Hello all!

Started by LoftyDreamer, February 19, 2009, 10:28:03 AM

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New member to the site just looking to say hi! I just purchased (along with a friend)1.5 acres in Richland NY. The parcel is close to the Salmon River & Lake Ontario for excellent salmon & steelhead fishing opportunies. Area is also known for its lake effect snow storms, 13' possible. Still in the planning stages to decide if we'll go stick-built, cabin kit or just find a used mobile home to place on property. We plan on something under 1000 sqft.,more likely under 500 for recreational use. I have many self made plans that I've dreamed up. Is it just me or does everbody else in planning stages get consumed every waking moment drawing plans in their heads? I'm up all hours of the night designing with different plan programs. Reserching to be on or off the grid/ plumbing or composting / piers, skids or concrete pad. I've enjoyed viewing all the great projects you've all completed, cogratulations. I'm glad I found this forum to vent my excitement & surely later my anxieties. - Thanks!


 w*  LoftyDreamer .   A lot of good information is exchanged through the members of the forum.  To build or not to build.  That is something you will have to decide.  The satisfaction derived from building is the reward.  As for ideas in slumber time I don't think you are alone.  Speaking personally I always say I do my best work in bed awaiting to go to sleep or wake up with a complex problem solved.  I guess that is where the old saying comes from " I'll have to sleep on it" comes from. 

Good Luck and hope to hear from you again as you progress.


Thanks Redoverfarm, I checked out your pics on photobucket -Great job! I especially liked the use of all the different materials through out the building process. I'll be heading up to the property today (5 hrs)to do some fishin' & see how much snow has accumulated since last month.

glenn kangiser

w* to the forum, LoftyDreamer.

I know NY has some nice country out of the big city.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

Please put your area in your sig line so we can assist with location specific answers.


Don't worry about the horse being blind, just load the wagon.


obsession can be a good thing.... when we built.... I was pretty obsesive about it. What to do, how to do it, shopping, etc. etc.  When I got done and got stuck in my lazy mode again, I look back amazed at what my son and I did.

At our place we were going to move up from my decrepit pop=up to a older mobile home out of a community a freind was managing.  Turns out the township said "don't even think about it".  RVs you can kiind of get away with, but mobile home... forget it in may townships here.  At about that same time my brother bought a 7 acre chunk off a farmer and he just went ahead an put a mobile home on it for storage only.  His township was quickly sending him letters and the fine was very sizable if he didn't get it off the property in 10 days.   

Moral of the story is to make sure to check what you can/can't do beforehand. 
god helps those who help them selves


Buy a big batch of graph paper---1/4" squares-----you will go through a lot of it in the wee hours if you are anything like me----dozens of plans and schemes explored----great fun!!


Rwanders lived in Southcentral Alaska since 1967
Now lives in St Augustine, Florida


Hit the road today to check things out today.Drove through blizzard last night, over 1 foot snow in am. Great job to county cleaning up! Met with building inspector this morning to find out what we can do. Zoning will allow us to just about all we want. No stamp needed for structures under 1500sft- just plan & site drawing. Looked at 14x44 cabin shell while up there.Not bad @ $6,000. Quick dry in & finish at own pace.