we all do that, in our own ways, then perhaps, just maybe, we can wean ourselves off the Government Teat and take away their power.....but I'm probably dreaming!

Oh ya, almost forgot, thanks to Glenn and Don and others I've learned about solar power, composting toilets and more and we're doing those things too!

Some day we will need VERY little money and it won't be for food etc and on that day we will be more free then ever before in our lives...if we can keep Uncle Sam from coming around and explaining to us how we need him/them to make sure we're safe.....


I thought this might be relevant.

The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency. It will be easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to an electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails us. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The republic can survive a Barack Obama. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president." -- Author Unknown
West Tennessee


You make it sound like the people actualy have viable canidates to vote for. Every election you get a choice of 2 or 3 canidates that are each as bad as the other only in different ways. At the end of the day all 3 are really the same and it matters not one bit who you voted for. So blaming people for electing Obama is pointless. If McCain had been elected would anything have been different in any meaningful way? Not likely. The system is set up to control who gets to run for office. With that control it doesn't matter who gets elected.

glenn kangiser

You beat me to that, Scott. 

Some people still believe there is a choice but that is the way they have been programmed all of their lives to believe.  It is not their fault .  They just don't know any better.

It matters not whether it is Obama, Osama, or Osh-t leading us.  They have already been vetted by the system and the elite who own it.  Our situation will only get better when we realize that and learn to do as OlJarhead and many others are doing.  Work more toward supporting ourselves and like minded people and quit supporting them. 

I don't mind teats, but not the dirty one the government is offering me.  You won't find that one in my mouth.....  [waiting]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

Please put your area in your sig line so we can assist with location specific answers.

glenn kangiser

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

Please put your area in your sig line so we can assist with location specific answers.


Quote from: MountainDon on July 08, 2010, 08:33:24 PM
Not only do we have patriots, or Patriots, we have a bin full of loonies. Or is that Loonies? Looneys?    [cool]


   That's pronounced "lu-nay" . . .   

    . . . said the focus was safety, not filling town coffers with permit money . . .


Quote from: glenn kangiser on July 10, 2010, 06:13:50 PM
You beat me to that, Scott. 

Some people still believe there is a choice but that is the way they have been programmed all of their lives to believe.  It is not their fault .  They just don't know any better.

It matters not whether it is Obama, Osama, or Osh-t leading us.  They have already been vetted by the system and the elite who own it.  Our situation will only get better when we realize that and learn to do as OlJarhead and many others are doing.  Work more toward supporting ourselves and like minded people and quit supporting them. 

I don't mind teats, but not the dirty one the government is offering me.  You won't find that one in my mouth.....  [waiting]
Wickard v. Filburn That Supreme court ruling really says it all. Technicaly if the govt wants they can tell us we cannot grow our own veg or even have a goat. This ruling imo says we cannot live indepenently. Much like the new health care we are forced to pay for a product.  Slavery.

Pox Eclipse

Quote from: StinkerBell on July 12, 2010, 11:05:10 AM

Technicaly if the govt wants they can tell us we cannot grow our own veg or even have a goat. This ruling imo says we cannot live indepenently. Much like the new health care we are forced to pay for a product.  Slavery.

That is an insult to people who are actually enduring the horrors of true slavery, even today.  You may disagree with government taxation and regulations, but it is the height of hyperbole to compare yourself to the 27 million people in the world today that are still enslaved.     You have the right to assemble, to speak out, to organize, to vote; all things denied to slaves.   If you just give up and say, "It doesn't make any difference what I do, it's all rigged", you don't deserve the liberty you crave.  But that does not make you a slave.


I am willing  to us the word Bondage instead, but Bondage is just a synonym of Slavery.  You may feel insensed by that word.  It is still  the state of being bound by or subjected to some external power or control and that is not Freedom.



I'm forced to work and pay a disproportionate amount for benefits that I don't receive.  I have a handler who refuses to accept my input, and makes demands without regard to my opinion or needs.   He tells me how to live, what to eat, steps on my individual rights, restricts my freedoms, and basically uses me for his own benefit. 

Leave it at slavery Stink.  (BTW, as a Slavic descendent, I take no offense to your use of that word).
"Officium Vacuus Auctorita"


I gotta go with Pox here.

I used a similar word in my post (enslaved) and later thought it sounded a bit arrogant. I am not what you would describe as being sensitive towards political correctness, and technically the definition in this case may be a match.

That being said, I think if I happened to be a black man, with ancestors who were chained and beaten, that my blood pressure might rise somewhat after reading a statement like that. Still too close to home, I think.

Maybe subjugated, or indentured servitude would be more appropriate.


Quote from: dug on July 12, 2010, 06:06:32 PM
I gotta go with Pox here.

I used a similar word in my post (enslaved) and later thought it sounded a bit arrogant. I am not what you would describe as being sensitive towards political correctness, and technically the definition in this case may be a match.

That being said, I think if I happened to be a black man, with ancestors who were chained and beaten, that my blood pressure might rise somewhat after reading a statement like that. Still too close to home, I think.

Maybe subjugated, or indentured servitude would be more appropriate.

I see your desire to be a diplomat here, however slavery  is not owned by one group of individuals. It is what it is.


Quoteslavery  is not owned by one group of individuals. It is what it is.

That I fully agree with. By most accepted definitions however, US citizens being classified as slaves is borderline at best .

Diplomacy isn't always a bad word. Just trying to look at things from someone else's point of view.

glenn kangiser

Let's put it this way then.  Those in the US who believe they are free are disillusioned, brainwashed and in denial. [waiting]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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