What's for dinner?

Started by Homegrown Tomatoes, October 17, 2007, 04:08:34 PM

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Well last night it was a surprise. The wife had her SIL to pick up KFC about an hour away from here and drop it off on her way home.  Haven't had KFC for about 8 years. Yeah it still has a lot of grease.  I counteracted the grease by eating a small bowl of raw oysters from New Years Day. ;D

Don't know what it will be tonight but I guarantee it will be good.  Of course right now I could eat "the south end of a north bound mule" and it would be good.  Starving.

Homegrown Tomatoes

We're having quesadillas and steamed veggies tonight.


Raw cauliflower, carrots, green peppers and celery with a tad of ranch dip. small bowl of chili and some fruit.

You don't want to know the rest....


that was pretty awesome glenn...

we only have a little tiny dog...So I cannot blame the massively pungant paint stripping fumes I let go on the little dog

Which is another reason I want a lab


We're having cheese tortillini in tomato basil sauce for dinner tonight.  Would have a salad but don't have anything to make it with - could go out & pick some chard & spinach & add it to the sauce.  I think I'll send DH, he needs some greens after eating ice cream, salt & butter all week...  d*  Tomorrow, at my own risk, I'm going to make a big pot of chili & cook it on the wood stove...  Glenn & I may have to sleep in different rooms - what's with you guys?   :P

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


I made a hige pot of potatoe soup.  My kids love it and it is all gone.  It is snowing hard here again so I ate, went out and shoveled the driveway and came in and ate again.  They don't like the store biskits though.  When I make homeade they eat all those too but not the store ones they are left sitting around waiting to be fed to the dogs.  Oh well I was to busy and fod is food if you are hungry enough. 
Peresrverance, persistance and passion, keys to the good life.

glenn kangiser

Sassy was tired when she got here but I got her to cook by suggesting that I eat a whole can of Bush Baked Beans by myself.

Ahhhh --- food --- that's better. [crz]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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I gave blood today so I can eat ANYTHING I want.

Malt balls and butter.  Mmmmm.

Homegrown Tomatoes

Well, the quesadillas were a hit with the kids.  Plates were all cleaned. 

Now Glenn, you could have nuked another sweet potato and saved Sassy the hassle of cooking... at least that's pretty decent for you.

glenn kangiser

Found this looking for gold information.  Thought some of the health nuts here would be interested -- greaseless - fast - reduces salt and grease- expensive $800 to $1400 - about the size of a Microwave -- cooks with 550 degree steam -- uses about 1400 watts - similar to a microwave --

Cooking a chicken reduces from about 2 hours to 20 minutes and removes the grease.


Superheated Steam Oven
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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glenn kangiser

Quote from: Homegrown Tomatoes on January 04, 2008, 12:15:34 AM
Well, the quesadillas were a hit with the kids.  Plates were all cleaned. 

Now Glenn, you could have nuked another sweet potato and saved Sassy the hassle of cooking... at least that's pretty decent for you.

I couldn't stare another helpless poor sweet potato in the face.  I couldn't send another one to the nuke chamber...at least for a day or two.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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Homegrown Tomatoes

Have you ever read "The Vegetarian's Nightmare" by Baxter Black?  Better yet, heard him recite it in person?   ;D  Too bad all my books are in storage or I'd go get it and put it here.... You would enjoy his sense of humor.

glenn kangiser

Haven't read or heard of it, but am checking info on it out now.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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Homegrown Tomatoes

It'd be great if you could find a recording of him reading it online somewhere... it adds so much when he's reading his own stuff.  I love Baxter Black.... he cracks me up.  The first time I ever heard it, he was at the Cowboy Hall of Fame in OKC reading it, and I laughed so hard I was sore the next day... had tears running down my face.

Homegrown Tomatoes

I can't get it to let me scroll down so that the whole thing is visible...

glenn kangiser

Nicely written and yes -- a good sense of humor. :)

I think it is all to the right - but I can maybe copy it and post it here with credit of course.

Note:  Removed my above link -- couldn't find the audio.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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glenn kangiser

Try this,

by Baxter Black, ex-veterinarian

Ladies and diners I make you
A shameful, degrading confession.
A deed of disgrace in the name of good taste
Though I did it, I meant no aggression.

