Show me your decorative fascia for your cabin

Started by jesse977, September 06, 2014, 04:29:52 PM

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 In a few years we will be building a small cabin. 20x30 with a loft or something similar to that. We are considering having a decorative fascia. For those that don't know what a fascia is its the decorative board that runs on the edge of the roof. Can anyone give us a little info on these and post some pics of yours if you have one on your cabin thanks.


Sorry for the long link, hopefully it will work, it is a google image search for the cryllic term "причелина". My best redneck translation would be "cool old traditional russian gingerbread bargeboards"


not a cabin, but on my Ozarks house, I made a simple fascia by cutting 3 inch circles in a 1x6.

Just a 50-ish chic an a gimp,building thier own house,no plans,just--work,work,work,what a pair :}


Quote from: Don_P on September 07, 2014, 04:42:42 AM
Sorry for the long link, hopefully it will work, it is a google image search for the cryllic term "причелина". My best redneck translation would be "cool old traditional russian gingerbread bargeboards"

wow those are really fancy


They did some some pretty detailed decoration. I think some of the appeal in your original pics is the layering on the fascias, I'd look at that as the first and simplest way of jazzing up a fascia... that is as much as I've ever done. From there you can saw, drill, shape a pattern on the lower edge. The next detail is to put a pattern on the lower edge of the next layer of fascia. I wouldn't use the heavily carved tails that run out beyound the eaves on the lower edge, unless there is something like a copper "roof" over it, I think it would be a rot problem in my climate. I like the piece covering the ridge end, in some form. I think they call that piece a "pritchelina". The timbers inside these homes are often heavily chip carved, patterns of simple shapes, carved roping on round columns etc. Something to do on long cold winter nights?