Stretch 20' wide 1-1/2 story to 41' for a four bedroom?

Started by IHDiesel73L, March 01, 2014, 11:40:32 AM

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I can't even begin to say how glad I am to have found this site.  I stumbled upon it when looking for information about building gambrel trusses for the pole barn I'll be building this spring, but I also have some longer term plans that I've been researching for here.  Within the next 10 years my wife and I plan to buy property somewhere in Western Mountains/Great North Woods of Maine.  We'll be using it as a camp for fall hunting, winter fun, and summer vacations.  The 1-1/2 story cottage is exactly along the lines of what we need-easy to build, open, compact and efficient use of space, etc...  We just need a little more room.  Has anyone built the 1-1/2 by simply adding a mirror image of the bedroom/bathroom/loft on the other end so that you end up with bedrooms/bathrooms on either end and the great room/kitchen in the middle?  It would look something like this:

Ignore the fact that I placed the front door where the stairs will need to go.  I didn't realize it until I had exported it to a JPG and didn't feel like changing it.  Obviously there are a few places the front door could go.  This is a just a crude Sketchup floor plan I put together by approximating dimensions, etc...  The idea would be to keep the two lofts up top open to the downstairs-they would serve as kids' bedrooms-two twin beds in each, though I suppose that if I did a shed dormer on each side we could put two bunk beds in each for a total of eight beds upstairs.  The downstairs bedrooms would be for the adults-we'd probably also put a pullout couch in the great room as well.  I think the kids would get a kick out of the lofts and would feel like they had their own little "fort" up there.  Needless to say with this many people the two full baths would be a must to avoid lines when coming in from a long day out the woods or on the lake.  I'd also plan on a simple outdoor shower as well to further alleviate traffic. 

I tried searching but couldn't find any threads where someone modified the plans in this way, so if anyone knows of a thread they could direct me to that would be great.  It should be easy enough to just flip the plans and add them to the other side of the cottage, but it would be nice to see what someone else did with it and how they utilized the space. 


While others may catch something I have overlooked but it is realitively easy to add to the length of a structure rather then the depth.  Just a matter of extending the footings/foundation, and # of rafters and everything in between.  The floor plan is established for the best use of materials depth wise so extending that would cost considerbly more with engineered rafters and a more extensive foundation. Just a note that if you keep the measurements in even incriments of 2' the material will work alot better than 1' as you have depicted. So suggestions would be to round off the length to either 40 or 42'.  Yes you will lose either a foot from your original or gain a foot.  Just food for thought.