I had planted a garden last April
And lovingly sang it a ballad.
But later in June beneath a full moon
I, forgive me, I wanted a salad!

So I slipped out and fondled a carrot
Caressing its feathery top.
With the force of a brute I tore out the root!
It whimpered and came with a pop!

Then laying my hand on a radish
I jerked and it left a small crater.
Then with the blade of my True Value spade
I exhumed a slumbering tater!

Celery I plucked, I twisted a squash!
Tomatoes were wincing in fear.
I choked the Romaine, it screamed out in pain,
Their anguish was filling my ears!

I finally came to the lettuce
As it cringed at the top of the row
With one wicked slice I beheaded it twice
As it writhed, I dealt a death blow.

I butchered the onions and parsley.
My hoe was all covered with gore.
I chopped and I whacked without looking back
Then I stealthily slipped in the door.

My bounty lay naked and dying
So I drowned them to snuff out their life.
I sliced and I peeled as the thrashed and they reeled
On the cutting board under my knife.

I violated tomatoes
So their innards could never survive.
I grated and ground 'til they made not a sound
Then I boiled the tater alive!

Then I took the small broken pieces
I had tortured and killed with my hands
And tossed them together, heedless of whether
They suffered or made their demands.

I ate them. forgive me, I'm sorry
But hear me, though I'm a beginner
Those plants feel pain, though it's hard to explain
To someone who eats them for dinner!

I intend to begin a crusade
For PLANT'S RIGHTS, including chick peas.
The ACLU will be helping me, too.
In the meantime, please pass the bleu cheese.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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Homegrown Tomatoes

His intro into it is as funny as the poem itself.  He was a vet at the time he wrote it and he said that he got a call from an animal rights group asking him to be on their show.  As he said, "You see, they think just 'cause you're a veterinarian that you care."  He said  he'd read a study from Perdue where the researchers had attached electrodes to plants and then started chopping up the plants and reached the conclusion that plants feel pain, too.  And then, with his eyes twinkling and a smile sneaking at the corners of his mouth he says, "So, armed with that information, I wrote 'em a little poem."  Apparently it didn't go over really well with its initial audience, but later recitations were much more successful.  If you ever have a chance to listen to him speak or tell stories, go for it.  I guarantee you won't be disappointed.

Homegrown Tomatoes

Tonight we're eating out because I have a late doctor's appointment, so we decided to make a date of it.  There was a place in that town that we liked, but the last time we ate there the service was slower than molasses, and DH doesn't want to go back because our waiter, Larry Lightloafers, was hitting on him big time.  I told him he should be flattered that even other guys think he's cute, but he wasn't too amused. :)  So, I have a feeling we'll be trying something new.  Too bad because that place made really good steak brochettes.


We had potatoe soup last night and I don't have a clue what I will make tonight probably rice and beans and corn bread.  It is wet snow/rain mix this week so I will be working hard to keep up withthe shoveling and big pots of hot soup are called for inthis kind of weather.  And since it is going to snow all week and I am getting more than enough exercise I am getting both kids a new snow shovel they will be so surprised!!!
Peresrverance, persistance and passion, keys to the good life.

glenn kangiser

Not a hint of jealousy, Homegrown? ???
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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Homegrown Tomatoes

 :)  Not a bit.  I thought it was hilarious... it took him a while to pick up on it... he's a bit spacey at times.  If it had been a woman hitting on him, it might have been a different matter, but usually he's just as oblivious to that.

glenn kangiser

Yeah -- if he wants him let him go -- you only want him around if he really wants to be with you, eh? ;D
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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Homegrown Tomatoes

Aw, he wants me... that's one of the few things in this life I'm certain of... I kinda like him, too.


Well last night was just as I predicted. Good.  Salmon filets, baked potato, tossed salad w/bc dressing, broccoli.

Tonight was hamburger, fried potatos, corn.

Hey I was lucky enough to get a meal fixed on Friday evening. Apparently we have a short in the stove and oven as when it comes tothe weekend it usually quites working until Monday evening [noidea'